Final A/N for Fading Too Fast

Due to the number of people wanting a sequel- and the damn threats- I've decided that there will be a sequel to this story!

Everybody's been waiting with bated breath for this A/N, amiright? The sequel for Fading Too Fast is now up! The name for the sequel is The Heart Never Forgets. I love that title, by the way. A bunch of factors went into it, but I'm not gonna get into a long story about it. I know you want to get onto reading the story instead of my rambling. XD

Again, thank you to everyone who's reviewed this story. I got a lot after the last chapter. Honestly, I was shocked that I did. I woke up and had likeā€¦ eleven or some odd emails saying that I got reviews, and they didn't even stop there! I was like "DAMN! =O"

Onward to reading the awesome-sauce sequel that I wrote! =D I love you all!

hugs&kisses~ Madarao