
Demyx and Zexion joined hands as they walked into the restaurant. Both looked around awkwardly as they realized that a couple people had begun to stare at them, homosexuality wasn't exactly tolerated were they lived. Both boys did their best to ignore the nasty looks and sat down. The two sat awkwardly throughout the whole meal, and once the bill was paid the two nearly ran out the door to Demyx's car. "Oh god that was so horrible" Zexion said almost laughing at how fast they'd just fled "I know, I kinda forgot that, well, not everyone in the world is gay", "or has sex in the middle of a school locker room" Zexion said, his face turning bright red. "Well they should!" Demyx proclaimed trying to put on his best pouty face. "So, what now?" Demyx asked "Well my parents are divorced, and my Dad went out of town, so that means his house is free" Zexion said with a sly grin "I like the way you think Zexy" Demyx said as he began to speed up "So…where I'm going?" Demyx said, realizing he had no idea where Zexion live "well your going the opposite direction" Zexion said while holding back a laugh.

When the two arrived and Zexion's dad's house they almost instantly started to make out, however as soon as Demyx's hands reached Zexion's skinny jeans the silver haired boy pulled away. "What's wrong?" Demyx asked nervously, afraid he'd upset his new boyfriend "It's just that…" Zexion didn't what he could say, he really wanted Demyx do have sex with him, but as soon as his pants went down Demyx would know his secret. "Demyx, would you hate me if I was different?" Zexion asked "dude we just fucked each other in the locker room, unless your secretly an alien there's not much you can do to make me hate you… your not an alien right" Demyx asked his eyes filled with fear and the idea of Zexion being an alien. "No, I'm not an alien... its just… here I'll show you. Zexion undid his belt and slid off his skinny jeans to reveal that he was wearing bright pink panties with flowers on then "oooh sexy" Demyx replied, staring hungrly and Zexions crotch. "That's not all" Zexion said, a hint of shame in his voice. Zexion left the room and retuned wearing a red silk dress and red heels. "DD…Demyx" Zexion choked out, his eyes beginning to tear up "I, I like" before Zexion could finish Demyx grabbed him and kissed him, "your so beautiful Zexy" Demyx said as he released Zexions mouth from the kiss. "Really, you think I'm pretty?" Zexion said in awe "of course, your prettier than any girl I've ever met, plus you've got a penis" Demyx said cheerfully as he began to remove Zexions dress "and I love penis" Demyx finished as he slid off the dress and got on his knees. "Now, I want you to beg" Demyx said Man what is with him Zexion thought one minute he's all happy and goofy and the next he's a regular incubus… I wonder if he even knows what that word means, wait… why am I worried about this, I want a blowjob! "wait, you want me to beg" "yup""uh, fine" "that's not a very nice tone young lady" Demyx said as he spanked Zexions panty clad ass. Zexion felt he should be angry, but right now he was way to turned on, "your right" Zexion said in his best innocent school girl voice "please suck my dick Demyx". "Actually, I've got a better idea, I want you to masturbate." Demyx said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "What" Zexion asked "You heard me" Demyx replied spanking Zexion again, "I want you to jack off and ruin your pretty little panties". Zexion stared at Demyx for a second, still in shock at how perverted he was getting. Well if you can't beat em, join em Zexion thought "Yes master" and with that Zexion slid his hands into his panties and began to stroke his cock. Zexion let out a sharp moan as he massaged his cock, slowly sliding his hand up and down the throbbing shaft. As he did so Demyx slid onto the couch and unzipped his own jeans and began to jerk off to the panty clad teen. Just as Zexion began to reach his limit Demyx got up and wrapped his arms around the boy "I love you" he whispered, and with those words Zexion came like he'd never cum before.