Title: Naruto & Sasuke: ...Daddy Potential? (N.S.D.P.)

Author: PrettyKitty93

Warnings: Mild Language, Suggestive Acts, Lemons/Limes in some chapters, slightly incestuous in some chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Naruto series or any of the characters, they are the property of Masashi Kishimoto. This is just for fun, I do not make any money from this fic.

Author's Notes: I'm finally done with NSDP and I'm really happy for it! I hope you all enjoy the ending… I don't want it to seem rushed but I hope it moves you to laugh real laughs and to cry real tears! Hopefully tonight I'll start writing the next installment in the whole NSHP series, about Kushina growing up now. I'm just stumped as to what to call it right now, any ideas? Anyways thanks for sticking around with me writing so slow, all of you! I love every one of you guys for reading this, I never thought it'd be so popular, so thanks!


Illusions of Grandeur: Conclusion

"I can't do this anymore!" Kisame cried out, at his wit's end with the potty training business. Miyaki, after two days, finally left out his room for food when he heard the man's plight. No one else was home, so he reached into the cookie jar and pulled out three cookies, and said to the kids, "Whoever goes to the potty and washes their hands like a big kid can get a cookie~"

"Me-me-me-me-meee!" they cried out, before they ran off to the bathroom, where Katsuo got first and closed the door on them.

"That was it? Bribery?!" Kisame questioned in disbelief.

"Kids aren't that complicated," Miyaki chuckled. "It worked on Kushina just fine, or else she would still be running around screaming, 'This is a free country! I am free to pee where ever I want! Toilets are just the man trying to get you down!"

"Wow Miyaki you're a lifesaver,"

"Here," Miyaki said, handing him the cookies. "Give this to them, I'm gonna go eat."

Miyaki went into the kitchen, scrounging around in the fridge to find something to eat, when he heard the doorbell ring…

"Thank you so much for doing this for me Hinata," Neji said for probably the fifth time that afternoon. Hinata was the only relative aside from Hiashi who had a key to the Hyuuga main family office, and with him in the hospital, they were free to carry out their plan.

"Anything for my little cousin Riku," she said with a smile. "I want to see him happy too, this isn't right, what my father is doing."

The two paused in front of large double doors at the end of the corridor. She took out her key and unlocked it with a click… Neji was so thankful the eldest daughter was in-waiting to head the family should something happen to her father. What they were doing was very deceitful, but she had all the rights to do so. Closing the door behind them, Hinata sat in the desk and started looking through filing cabinets and shelves until she found the form she was looking for.

"So you will sign here, as Riku's father…" she explained pointing.

"What about uncle Hiashi's signature?"

She looked in another drawer and pulled out a rubber stamp with his signature on it, like you would have at a doctor's office. "This will come in handy."

Stamping his signature on the appropriate line, then adding the seal of the Hyuuga family, she handed the form to Neji, "Now you will just need Lady Tsunade's signature to make it official. Once you have her signature, it's done."

"Thank you, I'll head over there right now," he said to his cousin, bowing in thanks again before darting off.

She sighed and smiled at him before standing up to lock up the office, making sure it was pristine. "I've never seen Neji so happy, never since… him."

"…Riku," Miyaki spoke, staring at the person at his front door, almost like he was a distant memory.

"How are you feeling? I've been dying to know what's up!-"

"Don't lie to me, that's why it took you a week to come visit isn't it?!" he yelled before slamming the door in Riku's face.

The Hyuuga was shaken up, stunned before calling out, "Miyaki? Please let me explain! Just… please?"

"I want to forget you, go away!" Miyaki shouted back.

Riku, still staring at the closed door, replied, "I don't want to forget you."

"I don't need you anymore okay?!"

Riku was stunned, he'd never heard Miyaki say anything like this before. To hear him say he didn't need him anymore… "Miyaki I need you. But… if I hurt you this badly, I guess I don't deserve you."

The Uchiha was starting to feel a little remorse, so he slowly opened up the door to find a solemn Riku on the other side.

"It's really stupid, I never thought I'd be standing here saying I need someone like this. I didn't think love worked like this, growing up in a family where we weren't particularly close to one another I didn't witness it first hand. But still… I never imagined I'd be standing here saying I need someone like this. I know I can't be with you but I want us to still be friends, I want to see you smile again and I want you to have someone you can go to so you won't be alone. You don't look like you've been taking care of yourself either. Regardless, its just hard to hear you say you don't need me is all," Riku confessed.

"Look I lied alright?" Miyaki snapped. "But how would you feel if you had a miscarriage and the person you got pregnant by wasn't there for you? It was really depressing, I feel like I failed. I actually have this strange family trait of being able to have a kid and I fucked it up, okay? I mean I know it wasn't planned or anything but I was actually kind of excited, I like kids, but… look I wouldn't let you take me back even if you could. The Hyuugas would prefer if you got married to a nice woman and had lots of babies and you know it. She looks healthy, I'm damaged goods-"

"Don't fucking say that!" Riku yelled, grabbing Miyaki by his shoulders and shaking him slightly. "Things happen like that all the time to everyone and you shouldn't blame yourself, you're not damaged goods! I don't even really care about kids, it would be nice but can't you understand that you're wonderful?"

"I-I understand…"

"I just wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself," Riku explained, putting his hands in his pockets now. "And to apologize for not being there when you needed me."

"It's fine, don't worry about it," Miyaki said flatly. "I-I'm gonna go eat now so…"

"Yeah, okay, please don't starve yourself anymore okay? I'm gonna go, call me if you need me…"

Miyaki nodded and as Riku made his way away from the house, Miyaki closed the door and headed back to the kitchen. In there, he found Kushina writing something and he glanced over her shoulder.

'Dear Mr. Hyuuga, I hope you realize what happen at the party was a warning. It is a taste of the real pain you meet when you cross me. I hope you learn your lesson. Mama says get well soon. I say burn in hell. Love, Kushina'

"Two things Kushina, one, 'happen' should have an –ed on it. Two… Sasuke is not going to let you send this to him," Miyaki pointed out.

"I wasn't going to show it to mama,"

"Fair enough," Miyaki shrugged it off, going into the fridge to find something to eat so people would stop bugging him about it.

After sealing up her letter, planning to go to the Konoha hospital later, Kushina asked, "Are you still sad about your baby?"

"A little bit," he answered truthfully.

"Well when I'm sad, me and daddy bake brownies together, and then eat them with vanilla ice cream while we sit on the couch and watch funny movies," she said pointedly. "And I know I'm not a baby anymore but I am the next best thing~"

Miyaki smiled at her attempt to cheer him up, it was working. "Okay wash your hands and we'll start making some brownies."

It was funny that once he and Kushina started making brownies together, he realized he was having a lot of fun baking with her and they needed to do it more often since he usually stayed at his own apartment all the time. He looked at her on her little step stool, stirring the batter like he said, then helping pouring it into the pan. She looked so adorable and not evil when she was like this, because sometimes he had a hard time separating Kushina-the-revolutionary from Kushina-the-six-year-old. While the brownies were baking, he decided they should make fresh vanilla ice cream with the ice cream maker when the triplets came in and they wanted to help too. So he measured all the ingredients and let each one add something in so they felt like they were helping. Finally, after they finished the hot brownies and cold ice cream, Miyaki with his little sister and the triplets piled on the couch with their sweets watching funny movies… and in that moment he wondered why he ever felt like he was missing anything in his life at all.

"So Tsunade said that Neji brought in some emancipation papers for Riku today," Naruto oh so casually mentioned to Sasuke.

"I'm glad he was able to go through with it," Sasuke replied. "You know what this means right? Should we go tell Miyaki the good news?"

"I've got a better idea!"

"Oh dobe…"

"I'm serious!" Naruto exclaimed, pouting at Sasuke who was laying beside him in the bed. "I think that we should surprise them with a wedding! The only people who know right now that Riku is emancipated is us, Neji, Tomoe, Hinata, and Tsunade. I say we let the Hyuugas go on and plan the wedding next week like they are, but like when everyone shows up Tsunade will be all like, 'Surprise! Miyaki and Riku are getting married instead!"

"That's… that's really something Naruto,"

"That's all you have to say about my brilliant plan?"

"Besides the fact that Hiashi is going to be even more out to get us than before, I like it," Sasuke agreed, kissing Naruto on the lips. "They'll be able to have the wedding we never had."

"Great, I'll call Neji first thing tomorrow and let him know my plan! Also, I think that we should let them live in one of the other houses on the Uchiha estate instead of that small apartment, so they can feel part of the family. And you'll be happy because you'll be closer to nag Miyaki all the time-"

"I. Do. Not. Nag. And besides Naruto, all the other houses on the estate haven't been lived in since… well you know," Sasuke pointed out.

"Which is why we should start trying to fix them up, the whole estate needs to be fixed up really, its just kind of depressing to look at because all the houses look neglected. Between you and Itachi, there are five kids who are eventually going to grow up and need a place to live with their own families one day. The clan is going to grow a lot faster than you think,"

"…You've put a lot of thought into this haven't you?"

"Well you wanted the family to grow into its former glory right? I think it would make you feel better if we renovated the entire estate so it didn't look so dilapidated," Naruto explained.

Sasuke lay there silent for awhile, thinking, before he spoke, "Even though it sounds like a lot of work for the two of us to do alone, I agree with you. So we're going to go clean one of the houses out, get it ready for Miyaki and Riku to move into, and secretly plan their wedding at the same time?"


"…In a week?"


Sasuke was glaring at Naruto and giving him a look, before his face softened and he muttered, "Fine, I trust you dobe."

"Silly teme I'm always right,"

"I see where your daughter gets her lovely cockiness from,"

"You've lived with my wonderful cockiness for twenty years, you can deal with hers for twenty more," Naruto concluded with a grin.

While only a few people knew the truth, the rest of Konoha was buzzing with excitement for the big wedding. It was going to be that Saturday at the center of the village where all the great gatherings and events were held. The Hyuuga's had the money to make sure each and every wedding or gathering they held was a five-star gathering, and this was going to be no exception.

"I know I've been less depressed and all, but I don't think going to my ex-fiance's wedding will make me feel any better," Miyaki groaned as he was being forced to go with the rest of the family.

"I think you could use a bit of fun," Sasuke replied.

"And you might be pleasantly surprised by how much you enjoy yourself," Naruto added.

"What part of ex-fiance's wedding don't you guys understand?" he whined.

"Miyaki Nozomi Uch-"

"Okay I got it, middle name usage means you guys are serious, I'll go," he reluctantly agreed.

Miyaki went to go put on his nice black suit, and as the complete Uchiha family in a nice state of dress all headed to where the outdoor wedding was going to be, he had an odd sense of déjà vu. He just dearly hoped that he wouldn't have as bad a time at the wedding as he did at the engagement party two weeks ago. Gee, when they want their kids married quick they don't play around.

When they arrived, the village plaza was filled with white seats with sky blue ribbons tied perfectly on every chair's back. The wedding arch was decorated with white and blue flowers, and the aisleway had the same blue and white petals going all down it. Soon not only was every seat filled, but there were people standing at the edges, standing and waiting for four o'clock to hit and the wedding to begin.
Miyaki was sitting a row behind his cousins, and he watched as Namkishi was speaking to his twin, "Well, looks like Riku's about to get the ol ball and chain…"

"Ball and chain?" Harumi jumped in, looking miffed.

"Well not you of course, you'll never be a ball and chain to me," Nam assured her with that dazzling Uzumaki smile. Miyaki rolled his eyes, Namkishi could be a bit of a corn ball towards her but he really did love her, it was clear. She giggled and kissed him on the cheek… the display of affection usually made Miyaki happy for them but on the day of his ex's wedding… he just felt unexplicably bitter as he looked at this display of love around him. He mostly just felt that this wasn't fair.

"Miyaki, please try to smile okay?" Naruto asked his son sitting beside him.

"I came, that's about all you can expect from me,"

Naruto was going to try and continue further until everyone was silenced by Tsunade, who was standing towards the front with Riku, Neji, Tomoe, and Hiashi by her side. "We are about to start the ceremony everyone so please take your seats…" she began, and all the chattering slowly came to a halt as the guests got into their chairs. "Now… before the ceremony begins, I have a very important announcement to make," she began, with a smirk on her face, unsettling to Hiashi. The hokage held up a fresh document, clearly so all could see it, although there were so many people so far back in the crowd there was no way they could all read it regardless. "As most of you all know, Riku Hyuuga was formerly engaged to Miyaki Uchiha, until the head of the Hyuuga family decided that for obvious reasons it would not be fit in their eyes for the two to date any further, let alone marry."

"Tsunade… what are you doing?" Hiashi asked in a low grumble.

"I'm just informing these fine people that you, Hiashi, have a big problem with your great-nephew marrying my great-grandson because you wouldn't want a gay marriage sullying your family name. Let's just get that out in the open. However, as biased as it may be, Hiashi is unfortunately entitled to his opnion, so instead Neji came up to me last week and proposed something that might fix this and I for one was thrilled. This is where the document in my hand comes in! This document is the official emancipation papers for Riku, formerly Hyuuga, stripping him of his last name and any association to the Hyuuga family what so ever. Shockingly, it seems that Hiashi happily agreed!"

"That signature is not mine, it's a forgery! That document is not valid whatsoever!" he yelled, pointing at the signature on the bottom corner.

"Hiashi this signature is very official, after all you were incapacitated in the hospital and when the head of the family is incapacitated, your daughter has the rights to act in your place and make just decisions for all the members of the family," Tsunade pointed out with a smug look on her face.

Hiashi looked dumbfounded and his face was turning red with rage, "In-incapacitated?! That-?" he began, before turning off into the crowd and meeting a certain red-head's blue eyes, who was glaring at him, mouthing, 'I'm coming for you.'

"So… I'm no longer a Hyuuga? I'm without a last name now?" Riku finally spoke, stunned.

"Yes, you are without a last name, however considering nearly the whole hidden village has gathered here to see a wedding, and you have a beautiful licensed witness right before you, you could do one of two things here. You could marry Yuuna as it was arranged, or Miyaki could get his stunned-looking self up here and we could have ourselves a real wedding," Tsunade explained, while gesturing for Miyaki to come here.

Miyaki stood up from his seat, looking first at Naruto and Sasuke, smiling, then to his other side where Kushina was. "You guys already knew, didn't you…"

"You're going to need these," Kushina whispered, putting the rings in his hand.

"You guys are really the best,"

"Thanks, we know," Naruto replied with a grin. "And since we are the best, we can only allow our son to marry the best after all. I just hope your poor mama doesn't cry."

"Shut up dobe, I'm not going to cry," Sasuke teased.

Miyaki grinned and walked up to the alter, to stand beside Riku at last, where he was just overcome with happiness and embraced his love, before they kissed deeply at the prospect of finally realizing their dream life together. Everyone stood up and there was an explosion of clapping and applause, people whistled and whooped and hollered.

It was in that moment that Riku and Miyaki realized that somehow along the way, their love which had started out as an innocent rivalry over a girl, to an unexpected friendship, could blossom into something more, the kind of love that was innocent and complex all at the same time, that set a precedence for every other romance others would hope to have in Konoha. That's why everyone worked so hard and wanted to see them together in the end… it breathed new life into the idea of love and it was so obvious that feelings as strong as those only came around once in a lifetime and should be celebrated, not lain to waste by hatred.

"Hey…. Hey! We didn't get to that part yet!" Tsunade shouted, but she just let it go and smiled and clapped along with everyone else. This wedding was unorthodox enough in its own right, it couldn't get any weirder.

During the reception, Miyaki and Riku were eating dinner at their own married couple table and Riku nuzzled Miyaki on the neck endearingly, saying, "So how does it feel to be a wife?"

"I'm not a wife, last time I checked I'm not a woman," Miyaki laughed. "And stop being so affectionate in public, our parents are around."

"After all the shit we had to go through for me to be able to call you my wife? I'll be as affectionate as I want in public," Riku replied, his right hand grazing Miyaki's thigh. "Aw you're blushing."

"Riku stop trying to feel me up…" Miyaki whispered. "And you took my last name so technically you're the wife."

"Technically maybe…"

"And if you don't get your hand off my cock… I'm going to shove cake in your face when we cut the cake. We'll have a cake fight,"

"As long as we make up later I won't mind," Riku said with a grin. "Okay we're married now can we go home?"

"They spent so much money on this reception the least we could do is stay longer than an hour without you trying to carry me off and have your dirty way with me,"

"But I bet you're still thinking about me carrying you off and having my dirty way with you, aren't you?"

"Maybe… why are you so sex-crazed again?" Miyaki giggled.

"I'm not, its just my way of saying I'm really happy to have you all to myself again," Riku confessed, kissing Miyaki on the lips for like the millionth time that night. "I love you."

"I love you too," Miyaki echoed, grinning impossibly hard.

"And all these people around is getting in the way of me spending time with the one person I want to be with right now, while having lots and lots of honeymoon sex,"

"You're impossible, I can't take you anywhere!" Miyaki sighed loudly, and laid his head against Riku's shoulder, who in turn put his arm around him.

After dinner the reception began to turn up, there was lots of dancing and laughter. Miyaki and Riku started by dancing together, and so did all the other couples. Namkishi and Harumi stole the show by showing off their surprisingly impressive dancing skills, and then afterwards Kushina danced with her big brother while people took lots of photos of the endearing scene, while Riku took turns with his little sisters. Kushina then reluctantly forced the shy Seiji to dance with her, his face totally red the whole time while his mom was embarrassingly snapping photos of them. Naruto and Kisame took their respective Uchiha brothers out on the dancefloor, before their daughters got adorably jealous and Naruto sweeped Kushina in his arms while Kisame held Kasumi in his. People were shocked, not knowing a guy that scary could have such a soft side.

In between the dancing, the triplets made a point of sneaking treats from the dessert table while Itachi wasn't looking.

Shockingly, Jiraiya even got Tsunade to dance with him, but at that point she was probably drunk enough not to care. Nami snapped pictures of her sons dancing with their lovers, being obnoxious as usual, before snapping pictures of her husbands as well, making Iruka blush.

When it was time to open all the wedding gifts they got, Miyaki was happy with all the new cookware they received, while notably Riku's favorite present was the Kama sutra book they received from Miyaki's perverted uncle Kakashi.

Also, notably, Miyaki made good on his promise to smash cake in Riku's face but he took it like a champ… and did it back.

The party was starting to wind down a bit, when Neji, sitting off at a table eating his cake, was tapped by Shikamaru. "Can we talk for a second in the hallway? Where it's quieter?"

Neji nodded and followed the ponytailed man out into the virtually empty, dimly lit hallway outside the main room.

"There's something I've been thinking about giving you for a long time now, but I could never decide if it was a bad idea or not. If it means nothing to you I understand, but I guess what I'm saying is I learned the hard way life is too short to not put certain things out in the open," Shikamaru began to explain.

"You're usually so laid-back, what could possibly have you this stressed out?" Neji asked.

"Well, I know the nature of our relationship lately is particularly stressful, and I know I could never hope to marry you with your family being how they are and all. But I realized after me and Hinako fell out of love and I thought all I had were my daughters, I realized I have you too. And I just wanted to let you know I love you even though I can't ever have you completely,"

"I- I love you too,"

"And you know I come from a place where I don't say I love you a lot,"

"I know… me too,"

"But I can't let life go on and never let you know that," Shikamaru spoke, pulling out a silver ring with a amethyst on it and slipping it onto his finger. "It's an anti-wedding ring. I needed to get something that looked as far away from a wedding ring as possible so your family wouldn't get ideas."

"I really like it Shikamaru, I'm shocked. I was arranged to be married to Tomoe when I was eighteen, and I'm fourty now, and between you telling me you love me and seeing my son able to get the marriage he always wanted, today's the happiest day of my life,"

"I really mean it when I say I love to see your smile Neji, you don't do it nearly enough, so it makes me happy I'm able to cause it and only wish I could do more,"

"You've done plenty Shikamaru, thank you," Neji whispered, before leaning forward and kissing the man there in the empty hallway. Shikamaru pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, before they pulled away at last, not wanting to get caught.

"Where are we?" Miyaki finally asked. It was late now, pitch black outside, as Riku had snuck them away from the party as things were dying down. He had an idea to where they could sneak off and enjoy their honeymoon in peace, and he wanted to surprise Miyaki with it. So they were walking through the forest, hearing nothing but bugs chirping and leaves crunching, before they finally reached a clearing.

"Here we are," he spoke at last.

The two had reached that old cabin in the woods they had stayed in the time they ran away at sixteen. Even though the wedding to Miyaki was a surprise, he was able to pull some strings and get someone to fix the place up a bit and stock the fridge with food and whatnot while they were at the reception.

"Its our cabin," Miyaki stated fondly, "Where I told you I loved you."

"Right, it's nice and peaceful enough and no one knows where it is, so me and you can spend a nice quiet week together," Riku explained, before lifting Miyaki up suddenly, carrying him into the cabin bridal-style. "I can't wait to begin the rest of my life with you Miyaki I'm so happy; Just you, me… and lots and lots of honeymoon sex."

Miyaki couldn't help but laugh out loud as he clung to the brunette holding him, looked into his milky white eyes, and replied, "…Yeah, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you too."

The End

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