A/N Hello, and welcome to the fourth chapter of HTTYD What Ifs? I've been away for a while, I apologize for that, but I'm back! So, before we begin, I'd like to thank Snow Bunny Rabbit, just me (), Quille, _, and _ for reviewing. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I don't own HTTYD or anything to do with it. I do however own several very nice pictures of Night Furies, drawn by myself. Awesome, aren't I.

This is set at the Terrible Terror dragon training scene, and was suggested by the reviewer Quille. Let's get this story started!

"Meet the Terrible Terror." Gobber's accented voice rang out through the stone training ring as a large log being used as a lock to keep one of the huge dragon pens built into the walls of the ring shut lifted, releasing the monster within. Or in this case, a small flap about a foot across swung open on the bottom of the door, revealing a tiny green dragon that could barely pass off as dangerous, at least in looks. Tuffnut snorted.

"Heh! It's like the size of my…" Whatever he was about to say, the world will never know, because in that space of time, the terror launched itself at him…or rather, his helmet. It grabbed onto one of the long horns sticking out of the side with it's tail, spinning it around two or three times on his head while letting out a high pitched shriek that if anyone had bothered to listened to, sounded something like a "WHHEEEEEEE!".

Abruptly letting go of the helmet, it shot off through the air (leaving a slightly dizzy Tuffnut behind) and slammed straight into Astrid's face at high speeds, knocking her over in a small cloud of dust. When it cleared, and the others got over their shock at what just happened, they were treated to the sight of Astrid with a Terror sitting on her face, happily chewing on her nose. She sat there for a moment, eyes crossing in an attempt to se the dragon properly, then tried to slap it off with the back of her hand. The Terror simply wriggled over to one side, and before she could stop herself, Astrid slapped herself, hard, in the face.

The others stared, then started laughing at her, which led to her getting ever madder then she already was and started hitting out at the tiny nuisance on her face as hard as she could, and missing every time. As much as Hiccup was enjoying the double show of Astrid punching herself in the face repeatedly, and loosing a fight to something smaller then him, he decided enough was enough and rubbed some of the dirt off of the metal center of his shield, polishing it up enough to have a little spot of light reflect off of it and onto the ground. Approaching Astrid carefully, he flashed the light in front of the Terror several times, catching it's attention and causing it to leave the dodging game to play the 'follow the shiny' game.

Hiccup quickly led the small dragon back to it's holding pen and directed it through the tiny trap-door at the bottom, kicking it shut and holding it there before turning to the rest of the trainees with a small smirk. By now Astrid had recovered and half-staggered back over to the rest of the group. Tuffnut gave a small grin and turned away from Astrid and toward the others before announcing in a rather obnoxious tone of voice:

"Wow, he's better than she'll ever be." This comment earned him a fist swung at his head, but alas; his helmet was still tilted and crooked from the Terror's "attack", so she just managed hit her hand on the front of his helmet, that was now on the side of his head and hanging over one ear. This was the last straw for her, and with an incomprehensible shout of anger, she slammed her axe onto the ground with enough force to crack the blade, and stormed off, yanking on her hair and muttering some rather un-lady like words under her breath.

Later that day…

"Fine Toothless, you win." Hiccup sighed. "Nothing but the best cod and salmon for the next two weeks." Toothless gave his signature grin, and scratched something in the dirt. "Yeah, you are a genius, I have to give you that. But man, I thought for sure it was going to take at least another week!" The dragon just snorted.

And here we are with another presentation by me, the author, who owns HTTYD! *hides behind desk as lawyers (think Agents from the Matrix) storm in* OK, OK, I don't own it! I don't own it! I just own a slight sugar rush! Oh and Quille gave me the idea. *sighs in relief as lawyers leave* It's set when Hiccup and Toothless first meet and Hiccup gives him a fish, but gets something else in return…

Hiccup watched in a mixture of fear, awe and slight disbelief as the mightiest of all dragons known to Viking-kind inched forwards like a stray cat being offered scraps.

"Heh, toothless. Could've sworn you had…" Razor sharp teeth shot out of previously empty gums and the sleek black dragon shot his head forward and snatched the fish out of Hiccup's hands before he could do anything more than blink in surprise as the dragon bit the fish in half, swallowing the head and flipping the tail up into the air over it's head before catching and swallowing that, too. Hiccup let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding in a whisper, finishing the sentence he had started a few seconds ago. "…teeth."

Licking its lips and giving the human standing in front of it a sniff, the dragon could still smell the delicious scent of fish coming off of him and began walking towards him, confidant in the fact that the human had no more weapons with him and besides, he was still hungry.

Hiccup jumped back slightly as the Night Fury began stalking forward, eyes narrowed and sniffing, as if wondering if he would be worth eating. He began stumbling backwards as the dragon continued to advance, but before long stumbled over a bump in the ground and fell over backwards, scrabbling back until he felt his back bump into a small boulder on the ground behind him. Unable to move, but for some reason also seemingly unable to look away from those great green eyes, he winced as the dragon's face came up close to his, those reptilian eyes silently asking a question that he somehow seemed to understand. And when the answer came, it came in a barely audible whisper.

"I, I don't have anymore." Seemingly satisfied with this answer, the black-scaled monster backed up a few steps, then turned, walked several yards way, and went behind another of the large rocks scattered over the tiny valley's floor. Hiccup sat up straighter and tried to see around the edge of the rock that was hiding the head and front half of the dragon in front of him without leaving his position. A sudden blast of blue fire erupted from behind the dragon's rock, and Hiccup instinctively curled into a tight ball, hands over his head, not daring to look up until he heard heavy footsteps approaching him, and then stopping right in front of him. Chancing a peek from between his knees, he was met with the strangest thing he had ever seen in his life. In front of him was the greatest dragon of all time, a creature from a Viking's worst nightmare, standing in front of him on its back feet, and in its front paws was a metal tray on which rested…

"A tea set?"

So, what do you think? (And yes, you're right, this is another shameless beg for reviews. But what can I say? I loooooooovvveeee them.) If I get less than two (See? Not very many!) reviews in two weeks (look how generous I'm being :} ) than I'm going to consider this story (if you can call it that) boring to everyone else and stop writing it (OK, I'm shutting up now).

But before you go, as an extra apology for making you wait this long, here's something that popped into my head one day but didn't bother writing out in full. May I present a glorious creation of my strange mind, a masterpiece of bad writing, a… (gets pelted by disgruntled fans screaming "Get on with it!") Fine then. *grumps to self* May I present…*strikes dramatic pose as dramatic music plays* SOMETHING TOTALLY STUPID AND RANDOM!

Toothless: "Ooh, ooh, ooh! Are you here to kill me? Oh, that'll be fun! Come on! Gotta catch me first! Haha! Too slow! WHEEEEE HEEEEEE! Ah hahaha! Oh, boy, this is fun! Let's play hide and seek! Can we please! Awww, pretty please? Awwww, You're a meanie! I hate you! But that's ok! We can still play! Let's play tag then! That's my favoroute! How about twister? Can we play that? It's my favoutite! But not chess. I suck at that. Well, how about it? Are we going to play go fish or not! Race you to that tree! Oh, hang on a minute; I have to go to the bathroom. Wait right there! I'll be right back! Oh, hey! Never mind! I didn't have to after all. Sorry! Hey, do know how to play poker? I want to learn how 'cause my mommy told me it was bad. Can you teach me anyway? Ooh, ooh, let's be best friends! Can we watch a movie? I'm bored. Can we play?

Hiccup: Uhhh…

Toothless: Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Hang on a second. Ok, now come over and do your Viking can't-kill-a-dragon thing. Shutting up now.

P.S. Look at that secret, mysterious button that I'm not supposed to tell you about!