Soun and Genma's Excellent Plan

Version 2 - 3.11.02

I do not own any of the Ranma ½ characters. However, I will if I ever strike it rich.

"" - Japanese Speech

{} - English Speech

[] - Thought

Ch 1: A Plan is Born

Soun and Genma were at the library. Now, most people would find this an unusual place to find the two, but in reality it wasn't. The two spent a lot of time at the library. They were often looking up things on romance, psychology, and rearing teenagers. Tonight they were browsing the Internet. Suddenly the silence and tranquility of the library was broken.

"Eureka! I've found it Soun old buddy. Look at this."

Soun looked over at Genma's computer screen and the line to which Genma was pointing. Then he started to smile.

"North Carolina, huh. Isn't that in the U.S.?"

"Yep, how much money you got Soun?"

"I should have enough."

After another hour of gathering related information Soun turned to Genma.

" I think we are going to need some help in planning this. But who?"

"Do you think that we could get Nabiki to help?"

"That's a good idea, and after the stunt that she pulled at the wedding? I am sure that we can get her to help."

"Hehehe, the schools will surely be united now."

The two began to do their happy dance as the librarian escorted them out. Once outside they made their way to a local bar to celebrate.

"See, you two next week."

"Next week?" Asked the new library assistant.

"Yeah, they've been coming in here almost every week for the last five or six months. They are looking for a way to get their children to marry each other."

"Well, it looked like they found one finally."

"Doubtful, they do that every week, and they always come back again the following week."



The next morning Soun and Genma were late getting to breakfast. This was not a big surprise to the rest of the occupants of the house. The two were often late to breakfast after their weekly journey to the bar.

"Come on Ranma. We need to get to school early to study for that English test with Hiroshi, Daisuke, Yuka, and Sayuri."

"Oh man Akane, I am sick of studying. That is all that we did last night."

"Quite your complaining Ranma, it is nice of them to help us get caught back up."

"Yeah, I guess." Ranma said standing.

"Bye." The two teens said as they ran out the door, blissfully unaware of what their fathers had planned.

It was shortly after Ranma and Akane left that Soun and Genma came downstairs. They sat down with Kasumi and Nabiki and started eating.

"Nabiki, are you doing anything after school today?"

"No. Why daddy?"

"Well, you're going to be graduating soon and will be going off to college. I was thinking of taking you out for a father-daughter night."

"Reeeally? Where were you thinking of going?" Nabiki asked skeptically.

"I don't know. I thought that I would let _you_ decide."

"Okay. There is that new tempura restaurant in _Ginza_ that opened up that I have been wanting to try."

"Good. We can leave as soon as you get home from school."

"Well, I don't want to be late for school." Nabiki said with a triumphant smile as she rose and walked out the door.

Kasumi stood up, gathered the dishes from the table, and went into the kitchen.

[I wonder what father is up to? Oh well, I'll find out soon enough.]


Soun and Nabiki entered Godo's Tempura Palace took a seat and waited to order.

"So. What are you wanting to talk to me about Daddy?"

"What makes you think that I had anything in particular in mind?"

"Well. For starters, you never want to have a father-daughter evening unless you need to talk to one of us in private. Then there is the fact that you didn't even flinch when I mentioned coming all the way to Ginza to get tempura. Finally, to top it all off, Genma followed us here." Nabiki said as she pointed to a panda standing in a corner wearing a trench coat, a fedora, and dark glasses.

"Hehe. Well there was something that we were wanting to talk to you about in private." Soun said nervously as he motioned Genma over.

"I thought so."

Genma joined the couple at the table and Nabiki splashed him with her tea.

"If we want to have a private conversation it wouldn't do to have you waving signs around, now would it Mr. Saotome. It's your nickel, so shoot."

"Nabiki, we need your help."

"Daddy, could you please get to the point? I figured that you need my help. What with, is my question."

"We need your help to get Akane and Ranma married." Replied Genma quietly.

"Heh! I'm not a miracle worker."

"We have an idea but we need your help to plan it so that it goes like we want."

"Oh, I see. So what is in it for me?" Replied Nabiki with that predatory gleam in her eyes.

"Our gratitude, and your little sister's happiness." Whispered Genma.

"I see that you aren't much brighter than your son, Mr. Saotome. I mean how much is it worth to you? Is it worth 50,000 yen?" Nabiki smiled.

"Tendo Nabiki! I am shocked at you. If you had not pulled that stunt of yours at the wedding they would be happily married by now. How dare you demand 50,000 yen from your father. BWAAAAAA!" Soun burst into tears.

"15,000 yen." Offered Genma.

"20,000 and it's a deal." Countered Nabiki.

"Okay, but it also buys your silence on this. No one can know about its true nature. Deal?" Genma counter offered.

"Deal, but only because you're family." Nabiki accepted.

"Good. Now here is the idea." Soun said as he abruptly stopped crying.


Much later that evening.

There was virtually no one left in the restaurant except the trio talking quietly in the corner.

"Okay. Here is the plan. We send Ranma and Akane a fake honeymoon package prize to the East Coast of the United States. We are going to say that Mr. Saotome signed up for it when you two were getting the stuff for the wedding. Following me so far."

Both men nodded.

"The package is going to include airfare, lodging, all meals, tickets to several local attractions, and spending money. They are going to be staying at the Happy Couples resort in North Carolina for five nights and the Holiday Inn in Orlando Florida for nine nights. Are you both still following the plan?"

Both men nod their heads in acknowledgement.

"The catch, of course, is that since it is a honeymoon package they are going to have to travel as a married couple. This means they are going to have to register everywhere as a married couple and act like a married couple. The resort in North Carolina caters to newlyweds. So most of the activities are for married couples. All of their rooms will be single bed and all of the tickets to the attractions are for couples. Did you miss anything?"

"Um, Nabiki. Why are we sending them to Florida again? That is pretty expensive." Asked Genma.

"Arrrhhh! _That_ is to get Akane to want to _go_ on the trip. This plan is going to be useless if they won't go. Akane has always wanted to see Disney World. She will do virtually anything to get there." Nabiki replied in exasperation.

"That makes sense." Agreed Genma, while nodding in understanding.

"Yeah, isn't it a perfect idea." Soun agreed enthusiastically.

"Well, it isn't perfect. I am not real sure how making them be around other married couples and act like a married couple is going to make them confess their undying love, but I have to say. It is one of you two's better ideas. If for no other reason then it removes all of the other distractions."

"The question is can you get all of the stuff set up in time for the upcoming break for a price that we can afford?" Asked Soun.

"Sure I can."

With that the trio paid there bill and left the restaurant.
