"God do I look awful." I thought to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror of what would soon no longer be my room.

Fresh out of college and without a job I figured the best thing I could do for myself was leave the city and find a new place to settle down. Sure, the city's a great place to live if you like the hustle and bustle lifestyle but at that point I wasn't exactly sure if it was for me. I guess you could say I was about to go on one of those soul searching journeys. You know the thing most people say they'll go on at some point but never do. Anyway, I wasn't heading anywhere specific and figured that a more adventurous look would be the best fit. I had gone out the other day and bought myself a new brown jacket, some overalls, boots, and a nice red bandana. It wasn't my usually kind of clothing, which is probably why I thought I looked awful in it, but I felt that it would be practical for whatever kind of conditions I'd soon face on my journey.

Tightening the bandana around my neck, I reached for my favorite cap sitting on my dresser nearby and placed it gently on my head, backwards as usual of course. I gave myself one last nod as I finished looking at myself in the mirror and headed over to my backpack resting next to the door. Putting it on I took one last look at my apartment. Having sold off most of my things in order to pay for my trip my room was looking quiet barren with only the most basic accommodations left. Though it had served me well over these past few years those times were over.

It was finally time for me to set out and find a place that I could truly call home and with that though fresh in my mind I set out for the docks.

Despite my somewhat early arrival there was still quite a line already forming for my ship. As I stood and waited for my turn I pulled my ticket out from my pocket and examined it.

Mark Spurlock

Place of Departure: Newport Docks Destination: Mineral Town

Time of Departure: 4 p.m. Spring 01

I had almost little to no knowledge about where I was headed. I had heard stories about Mineral Town from people throughout the city and from what I could gather it was a small town far off from the mainland. With no cities around it for miles and stretches of fields and other small towns all around it it seemed like it would be the perfect place for me to live.

"Next." The man collecting tickets ahead called.

I could already see myself wandering the open road, going at my own pace wherever I pleased. Staying in whatever towns lied in wait, meeting all their colorful and interesting characters. Finally finding that one place where I belonged.

"Next." He called again.

This was going to be great.

"Next!" He shouted, the word echoing through my ears.

Looking up I saw that he was calling out to me, my turn having come up just about when I started daydreaming.

"Ticket please?" He asked as I quickly approached him.

I began to scour my pockets in search of it. "Yeah, it's right… here…"

"Ehem." He voiced as he gestured towards my hand.

Glancing down at it I saw I had been holding my ticket the whole time. "Here you are."

Taking it from my hand he used his hole punch to mark it. "Travelling alone are we?" He asked as he handed it back.

I decided to simply nod my head and board the ship in order prevent myself from holding up the line anymore. I couldn't felt but feel a sense of loneliness come over me as I did though. After all, I was indeed making this grand journey by myself. Too late to do anything about that I suppose.

As I entered the hall I flipped my ticket over and began to scan it for information regarding my room arrangement.

Mark Spurlock 6A was all it read.

"Let's see here… 5B, 5C… ah, here we are, 6A." I muttered to myself as I found the room.

I opened the door to find two beds on opposite ends of the room with accompanying nightstands and a window in the between them with a small table in the center of the room. Exhausted, I took off my backpack and collapsed on the left bed before dropping my bag beside it, claiming this side as mine. It was only about a few minutes afterwards that I began to hear knocking on the door. By the time I got up it was already open and in the doorway stood a girl who appeared to be about my age. She wore a bright yellow shirt with a small orange jacket over it along with a red back pack and shorts on and a red bandana wrapped around her head partially covering her long orange hair.

"Um, hello. Is this the right room?" She asked me nervously.

"How should I know?" I replied, trying my hardest not to sound rude. I mean without knowing what room she's looking for how was I supposed to know.

She looked down at her ticket. "Well I'm looking for 6A and that's what it says on the door, so this must be it right?"

I nodded my head. "Mhmm."

"Great. I guess that makes us roommates, err make that shipmates actually I guess." She laughed, sounding admittedly cute.

"I guess so." I said as I give her a small courtesy laugh.

"My name's Chelsea by the way, what's yours?" She asked.

"It's Mark." I told her.

Much like me she removed her backpack and placed it next to the opposite bed and sat down on it. "So, why are you traveling?"

"No real reason. I just don't feel like the city is right for me and just thought I'd take trip to see what's out there." I answered. "What about you?"

"Pretty much the same reason. I mean sure the city can be fun but I just want to go out and see the world you know." She replied.

I simply smiled and nodded my head.

She gave me a half-hearted smile and looked away for a brief moment before quickly looking back at me, her eyes lit up.

"H-hey, would you, I don't… maybe want to travel together when we arrive?" She asked, a hint of nervousness in her tone.

"Like, together?" I asked as stupid as it sounds.

She nodded her head. "Y-yeah."

I stared at her for a moment. Sure she was practically a complete stranger to me but she seemed innocent enough. Plus that look in her eyes as she stared back at me simply wouldn't allow me to say no.

"Sure, that sounds like a great idea." I replied.

"Really?" She exclaimed before toning it back a bit. "Great. I'm sure it'll be fun."

Suddenly the ships horn went off signaling our departure from the dock.

"Well it looks like we're moving." Chelsea noticed.

"Seems like it." I replied as I turned my hat around and tipped it down while laying my head on my pillow.

"You tired?" She asked.

"Just a little bit with all this excitement and all." I answered. "I think I'm going to take a nap."

"Well I think I'm going to step outside then." She said as she stood up. "I'll try not to wake you when I come back."

"Thanks." I said.

My eyes shut in synchronization with the door as she leaves. As I start to drift asleep I can't help but wonder what me and my new friend Chelsea will experience on our journey.