A/N: 4 days after NBK and reading other Kurt/Blaine fics, I have officially caved and decided I need to write SOMETHING. So here's a drabble. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: don't own. no money. don't sue.

I could tell you that when we first met, it was magical, that time stood still, and if that moment was a movie, there would be cheesy romantic music playing in the background. I'll also tell you that I, Kurt Hummel, am not deluded enough to think that crap actually happens in real life. Call me pessimistic, but honestly, that's just how it is. But I'll tell you how it really was, it was terrifying, confusing, and inspiring. Okay, so our first meeting wasn't right out of a fairy tale. It doesn't mean you still can't be my Prince Charming.