Each chapter is a small vignette inspired by a song, usually involving Canada (Matthew Williams) and Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt). Think of it as a series of one shots. There will be no lyrics at all; these are merely inspired by the songs, and may seem to have no connection at all. I will always post the title and artist for those who are curious, but seriously, do not worry about it. :D
This chapter is inspired by: Take Me On The Floor by The Veronicas.
Take Me On The Floor
Matthew cocked his hip against the bar and poured another drink down his throat. The pounding music throbbed through the air and he could feel the vibrations course through his body in shivering little pulses. The lights flashed harshly against his eyes in beat with the music and the overall effect was exhilarating. The bodies shifted constantly around him, brushing against each other as drinks were bought in twos and threes.
Matthew ordered yet another shot and turned his sights to the dance floor, scanning the crowd for someone, anyone, who could hold his attention for more than five minutes in his alcohol induced haze.
And then he saw him; leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed and lazily tapping his foot to the beat. He was strikingly pale in the dimness of the club, his black shirt and dark jeans only highlighting the effect. His hair was so light that the flickering colours of the lights washed the strands in their hues of blue and purple. The man was also searching the dance floor and soon their eyes met from across the room.
The man ran his eyes up and down Matthew in a blatant and predatory fashion, causing Matthew to knock back his shot in an attempt to cover his nervousness and nearly choke on the burning liquor. He could feel a blush staining his cheeks and fought the sudden racing of his heart when the man pushed off the pillar and stalked towards him.
Matthew turned back to the bartender and ordered two more drinks. The bartender raised an eyebrow but took the cash without comment.
"Hey," said the man loudly as he approached and casually placed a hand on the bar; successfully cornering Matthew. Matthew gulped lightly and passed one of the drinks to the man.
"Matthew," he said by way of introduction. The man grinned, taking the glass and clinking it against Matthew's in friendly greeting.
"Gilbert. I've never seen you here before."
"Never been here before," Matthew shrugged.
"And tonight?"
"Tonight I was lonely."
The grin shifted smoothly into a leer as Gilbert leant over him.
"Then you came to the right place."
Matthew sipped his drink shyly and looked up at the captivating man. The liquor and thumping bass were getting to him, but that was the point. That was the whole reason Matthew had grabbed a fistful of twenties and hailed a taxicab; it was for a good time. No expectations, no regrets; just some alcohol, a stranger, and a good time.
"I sure hope so," whispered Matthew slyly and Gilbert chugged his drink before slamming the tumbler on the bar and pulling him insistently towards the dance floor. Matthew had just enough time to swallow his own drink before being dragged off.
Gilbert led them into the centre of the crowd and grabbed his hips, suggestively pulling them closer before slipping his hands into Matthew's back pockets. Matthew threw his arms over the other man's shoulders and pressed their chests together. Gilbert bent over to whisper dirty words against his ear as they rocked their bodies to the beat of the music and Matthew felt his knees go weak. He threaded his fingers through Gilbert's flaxen hair in an effort to stop himself from falling.
More and more couples were disappearing into the darker corners of the club for wicked, sinful pleasures as the morning hours passed. Gilbert was licking and biting his way up Matthew's neck in the middle of the dance floor with little care for secrecy. Matthew pushed away only to bring their lips smashing together. Gilbert returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm and dragged his tongue along Matthew's bottom lip. He opened his mouth with a soft pleading sound never heard above the pounding music. Gilbert tangled their tongues together and brazenly slipped his hands underneath Matthew's shirt and scratched his fingernails against his bare, heated skin.
The two men broke apart, gasping, and searched each other's eyes for consent. Each knew what he wanted and could see the approval reflected there.
"My place or yours?" Panted Matthew.
"Both. In that order," grinned Gilbert. He twisted his finger through one of Matthew's belt loops and tugged him impatiently towards the exit. Matthew waved a grand, sweeping 'adieu' to the bartender and distracted couples before following Gilbert through the doors and into the night.
These are an excuse for me to write short one shots that, hopefully, you can also enjoy. I will still be working on my other stories, and on more substantial posts, but sometimes I just need to write something short and sweet. Viola! Short or not, please take the time to review. Anonymous reviews are welcome.
Keep an eye out for more chapters and tell me what you think!