Note: Okay so I thought 'the heck with it!' so i just decided to post it. I also decided that i am going to put this T not M. don't ask i just have my reasons. So this one will be short. The rest will probably be long and all that cheese. Anyway, i hope to enjoy this. I'll try to keep up with this and my other two stories. One's almost finished but i might make a sequel but it depends. Like i said. Enjoy.

Sadly, I don't own Vampire Academy D:

"Help me…" I groaned in pain. I looked to the side of me to see that my abdomen is bleeding and my hips are broken. I need to make it to the ward now.

But what I didn't know is that I'm already dying…

"Dimitri, help me please." I say as I reach my hand out towards him.

He stares at me. His face shows guilt and pain but his mask is put up before I read any more emotions.

They're both traitors. There they are, looking down at me as if I'm a homeless person. She starts to leave and looks back, hoping that he will follow.

Why won't he help me? I'm sure he knew that last night was no big deal.

"Come on…" she pleads. I look at him. I know that look. He's debating whether or not to leave with her or leave with me.

Or maybe…they don't want my blood on their hands. That's it!

"Roza…" he says, his voice cracking.

"Come on! They're coming!" She starts to panic.

"Don't leave me…" I gasp out.

He shoots me a look of pure guilt and hurt. He starts to walk away…

Why? Why is he leaving me? I lay on the floor, my hand is reached out, and I am helpless as I watch him run with her.

I look down and stare at the floor. Soon the pain becomes unbearable.

"You…you traitor! I trusted you! Don't leave me!" I cry out. My hips are throbbing in pain and I can feel my heartbeat slow down.

Suddenly, I'm hit with all of our moments. Good and bad.

"You left me," I say as I take my last breath…


I wake up. Sweat is pouring down my forehead as if I had just gone for a swim. My blankets are kicked off the bed, sprawled out on the floor.

It was just a dream.

I wake up the next morning ready to practice with Dimitri. Ever since the nightmare I didn't get much sleep. Hopefully Dimitri can help me get rid of these thoughts.

But why do I have a feeling like it's actually going to happen? The pain, heartbreak, and even when I took my last breath; it felt so real.

I shake my head trying to get rid of the dream. It's just a dream…it's just a dream…

As I near the gym I feel so scared. Why am I acting like this? Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I open the gym doors to see a furious Tasha and a grief stricken Dimitri. Uh-oh.

"Is it because of her?" She spat the last word, pointing at me.

Dimitri looked at me and shook his head, "No." Ouch that hurt. Seriously, it did.

"Calm down Tasha," I tried to reassure her. Even though I don't like her, I still have to treat her with respect.

"Don't you calm down Tasha me!" she shouted at me.

The next thing I new; she grabbed me by my shoulders and threw me across the room. Damn, I didn't know she had strength. I hit the wall really hard, hard enough that I swore my hips just went out of place. I see black blurs for a moment and I see Tasha standing over me. I can try to fight her.

Dimitri is running towards us, desperate to get Tasha to stop. He grabs her by the arm but she sees his stake and grabs it and pushes him away. She turns to me and lifts me up by my arms. The pain in my hips is excruciating. I try to stand on my legs but my hips won't let me.

Taking this opportunity, I punch Tasha the moment I see her. She yelps out in pain and stumbles back. I take a step but I almost fall and I turn to the wall for support. Big mistake. I feel something stab me right in the abdomen. I look down and see the tip of the stake pointing out.

I scream in pain and fall to the floor. Then it all hits me.

I-It couldn't be! Shock overwhelms me. With a great deal of strength and adrenaline, I lift myself on my elbow.


I can't breath right. I look up to see the faces of Tasha and Dimitri.

"Help me…" I groaned in pain. I need to make it to the ward now.

But what I didn't know is that I'm already dying…

"Dimitri, help me please." I say as I reach my hand out towards him.

He stares at me. His face shows guilt and pain but his mask is put up before I read any more emotions.

They're both traitors. There they are, looking down at me as if I'm a homeless person. She starts to leave and looks back, hoping that he will follow.

Why won't he help me?

"Come on…" she pleads. I look at him. I know that look. He's debating whether or not to leave with her or leave with me.

Or maybe…they don't want my blood on their hands. That's it! He didn't do anything to stop Tasha! Only to pull her away and that was all he did! He just stood there! Why?

"Roza…" he says, his voice cracking.

"Come on! They're coming!" She starts to panic.

"Don't leave me…" I gasp out.

He shoots me a look of pure guilt and hurt. He starts to walk away…

Why? Why is he leaving me? I lay on the floor, my hand is reached out, and I am helpless as I watch him run with her.

I look down and stare at the floor. Soon the pain becomes unbearable. My breathing becomes ragged and short.

"You…you traitor! I trusted you! Don't leave me!" I cry out. My hips are throbbing in pain and I can feel my heartbeat slow down.

Suddenly, I'm hit with all of our moments. Good and bad. Our first meeting, our first fight, practice session, conversation, our first kiss…

At first I saw a dream. A dream I thought I could have with him. Now all I see is a shattered future.

My time is coming up, I can feel it.

Then the bad times comes…

Arguing, him pushing me away constantly, him telling me he doesn't love me anymore, him as a strigoi, and now this…

I feel a sharp pain in my heart. Why did this have to happen today? Why now? I had my life ahead of me! Living as a guardian beside Lissa and Dimitri.

I bring my hand back in and rest it against my chest.

"Dimitri…" I say as I close my eyes and take my last breath.

"Rose!" was the last thing I heard.

Read and Review. Not my best work, but had to give it a try. It's so wierd writing in first person and sort of...easier. Tell me watchu guys think! I'm out!
