Oh my Goooood I hate myself! My life is a mess XD I will have up through Valentine's Day up before this week is over! That is a promise! And I'm still wondering if I should do an Easter one. -contemplative look- Anywho enjoy. The other women of Fairy Tail start planning a sneak attack which they will carry out on Christmas and New Years. XD Oh yeah and a little shoutout to kissoftheblackrose for a suggestion which they will notice ;)

Disclaimer:Do not own. If I did, This couple would be canon.

Fairy Tail was crazier than usual. And that was saying something. Gazille strolled in and sat at the bar. Something was missing. The barmaid, Mirajane. The Iron Slayer looked around and spotted most of the guild running around organizing, but not Mira. She was not to be seen. Come to think of it. He couldn't spot a few of his fellow guild members. Bunny girl was missing, along with Salamander and Erza.

He did notice his Exceed, Pantherlily, walking around surveying the area. When the flying cat noticed his Dragon partner he padded over to him. "Hey Gazille. Mira wants your help in the kitchen."


Panterlily raised a brow. "Do you not know what today is?" Gazille shrugged. "Thanksgiving." The iron eater's mouth formed into an 'o' realizing that he had forgotten the holiday. "Now go back there. It's crazy." With that the Exceed walked off.

Gazille eyed the kitchen entrance. He wasn't sure if he wanted to now. Of course the one thing that made him actually get his ass off the bar stool was a quick flash of light blue hair in the kitchen entrance. He cautiously stalked into the kitchen. The Dragon Slayer stopped. "Holy shit." The place was packed with guild members running around preparing food for the group guild Thanksgiving holiday.

The first person Gazille spotted was Mirajane, standing straight and firm, like she was commanding an army. He was contemplating leaving, until Mira spotted him. 'Shit!' He was ready to book it but the barmaid got to him first.

"Gazille!" He nodded in recognition. "We need you to make cranberry sauce. About…" She thought about it for a millisecond, "Four recipes worth." She handed him a recipe and winked. "Fairy Tail secret."

The man stared at the woman like she was crazy. "Why?" The one word he could get out.

"Because, that's the only thing we don't have someone doing." She also gave a glance behind him smiling. "Your work area will be right there next to Levy." Mirajane pointed like her hand was a neon sign.

Gazille stood shell shocked. Next to Levy? He swore that the barmaid could read his thoughts and that she knew about his little thing for Levy. A few seconds later is when the iron eater realized that the fire eater had his head in the oven. It wasn't a normal sized oven. This thing could've cooked twenty turkeys if need be.

As Natsu continued to keep his head in the oversized oven, Gazille made his way to his station where all the necessary ingredients were waiting for him, along with a cute Levy. "What is Salamander doing?" He looked at the script mage.

She turned her head to look at the newcomer and beamed at him. "The main oven broke so he's heating the turkeys." Gazille just nodded his head. He noticed that she had flour smeared on her cheek, which only made her more adorable than usual.

He cleared his throat. "Ah. So what are you making?" He grabbed a pot and filled it will cold water so he could boil it. And while he had that starting to boil, he washed the cranberries.

"Pie." He smirked. "I'm making tons! Even a flaming apple pie for Natsu!" She glanced at him sheepishly. "Do you like pumpkin pie? Cause you and Natsu have, um…unique tastes in things, so I was making you two special ones."

Gazille felt heat rush up his neck, but he refused it from going to his face. "Thanks." That's all he could get out. He added sugar to the pan. The Iron Dragon didn't really know what to say. Even after the whole tree fiasco, she was still the first to react…at least normal to him. No fear or hate. It was unnerving.

There was the noticeable silence between the two. Each not knowing what to say or do. They both thoroughly remembered the awkward Halloween moment between them. He was watching the pot with the water. Gazille never thought water would take so long to boil in his life. Finally he saw a few bubbles.

"So what are you thankful for?" Levy needed to break the suffocating silence.

"Huh?" The iron eater seemed surprised with this question.

Levy giggled. "What are you thankful for? It's Thanksgiving after all."

Gazille gave it a thought. He hadn't really thought about it at all. "Well. Master Makarov for letting me join. The guild." His mouth was moving without consent. "You and the rest of our guild mates, I guess." He put the cranberries in the pot with the boiling water and sugar.

The script mage tinted. She didn't think he would respond, especially with the response dealing with people…including herself. "Well that's good. Same for me as well. You too. I don't think I would have made it this far without your little push, Gazille." Another awkward moment between them.

Not far from the two, Mirajane was mentally yelling at them. How could they not see it? They obviously liked each other. The barmaid had noticed the awkward tension lately. The tension was there since Halloween. Mira sighed. She wanted to force them into it, but Gazille was too stubborn and Levy was as well.

She watched as Gazille pointed into the pot as the cranberries started bursting. Levy laughed and shook her head. "Hmm. Maybe they could figure it out themselves."

"I doubt it." Lucy was suddenly next to Mira. "If they haven't figured it out by now it will take forever."

"Come on! At least remain positive Lucy! You have to give them some credit." Lisanna popped in. The group was adding on more of the female friends.

"Maybe we should get them drunk?" Cana casually slurred in.

"No!" A majority of the girls near shouted which, naturally, caught the attention of most people in the kitchen. Even Gazille and Levy's attention.

Mira dragged the women to a more secluded area. "Cana, we are not getting them drunk."

"Actually, I think she has a point."


"What? I'm not saying today. But we have got eggnog at Christmas or just any huge holiday with excess of alcohol." Lisanna gave a smirk that no one thought she could muster. "Oh the loveliness that unawareness of alcohol brings." The others were starting to wonder if this was a good idea.

Gazille on the other hand was adding in a bit of nutmeg and orange zest to the cranberry sauce. To him the mixture smelled great. He took it off the stove top and set it on the counter for it to cool. "Well, I'm done until I need to put it in the fridge." He turned and smirked at Levy. "How about you bookworm?"

Levy straightened, "Yup! Just put the last one in the oven." Of course as soon as this statement left Levy's lips, Mirajane was rushing everyone even faster.

"Hurry! We have to get this done! Natsu, cook the turkeys a bit faster!" She actually had a stick and was hitting some people over their heads. She commanded everyone to move faster and work harder or fear the wrath of Erza and herself. Let's just say…they moved faster.

Levy gave Gazille a sad smile. "See you at the dinner table." He nodded in return and put the cranberry sauce in the fridge. He sighed and decided to start helping with something so he could get to dinner all the quicker.

Things had started to calm down. A little. Guild members were grabbing seats next to their friends and were excited about the food. Every year, the food seemed to get better and better. The food came out and was placed in a long line on the elongated table. No one was allowed to touch it till everyone got sat down.

Gazille found a free spot next to Levy, and on the spaces plate was a pumpkin pie. Not just any pumpkin pie, the perfect pumpkin pie. The pie plate was iron, the pie smelled delicious, and on top of the whipped cream were iron shavings. "Whoa." He sat next to the energized script mage.

"Like it?" Gazille nodded. "Yeah those two I worked my hardest on." Levy pointed to his and Natsu's, which was on fire.

"How'd you get it to do that?"

Levy gave a triumphant smirk. "Alcohol." Nothing else was said.

Makarov gave a slight Thanksgiving speech before telling everyone to dig in. There were pies, turkeys, some chicken for non-turkey lovers, salads, desserts, corn, stuffing, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, cheesy potatoes, lots more potatoes, and of course Gazille's cranberry sauce that everyone seemed to be liking.

His cranberry sauce was making its way towards him and Levy. When he was handed it by Pantherlily, he took a decent sized helping and passed it to Levy…who passed it on without taking any. This made Gazille frown and raise his pierced brow at her.

"Sorry Gazille. I'm allergic to cranberries."

Pantherlily snorted in laughter. The Exceed's partner just nodded and hung his head. He felt like Chandler from Friends when his cranberry sauce was landed on by his best friend, Joey. The Iron Dragon sighed mentally. He needed to watch less television. Gazille was thankful for Levy, but not for her allergies.


Yay! And a double promise for the getting the rest up through Valentine's day.

R&R So There will be alcohol involved.