=) Hey.

This is the last chapter of this fanfiction, so... I'd like to thank all of you for reading this story until the end!

A special thanks to all of you who reviewed. The reviews really helped me to write! I'd also like to thank Jasmine, who betaed this story for me!

I really hope you enjoy this last chapter! Please, let me know what you think of this chapter and of the whole story!

And, of course, thanks for reading!

The next day, when they woke up, Quinn prepared breakfast and took it to Rachel on bed. "Quinn, this looks so good." Rachel kissed her girlfriend. "You are so sweet!"

"Sweet is this pineapple! Try it!" Quinn gave a bite to Rachel.

"It really is very sweet!" Rachel smiled. "Will you eat with me?"

"Of course I will. Did you think I brought all of this just to you?" Quinn laughed.

"Well, Quinn. I do like to have a good and healthy breakfast, since it is the most important meal of the day, so I should eat an appropriate amount of food!" Rachel replied.

"So you want me to let you eat all of this yourself then?" Quinn asked.

"No, Quinn, I merely expl..." But Quinn stopped her speech by kissing her on the lips. "Let's eat or we'll be late for school!" Quinn laughed.

When they finished breakfast, they were already late. Then Quinn lent Rachel some of her clothes and they got ready for school.

When they arrived there, Mercedes came running to them.

"You guys won't believe what just happened." Mercedes was really agitated.

"What happened?" Quinn asked, worried.

"This girl called Alaina, she was super mad because Jacob put some lie on his blog about her dating Karofsky and she ran after Jacob and beat the crap out of him!" Mercedes picked up her cellphone. "The whole thing is on the internet already, I'll show you guys."

Then Mercedes showed the video on her cellphone.

The video showed a girl running after Jacob and punching him right on the nose. The quality of the video wasn't very good, but you could see that the guy who got punched was definitely Jacob.

"Who is that?" Rachel asked, pointing at a guy trying to hold the girl.

"That's Finn!" Quinn answered before Mercedes. "What is... oh my God!"

Finn had just been hit by the same girl who had punched Jacob. She had managed to escape from his grasp and then she turned around and kicked him.

"That must have hurt." Quinn commented. Then coach Sylvester arrived and the video ended. "What happened then?" Quinn asked.

"They are all talking to Figgins now. Well, now excuse me because I have to show this to Kurt!". Mercedes smiled and left.

Quinn and Rachel looked at each other.

"Wow." Rachel smiled. "Poor Finn."

"You don't think 'poor Jacob' too?" Quinn laughed.

Before Rachel could answer, Karofsky approached them.

"Fabray. Can I talk to you?" Karofsky asked. He looked anxious.

Quinn looked at Rachel, and the girl looked back at her, puzzled.

"Okay. Let's go over there." Quinn answered, still confused.

"I'll wait for you here." Rachel kissed Quinn on the cheek.

Then Quinn followed Karofsky a few steps away from Rachel, but enough so that the girl wouldn't be able to hear what they were talking.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Quinn asked, still suspicious.

"I... Well... I j-just..." He began.

Quinn lifted an eyebrow.

He exhaled slowly.

"I... I just wanted to apologize." He blurted out.

Quinn was shocked. "What?"

"I wanted to apologize." He repeated. "You have the right to be with the one you like. I'm sorry."

Quinn was still looking at him dumbfounded.

"I know this is seems weird, but... I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry, okay?" He looked like he was about to cry.

The cheerleader finally recovered from her shock and was able to speak. "What's going on?" Quinn asked.

He just shook his head.

"Come on. You can tell me." She told him.

He took a few seconds to breathe before speaking again. "I... I repressed my feelings so much that... That... I... I bullied this guy for a long time and last night I got drunk and then I... I..."

Quinn couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Did you... Did you force yourself on him?" Quinn asked.

"No!" Karofsky answered, horrified. "No, I just... I had sex with him. Consensual."

Quinn was relieved. "So, what's the problem?"

"The problem?" He repeated. "The problem is that I bullied him so much. I called him names and teased him and threw him on the garbage. But I like him. And I want to be with him. B-but how c-can I? A-after all I've d-done!" He started to cry.

"And do you intend to cry and do nothing about it?" Quinn asked.

He was surprised. "W-what else can I do? H-he will never f-forgive me. H-he only had sex w-with me because he was d-drunk too."

"You can do what I did. What I'm still doing and will always do, because I love Rachel and because she deserves it." Quinn replied.

He dried his tears with his hands. "And w-what are you d-doing?"

"Quinn!" Rachel called. She was making a sign for Quinn to go to her.

Quinn smiled at Rachel and, walking away from Karofsky, she just looked at him one more time to answer him before running back to Rachel.

"Correcting mistakes."