It's finally here. After what seems like forever, the sequel that I promised you has finally arrived. I really hope that at least some of you are still with me. :)

The sequel is called "Crossroads" and will be posted seperately, in the M section of course. I just wanted to make sure that everyone that still has Ignition on alerts will know about the sequel, so I posted the first chapter here.

Since this story turned semi-AU about halfway through season 3, Knockdown never happened. The kiss in the alley never happened. Knockout never happened. The Captain is still alive. BUT the bomb and the freezer happened. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but I don't care.

If you have read Ignition, you already know what you're getting yourself into. Now Enjoy!


Richard Castle was not a man that was easily scared. He wouldn't describe himself as an overly courageous hero, but he certainly had his moments. Normally it took major things like dirty bombs or serial killers to shake him up, but when Kate Beckett was staring at him the way she was right now, his heart was suddenly beating in his throat and his palms got sweaty. She was looking at him as if something was bothering her. As if he had done something wrong. As if she was tempted to run again, hide from this the way she used to.

It had been a normal evening for them; he had opened a bottle of her favorite wine as she had excused herself for the bathroom. With a heavy sigh he had settled down on his couch, wanting nothing more than to relax after the tiring case they had just closed. Kate had reappeared after a minute and sat down next to him. Somewhat unexpectedly she had avoided his eyes and remained silent for a minute.

He had given her whatever time she needed. Then their eyes had met and that look had been on her face.

He could deal with her when she was angry. Sad, even. He could also deal with all kinds of thoroughly pissed Kate, but he never knew what to say when she looked like she was about to run.

Rick swallowed thickly.

"What is it?" His voice sounded flimsy and weak even to his own ears.

"There's a toothbrush for me in your bathroom. And it's not the one you had left over that I had been using until now. You bought this one for me."

He felt a weird tingling in his stomach, an uncertain feeling of not knowing whether to feel excited or scared or both. He couldn't decide on which feeling to settle and figured that she probably couldn't either.

Her eyes were large, her fear badly disguised as she searched his face for questions and answers. Her toes were curling and uncurling on the carpet; she wasn't even hiding her nervousness.

"You have a drawer full of your stuff at my place," she whispered.

Rick's eyes widened and he couldn't help but move closer to her on the couch, their knees brushing. "Are we going too fast, do you want to take a step back?"

They had been together for almost 2 months now, which was both a long and a short time considering it had taken them 3 years to admit their feelings. The anniversary of Johanna Beckett's death had been last week and he had held her in his arms when she had broken down. Lanie had later told him that it had been the first time that Kate had ever let anyone else be with her on that particularly horrible day of every year. He had taken it as a positive sign, but had accepted a long time ago that when it came to Kate, a step forward could always be followed by two steps back.

She sighed. "No, it's just…"

"You're scared."

The moment it was out of his mouth he wanted to bite his tongue, but now it was too late. She gave an almost imperceptible nod.

"Of us? Of love?"

She looked down and fiddled with her father's watch.
"I love you, you know that" she said softly, but didn't meet his gaze.

"Tell me what you're scared of and I'll let it disappear. I'm good at that," he said and dared to lightly touch her cheek and turn her face to his. Not because he didn't believe her, but because he needed her to believe him.

He thought he saw the hint of a smile, but it was a melancholy one, a smile so dark that his heart sped up. His hand fell away from her face and settled on her shoulder, his other on her thigh, right above her knee.

"This you won't let disappear" she told him, her gaze dropping once more, and he had to wet his lips before he could talk again.

"I'll try, I promise. Just say what's wrong and I'll try to fix it."

He'd been in enough failed relationships to know that moments like this could be crucial. He wasn't going to let this one slip through his fingers. His hand on her thigh found her fingers and he gently took her hands in his and drew her closer.
"You know that we can do this at your pace. Tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it. I'll even throw away the toothbrush I bought for you if that'll make you feel better."

She smiled softly, a genuine smile this time, but then turned serious again. She lifted her head and looked straight into his concerned eyes.

"I feel like I belong."

...I am a tease, I know. Check out the rest of the chapter at "Crossroads" please. I don't know how to make links on here, sorry, but I'm sure you will be able to find it.

Thank you for reading! :D

I'm really looking forward to hearing from my lovely readers again.
