It was quiet- nothing but the sound of his own breathing disturbed him up here, and he was thankful for it. Pushing some of his platinum blue hair back behind his pointed ears, he looked up and saw the familiar heart- shaped moon that was Kingdom Hearts floating in the sky. He stared at it, feeling the power of the many hearts it contained. It was truly beautiful- not like the other circular moon from his home world. No, this moon never waxed or waned- it always stayed the same. Yet as beautiful as it was, this moon stirred things within him that were better left alone. The beast side of him- the uncontrollable monster that if left unchecked could wreak havoc on those who were innocent and wicked alike- was always trying to break free. Back on his home world, he had always felt slightly wild and out of control at the time of the full moon, but that was nothing compared to what he felt now.

Before the heart-shaped moon was floating above the world that never was, there was never any moon, or moonlight.

And now that it was there- it was starting to change him.

It had only been a small feeling at first; like dull throbbing at the base of his skull. He noticed it was getting worse- everyday the pain would increase by a small amount, making him irritable and prone to violence, which was almost always directed at axel. This made him wonder if the time of the full moon had something to do with it.

'Surely ...that date cannot affect something as powerful as kingdom hearts?' he thought. It made sense though- the regular moon was always bigger and brighter on that night. If this was true, then kingdom hearts' power was sure to grow tenfold on said date. This was bad news for him- who knows what could happen when the moons power took hold?

Turning around, He snorted. 'There's nothing the second-in-command can't handle.'

Suddenly, without warning his chest constricted in pain and he doubled over, gasping for air. His chest was on fire and the pain seemed to be coming from the place his heart would be, if he had one. He stood there wincing for several minutes and eventually the pain started to subside. Standing up slowly, he glanced warily back at the heart-shaped moon.

'It seems it has more control over me than I originally thought.'

Turning away from the moon again, he began to feel the beast inside of him start to make itself known once more- clawing at the edge of his consciousness- wanting in. His eyes started to glow, and he mentally pushed it back, silencing it- for now. He knew it was only a matter of time before he slipped up, made a fatal mistake, and set it free.

And with the night of the next full moon so close, would he be able to keep it in check? Only time would tell.

He started to walk back to his room, wondering what the next few nights would bring.

"so it begins."