So um...yah this was kinda a spur of the moment plot bunny bite or something...

Tittle: Mistaken Love

Rating: T

Pairing: Prussia/Nyo!Canada (Fem!Canada) NOT YET THOUGH!

Warning: um Overuse of italics?

Summary: Gilbert is supposed to be married soon, but he finds love in somebody else...

Will Gilbert marry his arranged bride? Or will he run away with his love? (find out in the next episode of HETALIA:World series! not XP)

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or whuteves. I, like, totally wish I was in Poland right now tho! AMIRITE?



Gilbert was nervous. No, he was scared. Terrified even. Tomorrow he was to be married to a girl named Elizaveta Héderváry. Unfortunately, they were stuck in a time where arranged marriages were normal.

He arrived at the chapel to reherse his vows with the girl he was to spend the rest of his life with. A Man with dark brown hair came busting out of the doors of the chapel. 'He is probably the wife's papa or something' Gilbert thought.

"Come in! Come in!" The Brunette man said, and Gilbert followed him.

Inside the chapel, the walls were decorated with all sorts of white bows and ribbons. Gilbert liked the color white, but not overused like it was here. His head started to pound as he looked around. When he was looking around, he spotted the priest. He was talking with a woman who looked ordinary, not ugly, but unintresting. He could say in all honesty that she had an aura surrounding her that said "mess with me and die!".

"Ah, I see you've noticed, all preparations have been complete. We will be ready for tomorrow just as long as you two can remember your vows" the priest said when he saw Gilbert walking towards the pair. As Gilbert walked closer, he noticed that the woman was his soon to be bride.

"So You're Elizaveta?" Gilbert asked.

"Yes I am, and would you be Gilbert Beilsmidt?"

"The one and Awesome-est!"

"Uh-huh...So are you nervous about tomorrow?" Elizaveta asked.

"Nope, no, no way! That wouldn't be like me! I'm not afraid of anything!" Although deep down, Gilbert was panicing about tomorrow.



"Okay then, well we should be starting soon." With that said, they both took their spots infront of the alter where the priest was.

As the priest was reciting things from the book he was holding, Gilbert was trying his best not to fall asleep. It was boring, and Gilbert hated boring things. It was his turn to light the candle and repeat what the priest had said, wait, what DID the priest say? "Um sorry, I wasn't paying attention...Could we repeat that?" Gilbert asked.

"With this candle, I will be there to light your way; your cup will never be empty, as long as I am here to be your wine." the priest said.

"Thanks" Gilbert said. "With this cup, and wine to empty your-"

"No, no, no! that is not right! It is 'With this candle, I will be there to light your way; your cup will never be empty, as long as I am here to be your wine'! Got it?" the priest chided Gilbert. "Is it that you do not want to marry Ms. Héderváry?"

"No. Not- er that is to say... I do not not want to marry Elizaveta! Um yah." Gilbert replied, his face flushed from embarrassment.

"What? Do you even have a ring to wed with?" the priest asked with a disapointed tone.

"A ring? OH a ring! Yes I do have a ring! ummm..." Gilbert searches through his pockets to find the ring that was passed down in his family. "AH! Here it is!"

"You know what? maybe I'm not ready...This is just too much for me. Can we stop for today and postpone the wedding?" Elizaveta asked.

"As the bride wishes" the priest agreed. "But," he turned to Gilbert. "You had better learn your vows by then!".

"I know! I will!" Gilbert said as he was walking out the doors of the chapel, the three to stand in silence.

Outside, it was cold and dark, but the moon made everything so look so nice. Gilbert didn't realy want to go home yet, he knew his brother, Ludwig, would pester him about the rehersal. He did not want to relive that again, ever. So he just went for a walk, trying to remember what it was he had to say for the vows.

"um was it 'With this hand-' no, how about 'with this candle?' yes I think that was the first part, now the second..." Gilbert kept talking to himself and walking around the little town he lived in.

He came to the cemetary, without even knowing he had, and finally woke from his day-dreamish state when he heard the sound of someone crying.


IM SORRY~ I had to leave it at a cliffie! It makes it SOOO much more climactic(haha is that a word? did I spell it right?)

I have been unnaturally infatuated with Fem!Mattie~ as much as my dog is infatuated with my pants lol. so I thought there had to be more of these~ Pru/FemCan I mean.

I have no beta so if you want to help me by being my beta~ offer is up!

PLEASE REVIEW! with constructive criticism!

hehe, see if you can tell where the plot bunny came from~ If you can I'll give you internet pie!

Oh and *grabs chest* KOREA OWNS THESE!