A/N: I tried to write this in the same style as I did the first part. But considering that I wrote this at one in the morning and it is unbeta'd (I have no beta for my oneshots. Well, twoshots) there's probably quite a few mistakes. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to review or even message me. Here's a resolution for our princess.

You told me to stay inside the tower for my own good. You said it was for the best, and that I would be much happier inside the tower.

You were wrong.

Day after day, I battled my inner demons. I fought with myself, looking at myself in the mirror and reminding myself that I am not good enough. I accidentally cut myself while cooking. It felt good. It took me far to long to decide that this life of starving myself and bleeding was not a life worth living.

After all a while, the foolish men stopped trying to rescue me. Which was perfectly fine by me, for I had little interest in them anyway. I decided to save myself.

But a small voice spoke to me: a voice that could command oceans and control winds, yet spoke to me so gently. It was during the dark nights of battling that the voice spoke, comforting me, leading me to hope.

Perhaps this voice was a stroke of madness after being locked up for so long. I know it was not, though. I know this voice was real, a part of a being who is willing to help me. This voice helped me escape.

I will not tell you all of the details of how I escaped. But I can tell you that I will never go back to the tower. From escaping, the voice led me through the wilderness. I stopped at a cave.

You must enter. I initially resisted. But I knew that I had to. The voice told me that I had to see with his eyes. Almost instantly, a tentacle of silver wind stroked my eyes. At first, nothing changed. Only after exiting the cave did I understand the gravity of my changed eyes. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I entered the cave, scared. Along the walls I saw mirrors. These were no ordinary mirrors. One mirror showed me with great weight. Another showed me impossibly skinny. None of my reflections seemed accurate; they all were disproportionate in some way or another.

And then I saw them. Two mirrors, standing right across from one another. One showed a terribly beautiful princess, with flawless and effortless appearance and grace and poise any lady of the Court would envy. Across from this was a small, lost child, wounded and face marred. The perfect reflection spoke to me.

"You will never be like me. You will never be perfect."

"Help me!" begged the reflection on the other side. The two argued back and forth, begging for help and putting me down. I then looked at the back of the cave.

The reflection in the mirror was me. It was not like any of the other reflections I had seen of myself. It was me as I truly was. I then realized that all of the images in the mirrors had been how I viewed myself. But they were not true. None of these reflections were. The perfect one was what I wanted to be. The wounded one was how I felt. I grew a sudden loathing for each and every reflection. I picked a large stone off the ground. I was going to destroy these. All of them except for the true mirror.

I screamed as I pounded the rock against the glass. Shards of glass spilled across the floor. I broke all of them. And as I stood, ready to destroy the last mirror, the impossibly perfect image, I saw you. I saw that this was everything you wanted me to be, but the one across it was what you made me.

I put to death all of your thoughts of me. I didn't need you anymore. Your words meant nothing to me anymore. You only destroyed me. I wanted to hate you for it. But the choice was mine to make. I didn't have to listen to you.

I shattered that mirror even more than the others. You are dead to me.

I exited the cave confident. I was who I was. I had a voice, a whisper on the wind that cared about me and saved me from you, and on a deeper level, from myself.

I began to walk. I had no destination in mind. I knew I would find love somewhere along the way. But you would no longer tell me how. I would fall in love and pave my own path in my own time and my own way.

You don't own me anymore. I'm good enough the way I am.