Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Author's Note: Please review!

Zuko paced frantically around the small room Ty Lee was in. Her tiny figure was swaddled in blankets, and she was pale and still. My fault. All my fault. Zuko couldn't help remembering all the terrible things he had said to her, and he winced, mentally yelling at himself.

"But I will make it up to you, Ty Lee. I promise."

Ty Lee moaned, blearily opening her eyes. The faces in front of her swam slightly, and she blinked several times. "Zuko?"

"Ty Lee! You're awake!"

"W- What are y-you doing here?

"Are you alright? How do you feel?"

"Zuko - why are you here?"

"Because Mai was right," he said, before leaning down and gently kissing her cheek.

Author's Note: Well, that's the end everyone! Thanks so much for all the amazing reviews! I think my next Avatar story will be Zuko/Maiā€¦ I hope you all get a chance to read it!