"Well, this has been fun." Spencer said, smiling over at Ashley where she sat in the driver's seat. They were sitting in the parking lot of Spencer's office.

"Did you think it wouldn't be?" Ashley challenged, making the blonde chuckle.

"Bye Ashley," The blonde smiled. She couldn't help but catch her breath when Ashley moved across the console as if to kiss her but she turned her head and let Ashley kiss her on the cheek instead. "I don't kiss on the first date." Spencer teased, making Ashley shake her head in amazement.

"Well then, we'll have to go on a second date."

"Maybe if you're lucky." Ashley just laughed and watched Spencer climb out of her car and walk to her building. That blonde was going to kill her.

Spencer smiled to herself when her phone lit up in a text from Ashley but tried to focus on the crying girl in front of her. Spencer occasionally did one on one sessions in her free time and this girl was one of her regulars. Luckily, the girl had nothing to do with Ashley Davies because Spencer wasn't sure how well she would do in hiding her grin at the mention of the woman's name. It had been two days since their date and Ashley had been very attentive. The two had an almost constant text conversation going, and the brunette had even called her the night before.

"Dr. Carlin?" The blonde looked up from the rambling girl in front of her and gave the new secretary Heather a stern look. Rule number one was that no one's session was supposed to be interrupted. She looked sheepish but excited. "I'm sorry Doctor but there's someone here to see you and it's very important." Spencer looked to the girl in front of her who just smiled weakly and shrugged.

"I'm very sorry Kristen. No charge for this week's session, okay?" The girl nodded and got up to gather her things. Heather was practically jumping up and down in excitement and Spencer could already tell that it was Ashley that was waiting on her. "Okay Heather, you can send my guest back." Spencer allowed, trying not to smile as she sat at her desk, trying to look busy.

The door creaked open and Spencer looked up, smile already taking over her face. It fell through when it wasn't Ashley that walked through the door but her younger sister, Kyla. Kyla was equally famous but on a different level. She was an actress and did mostly TV shows, but her latest sitcom was one of the highest ranking shows on television.

"Are you Spencer?"

"Uh… yes." Spencer was still a little shell shocked to see the younger Davies standing in front of her.

"I'm Kyla Woods." She said unnecessarily, sitting herself down on the leather couch across from Spencer's desk. "I'm not going to beat around the bush. I want to know what you're doing with Ashley." The blonde's eyebrows shot up as a protective scowl took over Kyla's face.

"What? I haven't done…"

"Please don't bullshit me. Ashley has been… weird lately. She never stops talking about you; it's like some weird school girl crush." Spencer couldn't help her small blush and pleased smile. "Now look, I'm sure you've heard all the stuff in the tabloids about her player status but in reality Ashley has a habit of falling, hard. That's why she only gets minimal information on the girls, that's why she only sees them for a night because she's learned from experience that girls are usually out for her money or for their fifteen minutes. So here's the deal, if that's what you're after we can just go ahead and stop this now. I'll hand you a check, you disappear from her life." The blonde was absolutely flabbergasted at these words as the celebrity went to pull out her checkbook.

"Hey, stop! What… what are you talking about? I don't want money!" Spencer insisted, standing up. She was getting upset here. "Look, Kyla, I understand your concern but I'm not out to get your sister's money, nor am I looking for any fame. I hate being in the spotlight." Kyla was looking at her, unsure. "Is it so hard to believe that I… like her too?"

"Why?" Spencer's mouth dropped again, confused.


"Why do you like her?" Spencer sat back down in her chair, shaking her head.

"Ashley is… great. I mean, not at all what I expected. The first time I met her she was just like everyone else had told me; cocky and charming and just out to sleep with me. But when we hung out the other day, she was like a completely different person. She was dorky and hilarious, and she actually listened when I talked. I can see that she's actually a good person, not just some freak looking for a bunch of trophies. She's so strong too, even after your dad was never around and her mom treated her like shit." Kyla looked surprised that Spencer was privy to this information. "You don't have to believe me, but I actually do like her Kyla. And I want to get to know her, not her checking account." She was surprised at these words, never allowing herself to think about the fact that she might actually like the brunette. Kyla seemed to think about it for a second before smiling.

"I like you, Carlin. But I'll be watching you." The doctor nodded in understanding but a thought came to her as Kyla made to slip out of her door.

"Hey wait! Did Ashley send you?" Kyla laughed and winked at her before disappearing down the hallway.

"Your sister visited me," Spencer said slowly into her phone as she lay in her bed that night, staring at the ceiling. Ashley chuckled and sighed and Spencer tried not to love the way she sounded.

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Did you really think I was after your money?" Ashley paused before rushing into a negative statement.

"No! I didn't! But God, you have no idea how many women have tried that. It was just… it was just a cautionary thing."

"I guess I understand." Spencer said after a second, rolling onto her stomach. After all, was her purpose much better than those women's? She didn't want Ashley's money but she wasn't exactly going into this for the right reasons.

"Hey, Spence, don't be upset." Ashley asked, misinterpreting the blonde's silence. The doctor smiled at the shortened version of her name.

"I'm not," She promised. "Not at anyone but myself," She finished in her head.

"So, do you miss anything about Ohio?" Ashley asked. An hour later and they were still on the phone. Ashley had been peppering her with more questions.

"The stars," The blonde answered easily. "I can't see them here, but in the town where I lived the sky was filled with them."

"I like stars," Ashley said, making Spencer chuckle. "I like you too," The doctor's breath caught at this simple statement and she couldn't stop her sad smile.

"I like you too."



"So… wanna go on a date with me tonight then? One where I don't have to practically kidnap you?" She teased, making the blonde chuckle and smile.

"Of course."