"It… felt good, master?"

For the first time that night, Izaya was glad that he was tied up. Otherwise he might just have bashed his own head against the wall.

"Of course it felt good, you protozoan head!"

Shizuo opened his mouth as his tail and ears drooped.

"Well, I didn't know!" he shot back, defensively.

Izaya sighed at the sight of his dejected pet.

"Look, this is a nice gesture and all, but I think we should stop, Shizu-chan." It was still beyond him as to why Shizuo suddenly felt he had to perform these act upon Izaya in the first place, but he wasn't sure it was alright to let him continue if he couldn't even tell a cry of pleasure from one of pain.

"No!" Shizuo's eyes widened at the suggestion. "Please master… I'll do better!"

The blond dug into the bag again and pulled out what could only be a vibrator, much to Izaya's surprise. iThat/i was most definitely not his.

"Shizuo." His voice was stern now. "I'm being completely seri-AH!"

His sentence was cut short with a cry as the toy was unceremoniously pressed inside of him. He squirmed against the intrusion. Though he had already been stretched, it still took some getting used to.

Shizuo frowned at the uncomfortable look on his master's face, and then flipped a switch on the underside of the gadget.

"HA! Ah… hng…" Izaya let loose short, quick moans as his body was suddenly wracked with a pulsing vibration. His eyes fluttered as his hips rolled up and down. All his previous thoughts had vanished, and were now replaced only with a desire to have that toy deeper within him.

Thankfully, this time Shizuo didn't hold back.

"Good… boy…" Was all that Izaya could manage to whisper in between gasps as his pet began thrusting the vibrator deep within him.

Shizuo was barely listening, as he was too engrossed with watching his master be consumed with pleasure. His own face flushed as he felt the front of his pants tighten. Izaya's erection had started to leak a small bead of precum, which now rolled over the head of his cock and dribbled down. Feeling bold again, Shizuo dipped his head down and caught the salty liquid on his tongue before dragging up the shaft.

"Sh-Shizu-chan!" Izaya's eyes shot open as he felt warm breath puff over the tip of his cock. He glanced down just in time to see the top of his erection be consumed by his pet's mouth.

Izaya threw his head back into the pillows and gave an appreciative moan. Whatever Shizuo lacked in skill he definitely made up for in enthusiasm, taking as much of his master in his mouth as he possibly could and lapping his tongue against the stiff flesh. And all this while keeping up the pace of the vibrator thrusting against his insides.

"I-I'm gonna…" was all he could cry out before his muscles tensed and he felt himself tumble over the edge, shooting out a jet of semen. Shizuo disregarded the warning, instead choosing to greedily catch the warm liquid in his mouth and swallow.

Izaya fell back limply onto the supporting pillows as the stars faded from his vision. He felt the vibrator being gently extracted from him as his heartbeat slowly returned to normal. Shizuo leaned forward to brush a few damp strands of hair from his master's cheek and Izaya instinctively turned his head into the touch, when his eyes fell upon a note lying next to the black shopping back that he had all but forgotten about.

Izaya squinted and began reading the hand printed words, while simultaneously trying to shrug off Shizuo who had started nuzzling his neck.


Here's the stuff you asked me for. No need to reimburse me, just think of it as a gift. I even threw in a couple of extra surprises. ;)

Hope this helps solve your problem. Show that uptight bastard the time of his life. He really needs to unwind a bit.

3 Erika

Izaya stared dumbfounded at the note as his brain began to put two and two together.

"Hey, Shizu-chan…"

"Yes, master?" He felt the lips move against his skin with the whispered reply.

"Care to explain that note to me?"

Shizuo stiffened and pulled back suddenly. His eyes shot immediately to the bag, and his shoulders sagged upon seeing the revealed piece of paper.


"Shizuo. Look at me."

The blonde cringed slightly upon meeting his master's eyes, which had turned dead serious.

"Explain now."

Izaya could feel anger begin to well up inside of him. Sure Erika, the head hostess at the restaurant where he worked, could probably be considered his closest friend. And yes, their sex lives did come up in conversation from time to time. However, for Shizuo to involve her so personally in something like this was… embarrassing.

Come to think of it, what was she doing encouraging him in the first place? The more he thought about it, the more unsure he was about who to be angry with.

And he was most definitely not uptight!

"… please don't get rid of me."

Izaya was snapped back to attention by the quiet plea. Shizuo was looking down at the mattress, but he could still tell that his pet's face was flushed red.

"… what?"

Shizuo didn't respond, though. Izaya sighed, recalling their earlier conversation and trying a different approach. Sometimes he wished his pet wasn't so prideful and would open up to him more. It would make caring for him so much easier.

"This problem of yours. It has to do with something that happened yesterday, didn't it?"

Shizuo gave a quick nod.

"Master said that I couldn't learn… 'new tricks'." Shizuo raised his head now, a strangely determined look in his eyes. "But I can do better! I can learn to cook, and give better massages, and I can learn other ways to please you as well. I know I can. So don't give me away. I… I just want to stay with you."

Izaya's brows raised in surprise, and then he couldn't hold his laughter in. Shizuo frowned at the reaction that his heartfelt speech had earned.

"Shizu-chan, really? That's just an expression! The thought of giving you away hadn't even crossed my mind." He gave a warm smile. "This is your home, Shizuo. You're not going anywhere."

Shizuo looked dumbfounded.

"You… you really mean it?"

"Of course." Izaya chuckled. Shizuo's face remained shocked for a moment longer, before his tail started wagging and a small relieved smile broke out over his face.

"Now get over here, Shizu-chan, and get these damn handcuffs off me. My arms are falling asleep."

Shizuo inched forward and pulled a small key out of the bag. He wrapped one strong arm around Izaya's waist and lifted him up, using the other one to unlock the wrist cuffs.

"Ugh, finally." The smaller man shook his wrists out to get the feeling back. "One more question, Shizu-chan. Why caution tape?"

"I thought it looked cool." The answer was simple enough, though it didn't seem to match with the low, lustful tone it was delivered in.

Suddenly Izaya found his arms being pulled up and over Shizuo's broad shoulders. With a click, the handcuffs were replaced, locking his arms around the blonde's neck.

"Shizu-chan?" He glanced up into the other's eyes, which held a similar look to when Shizuo had first woke him up. However, this time they were devoid of the playfulness they once held.

"I'm sorry master. I'm going to do something selfish now."

Izaya gave a weak laugh.

"Okay, Shizu-chan. This has been fun, but you can stop playing now. I want to go to sle…ep?" His eyes followed Shizuo's hands as they reached for the bottle of lube again.

"I won't hurt you, master." Shizuo had begun rocking his hips back and forth slowly, causing Izaya to shudder at the friction against his already sensitive lower regions. At the same time the blonde was coating one of his hands in the sweet smelling substance. He pulled back slightly, allowing for a small gap between the two bodies, and reached into the waistband of his blue sweatpants, pulling out his engorged cock.

Izaya's eyes widened at how hard his pet was as that hand moved around Shizuo's erection, covering it with the lube.

"I-I already told you this was just a misunderstanding, Shizuo. So you don't-mm?" The brunet was shushed by a pair of soft lips pressing gently against his.

"I want this." was Shizuo's simple response.

For that brief moment, Izaya's world became sensation. He was suddenly consumed by the soft blond hair brushing against his hands, warm breath tickling his lips, and twitching cock positioning itself against his entrance. And as he felt Shizuo begin to slip inside, he couldn't deny that some small, aching need deep within him wanted it too.

Izaya closed his eyes as he felt himself stretch to accommodate Shizuo, who was panting softly now as he submerged himself bit by bit.

"Master… you're so tight…" he whispered softly, once he was almost completely inside. Izaya couldn't help himself from clamping down hard against the pulsing member and thrusting his hips up, burying Shizuo completely and eliciting a moan from both of them.

After all he'd been through tonight, he figured his pet deserve a bit of teasing.

"Well, Shizu-chan?" he asked, after he felt he was comfortably adjusted to the other's large size. "You promised to make me feel good, didn't you?"

Shizuo growled lowly in response, and nipped at the smaller man's earlobe.

"Just you wait…"

The blonde gave a sharp thrust that caused Izaya to hiss sharply, balling his hands into fists. All reserves and hesitations seemed to disappear as Shizuo quickly found his rhythm, groaning and pounding into his master with fervor. Izaya was now clawing at Shizuo's neck, mewing softly into his ear.

"Aaah!" A deep thrust pressed against his prostate and Izaya's back arched automatically, raising his lower body completely off the pillows. Shizuo only paused for a moment to dip a protective arm around the smaller man, holding him up against his heated skin. Their sweat mingled as the blonde resumed his thrusting, knocking the bed against the wall with each strong roll of his hips.

Izaya couldn't stop himself from crying out each time his prostate was abused. Sex with Shizuo was a little rough, but he found himself succumbing completely to his desires and enjoying every second of it. His hands tangled in damp blonde locks and roamed as far upwards as they could, scratching and stroking his pet's sensitive ears. Shizuo whimpered, and responded by trailing kisses along his master's jaw.

Finally, Izaya felt the slow heat building in the pit of his stomach explode and he gave one final cry as his juices coated Shizuo's toned stomach. At the same time, the blonde groaned and spilled his seed into his master. They both collapsed onto the wrinkled bed sheets, panting. Eventually Shizuo managed to recover enough to rip at the caution tape, freeing his master from the bonds at last. Izaya rolled over and curled against the blonde's chest, handcuffed hands still draped around his neck. Shizuo smiled and pulled him in close, still basking in the afterglow of his first orgasm. Tenderly he bent his chin down and kissed the top of his master's head, inhaling his scent.

"Mast-" he started to murmur, but paused suddenly, rethinking his words.

"… Izaya, I love you."

He waited, holding his breath and blushing deeply. When no response came, he chanced a glance down at the man in his arms, and exhaled with a sigh to find him already deeply asleep.

Shizuo closed his eyes and drew his master as close as he dared to without waking him. For now, at least, he was satisfied.