A/N: Well everyone, happy new year! It's been a while since I updated, I know, and I'm truly sorry. I'm not even gonna bother to excuse myself, you guys must be so tired of my shit by now hahah!

This is the final chapter of I love the way you lie! Like, finally, right?!

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me until now! I gotta admit, I truly worked hard on this chapter, since it's the final one… I hope you guys enjoy! I wrote sooo many different types of endings! And I ended up choosing this one, because to me it kind of made sense.

I'll stop rambling here and let you read in peace :D But please do read the A/N at the bottom, it's kind of important (I guess).

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach!

Chapter 52: She loves the way he lies.

Momo stopped running when she couldn't feel her feet anymore and her lungs begged for air. By that time her cheeks were flushed red from the sudden exercise.

She aimlessly walked around town, clutching her purse tightly in her shaky hands. The tears stopped flowing out, and her eyes were puffy red from the effort.

With shoulders slumped down, she kept walking around town, hoping to freshen up and clear her mind. But her mind was still flooded with what happened just a few moments ago with Toushirou.

Shaking her head, Momo walked into the first coffee shop she found and forced a smile when the girl behind the counter recognized her.

"Y-you're Momo, right?" The girl's eyes sparkled.

Momo forced a smile and nodded, lifting a finger to her lips "Please don't tell anyone I'm here." She pulled down her cream knitted bonnet, hoping that no one else could recognize her.

"Oh, sure." The girl held in a giggle and whispered back at the brunette "Big fan."

Momo just nodded with a smile and ordered a cappuccino to warm herself up and a slice of black forest cake. Chocolate has always been her remedy for depression or sad moments, she knew she wasn't supposed to eat sweets or things that could compromise her figure, but at that moment she didn't care one bit. She was human, for heaven's sake, she wanted to get a break.

She went ahead and sat at one of the comfy couches in the farthest corner of the coffee shop, where she could hopefully find some peace of mind while waiting for her orders. Leaning against the wall, she looked at the stack of magazines on the bookshelf against the wall near her seat. There were all types of magazines, from the sporty ones to the fashion related ones or cooking recipes.

A light pink covered magazine caught her eye, she grabbed it and flipped through a couple of pages to find that old interview she and Toushirou had a long time ago. Tears prickled her eyes and she quickly brushed them off, not wanting to cry anymore.

"Here's your order, Momo-san." Momo thanked the girl who served her comfort-food and started sipping on her warm cappuccino.

The warmth of the drink let her calm down for a moment. Leaning against the wall next to her, she warmed her hands up holding the mug.

'Calm down.' She thought to herself as she took deep breaths 'Panic will take you nowhere…' Her fingers clutched the white mug in her hands tightly.

When she finally steadied herself, she started re-thinking about what just happened back at the amusement park. Her hands started shaking, and she shook her head, mentally scolding herself for feeling so sad and vulnerable after she ran away from Toushirou on her own will.

'That's so unlike him…' She slumped down the comfy couch and stared at the slice of the Black Forest cake that sat in front of her.

Momo put her head in her hands, sighing in a shaky breath, understanding that all that time she's always leaned on Toushirou. Every time she was in a pinch, he was always ready to help her. It was always him. It's always been him. The whole issue with Yuki was resolved by no one but Toushirou, while Momo lived in her own happy little world.

All that time, she thought that she finally moved on from being the shy little girl who could do nothing but hide behind big glasses to protect herself. She thought that she already leaped forward from that phase.

She thought that the moment she landed in America, she had become an independent woman who could strive for what she wanted through hard work. A woman who could face any kind of difficulty with no fear, no doubt.

The truth was that the only thing that changed was her outer appearance.

'Stupid.' A tear escaped from her eye, as she bit down her lower lip to hold back the urge to cry and sob out loud. 'I am so fucking stupid.'

Shaking her head, she immediately wiped the tear from her cheek and took deep breaths to calm down.

It was time for her to stop leaning on him and take responsibility for all the bullshit that she caused up 'till now.

It was time to do what was right.

"Honey, I gotta go to work now. Is Toushirou going to pick you up?"

Momo swiftly slid on a white dress and held back a bitter smile. 'Oh the irony of the colors…' She glanced back at her bedroom's doorway to find her mother looking at her with a worried look. "No, I'm going on my own. He's the birthday boy, remember?" She lied 'We didn't talk about it… Maybe I'll just ask Hana-san for a ride.'

Misaki titled her head to the side and glanced at her daughter "You okay?"

One of the things Momo learned in America was to smile when she was going to deliberately lie, and she had to make it look natural "Never been better, Mom."

The nurse eyed suspiciously her daughter, but when she saw the clock on the wall, she had to hold back her curiosity and wait for the next morning to make Momo spill everything out "I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun."

As her mother ran off downstairs, Momo glanced at her reflection in the mirror, her smile faded away and a stabbing pain hit her in her chest.

She wished that time would stop, she wished that the time when she had to step out of her house and attend at Toushirou's birthday party would never come. Hoping for such things to happen, she slowly put her make up on, her mind flying off to think of possible ways to survive without Toushirou in her life.

'Without Toushirou…' She thought, putting down the eyeliner. Tears threatened to fall again, but she held every tear back. No emotion was visible on her face, as she promised to herself that afternoon that she would stop being such a wuss.

Momo glanced down at her lovely long white NAFNAF dress, she looked at her open luggage filled with branded clothes given to her by fashion designers just because, the shoes, the dazzling accessories and clothes. 'I've never had so many branded clothes in my entire life.' She thought, putting her manicured hands on her lap 'I never took much care of myself back then…' A bitter smile sneaked their way on her red lips 'All I truly cared about was taking care of my mother and earning enough money to pay off our debts.' She looked down at the simple French tips on her fingers 'When I became a model, I had to learn to use make up and beauty products… And I had to lie to my friends.' Momo glanced out of the window to see the setting sun in the horizon and the clouds slowly drifting towards the city. 'Then he came along and messed my world up…' She took a deep breath and stood up, smothering down the long skirt of her dress that reached the floor in a messy pile of lacy long frills. (A/N: link of Momo's dress in my profile :D)

After curling her hair up and piling it only over her right shoulder, she grabbed her pearl white purse, her high pumps and her cream colored furry coat (a gift from another rising designer in America with whom Momo worked with) and she made her way downstairs.

She left her things on the couch in the living room and sat down. The sky outside was getting darker and cloudier, Momo walked barefoot around her house, making sure all the windows and doors were closed before calling her manager.

Suddenly she received a message.

Be ready by 7 pm. -Toushirou

As she turned the lights off, she could feel anxiety growing stronger in her stomach, like someone was squeezing her guts from the inside.

Momo sat on her living room's couch for a while, all the lights except for the hall that lead to the entrance of her house were off, silence engulfed the house.

Her train of thoughts was interrupted by two knocks at her door. She wondered if Toushirou sent someone else to pick her up after that scene she made at the Amusement park. He didn't specify who was going to get her.

She kind of hoped it wasn't him.

'Get a goddamn grip. You're trying to forget about the guy.' She slid on her coat and her shoes, grabbed her purse and took a deep breath before opening the door.

She was greeted by those pair of emerald eyes that would always make her knees weak. Then, that killer smile that only Momo had the privilege to see.

'Who was I trying to lie to…?' Toushirou held out his hand to her, and she looked at him, unable to hold back a smile 'Of course I wished for him to come.'

Momo saw this coming. The big mansion, the VIPs all over Toushirou and the elegant theme of the party. What she stupidly did not expect was that Toushirou would get swarmed by countless beautiful rich young ladies. And their mothers.

The brunette made her way towards the buffet table where some waiters were ready to serve the guests. Waiters walked around the big ball room with expensive champagne or wine on their trays.

Toushirou couldn't escape from the ladies, but his eyes never stopped following every step Momo took. And he never stopped glaring at the young and vicious men who would accidentally bump or brush against her as she busied herself with a slice of a Viennese chocolate cake.

Either way, Momo didn't get to spend much time with Toushirou, even when everyone started to dance somehow the two couldn't find the chance to meet again.

Momo leaned back against the marble column, looking up at one of the sparkling chandeliers that hung from the high ceiling. Her head was spinning, all the time she spent away from Toushirou she kept convincing herself that that was how things were supposed to be.

That was the society he belonged to, the high society where the rich and the important ones live, where the usual topics were expensive newly bought sports cars, or tours across the world, or the success of their big companies or industries.

She could easily imagine Toushirou in his expensive and tailored business suit, at some fancy bar or restaurant with his rich friends or business partners, chatting as some classy music plays softly in the background.

And maybe—no, surely, he was going to end up in those magazines that talk about the most successful business man in Japan, or Asia, or the whole world.

Then maybe, while she'd try to pick the pieces back together, he'd find a new and better woman for himself; a woman who he could be proud of, one who wouldn't tick him off at every single thing she did, one who would always know what he needed and when he needed it. A woman who doesn't need to hide her identity from anyone because she'd have a respectable and solid job.

"Good evening everyone." The lights all around the ball room got dim, and the spotlight was on the small stage on the end of the ballroom. A tall woman with cold eyes stood there with Toushirou and a middle-aged man sitting on a wheelchair who looked similar to Toushirou. The faint chattering in the room ended when the woman spoke up again. "My family and I thank you for joining us tonight." She gave a courteous yet incredibly cold smile as everyone lightly clapped their hands. "Tonight we celebrate our son's birthday, I hope everyone brought good gifts, because we have got him used to get only the best out of everything." Her eyes swiftly met Momo's while the guests laughed at what was supposed to be some sort of joke that rich people usually did. "Later we'd like to give an important announcement. For now, thank you again for coming and enjoy the party."

Everyone held up their glass of champagne or whatever drink they had and cheered ever so elegantly all together.

"Hey." Toushirou quickly walked towards Momo and pulled her along on the dance floor, where many couples slow-danced to the classical music playing.

Momo was startled by his sudden attack, but she let herself be pulled along and smiled at him. "Hey."

"Sorry I couldn't spend much time with you. Being popular is hard." He joked around in his usual teasing tone.

"Being filthy rich is damn hard." The brunette tried her best to make it sound like a joke, but it sounded more bitter than what she wished for. She sighed and leaned her head against Toushirou's chest "I'm sorry, I'm just… edgy tonight."

Momo expected some form of tantrum or madness from him, but he didn't seem surprised or mad at all. On the contrary, his hold on her tightened, and they stopped dancing. The two were just embracing one another, standing in the middle of the dance floor.

No one seemed to care anyway.

"Toushirou?" Momo asked with a worried tone. She knew Toushirou had his sudden romantic moments, but that was usually when it was only the two of them. He was never fond of showing affection in public.

"I feel like…" She could feel his breath against her neck, while his hand cradled her head and pulled her towards him from her lower back "I feel like you're going to suddenly disappear."

Momo felt a stab of pain right across her heart. She felt it shattering, she could literally feel it being torn apart, torn to pieces, destroyed. 'Disappearing without saying a word would be so much easier.' She hugged Toushirou back, as tightly as she could, while shutting her eyes close, holding back the fresh tears that threatened once again to fall 'But you don't deserve to be left just like that. If I have to leave you, I have to make sure that you won't follow me anymore.' Momo pulled back just enough to take a close look at her beloved young man's face, holding his face between her slender hands. Slowly they closed in for a kiss.

The softest and kindest kiss they ever shared.

Everyone fell into silence once again when they heard someone tapping on the microphone.

It was Toushirou's step-mother once again, with a smile on her face; a smile that did not reach her eyes. Toushirou was on stage, standing next to his father who was sitting on a wheelchair, holding a glass of champagne.

Momo was looking at them from afar, not wanting to attract attention by staying too close to the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're enjoying the party so far." Everyone gave a round of approving chuckles. "Great. I won't make this long, so I'll go straight to the point. My husband," she put a hand on her husband's shoulder "and I would like to give the big announcement. Let's say we can also consider this to be our gift for Toushirou's birthday, yes?"

Toushirou glanced at his step-mother, already expecting what was going to happen.

"The Hitsugaya Company is officially expanding, opening a new branch which will take part in the world of Hotel and Management." The guests gave a round of surprised 'ooh's "This branch will be Toushirou's as soon as he's done with his studies abroad." She glanced at her step-son with a smile "Happy birthday, Toushirou-kun."

There was a light round of applause from the people gathered in the room. Momo watched Toushirou, his parents and the whole lot of people who were standing before her. That dazzling world was where Toushirou belonged. And at that moment, she could feel him so far away in every possible way.

Momo sipped on her champagne and stared at the family standing on stage. She titled her head, analyzing Toushirou's mother. 'It doesn't seem like she has any intention to take over the Hitsugaya Company… She actually wants to give it all to Toushirou. She wants him to study abroad because she wants him to be successful and ready to take over the company…' Her eyes turned towards her beloved boyfriend 'Then why is he so mad at her…'

After a long while, Toushirou managed to escape from his parents' grip and he made his way towards the beautiful brunette who was his girlfriend.

On his way, he was already thinking of his future with Momo. Of how they would run away, of how they would survive, find an apartment, have Momo stay at home and be the ideal housewife while he would work during the day and pass the rest of his time with her. Once they'd settle down, they'd get married, they'd have children and live as they wanted.

He stopped on his tracks and saw Momo talking with someone on the cellphone. As he got closer to her, he could hear her say "Alright Mom, I'll see you later. I love you too. Bye bye." She hung up and turned around to see him.

She smiled, but he could feel the sadness behind that beautiful smile of hers.

Deep down he knew that whatever he was planning to do was bullshit.

But goddamn, he was seriously willing to leave everything behind him and run away with Momo.

And slowly, that rational side was getting the better of him. His relationship with his parents has never been good, that's most probably why he had no problems leaving everything behind. But Momo was the opposite. Her mother meant everything to her, and she meant everything to her mother.

Who was he to pull them apart?

'The only man who will love Momo in the best way possible.' His rational part said… or was it the irrational one?

'No…' His irrational side suddenly disappeared, and things got clearer and clearer before his very eyes. 'I don't want to ruin her future.' His emerald eyes searched deeply into Momo's chocolate brown eyes. Somehow, all of their memories together flashed in his mind, feeling a sort of epiphany going on inside him. All the hardships, the struggles, the pain but mostly the relief, the happiness, the desire and love both of them felt for each other. Nothing could change what happened, the only thing left to do was to find a way to make it through their problems to reach a brighter future. For both of them. 'She deserves happiness, success and love. She deserves nothing but the best.'

Momo's heart suddenly squeezed tightly in her chest. The look on Toushirou's face crushed her from the inside out. She couldn't bear it. His eyes showed nothing but love for her ever since they officially got together, maybe even before that. And now, he looked like his entire world was crashing down right before his very eyes, he looked hopeless, he looked sad and desperate.

He looked like he was ready to let her go.

Holding back a sob, Momo closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around Toushirou, holding him in a tight and warm embrace.

The two of them felt in synch, no words were needed at that moment. Her hold on him tightened, and Toushirou knew what she was trying to say.

He could feel her fast and hard heartbeat against his chest. He couldn't help but smile, and return the warm and inviting embrace.

This was one of the things Toushirou loved in their relationship, which is how he could often fuck things up but always know what Momo wanted and needed, although she has always been too shy to say anything.

"Want to come over to my house later?" Toushirou cradled her head in his hand and pulled her closer to his body.

Sometimes she wondered if Toushirou had some sort of magical powers that let him read her thoughts. If he did, she was glad.

Her grip tightened and she blushed, nodding in silent agreement.

Momo was glad that Toushirou understood what she wanted to say without saying a word. She wanted to die from embarrassment, but at the same time she wished that time would stop at that moment.

Because the moment when they have to part ways, was getting closer and closer.

"Momo Hinamori-san?"

The brunette turned to meet a pair of icy cold eyes. She said nothing, staring at the woman standing before her.

Reiko Hitsugaya, Toushirou's stepmother looked at the brunette from head to toe "I believe you already know our family situation."

Momo looked back at the woman, somehow not feeling anything particular at her sight. She didn't really think that Reiko would go through the trouble to talk to her.

Toushirou never told her much about his family, she didn't know what to expect out of her current situation. She spoke up, keeping a respectful tone "I'm sorry?"

Reiko elegantly stood before the brunette, her head held high in an obvious show of her pride "Toushirou is the one and only heir for the Hitsugaya company. His father worked hard to make it the most successful company, and he definitely succeeded. I won't let a peasant like you ruin this company."

Momo was slightly surprised with how the conversation was turning. She could actually see that this woman was worried (in her own way) about her family. "I… never had the intention to ruin your company, ma'am."

"Right, as if you weren't going after my son's social status and money." Reiko stoically looked at Momo once again from head to toe "You just have a pretty face, but you have no money. And you actually gave more importance to your stupid job as a model rather than your education. I will not allow my son to date someone like you."

The brunette bowed properly to Reiko apologetically "I'm truly sorry for the trouble I brought up 'till now." Said Momo without looking up "I will be leaving for America soon, I won't be seeing your son anymore." Tears threatened to fall, but she held them back "Just for tonight, please, let us have some time together."

Momo waited for a moment to hear a reply from Reiko, but hearing nothing coming from the cold-looking woman, the brunette glanced up and saw Reiko leaving in a confident stride.

"Just for tonight." Reiko said without looking back.

Momo watched Reiko leave, thoughts running through her mind. 'She doesn't seem so bad… She's actually just trying to protect her family, her son's future…'

"Momo." Toushirou called out to his girlfriend who had her back facing him while he walked down the stairs.

The brunette straightened her back and turned to look at him with a smile. "Shall we go now?"

Toushirou returned her smile and helped her put her coat on. On their way towards Toushirou's car, Momo found herself thinking about Toushirou's step-mother and his father. What was the deal with them?

She clutched her purse tightly in her hands and hopped in the car on the passenger's seat and glanced out of the window, watching the snow slowly make its way to the ground.

The drive went on quietly, until Momo spoke up "Toushirou…"

He glanced at her and held her hand in his right hand "Hm?"

"…" No other words came out of her mouth. 'Is this something to even talk about on our last night together?' She thought while squeezing his hand in hers. It hurt her deeply thinking that it was going to be their last night together. 'But I already made my decision…'

She glanced sideways at Toushirou, who was looking straight ahead while driving and holding her hand.

'… And so did he.'

Toushirou laid on his back, his eyes closed with his arm thrown over his face.

Momo sat on the side of his bed, her hands trembling while she slid her long white gown on. She waited for him to fall asleep before getting out of bed, not really knowing how to face the actual moment of their separation.

She bent down and grabbed the rest of her scattered accessories on the floor, her white furry coat and her purse, then she quietly made her way out of Toushirou's bedroom.

Once she got downstairs, she gave one last glance around his house. 'I wonder if he's going to sell this house since he's going back to live in his mansion…' A pang of pain hit her, remembering their moments together in that house. Remembering how Toushirou found out her secret, how the lies started.

Momo slid her high heels on and decided to just walk back home, it was 4 am anyway.

As she walked along the silent streets, her footsteps got heavier at every step she took. Her heart felt heavier the farther she got from Toushirou's house. She held her coat tightly against her, shivering from the cold wind.

When she was about to turn around a corner, the sound of a car moving fast along the streets made her stop in her tracks. Her heart skipped a beat, and she turned around to see the car coming up.

And the car of a stranger swiftly drove past her.

Momo was still in a daze when she walked in her house. Once the door closed behind her, she felt her stomach twist and panic rose up.

'Is it really over?'

She runs out in despair, not even bothering to put her shoes back on, out on the cold snowy streets.

Momo wasn't sure what she would gain by running off like that. She knew that Toushirou was nowhere in sight, but deep inside she hoped that he'd actually run after her when he'd found out that she was no longer beside him.

It was an incredibly stupid thought of her, hope was the only thing pumping her up at the moment, giving her the strength to walk around with only her dress on albeit the cold weather.

Momo finally stopped at a crossroad, feeling her heart clenching painfully in her chest. "Of course… he's not here… how stupid of me." She walked slowly back into her house "I was the one who decided this. I was the one who wanted this."

As soon as she closed the door behind her, her knees gave out, and tears just spilled out of her eyes.

A sob broke out from her throat, and it was followed by another, and soon by another one again.

That night, she cried her heart out like she never did before in her entire life.

Without bothering to change out of her clothes, she curled up on her bed, rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm herself up.

Closing her eyes, the memories of her and Toushirou flooded her mind. Until the very last moment they shared together, Momo felt nothing but love for him, and she was sure that he felt the same.

She hugged tightly her pillow, dozing off, suddenly fearing the future laying out before her which seemed so dark and cold. The risk she took by choosing to drift apart from Toushirou was high, but soon she would realize that her decision and Toushirou's determination was going to bring them on the right way to their happily ever after.

Taking a deep breath, she let out in a trembling sigh "If it's meant to be… it will happen."

Momo drifted off to sleep without her even noticing it, as she understood just how ridiculously in love she was with Toushirou.

Amongst all of the decisions she ever took in her young life, she was sure that saying yes to Toushirou's little proposal to act as his girlfriend. If she were to look back to those days, if they were not meant to be and their roads were not to cross anymore, she would feel no regret.

Or maybe there was one thing she would regret if they were never going to cross paths again.

She loved his bratty and arrogant attitude at the beginning, though it ticked her off back then; she loved his self-confidence, that aura he had around him which made him stand out from the crowd. Or maybe it was his unique white spiky yet soft hair that made him stand out. Or was it his incredible talent in almost every single thing he did?

She loved how he grew a romantic bone in him because of her, she loved his soft side that only she had the privilege to see; she loved his sudden sweet moments, she loved every moment, every second she spent with him.

Their story began from a lie, both of them faked their affections at first, until Toushirou slowly and unconsciously turned some lies to the truth, until Momo started to yearn for every drop of truth that Toushirou could give her.

She loved- no, loves the way he lies, because his lies turned into the truth.

The end


The end!

or is it…?

;) Epilogue coming up soon!

Many things will be explained in the epilogue, so please do look forward to it! I put a little hint in the last part of this chapter regarding Momo's future and Toushirou's future!

Will they have a happy ending? Will they ever meet again? Meh, who knows!

I love y'all so so so so so sooooo much! Thank you very much for sticking with me and this silly story of mine until the end! Thank you for all the supportive reviews, PMs and for following me on Twitter though I failed to keep up with that thing hahah!

I don't remember if I actually said this in the previous chapters, but I'll say it anyway :D I'm planning to re-write "I love the way you lie", though I still don't know if I'm just going to replace every single chapter in this story or write a new separate one with the new version… oh well.

As those of you who followed me from the beginning know, this story began sooooo many years ago. I feel like I kind of grew up from my childish self and when I re-read I love the way you lie from the beginning I errr got goosebumps from the cheesiness and the silliness of this story.

So let me know guys if I should just leave this story be and just post a new version without replacing this, or if I should just replace this…

If you read until the end of my note, thank you again, so so much.

I'll see you guys again at I love the way you lie's Epilogue



u, his parents and the whole lot of people who were standing before her.