A small breeze entered the room and sent a chill up Aurora and Phillip's spines. Three colored lights flew through the window and transformed themselves into the three good fairies. Fauna was the first to run to Aurora and embrace her, unknowingly tearing her apart from Phillip. "Oh, Rose! We're so glad you're safe!"

"I knew it!" Merryweather proclaimed proudly and happily. "I knew it would all work out!"

"Come, children," Flora urged in a motherly tone, taking Aurora by the hand and pulling her towards the door. "The King and Queen are most anxious to meet you!"

"They've been waiting for sixteen years," Fauna chimed in anxiously, following Aurora and Flora. Aurora knew better than to resist her godmother, and so she let herself be pulled around like a rag doll, just like many times before. This time, however, she looked back and silently begged Phillip for help. He, however, simply bowed his head and smiled comfortingly, as if assuring her that everything would be all right.

Merryweather, in the meantime, stood behind Phillip and drew closer to him to confirm whether or not he was the source of that dreadful smell. She wrinkled her nose in disgust and called the other two fairies. "He can't meet the King and Queen like this!" she pointed out.

Flora and Fauna stopped in their steps and looked back at Phillip. "Oh, dear," said the green fairy. She turned to Flora. "What shall we do?"

Flora rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Well, I can think of only one solution. Merryweather!" She turned to the blue fairy. "See to it that Prince Phillip gets a bath! We'll make sure that Aurora is fit to be presented to the kingdom! But hurry along now – the castle has already begun to wake! We have not much time!"

Amidst all the confusion, Aurora's eyes widened and for the first time she resisted Flora's pushing and pulling, standing frozen in her place. She looked back at Phillip, her expression drowning in confusion and disbelief. "Prince Phillip?"

Phillip opened his mouth to explain, but to no avail. Flora had already dragged Aurora out and Merryweather had already pulled out her wand and magically summoned a bath tub with warm water, soap, towels and new clean clothes, all fit for a prince.

Aurora was dragged into a different chamber, where she was ordered to sit in front of the mirror while the fairies began arguing whether or not she should change into a different dress or change her hairstyle.

"Oh, she looks most lovely when she braids her hair," Fauna argued, dreamily tilting her head.

"Yes, but I think we should keep it loose. It's fit for a princess! And her dress – we must definitely make it pink!" Flora protested.

"She does look lovely in pink…" Fauna trailed off.

"What do you think, dear?" Flora asked Aurora. "Oh, and Rose! Where is your crown?"

Fauna gasped. "She must have left it up in the tower!"

"We cannot present her to the king and queen without a crown! Quick, dear, fly up to the tower and get her crown!" Flora ordered. Fauna nodded promptly and opened the door which led to the short-cut to the tallest tower. Aurora's gaze followed her absentmindedly, a part of her soul wishing Fauna could take her with. Flora put her hand on Aurora's shoulders and stared at the princess's reflection in the mirror. "I for one, will not be foolish enough to leave you alone again," she said warmly, gently squeezing Aurora. "Fate was most kind to us! Who would have guessed that you were to meet Prince Phillip on the morning of your sixteenth birthday? And he did not even know who you were!" She sighed blissfully. "Love is a many splendid thing." Flora clapped her hands together and looked around the room. "Now, where were we? Ah, yes, your hair!" She waved her wand in the air, and from a fountain of sparkles emerged a beautiful silver hair brush.

Aurora was gazing into her reflection, trying to look back on all the things Phillip had done and said and trying to connect it to what had just been blatantly revealed to her. She roamed back all the way to the morning they met in the woods. Had he known who she was? Of course not, or else he would not have asked her for her name. And when he asked to see her again, did he know what fate had in store for them?

But what about this evening, when she woke up and found him towering over her? Did he know who she was then? Why did he ask for her name, and why did he not tell her who he was? He had acted surprised upon hearing about her betrothal… did he not know that she was his bride? Did he not know of her heritage? Impossible, for then how had he been able to find her?

"Aurora, dear? Tell me, what are you thinking," Flora asked with a warm smile.

Aurora shifted her gaze to Flora, but before she could open her mouth to express her doubts, Fauna came flying in, waving the golden crown in her hand. "Oh, Phillip is almost ready!" she sang happily as she gave the crown to Flora. "He is looking most handsome!"

Flora took the crown from Fauna with a heartfelt smile. "Yes, and a very handsome couple they shall be. For all the courage and bravery he has shown tonight, I am sure in my heart that he will take care of our Rose with the most love and devotion…"

At the sound of those words, Aurora shook her head and rose from the chair.

"Rose, dear, where are you going?" Fauna asked worriedly, her smile slowly fading away.

"I must see him," Aurora breathed before running through the door she had seen Fauna go through earlier, and praying to God that it would lead her to Phillip. She ran across the passage and climbed up the steps, and soon after found Merryweather standing guard at the entrance to the tower.

"Rose? What are you doing h-"

"I must see him," Aurora gasped, trying to run past Merryweather. However, the blue fairy lift herself off the ground and held Aurora back.

"But Rose, you must not go in! Prince Phillip is-" Merryweather stopped herself when she realized there was no point to it. Aurora had shook herself off from the fairy's gasp and climbed the remaining stairs up to the tallest tower. She did not bother to knock on the door and invited herself in, her mind drowning in too much doubt and confusion for her to be able to think well.

Hearing the commotion outside seconds ago, Phillip had instinctively reached for his vest and quickly slipped it on, glad that he already put on his pants. As he sat on the bed to put on his boots, Aurora stormed through the door and stopped after she took a few steps into the tower. Panting, she looked around for Phillip and almost caught a fright when she saw him sitting on the edge of what had been her bed. "Is it true?" she breathed.

Phillip stood up slowly and bowed his head, knowing exactly what Aurora was talking about. "Aye." Seeing the confusion transparent in her face, he began to feel slightly guilty. "Forgive me… I had intended to tell you."

Bewildered by his bluntness, Aurora took a few steps back until her back hit against the wall. "So it is true…" she gasped. "And you knew all along…" She shook her head as she spoke.

"That is not true," Phillip protested, boldly stepping towards her (and glad that she had trapped herself against the wall, for he feared that she would try to run away again). "When I met you in the woods, I did not know who you were, nor anything about your heritage. I did not even know your name!"

"But tonight, you…"

Phillip nodded his head with guilt. "Aye, when I climbed to the top of this tower, I knew very who you were. But you told me your name was Briar Rose," he pointed out, discreetly trying to defend himself. "I did not know how to react."

Aurora frowned. "Why did you not tell me the truth?" she asked him softly. "Instead you… you… you played me for a fool!" she protested, turning away from him.

Phillip's brow furrowed. "Never!" he shot back. "I was simply scared to tell you who I was, for I feared you would love me less if you knew of my heritage. I knew you had fallen in love with the stranger in the woods, just like I fell in love with the peasant girl who changed my life with a single dance." He towered over her, leaning his arm against the wall as his hand softly caressed her neck.

Aurora tilted her head into his hand and inhaled his scent (a scent she was much more familiar with!). "And do you love me less, now that you know who I truly am?" she whispered.

Phillip's hand slipped down to her waist. "Do not be a fool, my sweetheart. No man on this Earth could love a woman more than I love you. If it is your desire to run, I will run with you. If it is your desire to stay…" He paused for a moment and smiled warmly. "I will stay with you."

Aurora opened her arms to receive Phillip, and without a word he wrapped his arms around her and embraced her gently. She dug her face into his chest while he pulled her closer and protectively kissed her head then pressed his cheek against it. "You will be a wonderful princess, for all your graciousness, honesty and devotion," he told her softly. "Your parents have loved you endlessly for sixteen years, and I have no doubt that you will be their sunshine and their pride."

Aurora pulled back and looked up at Phillip, seeking comfort in his eyes. "What are they like?" she whispered. "Have you met them?"

Phillip smiled. "Never have I met a King more just, or a Queen more gracious. Your father…" He paused for a moment, in search of the right words. "Your father is tall and slim, and a very good friend of my own father! He is loved by his people, and to them he devotes his life. He is… serious and authoritative when he must be, but on a good day he can lift an entire room with his good spirit!" He watched Aurora closely as he spoke, relieved to see her smile faintly at his descriptions. "Your mother," he continued, "has been like a mother to me ever since my own mother passed away. She loves you dearly, and fell ill many times due to worry and anxiety. She has been preparing the celebration for your return for weeks now, and never have I seen anyone with more dedication and poise. She loves your father dearly and supports him in all of his responsibilities. Oh, and she makes the most delicious cinnamon cakes! You must taste them – I promise you will be pleasantly surprised."

Aurora sighed softly, feeling slightly more relieved and less anxious at the prospect of meeting the two people who had brought her into this world, yet not seen nor spoken to her since. "And what does she look like?" she asked Phillip.

"Your mother?" Phillip chuckled softly. "Why, you've seen her before! In fact, I can show her to you now…"

"Now?" Aurora looked around in alarm, suddenly nervous at the thought of not being alone with him in the tower.

"Come," Phillip whispered, taking her by the hand and leading her to a long mirror on the wall. He led her to the front and stood behind her, his hands softly resting on her shoulders. As Aurora gazed at her reflection, she noticed Phillip pull back her hair and lean forward until his mouth was near her ear. "Not only are you your mother's daughter," he whispered, "but you are truly her reflection."

Aurora lifted a hand to her face and softly touched her cheek. Could it be true? Would she recognize herself in her mother? And what of her father? Which of his features had she inherited? Were they truly as wonderful as Phillip described? Would they love her and embrace her and seek to make up for the sixteen years they had lost?

Suddenly, there was a small knock on the door, followed by a creaking sound. Both Phillip and Aurora turned around to see who it was, and found all three fairies smiling apologetically as they entered the tower. Flora stepped forward and spoke. "Your highnesses… it is time."

A/N: Et voilá, c'est finis! I hope you didn't feel it was too rushed. I pondered taking it further and exploring Aurora's reaction when she meets her parents for the first time, but... well, you see that in the movie (as much I disagree with the way it was handled :P).

Looking forward to your reviews!