Wild Birds

Summary: The situation escalates as Delphine begins making her own moves.

Warnings: Violence, lots of violence.

Disclaimer: I do not own Last Exile, no money is being made from this use.

Pre-Notes: Special thanks goes to Unguilded on Dreamwidth/ Gaignun on Tumblr who's translation of the Dio focused sections of the Last Exile novels helped give me some much needed inspiration for this chapter.

Rain Bird

Alex was pacing in one of the private rooms at Horizon Cave. The message the Silvana had received had come from Sophia. Instead of taking the risk of sending it directly however, she had taken the precaution of reaching out to Walker first. She had sent a message to him, requesting he repair the Silvana at her expense. Walker had of course immediately sent a message to Alex.

Sophia was much to his relief unharmed, and staying on the safety of the Urbanus. The first thing he'd done on arriving at the cave was have a message sent to her. He couldn't be there for her, and he wanted to hear from her that she was all right. He'd looked over the last messages he'd received from Marius too many times to count, there were no clues, not the slightest indication that he'd been planing assassinate the emperor at the cost of his own life. "What were you thinking, Marius?" He asked. "How could you... How could you call her back to the palace just to be faced with that on her own. Damn it, Marius, I know you were suffering. We've all been suffering but... How could you do that to her?" Knowing the one-sided conversation would never give him any answers, he sat across from Walker, resting his head in his hands. Walker watched him in concern, Sybil who was also there set a steaming mug in front of him. He didn't even look at her. "I'm not drinking that. You've put something in it."

Sybil just shrugged sitting in another chair. "You won't get a reply from her for hours if you even get one today, Alex. Go oversee repairs, spend time with the kids, do something so you're not thinking about it all day."

"Did he say anything to you?" Alex asked, looking up at her. "I know you wrote to each other."

Sybil shook her head lifting her own drink. "Not a thing. If I'd had any idea what he was planing, I'd have saved him the trouble by going there and strangling him myself. I just don't understand it."

Alex remained silent. He did understand, after the Grand Stream he had thought there was nothing else for him but revenge, and death. He hadn't cared about anything else, when he had heard about Justina's illness he had ignored it. Convinced himself it wasn't his problem, there was nothing he could do. He regretted that more than anything, because he could have done something. He could have been there for Claus and Lavie, someone they knew there to comfort them instead of just being faced with unfamiliar doctors, and town's people. When Marius had told him of Justina's death, something wouldn't let him ignore it anymore, he couldn't sleep at all, he ate even less than he had been, he felt sick thinking about what might happen to them. So he had gone to the funeral, and brought them back to the academy. That had changed everything for him, the pain was still there. The pain had never gone, even to this day. With Claus and Lavie there it no longer consumed him, and all the things he'd never thought he'd feel again had returned. Marius had lost that, Alex realized. Sophia, the only light he'd had left in his life, had gone, sent away for her own safety, and Marius could do nothing as he watched his brother-in-law, and once close friend descend into madness and tyranny.

Alex was distracted from his thoughts when Mullin in full musketeer uniform walked in. "So you're leaving then, have you told the others yet?"

Sybil frowned at the site of the boy, but said nothing.

"Er, not yet. I just thought that I should do this properly, and ask your permission first." Mullin said still apprehensive. He was not nearly as bad as the rumors had led him to believe, but Alex Row was still a very intimidating man.

"You have it. I wish you luck."

"Thank you, Sir. It really has been an honor serving on the Silvana, even the way Godwin and the others got sometimes. I guess I need to go say goodbye to the others." Mullin said before turning and walking away, he paused. "Um.. Speaking of Godwin, and the others... Why do you have them detailing all the lavatories with cotton swabs?"

Walker blinked. "You're making them what?"

Sybil, knowing the answer because Alex despite knowing he was going to regret, it had told Alvis to go to her if she had any more questions was trying very hard not to laugh.

It was nearing lunch with repairs on the Silvana well underway when Alex saw Lavie, and Claus. At first when he saw Lavie nearly in tears he'd thought it was about Claus again, but the boy had been right behind her looking just as upset, Alvis beside him looking worried. When they told him what had happened with the pilots they had met in Norkia, despite how angry he had been at the time he felt nothing but sympathy for them now. Their desire to help the Mad-Thane fleet seemed to have backfired on them in the worst way. He led them over to a place they could sit and talk. "Claus, Lavie, Why do you stay on the Silvana?" He asked quietly. Both children looked up at him shocked.

"What do you mean 'why do we stay' we stay because you're our family, and..." Claus started.

"Because despite the danger, and every chance you've been given to go somewhere safe from the fighting it's more important to you to do what you can to end the war, right?" Alex said quietly. "It's true, Duke Mad-Thane may not have gotten the idea to use vanships if he hadn't seen you, but everyone who has come here has done so of their own volition. What they're doing is dangerous, but no more so than what the two of you have been doing most of your lives. They are all willing to take the risk in order to be free of the guild, and end the war just like you." He smiled sadly at them.

Lavie sniffled and leaned against him, he put a comforting arm around her shoulder. Claus was watching the vanships as they practiced maneuvers around Marius' ship. "Everyone really is coming together for this, aren't they?"

Alex nodded. "According to Walker, Disith solders with be arriving soon to begin training along side the Anatoray solders."

"I'm going to train while we're too." Claus said standing. "We've never fought guild ships directly before. I want to be prepared, just incase."

After Claus had left Alex, Lavie, and Alvis sat together watching the vanships. "You seem to be getting along again. Have you talked to him?" Alex asked.

Lavie shook her head. "I still don't even know what to say. He's so clueless about everything." She said frustrated. I know he hasn't talked to Tatiana either..."

"I don't think anyone's talked to Tatiana. I don't even know where she is, she didn't show up on the bridge when we docked." Alex replied.

Later in the day, Claus was taking a break from training with the other pilots. Dio had been surprisingly helpful, giving information on structure changes on current guild class ships, pointing out strengths and weaknesses to them that would have otherwise gone unknown. All of this was incredibly helpful, and made Claus realize just how much Dio was willing to risk to be free of his sister. None this stopped him from being well...Dio however.

"What did he say that for anyway? What did it even mean?" Claus asked himself aloud as he wandered toward the mess hall. He brightened up a bit seeing Tatiana and Alister, not seeing the look Tatiana got on her face when she saw him, or that Alis had gripped her arm to keep her from leaving, he walked up to them. "I was just going to get a bite to eat, are you two hungry?"

Tatiana opened her mouth to excuse the both of them but Alister was faster. "Sure. I wonder if Lavie and Alvis are hungry too. We haven't really seen anyone around." Behind her Tatiana clenched her teeth.

Claus smiled. "Lavie was feeling a lot better this morning. I'll go find them and we'll eat together, ok?"

"Sound's great! We'll go find a table, and wait for you."Alis said smiling brightly.

It wasn't until Claus had already left that Tatiana found her voice. "You are supposed to be my friend. Why are you doing this to me?"

"Relax. I know this is going to be difficult, but the best thing is to resolve this quickly. We don't want it getting in the way of work."

"You don't want to resolve this quickly! You want to make it worse!"

By the time Claus returned with Lavie, and Alvis, Tatiana was doing her best not to let her anxiety get to her. It helped somewhat that Lavie took one look at the two of them and could immediately see Alis was up to something. It didn't help nearly enough however, but with neither Lavie, or Tatiana saying anything, Alis waiting for the inevitable as she kept throwing Claus hints, and Claus remaining clueless despite this, they just managed to make it through lunch.

When Alex showed up looking for Tatiana, he took in enough that he was unable to fight the urge all parents, and caretakers were susceptible to; getting involved and making everything worse. He put a hand on Claus' shoulder saying. "We need to talk." Before dragging him off into an empty room not far away.

Siting in the room taking a deep breath, Alex looked at Claus sitting across from him. "All right. I know you're confused about this, and what I'm about do isn't going to help any in the short term, but neither is your complete obliviousness about Lavie and Tatiana."

"W..what? What are you talking about?"

"Claus, Lavie was upset about Norkia, we were all upset about Norkia. That isn't why she was avoiding you though."

"Why was she avoiding me then, and what does this have to do with Tatiana?"

"She was avoiding you because when you came back from the desert Tatiana wasn't wearing what she'd left in." He waited for the epiphany, though he knew it wasn't going to happen.

"...Why would she be upset about that?"

Biting back a groan, Alex sighed and began to explain the situation in the most exact, and blunt terms possible. Claus' reaction was about what he had expected.

The boy paced quickly looking frantic. "This is terrible! Lavie and Tatiana both... Are you sure?"

"I talked to Lavie about it myself, and considering all the clues Alister was throwing in your face, I'd say yes." Alex replied flatly.

"What do I do!?"

"Well how do you feel?"

"I..I don't know I never thought about it before."

"At least you can start thinking about it now. You should try being honest with them."

Claus stopped pacing, and glared at Alex. "You're not helping. And who are you to talk about being honest about your feelings anyway."

"You're asking for advice, you should have been more specific if you wanted the non hypocritical version... Or asked someone else." He got up, walking over to Claus, he put his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Look, I know you are worried about hurting them, but someone is going to end up hurt no matter what. Letting this drag out because you had no idea what was really going on was only going to make it worse."

Claus sighed, he really couldn't see how this was any better, but at least being able to tell them he wasn't sure how he felt was something. They went back to the girls who were waiting with mixed embarrassment, apprehension, confusion, and anticipation. Alex gave Alister a warning look. It did no good.

"Right." She said eagerly, before anyone else had a chance to speak. "Now that everyone knows the only solution is a duel to death."

"No." Alex said flatly, having expected something like this. "There will be no duels to the death."

"All right then, I suggest Ménage à trois." Alis said smiling brightly.

"You've been holding that in for a while haven't you?" Alex asked, as the other three teens reacted. You could tell the girls had been passing around the penny romance novels Wina kept buying by how red their faces went. Claus on the other hand looked just as confused as Alvis.

"Yes." Alis replied still grinning.

Alex nodded. "Well now that this situation has gotten awkward for everyone, my work here is done." He said sarcastically walking away, someone was going to ask what Ménage à trois meant soon, and he sure as hell wasn't going to be around to answer it.

Once he was out of sight the inevitable happened. Alvis looked up at Alister. "What does that mean?"

Alister gleefully opened her mouth to answer. Lavie and Tatiana jumped at her.

In the evening Sybil, Charles, and Walker watched Alex carefully. None of them were sure just how much he'd had to drink. Everyone knew the captain always has a well-stocked liquor cabinet. This causes various assumptions about him even among some of the crew. Funnily enough, no one ever assumes the cabinet is always well stocked because he rarely got a chance to touch anything in it. There are a few reasons for this, first obviously is that being the captain of an infamous mercenary ship, Alex is never really off duty, and needs to be ready for anything. The second reason is that Lavie, and Sophia never liked his drinking, knowing he was, even now, still susceptible to bouts of depression, and worked together to keep it from happening. As it was, it had been a little over a month since he'd had anything more than a night cap, and he was now at the point where he couldn't quite remember how his legs worked.

"You don't think has something to do with not hearing from Sophia yet do you?" Walker asked.

Sybil shook her head. "No. Something else must have happened. He'd want to stay sober for any messages from Sophia. Must be something he really wants to forget."

Charley, who had been allowed out of the infirmary as long as he didn't push himself sat quietly as he recalled something. "You know... I heard Lavie, Tatiana, and Alis were fighting. I think someone said he was talking to the kids not long before the fight started."

"All three of them? About what?" Sybil asked, shocked.

Charley shrugged. "No idea, but from what I heard Alis seemed to think something was funny. She was laughing the whole time."

Sybil groaned. "Don't tell me she's at it again... The last time this happened she rigged the sound system to play a recording of vulgar old drinking songs every time the doors to the bridge were opened. Alex had her 'assisting' in the kitchen for months."

"Really?" Walker asked having never heard this. "She always seemed so normal."

"Hah." Sybil, and Charley said together.

Ethan walked in looking anxious. "Sybil, I think we need you back on the ship cause... Oh,... Him too? At least we won't get an earful from him till tomorrow then."

"What are you talking about?" Sybil asked. Ethan held up what looked like a candy box, it was empty. Sybil immediately recognized the label as a brand of rum balls the mechanics were fond of . "Oh no.. Not Alvis.." She said, recalling the time when at age nine Claus and Lavie had mistaken the mechanic's stash for chocolate candies.

"Er... No, not Alvis.."

Fifteen minuets later back on the ship, and having ordered the captain taken to his room, Sybil watched as Dio let out a cheerful but slurred shout of "Immelman!" as he lunged for Claus. He was however, apparently seeing double and went after the wrong one, ending up flat on his face.

"All right, what exactly happened here?" She asked trying to ignore the quickly developing headache.

"Well," Godwin started. "He was upset about something earlier, and I found a piece of chocolate candy, and gave it to him and Lucciola to try and cheer him up... He must have found those snooping around and thought they were the same thing."

"How many did he eat?" Sybil asked. Nearly on the other side of the hanger now, Dio had decided rolling around sideways was a perfectly good way to get around, and had become wrapped up in an old tarp. He was giggling, saying something about being a caterpillar as he began to scoot himself across the floor.

"The last any of us knew it was nearly full." Kostavi said looking mournfully at the now empty box.

She turned to Lucciola. "How much alcohol is it normal for him to have?"

"The Maestro has never allowed him more than a few glasses of watered wine." Lucciola replied looking worried.

Sybil sighed. "He'll be all right. Just try and get him to bed, and keep an eye on him. He's not going to feel up to doing much tomorrow. If he gets too sick, come and get me. I'll see what I can do for him." She told him. With the state Alex had gotten himself into, and now Dio she was not looking forward to tomorrow.

"Where is he?" Lavie asked stamping her foot. "If he doesn't show up soon, we'll have to leave without saying goodbye."

"We still have time, don't worry." Claus said smiling sitting at the table with Alvis, Tatiana, Alister, and Charley. Dio and Lucciola were not far away keeping watch for Mullin. The talk with Alex had surprisingly actually been helpful. It had been awkward, and still was, but now that it was all out in the open everyone was much more at ease. Even Alister had calmed, thought she wasn't above making comments every once in a while.

Repairs were finally finished. The Silvana would be leaving soon, heading to Sophia's coronation. Tatiana and Claus would be flying ahead in her vanship to congratulate Sophia on behalf of the crew. Lavie had wanted to stay on board with Alvis, and Alister, still rooting for her friend, despite Tatiana's protest, had wanted to give her time with Claus. Dio had also eagerly volunteered to fly as well, and Alex had decided to allow it. The guild boys were now considered members of the crew, and friends rather than prisoners, if they had ever really been prisoners in the first place.

"Hey! There he is!" Dio shouted. He'd recovered surprisingly quickly the morning after eating the rum balls, and still continued to enthusiastically accept any kind of food or sweet he was offered much to Lucciola's anxiety.

They turned to see Mullin waving as he walked toward them, a girl walking beside him. Claus, and Tatiana both gasped recognizing the Disith girl from the desert. "Miss Dunya! I'm glad to see you are all right. You're training here too?" Claus asked.

Dunya Nodded. "I'm glad to see you're both all right too."

"I didn't think we'd ever see you again... Your family what happened to them? Do you know?" Claus asked.

Dunya smiled, nodding. "My little brother, and sister were brought over here safely on a ship. They're staying with a family in Norkia."

Claus smiled feeling relived. "That's great.. Eh... um.. This is Lavie, and Alvis, that's Alister, Charley, Dio, And Lucciola."

Dunya blinked looking over the group. "All of you.. live on the Silvana?" "What could a little girl possibly be doing on that ship?" She asked herself.

Mullin was about to say something, but only let out a squeak as Godwin's hand landed on his shoulder.

"So this is it huh?" Godwin said.

Kostavi walked over and looked Mullin in the face. "All this talk about being a brave musketeer, when the truth is."

"You're leaving us for a pretty girl." Gail finished frowning. Ethan nodded grimly.

"No, no that's not it at all!" Mullin said desperately. "I was leaving before I met Dunya, honest."

The mechanics ignored him. "You know what this means."Godwin said gravely. "It is our duty as your seniors to advise you!" and with that, much to Dunya's shock, Alvis' confusion, Dio's excitement as he grabbed Lucciola running off after them, and the annoyance of everyone else they dragged him off.

"Is it ok to let them..?" Dunya asked.

"Probably not, but they've been so mopey since he said he was staying here they just need to get it out of their system." Lavie said. "Don't worry they won't do anything permanent."

The letter looked aged by years already from how many times he'd read it.

I apologize for not contacting you directly. I still worried for the safety of the crew at the time, and knew Walker could be trusted to get the message to you. I assure you, I'm doing well. Marius' actions were unexpected, and painful, but I feel he is at peace now. Perhaps we will be able to honor his memory later. For now however I must concentrate on the future of the people.

I have met with the Commander in Chief of Disith's military, Nestor Messina. He is an honorable man, willing to make an alliance with us. I have been entrusted with a chart of the Grand Stream, and a recording of Exile's engine. With these I hope we can capture Exile, and end the tyranny of the guild once and for all. I know you are willing to help with this, but it's something I'd prefer to speak with you in person when we have the chance.

I'm glad you were able to talk to Lavie. I was planing to do so myself when Marius' message arrived. I'm sorry for not warning you about it, but I would like to remind you I was distracted.

I've included a formal invitation to my coronation with this letter. Though I doubt there is a chance of you being there in person, I know in spirit you will by my side.

I miss you, and the rest of crew. I hope to see you again soon.

With love, Sophia.

The ship was nearly ready to leave now. Just in time for the coronation. He wished he could be there personally, but considering the nobility's opinion of him, his mere presence would likely cause something disastrous, and he'd hate to ruin it for Sophia.

Resting his head on his hand, he looked over at the picture of himself with Euris, Hamilcar, and Georges. "What do you think about this?" He asked, gently running a finger down the length of Euris' hair. Things would be so different if she was still here, they would be married, have children by now. Euris had always wanted a large family, and Sophia would still be like a little sister to him. Instead he'd gone years without even being able to write to her, then the first time he'd seen her in years she hadn't been the little girl he remembered. They were both different now, and it had taken him time to come to terms with realizing that his love for Sophia was no longer brotherly in any sense, and the guilt that came with the realization. "Are you angry with me?" He sighed leaning back in his chair, asking more questions he knew would never be answered wasn't helping any.

He looked over the letter again. "I have been entrusted with a chart of the Grand Stream, and a recording of Exile's engine. With these I hope we can capture Exile, and end the tyranny of the guild once and for all." He looked at the tube where the last Mysterion from Marius was still sealed inside. He had learned three, but had no intention of learning the fourth. Delphine already knew he had the Hamilton Mysterion, and Alvis. She was likely to begin hunting him down. If the worst should happen, he couldn't tell what he didn't know.

She would begin looking for Dio as well. It would be an embarrassment to Eraclea family if Dio missed the Right of Agoon. At this point even if she came to the Silvana there was no where safe to send Dio, or Alvis. All he could do was fight and try to keep them safe, and he wasn't sure he could. Pushing the dark thoughts aside he, and setting Sophia's letter on his desk he headed to the bridge.

They stayed far enough from the ceremony to keep from being noticed, at least until the guild ship arrived. It rained blood-red rose petals as far as the eye could see. The color drained from Alex's face. The Maestro's flag ship was hanging right over Sophia's head, and there was nothing he could do. Even if Delphine attacked there was nothing he could do without making it worse.

"..Captain.." Campbell began.

"Locate Tatiana, and Dio immediately. Get them back to the ship." Alex ordered. "This is just a threat, she's just toying with us." He told himself trying to stay calm. "It wouldn't entertain her enough to end the game now. Please, please let this just be a threat.. If she attacks now..."

"Sir, Tatiana, is heading to the guild ship. Dio is... behaving very erratically." someone, Alex wasn't paying attention, said. Even as he spoke, the guild ship had begun to rise above the clouds again.

Alex let out the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "Tell Tatiana to find Dio, and bring him back here before he kills himself. Have a heavy cargo prepared I'm heading down there."

Campbell opened his mouth to protest as the captain left the bridge, but Wina stopped him. "Just let him go. You know you'll never talk him out of it."

Campbell sighed. "I know, I know... It's just... he's not thinking, just reacting. I just hope he doesn't end up doing something stupid."

Wina nodded.

When Alex reached the hanger, the heavy cargo was still being prepared. He let out a sigh of relief as the pilots returned. Tatiana immediately went to the heavy cargo where Alister was waiting, both looking angered, and worried. He was relived to see it looked like Dio had calmed once Delphine had left.

Claus tried to follow Dio, and speak to him, but stopped himself. He looked at Alex concerned. "I want help, but I don't even know what to say. I knew he was scared, I didn't know it was that bad though."

The others in the hangar looked concerned as well, but this was more directed at the captain than Dio. Some of them cringed when Alvis walked over with a rose petal in her hand. "Look! There all over aren't they pretty?"

"Er.. Al.." Lavie began frowning as Alvis began gathering the other petals.

Alex put his hand on Lavie's shoulder, and shook his head. "Let her be." He said quietly. The site of the damn things all over his ship made him furious, but Alvis was just a child enjoying the unexpected 'gift' completely unaware of its true meaning. He hoped it was something she would never learn.

Lavie was still frowning. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I just need make sure she's all right." Alex replied giving the shadow of a smile when she hugged him, despite the situation.

"What happened to not showing up, and ruining the coronation for Sophia?" Came Sybil's voice from behind them. She was glaring at Alex.

"In case you haven't noticed it's already been ruined. What I do now hardly matters." He said glaring right back as he headed toward the heavy cargo.

"It sure as Hell matters if they pull guns on you as soon as you land!" Sybil said angrily following him.

"I'm not sure how long I'll be gone. Campbell is in charge until I return." Alex said completely ignoring her, as the door shut, and the heavy cargo prepared to take off.

"If you get shot, you can stitch your damn self up!" Sybil shouted angrily after the departing vanship.

Lucciola stood out of sight not far from Dio. The Maestro would come for them soon. There would be no stopping her. "Unless she never finds us.." He thought, reaching up to the communicator he wore on his ear. He could break it, crush it to dust, Delphine wouldn't be able to track them then. If she found them anyway..If she already knew where they were, and Dio missed the Right. Lucciola lowered his hand leaving the device where it was. Delphine had no mercy not even for her brother. "I'm sorry Lord Dio. As long as you live, you have a chance to be happy, to be free someday. I will do anything to ensure that, even if you hate me for it."

There was an old manor next the coronation site. It belonged to the noble family who looked after the grounds there. They had agreed earlier to sign the treaty here, Delphine's appearance had delayed that. Fortunately the Maestro's "gift" had brought new resolve to the alliance. Sophia's refusal to retreat from Delphine's threat had also impressed several of the Disith leaders present.

Sophia frowned as she was assisted by two maids in changing from her ceremonial robes. The three of them were distracted by raised voices outside. Sophia still in her white gown frowned as she went to the door. "What is going on out here?" She stopped, shocked at the sight of Alex there, being blocked by Vincent, both glaring furiously at one another. "Alex? What are you?.."

Alex pushed Vincent out of the way, reaching her he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine. What are you doing here? This isn't safe fo.."

Alex pulled her into his arms, holding her against his chest. She could feel his heart racing. "I couldn't do anything." He whispered. "Even if she had attacked, there was nothing... I was so afraid.."

The two young maids peeked out the door for a moment before looking at one another, and retreating back into the room closing the door behind them. If one listened closely they'd have heard quiet giggling on the other side.

Vincent stood where he'd been left, jaw clenched so tightly his teeth were in danger of cracking, fist in tight balls at his sides. He found himself suddenly, unexpectedly, in the last situation he's ever want to be in. The sheer intimacy of the embrace, how Sophia reached up clasping one of his hands, as Alex shifted to let her move her arms, the way she rested her head against his chest, told him they'd forgotten he was there. He might as well have walked in on them making love.

He jumped when a hand landed on his shoulder. Duke Mad-Thane, followed by Nestor Messina both looked on with curiosity and concern. He'd rushed out of the room where the leaders had gathered to wait for Her Majesty to change and sign the treaty, making quick excuses when he'd looked out a window, and seen the Silvana's heavy cargo land on the lawn. He'd wanted to make sure Alex didn't walk into a room of people who'd happily kill him on sight. He found himself almost bitterly regretting that choice, and he hated himself for it.

Vincent followed the men to a nearby empty room giving Alex and Sophia their privacy.

"I'd take it that is the infamous Captain Row then? Considering his reputation, he's not exactly what I was expecting." Nestor said sitting, watching Vincent slump into a chair across from him.

"Yeah, he tends to do that to people..." Vincent said morosely. "I knew this would happen. I knew it the moment she told me she'd been assigned to the Silvana. A lot of girls at the academy were after him, but he only ever had eyes for Euris... till now anyway..."

David raised an eyebrow. "You really think the relationship is that serious?"

"Definitely. If it wasn't, he wouldn't be having such a hard time acting in a professional manner about this. He's the same way with the kids, even Alvis already. That's why my fleet is now a scrap heap rusting away at the Dragons Fangs." Vincent said flatly leaning his head against the back of the chair.

"Kids?" Nestor raised his eyebrow again.

Vincent nodded. "He certainly doesn't look the part, but he's raising two kids since he was nineteen." He leaned forward resting his arms on his knees. "Alex was the survivor of the failed peace mission. Euris, Prime Minister Marius' daughter, and Alex's fiancé, Hamilcar Valca, and his navigator Georges Head all died in the Grand Stream. Hamilcar's son Claus, and Georges' daughter Lavie were both left in the care of Justina Valca, Lavie's mother died of complications the day Lavie was born. Justina couldn't deal with the grief, or stress however. She died about six months after losing her husband. Alex went to funeral and brought Claus, and Lavie back to the academy with him. It was only supposed to be temporary, but he's been taking care of them since then." He looked up seen the look of shock on Duke Mad-Thanes face. "What?"

"Claus Valca, and Lavie Head?... They were the pilot, and navigator who stayed at my home during the Norkia race... It was a favor to Marius. They delivered some messages to me from my family at the battle of Minagith. They vanished after the race, no one ever saw or heard from them again, Elisabeth, and Holly were worried. Do you know what happened to them?"

"They intercepted the courier hired to bring Exile's Key to the Silvana." Alex said entering the room and shutting the door behind him. "Both the pilot, and Miss Hamilton's caretaker who had been acting as his navi were killed. Claus and Lavie took over the mission, and completed it." He sat in another chair looking out the window at the people sweeping the rose petals off the grounds. "They wanted to write, and let your family know they were all right, but so many things happened so quickly they never got the chance."

David nodded, though Alex was still staring out the window. "Thank you. I'll let them know as soon as possible."

For a few moments there was absolute silence, then Vincent looked at Alex who was still staring out the window. "Did you have a nice talk with her?"

"You're taking us back to the Silvana after the treaty sighing." Alex said ignoring the question.

Vincent glared. "Says who."


Vincent frowned, leaning back in the chair again.

Nestor and David looked at one another. "Perhaps," Nestor said. "We should go back, and check on the others... Let these two talk." After they made their retreat, the silence returned.

"I'd expected you to be more angry about this." Alex eventually said quietly.

"I'm furious." Vincent replied. He stared at the ceiling. "But she's happy, you're happy, and I'm happy for you.. I'm just wondering how that works without my heart ripping itself in half."

"You'll look after her, and the children if somethi.."

"Dammit Alex! Don't, just don't."

"She's going to come after me Vincent. It's only a matter of time. I will fight with everything I have for them, but I don't know it I can win against her." He looked at Vincent, dark eyes betraying his fear. "I know I can count on you if something happens. I just want to hear it."

Vincent nodded. "You have my word." He said somberly.

They both turned hearing something at the door to see Sophia now changed standing there quietly. She smiled sadly. "We're ready for the sighing now." Both men stood, Sophia embraced Vincent, a silent apology making him wonder just how long she'd been standing there as he returned it.

Letting go, she turned to Alex. "That is a hideous dress." He said smiling. Sophia couldn't keep herself from laughing.

The room prepared for the signing burst into hushed whispers when Alex followed Sophia and Vincent in. Vincent knew it was a bold test of the new alliance, to see how they would react to him. Alex was arguably the most hated, and feared man on Prester, every man in the room probably had some kind of grudge against him. He was obviously here with Her Majesty's blessing however, to attack him would show disloyalty to the empress. He stood silently leaning against the wall near the door they had entered as the treaty was signed.

After the signing Sophia announced her intentions to go immediately and begin preparing for the Exile capture mission. Alex was given a few suspicious looks, and glares, but there was no hint of violence for the remaining time they were there, Sophia discussing the battle plans with the fleet commanders. Vincent was, however unable to relax until they were aboard the Urbanus.

Sophia spent much of trip talking with Tatiana and Alister. Vincent attempted to give Alex a tour, but he refused. When they reached the Silvana, before a flare could even be sent out Alex grabbed one of the intercom microphones. "Wina, I know you can hear me. If I end up dying on this thing with Alzey, I swear I will fight my way back out of Hell and make all of you regret it."

Vincent glared. Sophia was trying not to laugh, and failing.

On the Silvana Wina preparing for a possible battle along with the others suddenly stopped. Her face brightening. "Wait! It's ok. They're bringing the captain back. Sophia... er I mean Her Majesty is with him!"

When the heavy cargo landed on the Silvana, Claus, Lavie, and Alvis were running to greet them.

Lavie hugged Sophia. "We missed you so much!"

"I missed all of you too." Sophia said smiling.

Alvis was watching Vincent curiously. "Who are you?" She asked.

Vincent Smiled. "You must be Miss Hamilton. I am Admiral Vincent Alzey Captain of the...Urbanus?.." His smug expression changed to confusion as Alvis ran, and hid, peeking out angrily at him from around the side of the heavy cargo. "Was it something I said?"

"You were going to take me away!" Alvis shouted.

"Er well. I had orders and.."

"And you fought with Alex, and Lavie got hurt!"

Vincent looked at Lavie distressed. "You were hurt? No one said anythi.."

"And then Claus and Tatiana got lost, and we crashed, and when they came back Tatiana was in a dress!" Alvis finished.

"I...that was...what?"

Tatiana still in the pilot's seat waiting to take Vincent back to his ship, sunk down where no one could see her. Alis was laughing. Alex honestly felt sorry for Vincent, knowing he was just as responsible for what had happened that day. It didn't stop him from having to pretend to cough to cover up his own laughter.

Sophia smiled sympathetically at Vincent, before walking over to Alvis and sitting in front of her ignoring that she might get dirt or grease on the heavy silk gown. "Alvis. Admiral Alzey didn't do those things because he wanted to. He's very sorry about what happened, and now he's here to help us stop the fighting. All right?"

Alvis still frowning looked from Sophia to Vincent. Alex standing next to Vincent quicky elbowed him, mumbling. "Apologize."

Vincent quickly bowed at the waist. "I'm very sorry for what happened, Miss Hamilton, and I promise to do my best to make up for it." He lifted his head smiling at Alvis hopefully.

Alvis seemed satisfied and allowed herself to be lead away by Lavie, Sophia had gotten up and was walking toward the doors with them.

"Well, that wasn't over dramatic at all." Alex said. Vincent frowned at him but he'd already turned to Claus as they followed the girls. "How is Dio?" He asked.

Claus shook his head. "He still won't talk to anyone, even Lucciola. I'm worried about him. Al too. I know everyone is doing their best to keep her safe... I just wish I could do more myself."

"... Who is Dio?" Vincent asked.

"The Maestro's younger brother." Alex answered.

"Oh," Vincent said before stopping dead in his tracks. "WHAT!?" He grabbed Alex, and stared at him.

Claus paused but Alex waved a hand letting him know to continue on his own, the boy shrugged and followed after the girls.

"You..." Vincent began. "You have the Maestro's little brother on your ship?... What is he doing here? Do you know how dangerous this is?"

Alex sighed. "Of course I know how dangerous it is, but we weren't that much safer before. He's pretending to be a prisoner of war while hiding from his sister. He's been helping us, he doesn't want her to win any more than we do. ...And he had his first hangover with us, so as far as the crew is concerned he's practically family now." Alex replied before turning and walking again.

Vincent stood in shock, mouth gaping for a few moments before he rushed to catch up with Alex.

Later, after returning to the Urbanus Vincent sighed. "Me, and my big mouth." He thought. "You knew she was going to stay, and you couldn't keep your mouth shut could you, Alzey?" He looked over morosely, as Roumolt placed the imperial banner back in its case and sent an ensign to store it. "Almost calling the Silvana a piece of shit in front not only Sophia, and Alex but the entire bridge crew. Alex is never going to let me hear the end of this, I just know it." Pushing the thoughts a side he began giving orders to prepare for the Exile mission

All around them the ship was preparing, they hadn't been aboard for the last mission that took the Silvana to the Grand Stream. Claus and Lavie watched out the window as the churning clouds grew closer. Alex had let them go out into it once. To stand there, and feel wind themselves. It had been so cold they hadn't been able to stay out long. Alex who had gone out with them soon had them back inside to warm themselves. Even with all the protective clothing, and safety lines he'd held onto the two of them so tightly. Lavie still remembered how reassuring his grip had been even though it hurt. Without thinking she reached over taking Claus' hand, he squeezed back. "We're coming Dad," She thought determined. "We're almost ready now. Dad, Mom, Uncle Hamilcar, Aunt Justina, Auntie Euris. Keep watching, you'll see. We'll make you proud."

In the kitchen Alvis was quite determined herself as Briand assisted her learning to bake a cake. No matter where they had been, or what had been going on, there had always been time for birthdays. She remembered that. There was always a cake, Guita made the best cakes. She wanted to make a cake Guita would be proud of. She wanted Dio to have a good birthday, and be happy.

The days seemed to last forever with everyone trying to remain quiet as possible so Wina, and the others could listen for Exile. Hardly anyone slept when given the chance. The storm of war was building. Delphine would soon make her move, here the Silvana and Urbanus were utterly cut off from any assistance. Dio's sudden turn of mood had everyone worried for him. At Reciuse's request, Sophia asked Dio to be Claus Navi on the mission to capture Exile, but his fear of Delphine made him unwilling to fly.

Alex, returning to the bridge from his room after being ordered by Sophia to try and get some rest passed Alvis, smiling brightly as she headed down the hall. "What are you up to?" He whispered, kneeling so she could speak to him quietly. He was relieved to see at least one person not buried under the anxiety of the situation.

"Promise you won't tell?" Alvis asked, as she looked about to make sure no one else was there. Alex nodded. "It's a surprise for Dio. A birthday party, I'm even making a cake for him!" She whispered excitedly.

Alex couldn't help but smile at her. He knew what this birthday meant to Dio. He hoped Alvis' gift would have the intended effect. "I wish I'd known sooner, I'm afraid a gift from me will have to wait. Wish him a happy birthday from the bridge crew, all right?" Alvis nodded, and they went their separate ways. He still hadn't gotten any sleep, but he was feeling better than he had since entering the Grand Stream.

After what seemed like and eternity, they finally found Exile. It was nearly over, they had nearly won, but Alex couldn't rid himself of the foreboding feeling in his heart. It seemed Alvis' gift had worked after all, Claus was heading out, Flying in the Grand Stream for the first time, Dio was going with him. He sent Sophia to get Alvis, watching the endless storm outside the ship. "Euris, Hamilcar, Georges. Please protect them, from the wind, from Exile, from whatever else may find us." He turned as Sophia entered with Alvis. Pushing back his anxiety, he lead Alvis to where he could speak to her alone, as the sounds of mission communication followed them, so did Sophia entering and shutting the door behind them. "Alvis," he began kneeling in front of the girl as he usually did when he spoke to her. "I'm sorry, you've never been told why you were brought here were you? Why the guild has always been chasing you?"

The girl shook her head frowning. "Does it have something to do with why Claus is out there?"

Alex nodded at her. "Exile, what Claus, and the others have been sent after, is the key to saving this world. But before we can use Exile,... we need to wake it up. You are the only one who can do that."

"Me?..." Alvis looked frightened, turning to Sophia for comfort, wishing Lavie was there. "Why me?"

"I don't know." Alex replied honestly. "And I wish it wasn't, I would never wish this on any child." He added to himself. "But you are the only one who can. Will you help us?"

"Will it stop the fighting?" The girl asked apprehensively.

Alex hesitated. It would. Exile was the second King to Alvis' first on the board of this hellish game of chess they were all trapped in, whoever had it would win but how it was won... Why did the key, the most vital part of this have to be a child? Before he could find the answer, they were interrupted by the news that one of the ships had been lost. They returned to the bridge. "What's going on?"

"Ship four has been lost, Sir. Ships one, and five are proceeding with the mission."

Alvis stood next to him, putting an arm around his leg whimpering softly, he gently placed a hand on the top of her head. He let out breath he hadn't known he'd been holding when the news came that Claus, and Dio had succeeded and were returning safely. Alvis excited at the announcement let go of him jumping excitedly. He decided it was time to talk to Sophia. Leading her back to his cabin, he took the message tube from where he had left it on the desk. "The Mysterion are here, all of them. I've memorized three, but I don't know the last." He said placing it in her hand.


"There is still time for her to try something, even now. She already knows, and will come after me. If something happens, you must take Alvis and escape."

"Alex... I.."

"We are under attack! We've been boarded by the guiack..."

Sophia froze clutching the message tube. Alex clenched his teeth. Taking out their weapons, they went toward the hanger. "Dammit." Alex growled in frustration. "There's no way we can make it to Alvis before they do, I've got to try and save her. We need to get you off the ship somehow."

Sophia nodded, as much as hurt to leave them in this situation the guild must not be allowed to get the Mysteria. "There's no way Vincent could send anyone, what do we.." They both stopped at the sound, turning and aiming their weapons only to see Tatiana, and Alister.

The girls were unfazed, carrying weapons of their own. "The heavy cargo is still flight ready in the hanger. We'll take you to the Urbanus, if we can get to it." Tatiana stated quietly.

They managed to stay out sight and reach the heavy cargo. On the way they learned the Maestro herself had come. Alex saw that Claus, and Dio had returned, Delphine would most likely have Dio as well. That was two to save now, he needed to keep level headed to do this. He picked off the guild members he encountered as he waited for them. When the Maestro and her entourage arrived, he saw the last thing he expected to see, she had Claus with her. His forced calm cracked. Now confronted with not only the woman he hated more than anything else in the world, but also the thing he feared more than anything. He'd been prepared fo her to have Alvis, he'd been prepared for her to have Dio. He was not prepared for her taking Claus from him as well, and he wasn't about to allow it.

In the fight that ensued, Delphine cheerfully used Alvis as a shield. This arrogant move is what caused Alex to cross a line where he'd gone beyond the reach of rage, of pain, of anything but the complete resolution to eliminate the one who had just so brazenly, proudly, happily threatened one of his children. When Cicada hit him, the blow to the back his neck should have sent him to floor, blacking out from the pain, but he barely felt it. Only stumbling slightly from the force of it as he continued on. Regaining his footing he drove the blade he held into Delphine's eye. She screamed, reeling back in pain, and shock before the blade could go too deep. She kicked Alex in the stomach, knocking him back into Cicada who now fully intended to kill captain, no longer caring he might be the only one who knew all the mysteria.

Claus had grabbed Alvis and carried her away from the fighting. He held her to his chest shielding her eyes from the further violence. Looking back he saw Cicada about to stab Alex between the shoulder blades but before he could even cry out Dio had rushed forward kicking Cicada. Lucciola immediately moved to protect Dio. Other guild's men appeared from elsewhere in the ship. It was clear to Claus that there was some kind of shift in alliances. Lucciola and two other boys in the same white guild clothing attempting to circle Dio protectively facing Cicada, and the men in gray. It was at this point that Claus realized both Alex and Delphine had gone.

Delphine made her way through the halls of the Silvana. She was in pain, she was frightened. She'd never been frightened before, no one had ever wounded her before. Panicked she searched desperately for some escape, some place to hide. She didn't realize Alex had followed her until she heard the shots behind her. Her attempt to get away had just given him time to reload. One shot hit her in the leg, nearly sending her to the floor, another shattered her headdress, grazing her face. Despite the pain she scrambled for the next door she saw, throwing it open she went into a storage room. What was left of her headdress hanging off the collar of her suit, her long snow colored hair coming loose fell down her back, and over her shoulders. Locking the door, she searched for a place to hide. "All I have to do," she thought desperately. "Is wait for Cicada. Then I'll make that surface born beast pay." Her panic heightened when she heard a single gunshot, and the door open. Taking shelter amongst the shelves in the back of the room she listened as what sounded like a loaded shelf came crashing to the floor. It was most likely blocking the door way now. The next thing Alex did, was shoot out all the lights. With her headdress broken she couldn't use her night vision mask, neither of them could see.

"How dare you treat me this way! I own this world. I own you." She said perhaps it was the blood loss catching up with her, the wounds were bleeding quite heavily. Maybe feeling fear for the first time was just too much for her. Whatever the cause she unthinkingly kept talking, when she should have stayed silent. "You should be honored, and grateful that I've graced a dirt crawler like you with my presence!" She laughed softly. "I know who are, I know everything. You're that stupid pilot from the Grand Stream. I bet you thought I'd forgotten all about it. I would never forget anything so entertaining. You were going to marry that half breed... Marius Bassianus defiled the entire guild when he married that woman, and then they had that...thing. I will never allow such a thing to happen again. Guild blood must remain pure. Eraclea blood must remain pure!" She got up limping heavily, as she shuffled in the dark, she bumped into things. Her hair was clinging to blood where they met, the feeling it left caused her no end of irritation. Even in the pitch black it felt as if the room had begun to spin, tiny lights danced in front of her eyes. Why, she began to wonder, had she ever been afraid of the filthy creature? She was Delphine after all, Maestro of the guild she owned the world, was loved by all. "...Only.." came a tiny whispery voice she recognized, but couldn't place. "That's a lie. Everyone obeys you, but do any of them love you?" It asked.. It sounded, she realized like her long dead mother. "You can make them say they love you as much as you want, you can even make them think they do, but no matter what you do, you can never make it the truth. You'll always know that." It was the same thing the woman had said so coldly, and calmly just before Cicada had slit her throat. "SHUT UP!" Delphine screamed out in the dark, as she stumbled. She'd always hated her mother even when she was small, she'd never forgiven the woman for denying her the satisfaction of seeing her fear, and pain before she was killed. "This world is mine, ...everyone.. loves me.."

In the dark a gunshot went off, the bullet hitting her in the back, tearing through her abdomen, she collapsed. She turned as Alex lit one the emergency lanterns kept in the storage rooms. She stared at him, he showed no emotion as set the lantern on a shelf and walked toward her raising a pistol. No longer thinking at all she gathered what was left of her strength, letting out an animalistic scream as she threw herself at him in an attempt to take the gun.

A shot rang out. In the dim lantern light she stared at him as she slid to the ground. Somehow still living even with the gunshot wound going through her neck. She gurgled, trying to breathe, all that came out of her mouth was blood. She continued staring at Alex as he calmly reloaded. She couldn't move. Voices could be heard outside now. The door was forced open and light flooded in, whatever had been blocking the door was being moved. Someone managed to enter, a very familiar voice filled with fear, and concern called out a name, it wasn't hers.

Alex fired one last shot, and Maestro Delphine died. The last thing she saw was Dio rushing around the shelves.

Alex stared down at the body, He'd always thought he'd have some feeling of triumph at this moment, that he'd feel like gloating, but all he felt now was relived, and exhausted, and would very much have just like to collapse there, and rest as the pain he'd ignored during the fight caught up to him. He turned as Dio slowly came to stand beside him. "There's blood on you. Are you hurt?" He asked putting his weapon away.

Dio shook his head still staring at the corpse of his sister. "I'm fine... It's from getting Lucciola to Sybil. He was hurt fighting his brother, but she said he'd be all right. The crew is being released now. Most of them are unharmed. My sister's surviving guards have been captured." He continued to stare even after the door way had been cleared, and one of the crew members that had covered Delphine with a tarp.

Alex turned to leave, but seeing Dio still motionless, and staring, he reached over, gently pulling him away. "Dio. She's gone, come back to the hangar with me, let them take care of it."

They went silently back to the hangar, where the crew had already been released. Two guild boys in white were standing guard over three men in gray. Cicada was laying among the dead. The crew was working quickly to get the ship back in order. Lavie seeing Alex unharmed almost cried with relief as she ran over hugging him. Alvis followed hugging his leg. He was relieved the girl wasn't terrified of him after what she'd been forced to watch.

"I'm, not hurt. Are you all right?" He asked returning Lavie's embrace with one arm while placing a comforting hand on Alvis' head.

"We're ok." Lavie said.

"What happened to that scary lady? She hurt a lot of people, and she was going to take me and Claus away." Alvis asked.

"She can't hurt anyone anymore, Alvis." Alex said quietly. Seeing Claus approach, he looked the boy over but could see no injuries. "Are you all right?" He asked just to be sure.

Claus nodded. "She's...gone then?" he asked.

Alex nodded. Seeing they were all unharmed he was about to excuse himself needing to return to the bridge and head the search for the Urbanus, when there was a sudden ruckus from the surviving guilds' men. It seemed they had been told of the Maestro's Death, some weren't taking well.

One however was already attempting to take advantage of the situation. It seemed to Alex to be a tiny hint at what was to come in the near future. "I Phalaena, will fully support Maestro Dio in reaching his goals!"

"That didn't take long, considering she isn't even cold yet." Alex said having left the kids to join Dio, who was giving the speaker an annoyed look.

"That isn't the way things are done, Phalaena, and you know it." Dio said frowning. It was obvious to see from his that posture something had changed about the boy. "Apis, Coccinella, keep watch over them. I need to talk with the captain." Both boys bowed as Dio and Alex turned to walk back to lift that would take them to the bridge. Lavie and Claus watched them go anxiously before returning to help the mechanics get the hangar back in order.

"So what happens now?" Alex asked as the lift began to rise.

"I'm not sure," Dio replied honestly. "No Maestro has ever died without a replacement being picked..somehow.." He frowned. "Delphine changed what being Maestro meant. A lot of people are going to want that power."

"And the quickest way to get it will be to capture Exile." Alex said quietly. Dio nodded. "How well do you stand in this?"

"I have the most hierarchy as an Eraclea. Aligning my self with the surface countries will definitely cost me support though." He frowned. "It will be dangerous returning, I certainly don't want Phalaena with me. He's too much of a risk. Lucciola's wounds are bad enough he needs to stay here. I know I can trust Apis, and Coccinella, but I think one of them needs to be sent to the leaders of the unit capture mission. I don't know how this will affect it, but they need to be warned."

"That would probably be best, I doubt they accept a guild's man delivering a message from me though. We need to find Sophia. How long do you think we have until the guild realizes something has happened?"

"A few hours at least." Dio smiled a bit. "Thank you, by the way."

Alex looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"Alvis said you told her you didn't have anything to give me for my birthday... You gave me the one thing I never thought anyone could give me, I don't have to be afraid anymore."

Alex said nothing as they entered the bridge. The rest of the crew looked uninjured.

Campbell saluted. "We lost sight of Exile during the attack, Sir." He said grimly.

"There's nothing we can do about it for now." Alex said, though the frustration in his voice was obvious. "We need to find the Urbanus, and Sophia. Wina, keep alert we need to avoid and guild ships we might come across."

"Yes, Sir."

Finding the Urbanus was no easy task, but within hours Sophia, Tatiana, and Alister had returned safely to the Silvana. Sophia was shocked, and relived to see Alvis still there. She looked over line of bodies as the situation was explained to her. Apis, and Coccinella bowed their heads in respect as she passed them on the way to the lift. Claus, Lavie, and Alvis joined her.

"We're glad you're ok, we were really worried she might have sent someone after you." Claus said. He frowned. "I think Dio is planing to go back to the guild on his own. One of the men down there was already calling him Maestro..."

Sophia bit her lip. Delphine may no longer be an issue, but how would the guild react to the sudden massive void of power her death would leave? They needed to find Exile again, soon. That was the only chance of ending this now. When they reached the bridge Dio, and Alex were still talking quietly. Despite the situation Dio smiled brightly at them.

"Are both of you all right? I heard Lucciola was injured.." Sophia said as she walked over to them. Alex took one of her hands squeezing gently, she smiled.

"He'll be ok, but he won't be able to come with me back the to the guild. He isn't going to like that." Dio said frowning.

Sophia nodded. "We'll do our best to keep him out of trouble. We need to decide what to do right now. The fastest way to end this is capturing Exile, but we won't be able to offer you any support on your guild campaign."

Dio shook his head. "You need to put everything you have into capturing Exile. Don't worry about me. There will be opposition when I make my claim on the title of Maestro, but I know I'll have support within the guild..." He looked worriedly at Alvis, out of the corner of his eye. "What I'm concerned about... is what whatever factions form in the guild might come after.."

Later in the hangar Dio, was preparing to return to the guild with Apis. Coccinella was being sent with an urgent message to Duke Mad-Thane, and Commander Messina from Sophia, explaining the situation, but cautioning that even Dio did not know what would come of it. The surviving guild's men were being taken to holding cells Phalaena was putting up quite a fight when Lucciola limped in his arm in a sling. "Lord Dio! Please at least let me go with you!"

Phalaena arms still bound, had managed to get away from the crew members taking him to the brig. Kostavi and Gale quickly grabbed him. "Maestro! He is useless to you! Take me with you! I will support you to victory, you don't need to lower yourself to aligning with these lesser..." Just after something struck him in the neck his words began to slur, and he soon slumped over the tranquilizer dart still sticking out of his neck.

Sybil, custom-made tranquilizer gun still in hand, walked over to Lucciola glaring at him. "What part of "stay in bed, or you might aggravate your injuries" did you not understand?"

Lucciola honestly nervous opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by Alex.

"You actually have a tranquilizer gun.." He said dully.

She gave him a flat look. "I told you about this ages ago."

"I thought you were joking."

"Well, I thought you'd be the first person I used it on, now if you'll excuse me I have a patient to... Where. Did. They. Go?"

In a quiet room off to the side where Dio had dragged Lucciola, he hugged his shocked servant, and friend being careful of his injuries. "I'm sorry, Lucciola. I got so wrapped up in how I was feeling... I never thought about how you might feel... I do that a lot don't I?"

"Lord Dio..."

Dio stepped back smiling at him. "The most important person in the world to you is me right?"

...Lord Dio.. I.."

"Well we've made a lot of friends here, Immelman, and Alvis, and Lavie, and well everyone, but the most important person in the world to me is still Lucciola. I need you to stay here and help them capture Exile in whatever way you can... I wish you could come with me, but I don't want you to get hurt any more."

Lucciola blinked still shocked before smiling. "I understand, Lord Dio. I will wait here for your return."

They both jumped when Sybil threw the door open looking furious. She glared at Lucciola. "Go to the infirmary, and get back in that bed now, before you end up like the loud mouth, brown noser."

"Er... Yes, Ma'am." Both boys stepped out of the room quietly keeping wary eyes on Sybil as they did so.

As Lucciola, and Sybil headed back to infirmary Kostavi gently patted him on the shoulder. "Don't feel too bad kid. Even the captain is scared of Sybil."

At the starfish he was taking Dio was saying goodbye to Claus, Lavie, and Alvis. Coccinella had already left, and Alex had returned to the bridge.

"You better be careful! We don't want to have to come save you." Lavie said trying not to sound worried.

"Don't worry! We have a lot more birthdays to celebrate after all don't we?" Dio said cheerfully. Lavie nodded.

Claus handed him the goggles he'd given Dio as a present. "I know you don't really need them, but you never know... You and Lucciola are part of our family now, you know. We'll all be waiting for you to come back."

Dio's smile brightened at the words, as he pulled the goggles over his head putting them around his neck.

"You'd better not try to show off and end up doing something stupid, either." Said Tatiana as she walked over to join them.

"Oh!" Dio stopped suddenly reaching into a pocket of his clothing. "We took these off Cicada and the others. They can't use them anymore. Lucciola has his, and I already gave one to Alex." He handed Claus, and Tatiana each one of the tiny transmitters. "Just in case, right?" The others nodded. Dio and Apis were soon on their way.

In the infirmary Lucciola just caught sight of them through the window. He bit his lip as the pair of starfish went off into the storm. Charley still on light duty put a hand on his shoulder. "I know how you feel, wanting to be with them when you can't. Try not to let it get to you."

"Sir, a guild starfish has been spotted... It is requesting permission to board."

Duke Mad-Thane frowned. Guild members never requested permission to board a ship, they automatically had the right to do so if they wished. "It's the only one?" he asked, he wondered if this could be one of the guild boys who had allied with Her Majesty.

"Yes, Sir."

"Allow them to board, but have the pilot watched carefully."


Coccinella remained quiet, as he followed the officer sent to escort him to the bridge. Entering he bowed before handing the message tube to the officer. "My name is Coccinella, I am servant of Lord Dio. I was sent with an urgent message from Empress Sophia."

Duke Mad-Thane read the message his frown increasing as he did. "Have couriers send urgent messages out at once. The Maestro has been assassinated, attempting to take the Exile Key from the Silvana."

There were several shocked gasps, one of the other bridge officers quickly left to personally deliver the message, knowing they needed to be cautious to keep the guilds' men unaware of what was happening.

Mullin was quietly telling Dunya about life on the Silvana when an ensign ran in whispering excitedly to an older musketeer, it wasn't long before the news was quietly passed to everyone. Mullin quietly looked at the ceiling. There was no information on what had happened to any of the crew. Dunya placed a comforting hand on his arm.

On the Urbanus, Vincent finished his cup of coffee. "What did I tell you, Roumolt. Never mess with the cubs when Mama Bear is around."

Roumolt took the empty cup from his captain. "Accurate as it may be, Sir, I don't think he will appreciate the analogy."

Vincent blinked before looking to see the communication line still open. He smacked himself in the forehead.

On the Silvana Alex glared at nothing in particular, while Lavie snickered, and several others tried not to laugh.

Sophia opened her mouth, only to be interrupted by a quiet but firm, "Don't say a word."

Dio, and Apis landed in the starfish bay. He nodded to Apis as they quietly went made their way to where the leaders of what were left of the guilds noble families were meeting. They turned as Dio entered.

"My Lord,..Y..you've returned... it's good to see you safe..." said one of the older guilds' men. Dio recognized him as Lando patriarch of the Claymore family. "Where is the Maestro, and the Key to Exile? Why are they not with you?" He asked. "It's nearly time for the Right to begin the children are waiting... You should be preparing as well."

"There will be no Right this year." Dio said with authority in his voice none had heard from him before. Walking past them to one of the terminals he opened a communications line that would reach the entire guild, and anyone with a guild communicator. "Maestro Delphine is dead. I Dio Eraclea, Head of House Eraclea, now make my claim on the title of Maestro. For too long we have lived separately from the surface countries, believing ourselves above them. I believe this path will lead only to our eventual downfall, for this reason I have formed an alliance with the leaders of Anatoray and Disith. With this union I hope to forage a new path to the future for all the people of Prester. I will accept any challengers to the title of Maestro, you are not slaves, you are not tools, you are people of the guild. It is time you to decide your own fates!"

In waiting room, little more than a fancy holding cell the children waiting to be prepared for the Right of Agoon listened silently. As Dio finished, they jumped when the guards suddenly opened the door. The younger brother of one of the guards looked them curiously. "Brother?"

"We are going to offer our support to Lord Dio. There is no reason to keep you here, do as you wish." The man said before turning. Several of the children followed the men.

The few who remained behind looked at one another fearfully.

On the Silvana Alex stood as the message ended "I have no doubt we are about to be in the middle of a guild civil war. We must proceed with the upmost caution as we search for Exile. Avoid any guild ships. We don't know who we can trust, and we will be attacked. All stations are to stay on high alert."

Hearing Dio's announcement end Mullin and the others having been prepared to take control of the claudia unit since Coccinella's message, got ready to attack. Before they could even enter blood sprayed across in the inside of the glass separating them from the unit interior. A fight to the death had suddenly broken out within. Breaking in, and not knowing what side they could trust, the musketeers took out the battling guild's men. They would find out later, this had been a common occurrence among the unit operators. Only five units had completely surrendered, nearly 60 tried or managed to detach. The rest had mostly killed one another. Mullin sat quietly back in the hall outside as others began operating the unit, Dunya sitting beside him smiled at him, he smiled back despite the pain both were in. Unwounded musketeers were tending to them. He'd taken a bullet to the shoulder protecting her, and she'd taken a bullet to leg protecting him after he'd been wounded. She rested her head on his good shoulder as they waited for the medics to arrive.

Dio looked around the secured rooms, once belonging solely to Delphine he'd decided to make his headquarters. Only he, Delphine, and Cicada had, had unlimited access to the area that made it the perfect place for his headquarters.

The claudia units hadn't been the only place chaos had erupted after Dio's announcement. He'd been fully prepared to join the battle that had immediately erupted there only to have Apis, Lando, and his wife Vivia drag him out of the room as others as others ensured their escape. Forming a base of operations had been Lando's idea. The older man had appointed himself a much needed adviser to Dio. With the help his own followers were being organized, despite the chaos in the rest of the city. Dio had made his first objective to gather those who couldn't fight, the children, and those elderly Delphine had allowed to live, and evacuate them to safety. The ships they hadn't been able to secure were already launching, to fight one another or search for Exile, and the Silvana.

Sophia gave Alex a worried look as they listened to Dio's message. "You don't have any idea how many left?" she asked Dio.

"No, everything is chaotic here, we're just now getting our own faction organized. Others are slaughtering each other everywhere in the city. Hardly anyone even knows who is fighting for who, or what." Dio said frustration obvious. "All I've really managed, is to start getting those who can't fight evacuated. I'm sending them to Disith away from the battles."

Alex turned to Claus and Lavie. "Your vanship is fully repaired right?" The children nodded. "Good. This is dangerous, but your vanship is the only one built to handle flight in the Grand Stream. If we're attacked, you have to take Alvis away from here."

"Where should we go?" Claus asked

Sophia stepped over, handing him the message tube. "Find Exile. That is the only way to end this."

Claus took the message tube nodding grimly. Afterward he and Lavie took Alvis down to the hangar so they would be able to escape quickly if needed. Alvis clutched Lavie's hand all the way there to begin preparing their vanship.

At the guild city a young guild's man smiled smugly as he let the woman he'd killed falls, her blood pooling at his feet. His smile faded a bit seeing the look on his fathers face as he turned. "I really don't see what you are so worried about, Father. Eraclea has already shown his weakness running off to hide." They had just finished the take over, and slaughter of a smaller faction. None of them however it seemed had the numbers behind them Dio had gathered. The boy's dissolving of Agoon, had quickly gained him the loyalty of those whose children had been slated to participate. Now more and more guild people were being drawn to Dio's side, despite his alliance with the surface dwellers.

Justinian Verdine sneered at his son. "Silence Benicio. He's not hiding, he's organizing, planning something." A young woman entered the room and bowed. "Finally, what have you learned?" Justinian asked impatiently.

"Lord Eraclea has been evacuating those unable to fight." The woman stated.

Benicio scoffed. "We've taken out three rival factions in all this time, and he waists it on useless children, and old people who should have been dead years ago!"

His father struck him on the side of the head. "Idiot! This is why your brother is out heading the search for Exile, and its Key, and why you are here making me suffer your stupidity!" He shouted furious. "No wonder the people have been going to him in droves. Because you haven't the brain to notice, let me explain. Those useless children, and the elderly have families, families who will want them safe from harm. Whether by design for this outcome or purely altruistic, that move will have great deal of the people willing to put their faith in his leadership... it's the kind of thing Maestro Hamilton would have done." Justinian began talking with the other leaders of his faction. This move by Dio made his taking over, even with Exile under his control, uncertain.

Benicio said nothing but frowned. He hated his father, and his brother Magnus. He was the oldest, but Magnus had been favored by both his parents from the day he was born. If only the poison had killed the two of them when it killed his mother, then he wouldn't have to suffer this abuse anymore. Seeing no one paying attention to him he smirked and quietly slipped out to where several starfish were waiting. He'd take Exile for himself, perhaps use it to destroy the entire city, and wipe out the surface countries. "I can't kill everyone of course, I probably need to ensure the Key survives, and I'll need servants, and concubines." He thought smirking, as the starfish he'd stolen headed out into the Grand Stream.

Vivia, griped her husband's hand as the last of the refugees were boarding the final ship. She, and their daughter, Celano would be leaving with them. "We'll keep the ships in mountains. They'll have enough cover there even if the fighting does cross over to Disith. Please be careful, Love."

"I will, I wish I could go with you, but Lord Dio needs me here. Claudius, and Philip, have already gone to aid the empress's search for Exile. We'll have to begin preparing to battle the other factions soon. Look after them I'll see you when this is over."

Nodding tearfully Vivia kissed him before backing a way, Celano, still dressed for Agoon, hugged her father. They boarded the ship, and it left for the Disith mountains.

Apis stood beside Dio. "Out of those who remain here, it seems only the Verdine and Traious families have maintained strong factions this point. We are still unsure of who left in the first ships though."

Dio nodded. "Coccinella reported attacks on the Anatoray-Disith fleets. They're also fighting each other. Smaller factions may still have surviving fighters out there. With no way to show alliance ships of our own heading out to fight would only make it worse."

"Lord Dio." Two men walked in escorting a boy, a little younger than Dio. The boy bowed. "I am

Formica, a servant of the Traious family... There has been.. an incident. Lady Mercede now heads the family. They do not wish to fight you, as proof of their wish for alliance I bring you this." He handed Dio a message tube. "These are coordinates we have discovered for Exile's location, and an estimation of where it may be heading. I've been instructed to wait here for your response."

Dio took the message scroll and read the coordinates. "Lando. I need you to send these to your son's so they can confirm this."

"At once My Lord." Lando replied taking the message with him.

Dio frowned, he didn't know any of the Traious family well. Mercede was several years older than Delphine. If she was head of the family now, it meant both her parents were dead, her husband being of a lesser class was not eligible to lead, Arrigo, their son was only three. The wedding had been quite scandalous, and had it not happened while Maestro Hamilton was still alive it never would have been permitted. Whether the coordinates were true or not, he couldn't tell if this might be a trap. Still if there was any chance to dissolve another faction without more death, he had to take it.

Claudius, and Philip hid in the dark just barely avoiding a battle between several guild ships. "This is getting ridiculous, Claudius. I hope Mother, and the rest of the refugee ships are safe." Philip said he watched a distant ship explode, the winds of the Grand Stream ripping the burning remains apart.

"They should be. They headed directly away from the fighting. I'm more worried about those left in the city." Claudius replied. He was the eldest of the Claymore children.

"Claudius, Philip." Lando's voice came over the communicator. "I don't have much time, we've had trouble keeping frequencies secure. I'm sending you coordinates to where Exile might be. I need you to confirm it."

"Of course, Father." the young men replied.

On the Silvana, Ephemera, and Dorcus, the two other survivors of Delphine's guard slipped quietly through the halls of the ship. They had escaped, incapacitating their guards. They had left the men with a still unconscious Phalaena in the cell. "Are you sure we should be doing this?" Dorcus asked warily.

"We must prove our loyalty to Lord Dio somehow." Ephemera said quietly. "I do not think we will ever have the trust of the crew of this ship, but it will be attacked. We must do what we can to ensure Lady Hamilton's safety."

Both men stopped seeing another guild's man sneak across the fork in the hall in front of them. "That is not Lucciola." Ephemera said, eyes narrowing. Nodding to one another the two began following the lone intruder.

Moments later Sophia stepped tiredly out of the lift from the bridge. It had been Alex's turn to badger her into trying to rest, she'd decided to check on the children before heading to her room... Or maybe go sleep in Alex's room just to annoy him. She stopped, scream catching in her throat as she nearly ran into Benicio. She did scream just barely dodging his dagger, as she jumped back. She could hear other crew members alerted by her scream heading toward them. She turned the corner looking for help only to realize her pursuer hadn't followed. Several crewmen rushed around the corner, she quickly directed them to where she'd been attacked. She waited hearing nothing for a few moments, she wondered if she should draw her weapon and follow when one of the crew men returned.

"Er... I think we're ok, Ma'am." He said.

Sophia confused followed him to where the lone attacker had been apprehended by two of Delphine's surviving guards. The two men stood quite calmly surrounded by the anxious crewmen. "Someone go get Lucciola.." Sophia said, her frustration obvious

Nearly half an hour later Sophia was waiting as Alex interrogated the intruder. Delphine's guards men had been convinced to return to their cell by Lucciola. Alex stepped out with an odd look on his face. "Well?"

"He has to be the most idiotic person I've ever spoken too." Alex said. "He came here after Alvis, and the Mysterion, completely alone. He didn't even tell any of his allies he was leaving. No one knows he's here. I'm to inform you he'll be merciful if we surrender now... Who duct taped him to the chair?"

"I'm not sure." They turned as the door opened, and two crewmen came out carrying Benicio, chair and all, down to cells. Someone had put a gag in his mouth. "I spoke to Dio while you were in there. He's the eldest son of the Verdine family. He's also attempting to have possible coordinates for Exile's location confirmed. From what he's said it may now be down to his faction and the Verdine faction." Sophia finished.

"I suppose there's no chance of getting you to rest now." Alex said as they turned to go back to the bridge.

"Not now." Sophia replied as they entered the lift. She leaned against him tiredly, he leaned against the wall both of them were exhausted at this point.

They both jumped Dio's voice came over the guild communicator Sophia had been given. "The coordinates have been confirmed! Exile seems to be heading back to you, it may know Alvis is there, and is searching for her. We still have no idea what it's capable of. Be careful."

"Thank you, Dio. Take care your self." Sophia said unable to keep the relief from her voice. She smiled at Alex after the line closed. "So Exile is coming to us. What do you say we meet her half way?"

Alex nodded.

At the guild city, Formica lead Dio, and his chosen guards to a room where Mercede and her husband waited. Arrigo was nowhere to be seen, probably being kept somewhere safe. Both bowed. "You have confirmed the information then?" Mercede asked she was tall, and slender, her long, smokey gray hair kept back by a large gold band, and braided in three plaits, two over her shoulders one down her back. She wore the same uniform as any of the lesser, but still powerful guild families. Her husband, Anisoptera, still dressed as a servant, ash blond hair cropped short.

"Yes, the Empress of Anatoray is currently on route to capture it." Dio said watching the woman carefully.

Mercede nodded. "My parents, Disagreed with the direction you are taking, but could not agree with one another either." Frowning she was silent for a few moments. "I on the other hand have my son to think of. This world is dying, Lord Dio, Most of the guild has known this for some time. They do not however, realize how much we depend on the surface countries for our survival. If Anatoray and Disith die, the guild will die as well. Delphine's gluttonous rule has only hastened what Maestro Hamilton feared would happen."

"Maestro Hamilton?" Dio couldn't stop himself from asking about the man, Alvis' grandfather, who she never really got the chance to know. "How long has this been going on? How much did he know?"

Mercede sat, inviting Dio to do the same. Her husband, Formica, and the guards remained standing. "You're too young to remember those days aren't you?" She said smiling sadly. "The down fall truly began long ago when the knowledge of Exile, and our ancestors were lost. What has caused the devastation of this world was the Eraclea's neglect of the weather controllers. They ignored errors in the system for generations. Your father's obsession with Exile overtook his duties to this world, and Delphine didn't care."

"I'd never even heard of the weather controllers until my stay on the Silvana. I don't know anything about them."

Mercede nodded. "That is why Maestro Hamilton tried to pass the duty onto the Bassianus family. He also wanted to strengthen the bonds of the guild with the surface countries, using the wife, and daughter of Marius Bassianus."

Dio frowned, confused.

"You don't remember Euris? You were quite young when they had to flee, but I recall the two of you being very close. She and her mother, Cassandra were from Anatoray, members of the royal family. Lord Marius, and the Maestro wanted the guild's people to know people from the surface countries. Cassandra was the first surface dweller permitted into the city, she was the younger princess of Anatoray, and came as an ambassador. It took quite some time for anyone to accept her, even after Euris was born. Eventually Marius, and Maestro Hamilton hoped to hold councils with the leaders of both Disith, and Anatoray in the city. Delphine destroyed any chances of that when she took over."

Dio sat quietly as Mercede spoke, trying to grasp the fleeting fragments of memory. Long brown hair, warm brown eyes. He'd been fascinated, never having seen anyone who looked like that before.

"I wish you were my sister, instead of Delphine. None of her games are any fun." He said, looking up as he sat on the girl's lap.

She smiled, wrapping her arms around him. Her clothes were strange so many colors, and fabrics he'd never felt before. The dark blue dress she was wearing was his favorite, because it was so soft. She said it was made of something called velvet. Her long straight hair tickled his nose and cheeks. "Well, I wish I had a little brother just like you."

How could he have forgotten?

Another of the Traious family servants came rushing in. He bowed out of breath. "Lord Verdine has sent a formal challenge to you Lady Mercede. His forces are gathering in Maestro Delphine's garden."

Mercede calmly turned to Dio who nodded. "I accept your alliance, Lady Mercede. Apis, go gather everyone fit to fight. We're ending this now."

Mercede turned to Formica. "Take Arrigo, and the rest of the children left here to Lord Dio's base."

"How many ships do you have?" Dio asked.

"Around a hundred and fifty." Mercede answered.

"Good, we'll send the remaining children to the other refugees on one of my ships. We'll send the rest out to fight. Our combined numbers should have the advantage out there now. We've got to keep them from attacking the Silvana" Dio said, as they began to prepare for the coming battle. He had no idea he was already too late.

Magnus Verdine stood on the bridge of the Silvana facing Alex. The captain stood protectively in front of Sophia. "There is no need for that." Magnus said calmly. "I have no intention of harming anyone here. It would be too much of a risk."

Another guild's man walked in. "Lord Magnus a vanship managed to escape. Your orders?"

"A vanship? In these winds? Don't waste your time. Continue searching for the Key. Remember no one is to be killed."

"Sir." The man bowed, and left.

Magnus frowned, watching the man go. "What a foolish thing to do." He said more to himself than anyone present.

"No one is following us." Lavie said keeping an arm firmly around Alvis as they speed away from the Silvana. They had modified the belts for Alvis' safety, but she was still nervous especially here. Alvis whimpered softly, the sound nearly drowned out by the wind.

"Good. That will give us more time to get to Exile." Claus was putting Dio's advice on flying the Grand Stream to good use. They had the coordinates, and he knew Exile was heading roughly in their direction, they had to find it quickly.

In Lavie's lap, Alvis had stopped shaking. She could feel something. There were no words or even a sound, but somewhere someone, or something was asking "Where are you?"

"I'm here." She thought. Though she had no idea where "here" was, and had no idea how, she knew it had heard, and understood.

It was nearly half an hour later Magnus siting in the captain's chair frowned, they had torn the place apart and found no sign of the Hamilton child. "Where could they have hidden her? Was she somehow moved to the other ship?" His thoughts were interrupted when Benicio was escorted in. Magnus rolled his eyes as Benicio glared at him, the man still had some duct tape stuck to him. "Father said you'd run off somewhere. I didn't think you were really this stupid Benicio."

"I have had enough of your disrespectful behavior." Benicio said furiously.

"Respect has to be earned, Brother. That is something I fear you are incapable of." Magnus smirked. "Really the only people with less intelligence than you would have to be the vanship pilots..." He stopped smirk vanishing. He turned to Alex. "No... It can't be..."

Alex remained perfectly still, his face betraying nothing.

Magnus turned to one of his servants. "Find that vanship. I want it intact and everyone on it unharmed. The Key is there."

Dio watched the smug look on Justinian's face vanish as they walked into the massive dome of Delphine's rose garden. The flowers had been trampled, drying blood no longer matching the red petals it covered. Even some bodies had been left behind.

Dio stepped forward. "I accept your challenge. There is still time to end this without violence though."

"And be trampled by the worms you've bound yourself to?" Justinian, voice full of disgust sneered. "No. We are above them, and should remain so. Even Delphine was too lenient with those animals. Very well." He said stepping forward, unsheathing a sword. "I have no desire to spill any more of the guild's blood than necessary. We will fight just you and I."

Dio nodded. Apis stepped forward bringing him a sword. Mercede followed. "Be careful Lord Dio. He's old, but he was one of the most skilled fighters in his day."

"He's delaying for something." Dio said though he nodded at Mercede's words. "Send someone to Lando. We need to know what's happened to the Silvana.

"Of course." Mercede returned to the anxious crowd.

Somewhere in the Grand Stream Alvis turned looking around anxiously.

"Al? Are you ok?" Lavie asked.

"There." Alvis said pointing. "It's there. Waiting for me." In the direction she had pointed the massive shape of Exile broke through the clouds.

Lavie stared in shock, she nearly missed the starfish coming from Exiles direction. It didn't attack but kept pace with them.

Claus nervously picked up the communicator Dio had given him. It was risky, but considering it hadn't immediately attacked them he had to take the risk. "Um... This is Claus Valca, From the Silvana..."

"I am Claudius Claymore. What's happened? Father said they couldn't get a response from the ship." Claudius replied, still shocked at the sight on the vanship.

"The ship was taken over... lead by someone named Magnus. We have Alvis with us, but we don't know what's happened to anyone else." Claus said.

"This may work to our advantage. Lord Dio has been challenged by the head of the Verdine family. With both his sons on the Silvana we may be able to end this. We'll need reinforcements though. Please take Lady Hamilton to Exile. You will be safer there than anywhere else. I will.." Claudius suddenly cut off communication and flew quickly behind them. They could hear the sound of a battle hidden from sight in the clouds. Other starfish passed them heading toward the sounds.

Claus knowing he could do nothing else sped toward Exile. As they reached it, Exile reacted. A tentacle larger than their vanship came up to hover in front of them. Alvis stared as if hypnotized.

"Lavie," Claus said, staring in awe. "The Mysterion."

"R...right..." Lavie said fumbling for the message tube. She struggled to calm herself. "W..Wha..." Lavie paused smacking herself in the face. "Get a hold of your self, stupid." She growled. Taking a deep breath, she held the scroll up. "What lies beyond the furthest reaches of the sky?"

"That which will guide the lost child back to her mother's arms. Exile." Alvis answered in a hollow voice. Her entire body glowing. Exile reacted, the cocoon seemed to shift part of it glowing.

"The waves that flow and dye the land gold."

"The blessed breath which nurtures life. A land of wheat." Exile reacted again, and the entire Grand Stream seemed to shudder around them.

"The path the..." Lavie stopped screaming as starfish swarmed around them firing shots at each other. Exile began attacking the Starfish trying to protect Alvis.

"We have to get out of here!" Claus shouted flying from the chaos as quickly as he could. As he tried to escape a stray shot hit the vanship.

"Claus! The engine!" Lavie screamed out in panic. "We'll never make it!" She held onto the still hypnotized Alvis, praying the girl wouldn't awaken to realize what was happening.

A starfish grabbed the ship speeding away from the fight, and Exile. "Where is a place you can repair the vanship in Anatoray?" Lucciola's voice came over the communicator.

"Lucciola!" Lavie cried out in relief tears falling from her eyes.

"Casino Royal, or Horizon Cave. Walker will help us fix it quickly." Claus said, he was worried, but finding out what happened at the Silvana could wait.

Alex was keeping an eye on Sophia, as she spoke to Lucciola, Claus and Lavie over the communicator. She was terribly shaken by what had occurred, Magnus Verdine lay dead on the floor, eyes open but seeing nothing. Sophia couldn't look at him. It had been absolute bedlam when several starfish from Dio's faction had arrived to rescue them. On the bridge Magnus and Benicio fought for control. Alex had tried to stop them from putting the entire ship in danger, only to be thrown into Campbell. Sophia had been struck trying to get away from the brothers, while not seriously injured her glasses, and hair clip had been knocked away. Sophia was left dazed. Enraged Benicio threw a blade right at her, it would have gone right into her neck had Magnus not gotten in the way. The blade went into his chest with enough force to go right through the bone. He fell backwards onto Sophia, and after several minutes as she sat there staring in shock, died on her lap.

Benicio fled escaping the ship. Alex went to Sophia helping her up asking frantically if she was hurt. "He...He called me Euris." She said softly. Alex wrapped his arms around her, she was shaking. They had still been in danger of the guild airship, Magnus had been in control of when the Urbanus arrived for an incredibly reckless rescue. Driving one of the chainsaw wings into the ship before firing right into it, to separate the ships. As soon as communications were opened Vincent was on the receiving end of a furious rant from Alex about how stupid he'd just been.

His response, "Aww, You really do care!" left Alex sputtering.

He'd remained speechless until they'd gotten the message from Lucciola. He'd found Claus and the others, but the vanship had been damaged. He was taking them somewhere safe for repairs, and they would devise another plan to get Alvis safely to Exile there.

Alex was distracted from his thoughts when the Claymore brothers followed by crew members finally coming to take Magnus' body away entered. The brothers bowed. "The ship has been searched," Philip said. "All the surviving members of the Verdine faction onboard have been subdued. If you will allow it, we would like to remain incase of another attack."

Alex nodded. "That's fine, if you have the people to spare however, I want as many as are available to help Lucciola protect Alvis, and the others."

Both men nodded, and without a word Claudius left.

Benicio laughed as he flew the stolen starfish away from the Silvana. "Ah, my poor dear little brother. I never thought your absurd affections for that disgusting half-breed would be so useful." He frowned thoughtfully. "Funny though, I thought she was dead.. No matter I will personally rectify that error." Seeing a piece of duct tape still stuck to his sleeve he snarled and ripped it off, only yo have it stick to his hand. Enraged, and continuing to fuss with the tape he failed to notice the Disith ghost ship until he crashed into it. Finding himself stuck, he fought his way though to the interior, only to have the now far too damaged, and over heated starfish completely shut down on him.

Dio and Justinian faced one another in the Dome of Agoon. They had removed their communicators, which was why they remained unaware of what had happened on the Silvana. They were so intent on one another, each waiting for the other to make the first move they missed everything going on around them. Apis listening to his own communicator, spoke quietly to Lando, and Mercede. The two spoke shortly, nodding to Apis afterward. Members of Dio's faction one by one began to disappear from the stands of the arena. On the side of the Verdine faction, a hushed panic had broken out as news of Magnus' death reached them, but none dared to tell Justinian for fear of distracting him.

Dio gathering his resolve, finally attacked. Justinian easily dodged him. Crouching to the ground Dio kicked out a leg, nearly tripping Justinian. The old man was indeed skilled, but Dio could already see his age gave him a disadvantage. He decided the best way to face this was to pace himself, and try to tire Justinian out. After deftly turning to dodge another attempted blow, Dio got up out of the crouch, practically dancing away from Justinian. Unable to help himself he smiled, he'd never, despite all his practice been able to pull off that move against Lucciola, who taught it to him originally. Catching the Verdine family head's enraged expression, Dio saw his second advantage.

Lavie, and the mechanics Walker had assigned to her, were working as quickly as they could to repair the vanship.

Other guild's people from Dio's faction had arrived and were, along with Claus listening to Lucciola's plan. "When Alvis reacts to one of the Mysteria, along with all the energy that is released, she, and Exile emit a certain unique frequency. My communicator picked it up the first time she reacted to Lord Dio. Picking it up the second time was how I found you so quickly in the Grand Stream. Anyone who has picked it up will recognize it now. I've been testing it, and our communicators can mimic the frequency. It's not exact, but if we keep our communicators on it we can act as decoys, while Claus and Lavie get Alvis to Exile."

"You really think that will work?" Claus asked, doubtfully.

"It may be our only option." Claudius said sounding worried himself. "They certainly won't be expecting you to try with the vanship again."

Lucciola nodded. "Alvis, and Exile only emit the frequency under certain conditions. With us acting as decoys, hopefully they won't realize until it's too late."

Claus nodded. "All right. We'll get to Exile as quickly as we can. Please be careful." While the others continued to plan, Claus went to check on Alvis. She was awake now, sitting on the bed in the room they had put her in. "Hey, Al. How are you feeling?" He said smiling as he walked over and sat beside her.

She frowned. "What happened?"

"You don't remember again, huh?" Claus said putting a comforting arm around her. "We got interrupted trying to wake Exile up, and had to get away. Our vanship was damaged again too. It will be ok, though. We have a lot of help to keep you safe now, once the vanship is fixed we'll go back to Exile."

Alvis cuddled against him. "..I saw things, and I had a funny dream..." She looked up at Claus, and smiled. "I was scared, but I'm not anymore. Exile brought us here, because something bad happened. We were supposed to be safe here, but now things are going wrong. Exile wants to take us back to where we came from."

Claus smiled. "Then we should get back to it as soon as possible. Why don't we go help Lavie?"

Alvis nodded getting off the bed, and trotting out the door. Claus still smiling followed.

Dio once again danced out of the way of Justinian. The man was irate, at how Dio seemed to treat this as a game. His mood was not helped by the younger spectators among Dio's followers who had begun cheering him on. He'd even seem Mercede smiling at the Eraclea boy's antics. His anger clouding his judgement he continued on never seeing he was doing exactly as Dio wanted.

He was indeed very skilled. He was also, however old. As he wore himself down Dio had hardly begun.

Claudius walked over to where Lucciola was resting. "Will you be all right to fly out there?"

Lucciola nodded. "Piloting is fine, it's physical combat I won't be able to handle."

Claudius sat beside him. "If you are sure... Still should something happen I would like to stay close, and ensure your safety." Lucciola blinked at him, and he smiled a bit. "I know how much you and Lord Dio mean to one another. His actions today saved my sister from a fate worse than death. I can never repay that, but I wish to show my gratitude somehow."

"I see." Lucciola said quietly, thinking of Cicada. He had killed his own brother for Dio's sake, there was regret of course that it had ended that way, but no real grief. They had grown so distant, and to Lucciola, Dio was his true family. Still he wondered if he'd had the chance to speak to his brother, would Cicada have understood his feelings?

Another guild's man walked over to them, bowing. "The vanship is nearly ready, and all of the starfish are ready to go."

Lucciola stood. "Good. Remember, we won't be able to communicate on the frequency, but the frequency itself will allow us to identify one another. Once we are in the Grand Stream, everyone but the escorts will turn to the frequency, and scatter."

Both men nodded at Lucciola. "We've received word that the Anatoray-Disith fleet and the ships of Lord Dio's faction are now engaging in combat with the remnants of the enemy factions." The man said. "...Apparently the Anatoray-Disith fleet has found a way to take down guild ships with..vanships. Quite successfully I might add."

Claudius blinked. "With vanships? I'd thought taking one through the Grand Stram was madness... They must be miracle workers."

Lucciola smiled. "They are resourceful people. We can learn a lot from them. I believe the path Lord Dio has chosen will lead all of us to a brighter future."

Verdine snarled at Dio. "Stop.. playing and fight with... dignity you pest." He shouted while panting heavily

"But if I did that this would be over already." Dio said as h easily dogged another blow. He'd been right about pacing himself. He was tired, but at this point if he remained careful victory was almost assured. Justinian was right however. It was time to get serious, and end this. Changing his stance from defense to attack, Dio Moved froward. While Justinian managed to dodge Dio's blade tore through his sleeve drawing first blood. The observers on both sides went wild. Dio could hear Mercede's frustration as she just managed to keep order, and stop a fight from breaking out in the stands.

Justinian was soon on the defense. Dio didn't bother with attempting to block blows with his blade. He instead dodged the attacks, moving gracefully to make an attack of his own. Emotions among the audience were heating up, Dio knew he needed to finish this quickly, but it seemed Lord Verdine's true fighting skill was in defense.

The starfish and vanship had taken off, the six escorts carrying extra fuel tanks to get Claus, and Lavie's vanship to the Grand Stream. Before they had left, they learned Exile was moving, heading toward Disith now.

"This is it, Lavie." Claus said. "We'll never catch up with it before it gets to Disith, especially not in the middle of battle. We're going to cross."

Lavie feeling her heart race, watched the sky. "We can do this. Everyone is waiting, so lets end this, and go home." She held on closely to Alvis who cuddled against her.

It was difficult getting through the battles, but it seemed at least that the Anatoray-Disith fleet had found a way to distinguish enemies from allies among the guild ships. It was even more difficult to find a safe place to refuel, but eventually they reached the Grand Stream.

Dio suddenly found himself under attack from multiple people, in the next moment his own followers had come to his aid. In the confusion Dio caught sight of Justinian being escorted away by some of his followers. "Apis! With me, come on. We can't let him get away."

The normally stoic Apis looked furious. "The coward!"

Others joined them as they fought their way out to follow the retreating group.

Benicio grumbled as he stalked through the Disith Ship. It was and older model. It must have been caught here for years. He hadn't found any useful supplies, only the corpses of the crew unable to escape whatever had stopped the ship from crossing. Hearing an explosion, he looked of one of the broken windows. He could see numerous starfish engaged in battle. Oddly one side seemed to be trying to subdue the starfish of the other without damaging the enemy machine. He grabbed his communicator to get some assistance, and find out what was going on only to receive a high-pitched sound in his ear. "What the!?" He stared at the info from the communicator. "I recognize that... It's the Exile frequency... but how are so many producing?..." Out of the corner of his eye he could just barely see the lights of a formation avoiding the battles in the distance. Turning on his flight mask, he was able to see the formation more clearly. It was a lone vanship guarded by starfish. "That vanship! You idiots! You idiots! Ignore them! The vanship, the vanship THE GIRL IS IN THE DAMN VANSHIP!" Knowing no one was listening. He stormed through the ship searching for the Unit. If it was still attached he'd be able to get someone's attentions then.

Dio, and the others had chased Justinian, and his guards to a hangar. "Trying to escape?" Dio asked angrily.

Justinian stiffened. He straightened him self out attempting to appear calm. "I have just been informed one of my sons is dead, and the other is missing... For the sake of the guild someone must take charge of this mission."

"You aren't doing this for the sake of the guild." Dio said frowning. "You are only doing this for yourself, and you know you've lost, so you are running." He walked forward still on guard. "I know what's happening as well. You've lost. Even if you do manage to kill me, you've still lost. If you truly care for the people of the guild, the people fighting for you right now surrender. Stop this meaningless bloodshed."

As Dio walked up behind him, Justinian suddenly turned, blade in hand. Dio nearly managed to get out of the way but took a deep gash in the side. Before anyone could intervene, he turned his own blade in hand he drove it through Justinian's neck as the exhausted man stumbled.

Dio picked himself up off the floor holding his side. He looked at Justinian's guards. "Do you surrender?"

They nodded falling to their knees.

"Lord Dio, you wound." Apis said walking over to help.

"It's not that bad. We have to stop this fighting now. Let's get back to Mercede, and take care of that first." Dio said as they left some of the others who had followed him stayed behind guarding those who had surrendered. "I only hope they will listen. Those who joined the other factions my feel they truly have nothing to lose now. Will they try to live in the new world we are trying to create, or will they die with Delphine's world?" He asked himself tiredly. Victory was far more bitter, and exhausting than he'd ever thought it would be.

When they arrived back at the arena there was still chaos. "Stop! Justinian Verdine is dead! There is no reason for you to fight anymore!" Dio shouted over the noise. It took a lot more shouting, and several moments for things to calm down. Only a desperate few had continued to try and fight after hearing their leader had died. After the fighting had finally stopped, Dio was horror struck to find Mercede laying on the ground in a pool of blood, clinging to life. Though the people around her tried desperately to save her, it was clear the wound was fatal. Only Delphine had learned the secret of restoring the dead to life.

Dio rushed forward kneeling beside her. She smiled. "Congratulations, Maestro Dio."

"Mercede." Dio felt the tears stinging his eyes.

"There will be time for that later. The people need you to be strong now. I... I have one request. I let myself be distracted... Anisoptera's ship was destroyed.. M..My Arrigo..." She stopped her own eyes filling with tears.

Dio took her hand. "I promise I'll make sure he's taken care of, the best of care if I have to do it myself I will."

She smiled "Thank you, Maestro Dio." Dio sat quietly with her until she passed. Setting her hand down gently over her chest, he stood.

"Apis, we are going to the communications terminal. It's time to stop this."

Claus would be forever thankful for Dio's lessons, as they flew through the Grand Stream. Even with the plan the battles had taken their toll, they had only three escorts left, and two of them were damaged. Alvis had been able to guide them through sensing Exile, now however they had to find a place they could break through the storm.

Shots were fired at them one of the starfish covered them and was destroyed the blast nearly sending them off corse. Lavie, and Alvis screamed.

"Go!" Came the voice of one of the escorts through the communicator. "You are nearly there. We'll hold them off."

"No..." Claus said quietly as the last of the escorts left them to fight. Grimacing he gathered his resolve. He had to think of Lavie, and Alvis, they had to finish this.

"Claus!" Lavie shouted excitedly. "Look! Rain birds!"

Claus smiled. They could use that current to get to Disith. Speeding forward and turning onto the current. Birds squawked angrily as they had to avoid them, Claus offered a silent apology as they followed the current. Even in the winds they could still hear the sounds of battle somewhere behind them. Claus was paying close attention now. The winds that bordered the Grand Stream were the strongest, he and Lavie searched carefully for the signs, familiar shapes, and breaks in the clouds they had learned over the years that would signal a place they could break through into Disith. He heard Lavie shout out behind him as they both saw what they were looking for. It had only been for a moment, but they had seen an opening.

Lavie tightened her grip on Alvis. "Hang on, Al, this is going to be rough again." Lavie clenched her teeth painfully as the vanship shook around them. For a moment she feared the wind might tear them apart right there, but suddenly they were through. The world around them was white, and silent. The battle left behind in the Grand Stream.

"So this is what snow looks like." Claus said quietly, as they looked around.

"Claus." Alvis said shivering from the cold even with her thick fur lined cloak. "Exile is waiting."

Claus smiled. "Right."

As they flew toward the massive shape they were shocked as a voice came over the guild communicator. "This is Maestro Dio Eraclea. I invite all guild members aligned with the defeated faction to surrender. You will not be harmed, it time to put aggression aside, and begin rebuilding."

"Dio!" Lavie cried out happily. "He's ok!"

Still in the Grand Stream as the sounds of battle died down around them the crew of the Silvana cheered.

"Calm down," Alex said over the voices, sounding annoyed even though one corner of his mouth was turned up. "Stay on alert. We still don't know just how many will take the Maestro up on his generous offer."

Lucciola stopped as the enemy starfish suddenly retreated. He changed the frequency of his communicator. "Lord Claudius?...Anyone? Does anyone know what's going on?"

"Lucciola!" Dio's voice was somehow both excited, and exhausted. "Sophia said you left the Silvana to help Claus, and Lavie. I was worried."

"My apologies, Lord Dio."

"I think it's over now Lucciola... I'm.. Maestro.. You should probably go back to the Silvana before Sybil comes after you."

"Of course Lord Dio."

Benicio sat perfectly still on the floor of the old Claudia Unit. He had reached it just in time to hear Dio's announcement. His eye twitched.

As they hovered just above Exile, Lavie took out the Mysterion again. Alvis, and Exile were already reacting to one another again. "What do I do?" she asked Claus.

"You should probably start over again, just to be safe."

"Right." Lavie took a deep breath. "What lies beyond the furthest reaches of the sky?"

" That which will guide the lost child back to her mother's arms. Exile."

The glow of Exile became even brighter.

"The waves that flow and dye the land gold."

"The blessed breath which nurtures life. A land of wheat."

Now the cocoon began to crack, the very shape bean to change.

"The path the angels descend upon."

"The path of great winds. The Grand Stream."

A bright beam of light suddenly shot into the sky, as the ship continued to change. Exile itself shuddered as if letting out a long held breath. Lavie and Claus both gasped as the Grand Stream dissolved above them.

A small shockwave went through the Silvana as the sky changed. Sophia put a hand over Alex's arm. "What?.."

"It's gone..." Alex whispered in awe. Both Anatoray, and Disith could be seen now. Exiles massive shape easily made out over the snowy landscape. "They must have made it..." Getting a hold of himself he turned back to the crew. "Set a course for Exile. The children will be there, we need to pick them up."

"Lucciola is requesting permission, to board."

"Permission granted... Try and keep Sybil from killing him"

"What lies in the furthest depths of one's memory?" Lavie spoke quietly, still in awe of what had just happened.

"The place where all are born and where all will return. A blue star."

Exile shook again as the dark metal of the cocoon began to fall away, black replaced with shining silver, and gold. Something looking like beams of light extended from the back of the ship up into the sky before laying over it like wings. The frozen land beneath them cracked crating an opening large enough for Exile to fit into.

Alvis fully awake this time smiled watching the ship. She blinked noticing a much smaller familiar ship coming towards Exile. "Look the Silvana! They're ok!"

Lavie smiled. "Lets go Claus! I can't wait to tell Alex everything."

"Right. Lets go home."

Alex nodded in acknowledgment as he passed Tatiana, Alister, and Alvis. When they had been told of the discovery, Lavie and Claus had run a head. He remained silent as he walked toward the vanship embedded in the wall. Lavie looking over, seeing him slid down from the ship rushing over to him, still sobbing. He wrapped his arm around her.

"It's almost like this was meant to be." Claus said quietly, as he walked over. He smiled sadly. "Like they've been waiting here,... to fly with us one last time."

"They'd be so proud of you." Alex said pulling, Claus over to them. "I am."

Dio wiped the sweat from his brow, only succeeding in smearing dirt across his forehead. He along with Lucciola, Apis, and Coccinella stood back to survey their work, it was somewhat noticeable now but within weeks it would be indistinguishable from the rest of small forest clearing. No one would know Delphine, and Cicada were buried there. It was certainly not what his sister would prefer, but it was the best he could do for her. She was still his sister, and he wasn't going to let her corpse be placed in some disrespectful obscene display.

He'd been surprised that no one had asked about the former Maestro at all when she, and Cicada had not been mentioned among the interred at any of the memorial ceremonies held in the past few days. Alex had allowed them to remain in the Silvana's morgue until Dio had found this place. The captain seemed to agree this was the best course of action, though for different reasons than Dio. Alex worried the bodies could have been used like relics for those who wished to seize power. People like Benicio, who was imprisoned at the guild. From what Dio had heard it had been surprisingly difficult to get him off the wrecked Disith ship he's been found on.

Siting beside Lucciola to rest before they left, he knew at this point it was far too late, and the answer would still be the same, but he asked again. "Are you sure? He could have been put in your family's tomb."

Lucciola seemed lost in thought. "I believe he would prefer this." He answered eventually.

Dio nodded. "You didn't upset your injuries did you? You don't want Sybil getting mad."

"I'm fine." Lucciola replied smiling.

Dio looked up at the sky through the trees. He had so much to do. Even with the help of people like Lando, and Sophia, being Maestro was taxing. Delphine seemed to have cut out all the actual work and just kept the benefits. Dio was determined not to do the same. He had turned Delphine's rose garden into a memorial, for all those of the guild who had been lost. Delphine's name was no where among the dead there. This would be her only memorial, but he would make sure no one ever forgot what she had done, or the suffering she had caused. He owed that to the dead, and the survivors to try and make sure nothing like that would ever happen again.

Dorcus, and Ephemera stood awkwardly, in a room full of surface engineers. They were part of a group of guilds' people assigned by Dio to teach the people of Anatoray, and Disith about guild technology. The thing they had discovered about surface country engineers, was once they understood something they ran with it in about a hundred different directions at light speed. The two of them now just stood there as the engineers talked enthusiastically about potential, studied blueprints, drew up designs, and made notes; staying just incase someone had a question. So far most of the questions had been along the lines of "Why didn't you guys think of this?"

"I wonder how Phalaena is doing." Ephemera said absently. Dio had decided it was best to keep Phalaena imprisoned. Both Ephemera, and Dorcus felt is was for the best, he'd never be happy with all the changes Dio was making. Besides he seemed to have become friends with Benicio Verdine, or they at least hadn't been trying to kill one another the last time the two of them had visited their former colleague.

Arrigo reached up running his hand over Mercede's name carved into the mortuary vault. He looked up at Vivia, who knelt on the floor next to him, frowning. "Mommy, and Daddy not coming back?"

"No, they aren't. I'm so sorry, Darling." Vivia said, trying not to cry she picked him up. She helped him place the wild flowers brought all the way from Anatoray in the vase.

"Can I see them again?" Arrigo asked.

"Someday, Darling, not for a very long time I'm afraid." Still trying to keep the tears from falling, kissed the boy's temple. "They can't be here with you, but they love you very much. And so do I."

Standing back to give the two space, Lando stood with his sons, and daughter.

"You're all right with both of us leaving?" Philip asked. He and Claudius had volunteered to be some of the first guild's men to travel to the home world. Very few from the guild were leaving.

Lando Smiled. "We're very proud of you for choosing to go, and help the new settlements on the home world. We have no idea what difficulties will face those leaving. Guild technology, and those who understand it may be essential to our efforts to recolonize."

"Lord Dio says he plans to go himself as soon as everything has stabilized enough here. He said Empress Sophia is planing to do the same." Celano said. "You'll come visit and tell us what it's like won't you?"

"Of course," Claudius said smiling as he placed a hand on the top of his sister's head. "And bring you back all kinds of interesting souvenirs."

Alex tried not to show his anxiety as he stood in front of the children. He'd spent every day since he had taken them in making sure they would be prepared for a day when he might not be there any longer. Even after everything that had happened he had never prepared himself for the day they would leave him. Everyone seemed to be giving them space for the difficult moment. Sophia, and Vincent were speaking to Tatiana and Alister, who had been given positions on an Anatoray airship. The mechanics were giving a typical farewell to Mullin, while Dunya yelled at them, her siblings hiding behind her. Even Alvis, exchanging tearful good byes with Dio, and Lucciola wanted to give them some time.

He recalled all the frequently repeated conversations with Sophia, he reminders that he could go with them, but he had chosen to stay. They had more than proven how capable they were, he felt he'd just be holding them back now.

Before he had time to say anything, Lavie rushed forward with enough force to nearly make him stagger, and warped her arms around him crying. "You won't cause trouble for Sophia right? And you'll make sure to eat well, and not drink too much. And don't get onto fights with Vincent."

Alex laughed. "I'll try." He said returning her embrace.

Claus smiled. "It's going to be...strange not having you and everyone else around all the time. We aren't sure exactly where we'll end up yet, but wherever it is we will definitely keep an extra room ready for you and Sophia." After a few moments thought he added, "We'll be ok, you know. You taught us after all."

Alex nodded. "I know. I'll all right too." He placed a hand on top of Lavie's head, after she stepped back from him. "Knowing that doesn't make this any easier. It won't be forever, and Sophia needs me here," He looked up the green, and brown expanse of Anatoray could be seen through the clouds. "Besides, let's face it. The sky here is just too small for the two of you."

They were interrupted, as Dio apparently unable to wait any longer, launched himself at Claus sending both of them to the ground. "Immelman! Find some really great places to fly, ok? Lucciola and I are making on our own vanship! So when we go we'll be able to fly together again!" Lucciola went to help the both of them up, apologizing to Claus on Dio's behalf.

Alex, and Lavie exchanged wary looks at the thought of a vanship designed by Dio. Alvis having followed the boys, walked over to them. Alex knelt down so she could hug him. "I'll miss you." She said softly.

"I'll miss you too. You'll look after them for me right?"

She stepped back nodding when he let her go, giving a salute. "I promise."

By this time Sophia and the others had come over to see what the commotion was. Dio was still clinging to Claus, now telling him in great detail just how not fun being Maestro was. Claus struggled to move also dragging Dio's weight. Lucciola sighed, knowing there was no chance of getting Dio to let go for now. Somewhat fortunately for Claus, Tatiana making a comment about Dio's inappropriate behavior soon had Dio off of him and arguing with her, this however also meant that Dio and Tatiana were arguing now giving the Maestro the perfect opportunity to push all her buttons.

As Lucciola, and Alister tried to intervene, Claus took the chance to escape. "And I thought you, and Tatiana was already bad enough." He said to Lavie glumly. Lavie glared at him. "I wish they would get along." He continued not noticing the glare.

"I think that is getting along for them." Alex said flatly.

Sophia laughing a bit rested her head on Alex's shoulder. He was handling it well at the moment but she knew he'd be miserable later. She stopped looking down as she felt a tug in her sleeve. Alvis was looking up at them biting her lip. "It's time." She said quietly. "Exile is ready to go."

Indeed it was strange but something about the ship had changed. None of them could explain what it was, but everyone had noticed. Those who had not already, were saying their final good byes and boarding the ship. Alex, Sophia, and Vincent stood quietly watching as they boarded. Sophia still leaning against him, and Vincent placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Once inside Alvis was drawn to a small room deep in the interior of the ship. As she stepped inside the room lit up. Claus and Lavie, staying back watched nervously. Alvis seemed to just look around for a moment, then reached a hand up touching one of the lit up panels in front of her. They could hear a few people cry out as the ship began to move unexpectedly, traveling down into the sealed area that would allow then to leave Prester. Alvis turned around smiling. "Come on lets go watch!" She said running to where they could see out the windows.

"It looks so different from out here." Claus said in awe as they left Prester, and began the journey to the home world.

Lavie, sniffling a bit smiled. "Yeah, ... You really think they'll be ok?"

Claus nodded. "It won't be that long, and we'll all be together again. We have a lot of work ahead of us though."

Alvis, Still smiling took both their hands in hers. "We can do it. We'll make a great home for everyone." Claus and Lavie nodded, smiling at one another. The next several months were going to seem like forever, but eventually their family would be together again.
