A/N: Hey everyonee! Thanks for clicking on this story and i really hope you enjoy it. It's a Damon/OC because i love himm and although i want him and elena together like yesturday on the show, i feel like id much rather see it than read about it. Here, i want to be able to see how Damon could interact with other characters, preferably ones i have made up(: This is just a short prologue, and futre chapters will be much longer. First though, id like to see how everyone likes this story, and id like to know if you think it's a good concept to continue with. I will probably be following what they have already laid out as a story line for season two, also adding my own twists. And although you wont find out much in this chapter, i think im going to have this set aroun the first few episodes of this season. Anywayy, please read it and let me know what you think, and if i should continue. ON and this is my First Vampire Diaries fanfiction, so bare with me as i get the characters in check. YOu could help me with this by reviewing or messaging me also(: Enjoyy!(:

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my lovely character(:

On the first page of our story,
the future seemed so bright.
Then this thing turned out so evil,
I don't know why i'm still suprised.
-Love the way you lie, Part 2

When I look back, it's hard for me to believe any of the events were real. Memories that seem so surreal, captured in a cloudy haze can hardly be true, right? Sometimes, I wish this were the case.

It seems so long ago, a chapter in my life finally ending, but the book far from over. Funny thought actually, I should write this all down professionally, because this could make the greatest plot for a fiction novel.

But this is nothing, if not real.

Mystic Falls; I had never found anything mystic about it. It was just another country town, in the middle of nowhere Virginia. But looks, as I have learned, can be truly deceiving. As an onlooker, you probably wouldn't have noticed anything different, just a town absorbed within itself. Lies, booze, and heartbreakā€¦ then love and heartbreak again. Nothing out of the norm, unless you looked beneath the surface.

This is where the true story begins.

Nobody could imagine the chain of events that unfolded, much faster than could have ever thought possible. A story line erupting from within an already fuzzy situation. A situation that could have made, or broken all the surrounding events.

It was an accident, of course. Nobody every goes looking for this. And nobody ever would if they knew how much pain it was capable of causing. Love, such a silly thing. So frivolous, fragile, fleeting. Blink, and the walls are crumbling around you, the floodgates opening. No calm, no peace.

This is my story.

Or at least a part of it. An important part, the most important part. A story of a disfigured past and an unresolved future. A part of my life when time itself held no meaning. A fast moving, never ending, back and forth world wind of emotional stress, that much I'm sure.

Vampires, werewolves, and witches.

And the lines between good and evil weren't as apparent as you would think.

In the beginning, it was simple, easy. Noone ever imagined it would come to this, but now that it has, noone would ever forget.

A snapshot in history forever scorched into the minds of those who lived through it, and even those who didn't. Regardless of how it began, the ending is all that really matters. Nobody cares about the mind games, the bloody fights, or the unadulterated fear that ran through every one of our veins. Nor do they care about the bubbling tension ripping us apart.

Love itself means nothing in the shadow of war.

This is where my story, our story, begins.

So what did you think? is it an interesting concept? I know this is very short and doesn't give much insight, but i wanted you to get a feel of how i write and wether or not that is what ou like, along with adding in some mystery. SO please, review and let me know what you think, and i can promise an update ASAP! Ive been in a very VD mood lately so i can guarantee this fast.
