Yay! I made a FT Fic! And it's Gazille and Levy! I knew they were going to be together since the tree scene...don't ask how..(phychic). And if you have read Chapter 210 and 211, cause it sooo supports the couple, but did anyone see the heart in the 'O' in the word 'Iron' that Levy made for Gazille?

Halloween was one of the most rowdy holidays at the Fairy Tail guild. Everyone got to dress up, drink more than usual, make treats if they wanted, and have a party of a lifetime. Gazille on the other hand was not a real social butterfly. Lily was the one that had convinced him to go to this…event. How? Gazille himself didn't even know.

His 'costume' –he thought anyway- did not disappoint. He was dressed like a mass murderer. Red splattered his body making everyone wonder if it was real blood or fake. That was a secret he didn't intend on telling them. He also had two machetes strapped to his back covered in the same red substance. Most of the more timid of the guild tried to avoid him as much as possible that night.

Gazille was sitting in his usual booth, with his usual beer –and eating the metal dishware-, and Pantherlily. Watching all of his guild mates interact was getting very odd. Natsu, whom was dressed as 'The Human Torch' from 'Fantastic Four', was getting into his usual fight with Gray, whom was dressed as a walking Porte potty. That was one of the more…awkward costumes. Elfman, dressed as a zombie, was giving Jet and Droy a lecture on being manly. –Gazille was just grateful it wasn't himself near Elfman.-

Mirajane, dressed very accurately like Belle from Beauty and the Beast, gave him another beer. He murmured his thanks and continued skimming the crowd. No one he really cared for. Usual people. Bixlow, as Jason, accidently pissing off Erza, Little Red Riding Hood, by spilling her beverage and food on the floor. The witch, Lucy, sitting at the bar with a mini dragon, Happy, talking rapidly with Loke, who had little lion ears on, Kana and others.

Gazille spared a glance at an amused Lily. "Tell me why we're here again."

Lily smugly answered. "You need to get out more…plus everyone in Fairy Tail is going to be here." Gazille glared at his Exceed. He knew what he was getting at.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Lily." Denial was one of Gazille's most skilled subjects.

Lily just rolled his eyes at his partner and continued to watch the craziness that is Fairy Tail. Just about five minutes later, the smell hit Gazille's sensitive nostrils. A nice, dusty smell of an old book mixed with the smell of ink. His eyes searched the crowd and he spotted the source of the smell. Levy McGarden.

A chuckle resonated from Lily's throat, like he was trying to control it but it failed, and gave Gazille a look. Gazille, of course, returned the action with a deadly glare. He shifted and slid down in his seat a little.

Levy had just entered the guild and was already having a great time. She was dressed up like one of those gothic vampires. Some thought that she read to many horror novels for her own good. A few steps into Fairy Tail, she noticed Natsu and Gray arguing. Only one thought came to mind. "Um…Gray? Are you a Porte potty?"

The ice mage looked at Levy. "Yeah." The Porte potty was small enough that his head could stick out of the top, but the bottom was about down to his ankles. "See. Now when I get randomly undressed no one can see." He made it sound like that was the only solution.

The script mage glanced down, then returned her gaze to him. "It says vacant." Before anyone could utter another word, Lluvia ripped open the door of the Porte potty and slammed it shut. The sign now read occupied. Gray was pulled down and the Porte potty started moving like there was an internal epic battle happening…at least they hoped it was that.

Now ignoring the rocking Porte potty, everyone went back to their own business. "Just my luck." Natsu complained. "Now who am I going to argue with?" He decided to head over to the bar. As did Levy.

"Lu-chan!" Levy ran up to her best friend and gave her a quick hug. "I love your costume!"

Lucy returned the hug and smiled. "Like yours too." She glanced over at Gazille. "You should bring him some food. He needs a little interaction."

Levy blushed at the suggestion. "But-"

"Hey. No buts. Give him something to chase after." Lucy winked at her flushed red friend.

Glaring at her friend, she picked up a plate of food to give to the Iron Dragon Slayer. "I'll get you back for this Lu-chan." With that she started to walk away, stopping once in front of Natsu. "Hey, Natsu. Lucy said she wanted to play some drinking game with you."

"Really? Awesome!" He dashed over to Lucy.

Giving a little triumphant hum to herself, she stalked towards Gazille. Not really sure stalked is the word…more like snuck over incognito.

When she finally made it to his table, she sat across from him and pushed the plate to him. "Brought you some food." He murmured a thanks and started eating the spoon.

Levy rolled her eyes, with a smile, and took one of the cookies off the plate, biting into it. That's when Gazille finally spoke. "I thought vampires drank blood…not eat cookies." Levy heard a laugh and noticed Lily.

'What kind of line was that?' The dragon and the Exceed thought simultaneously. Lily decided it was time to excuse himself and leave it to the lovebirds.

Looking at Gazille after Lily left, all Levy could do was laugh. The dragon mage looked at her questionably. "You are not a conversation starter, are you?"

Gazille grumbled but the comment seemed to make him a bit more at ease. That's when multiple occurrences –for them, conversation starters- starting happening.

"Oh my God! I'm alive!" Gray yelled and popped out of the Porte potty costume. Silence temporarily followed his exit. Then roars of laughter shook the guild. Gray looked down and yelped. His boxers were missing. Diving back in, they heard noises of protest, then Gray reappeared with some clothing on.

"Hey Gray! Why don't you get a room that's not in the guild!" Someone yelled from within the crowd. Gray yelled a few insults back, and soon the whole guild was in its usual chaos. Erza was set on killing Bixlow, for not only dropping her food on the floor once, but twice.

An another unusual scene was Lucy drunk by the bar, and by drunk I mean worse than two Cana's drunk, and she was trying to make-out with Natsu. Although he wasn't refusing much, so…

Gazille and Levy looked at each other, back at the weird scene, then each other. Levy couldn't hold back any longer. She laughed. Not one of those 'hahaha that was funny' laughs, one of those laughs that make your sides hurt, it's hard to breathe, and if you were drinking milk, it'd come out your nose.

Instead of laughing like Levy was, Gazille chuckled deep in his throat. Ever since he came to this guild things have been crazy.

After Levy calmed down she got some food also and started mission small talk with Gazille. When their drunk guild master announced that they should sing Christmas carols, they bolted out of there.

"That was insanity." Levy laughed.

"Tch. Yeah. Way more than usual." Gazille smirked. "What was with Bunny Girl and Salamander in the corner?"

"I think they were drunk. I just hope she doesn't remember one thing about it so I can tell her myself." Levy laughed maniacally.

Gazille looked at her slightly shocked, then he grinned. "You're a little more evil than you let on, aren't you?"

Levy gave Gazille a knowing smirk. "I think it's the horror novels." She put her finger on her chin thoughtfully. "A little of The Shining, and other Stephen King novels."

Stopping, Levy looked at Gazille. "Um thanks for walking me home, I guess." Her cheeks tinted.

Looking up, Gazille realized that he actually did kind of walk her home. "Uh…yeah. You're welcome." He saw her fiddling with her keys. That made him remember the movie Hitch and what he said about girls that fiddled with their keys. –Yes. He watched Hitch and he will hurt you if you tell anyone.- 'A woman that doesn't want to kiss, takes her keys, puts them in the door and goes in the house. A woman that wants to kiss, she fiddles.' He never thought that, that movie would ever come in handy. He was wrong.

Before he could do anything, Levy was in her doorway, smiling at him sadly. "Night Gazille." With that she shut the door leaving him speechless.

"You should have kissed her Gazille." He snapped his head up to see Pantherlily hovering there.

"Shut up!" He paused. "How long have you been following us, anyway?"

Lily gave a sadistic smile. "Long enough."

Gazille glared at his Exceed. "Come on. Let's go home." With that he turned and started walking away. He gave one glance at the door that the bluenette had disappeared into.

'Damn it.'

Well that was Halloween! Next is Thanksgiving! Mmm Turkey.

R&R It will feed Gazille Iron.