And here we are with the epilogue of Here Comes The Bride! Enjoy!

Epilogue: Anniversary


Amu looked at her 2 friends, Rima and Utau. They were looking at her with wide eyes.

"What? What did I do?" She asked innocently.

"What do you mean he forgot about your anniversary? He couldn't have!" Utau said in disbelief. Amu sighs.

"He really did. That old man…" Amu muttered.

It's their 6th year of marriage, including the one before they divorced. This year, Amu was turning 37 and Ikuto 39.

"Oh that idiot! Which man would forget their anniversary?" Rima asked angrily. The two other women stared at her.

"What, Nagi doesn't forget." Rima shrugged. Utau sighed. "Kukai is like that once in a while, but don't worry. It's pretty normal. Maybe he's planning a surprise for you." Utau comforted her bestie. Amu nodded.

"Oh well…"


"I'm home!" Amu yelled. She heard tiny footsteps.

"Yay, yay! Mama's home!" Midori, the 3 year old cheerfully hugged her mother.

"Midori's annoying, mom. I told you to leave her in the hospital that day when she was born." Kyo, 5, said, arms folded. Amu looks at her son.

"Then you won't have a sister anymore. Do you not want a sister?" Her mother asks. Kyo looks at her.

"I want a sister who isn't annoying." Kyo said. Midori was near to tears. "O-Onii-chan doesn't love me?"

Kyo, who saw this immediately rushed to her side. "No, I didn't mean that. Don't cry." He hugged her. Slowly, she smiled.

"I love onii-chan so much!" she hugged him back. He smiles. Amu too smiles.

"So, is your papa home yet?" Amu asks. Midori nods. "He's sleeping." Kyo adds. Amu twitches.

"He didn't wait for me? Damn that stupid…" she mutters, going upstairs. A confused Midori looked at her brother. "What was mama talking about?" She asks. He looks at her. "Little kids shouldn't know."


Amu sighs. Ikuto was really asleep. These few days, he's been very early to bed.

Ikuto had taken another acting offer. He often came home late and Amu ends up dozing off alone.

Ikuto laid on the bed, eyes shut. His black shirt was unbuttoned. (It's the character song one. Ikuto has a hot chest XD what do ya guys think? ^^)

Amu looked at him. His chest rose and fell as he slept. She placed a hand on his hair and stroked it gently.

Ikuto flinched as her hand slightly made contact with his ears. He opened his eyes slowly and smiled when he saw her.

"Hey." He greeted her, kissing her briefly. She smiles. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" she asks him, still stroking his hair.

He shook his head and buried his face in her hands and yawned. Amu laughs. "I guess you should go back to bed. You know, you must be tired."

Again, he shook his head. "I thought I would just take a light nap. Hey, do you know something?"

Amu looked at him and smiled. "What?" Thinking he actually remembered their wedding anniversary, she smiled wider.

"How long have we not been sleeping together?" he asks, smirking. Amu's spirits fell. She was thinking about their anniversary and all he thought of was sex?

"I don't know." Ikuto noticed how her voice suddenly went cold. "I didn't really count." Amu stood up and went to the dressing room. She removed her earrings.

Ikuto stood up and hugged her waist. "Really? But I'm sure you do coz you're always doing it."

Amu blushed. "No, you're the one who goes, 'Oh crap, how long have we not slept together?'" she mimicked him and he laughed.

"So… what do you think? Wanna have some fun?" he asks, pulling off her spaghetti straps. She turns around so they were face to face. Then, they kiss. Him, wrapping his arms around her waist while she wraps hers around his neck. Slowly, they broke the kiss and headed for the bed.

Hopefully, this will refresh your memory, Amu thought.


After breakfast on a Sunday morning, Ikuto leaves the house to meet up with Nagi and Rima.

"Will you be home for dinner?" Amu asks, giving him a peck. He nods. "Yep. Hey, what day is today?"

"Sunday!" Midori shouted from the dining room. Amu nods. "Well, see you tonight." He nods back and gives her a kiss.

After the door closed, Amu gives a sigh. Kyo hears it. "What's wrong, mom?" Amu looks at his son and shakes her head.

"It's nothing…"


Ikuto wasn't sure why Rima was shooting him daggers. "What?" he asks.

"Nothing." Rima still giving him the look. Nagi sweat dropped.

"So… why did you call me?" he asks, sipping on tea. Rima glares. "Do you know what day it'll be in 3 days time?"

Ikuto thought about it. He snapped his fingers. "Yeah." Rima's spirits went up.

"It's gonna be a Wednesday." Rima smacks his face. "Ow! What the fuck is that for?" he asked.

"It's because you're a fucking idiot. You forgot about your own wedding anniversary!"

Ikuto stiffened. "What? Are you sure?" he asks. She nods. "Amu's pretty disappointed. You're a useless husband." Rima said, drinking tea.

"Darn it! I forgot!" He yelled, hiding his face in his hands. "Crap, what do I do?"

Nagi, who had been quiet all along looked at him. "I know what to do. Well… here's what you should do…" and he told his plans to the two. Rima nodded.

"You sure it'll work?" Ikuto asks. Nagi and Rima gives a thumbs up.

"It'll be the best."


He still doesn't remember, Amu thought. Ikuto never even mentioned about it. All he said was, "I'm gonna be late…"

Well, to keep her time occupied, she decided to hang out with her two best friends.


"ARGH!" Ikuto's hand quickly moved away from the hot pot. He was over at Kukai's… cooking…

"Not like that! Like this!" Nagi rushed over to him and took a cloth to open the lid. Then, Kukai came over to try the soup.

"Yum! Good job, Tsukiyomi!" He thumbs up to Ikuto. Ikuto, who was still treating his burned hand, smiled a bit.

Besides the burned hand, there were a few more cuts on his fingers… and the other hand was also slightly cut while slicing onions.

Why were they doing that? It was the surprise dinner for his and Amu's wedding anniversary.

"Well… what do you think of the spaghetti?" Ikuto asks, nodding at the plate with red sauce and pasta.

"I think you gotta add more sauce." Nagi commented. Ikuto nods and grabs the pot with red tomato sauce in it.

"Okay, I guess we're all done." Ikuto said, stretching.

"So, now all you need is to get the apron off and change into the clothes." Nagi winked. Ikuto nods.

"What about the table setting?" He asks. "Don't worry, we'll do it for ya!" Kukai patted his friend's arm. Ikuto gives a grateful smile.

"Thanks for the help you guys." Ikuto thanked them and they high fived each other.


"Geez, Utau. You're so forgetful." Amu said when Utau asked her to grab her phone.

"Aw, I'm sorry, but I really need it. You know… in case someone calls me to offer a job or something."

Amu pouts and then gives a huff. "Fine!"

As she gets down from the car, Utau and Rima grinned from ear to ear. Then, they waited for their husbands to come in.

"Do you think it'll work?" Utau asks her friend. Rima nods. "Good luck, Ikuto!" they wished to themselves.

Amu used the key to open the door. The house was so dark, Amu was reaching for the switch until she heard a melody.

She followed the tune. Then, she reaches the dining room. On the table was a big red candle with a red rose.

The person playing the melody was Ikuto on the violin. (It's Yuuki no Uta, I think that's how you spell it…)

"Sing along." He smirked. Amu looked confused but obeyed him.

When the song ended, Amu looks at him. "What's all this?" she asks.

He smiles and walks towards her.

"Happy Anniversary." He whispered.

Amu's tears sprang out. "You… you remembered?" she asks, her tears slowly streaming out. He wipes them off.

"Yeah, I did… how can I not?" He shrugged. Amu hugged him tightly. "You're the best." She said. He smiled.

"So… shall we begin the dinner?" he asks. Amu looks at him and nods.


"Mm, this is delicious!" Amu says, using the napkin to wipe off the stain. Their final dish was the spaghetti.

"Well, there's one more thing." Ikuto says, standing up and going to the kitchen. Then, he comes back bringing a plate.

"What? Gosh, I don't think I've got space for this anymore…" Amu mumbles but when he puts the plate down, she gasps.

"Is this…"

It was a gold charm locket. Amu takes it and she looks up at him. "Ikuto… this…"

He goes behind her and slowly opened the locket. There was a picture of the whole family. Midori, Kyo, Amu and Ikuto, all smiling happily. There was also music when it is opened. It was the same song Ikuto had played.

"It's beautiful!" Amu says. Ikuto takes it from her and puts it on for her. "It looks much better on you."

Then, he produces another one. It was identical, exactly like Amu's one.

"Midori and Kyo will each have one too. That way, it shows that we're a happy family." He smiles. Amu looks at him.

"You're the best husband ever." She gives him a long, hard kiss.

"So, do I get a reward for that?" he asks, smirking. She smirks too. "Well, I don't know. Should we do it here?" she asks. He nods.

"But this isn't our house." She moans lightly as he licked her neck. "It doesn't matter. I've got permission anyway."

"In that case…" she brings his face to his again and kisses him one more time. This time, much more passionate.


"Hey, where will we sleep at tonight?" Kukai asks.

"You can come with us. We've got room." Rima says. Nagi nods.

"But, what about your kids?"


"Ne, Kyo-niitan! Can you gimme another kiss, pweaseee!" Yuki, 5, daughter of Utau and Kukai hugs him. Kyo blushes lightly.

"Hey, onii-chan is blushing!" Midori teases. "Am not!" Kyo retorts.

"But… erm…" A shy 4-year-old Rin, daughter of Rima and Nagi says.


"Where is mummy and daddy?" she asks.


"I guess they're having loads of fun in their godparent's home. Maybe a small party too…" Rima says, shrugging.

"Ah!" they heard Amu moan from outside. Immediately, all of them blush.

"Y-You know what, let's go back home before we get caught." Kukai says. They all nod and left.


Amu sighs. So does Ikuto.

"Okay, have you had enough yet?" Amu asks, exhausted. Ikuto, who was still sighing smirked.

"Why? It's just the beginning you know…" he kisses her hard.

Uh-oh, Amu thought.

"This is gonna be such a long night…"


Yes, it's the end of 'Here Comes The Bride!'. As promised, this is the epilogue and here you have it.

Okay, so I'm having a block for Neko Secrets. Most of you said the plot was too… how do you say… similar with a lot others. But, you haven't read the whole thing just yet, so how do you know?

LOL! Anyways, I'm finished with this. It's complete. Please review or I will NEVER do any epilogues for other stories ANYMORE! Also, school starts tomorrow so I won't be able to update as soon as possible anymore. T.T but hope you enjoyed this :D

I love you readers! Thanks for being supportive readers of HERE COMES THE BRIDE! Lots of love, Suki-chan!