Rating: NC-17
Pairing (s): You're just going to have to read, now aren't you?
Spoilers: Marik's plan in Battle City I guess...
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or any of the characters...sadface...I don't own Sleeping With the Enemy either but it's an AMAZING film. I really do suggest it.
Summary: What if Marik didn't lose that final duel with Yugi? Marik has succeeded with his plan to become the Ultimate ruler: Pharaoh of the world! With everyone aboard the blimp under his control and every world leader brainwashed by the combined power of the three Egyptian God cards, the seven Millennium Items and the ancient power of the Pharaoh, will Marik ever be stopped? Warnings: Shounen-ai (Male/male relationships), Yaoi (Male/male sexual relationships – though there will be forewarning of the chapters that contain the explicit stuff), Language, Torture, Gore and possible Male/Female and Female/Female Sexual Relationships. Plus if you see it as a warning, OOC-ness.

Yami Marik = Marik, Marik = Malik, Yami Bakura = Bakura, Bakura = Ryou.

Chapter One

"No!" We all watched, powerless, as Yami's life-points hit zero. The innocent boy beside him slowly fading into nothing. "Yugi!"

"Pharaoh, you lose. Hand over Obelisk and Slifer. Oh, and don't forget about every Millennium item that you possess!"

Five items. Five. There's no doubt that he will get to Shadi and his items soon. Yami rises, tears streaming down his face, and just hands them over, just like that.

The next few days passed like a nightmare. Marik used the ancient power of the Pharaoh to force Shadi to give up the remaining two items and used their influence to brainwash every leader in the world; world leaders and council leaders right down to criminal leaders and petty club leaders. All of them to do his bidding so that ordinary members of the public were influenced by him without even knowing it. People who realised that something was up started disappearing at the hands of the criminal underworld.

Marik then decided that the duelling blimp was the perfect place to rule over everyone – he felt like a god, hovering over the land, watching. He released everyone from the shadow realm so that everyone on board could become his servants. Ryou and Yugi were forced to become his personal slaves, where Bakura and Yami joined the rest of the unfortunates as prisoners, both given their own bodies by Marik so their torment could be more real. I, on the other hand, had to be at his side always. He found that he needed me so that he had enough strength to harness the awesome power that he had obtained. If he had destroyed me, his soul would have been split. He would have survived with his own body, yes – but he needed a whole spirit to embody the Pharaoh. He needed me close so that I wouldn't hurt myself to rid him of his power.

And that is how the Ultimate Ruler, Pharaoh of the World, come to power.

Marik met the glare of each and every person he passed on the way to the control room and I ignored the pity on their faces when they saw me, bound and being pulled along behind him. "Malik..." I glanced up and saw Yami staring at me. "Is he okay?"

He meant Yugi of course. None of these people were concerned about me except, perhaps, my sister, Ishizu and Odeon. I can't really blame them though. All they have known of me is evil and deceit and although they all now know that it was my brutal other half that was responsible for that behaviour, I guess it's just hard for them to see me any other way. "He's fine for now."

Marik growls from a few meters ahead. "Malik!"

"Protect him. Please..."

"I'll try."

I follow Marik down the many straight corridors of the blimp to the main control room. Two rooms adjoin this one which used to serve as the crew's sleeping quarters. Now, the one which was the captain's quarters contained the seven items and the god cards and a large, silk clad bed – Marik and I's bedroom. I, of course slept on the floor. The other, larger, room is where Yugi and Ryou are imprisoned. The control room itself was Marik's self proclaimed throne room.

Marik sits himself on the large pilot's seat – his throne. He pulls me down to a painful kneel at his feet. "So, Malik...How are you enjoying the privilege of being my pet. You get to see firsthand the dawn of a new age. You've got to admit, it's pretty cool."

I glared at him. "Oh yeah – I'm so privileged. I get to be a prisoner to my own soul. Amazing."

"Aw, Makky. I thought you would enjoy being part of a new age. It was your plan originally, remember?" He's grinning at me. Smarmy bastard.

"It was your plan, you dick. You just made me think it was mine. I know myself now and I'm not you!"

"Believe what you want. I was born out of your mind, so you must want it deep down." He leans so close to me I can smell his stale breath. I can't move away due to my binds. All I can do is glare at him and be repulsed by his closeness. "You want it and I'll be sure to get you on my side. After all, to heighten my power, I need my soul to be completely whole and that can't happen when you're opposing me."

"If you want to be my ally, then let me out of these binds. At least let me see the others."

He actually seems to be considering it. He backs away from me slightly and twitches his head to the side. Finally he answers. "You know, I really do want to get along with you. So yes, I will allow you to roam around freely. Only up to the end of this sector though, and you may only see Ryou and Yugi."


"Silence!" That aura, the ancient one that should only belong to Yami, surrounds him. I can't even think about defying him. "It is only until I trust you. You are pathetic and weak and despite my hatred of you I need you. We are going to work together whether you want to or not. I can't force you to do my bidding since you are basically me but I can make you accept that I am in control now. We do this my way."

I should feel more anger towards him. I should hate him for daring to talk to me like that. Instead I feel...grateful. He didn't have to give me an ounce of freedom but he did. He could have banished me to the shadow realm if he wanted – I would still be alive and his soul would still be as complete as it is. But I suppose he needs his soul to be truly complete and he cannot have that unless I work with him. "Okay. Thank you...I guess."

"Hmph." He merely grunts at me and slices the binds around me with his pocket knife – note: I did NOT know he had that. "Go see your little 'friends'. I'm tired of you being in my company."

I nod and head towards the room where Yugi and Ryou are. They're crouched in the back of the room, talking in hushed tones. They stop talking instantly as I walk in and close the door behind me. "It's Malik."

Yugi stands in front of Ryou, protecting his friend. "W-what do you want?"

Well, that kinda hurt. I know I'm not exactly their friend but still. "I only wanted to get away from him for a while. I scored a bit of freedom. If you don't want me here, I understand. I can just go back..."

Yugi frowns a bit. "You...got away? How?"

I shrug, not entirely sure of my Yami's logic. "I guess he wants me to trust or something since he can't compel me without impairing himself."

That makes him defensive again. What's wrong with this kid? "Now why would he want you to trust him? What purpose would you serve?"

"I don't know, Yugi. Maybe he needs me for something." Why am I not telling him about the power thing? I know what Marik wants me for, but I don't want to tell him...Oh...sneaky move Marik, sneaky move. Disallowing me from telling them your secrets – I probably should have expected it.

"Oh..." He seems to accept my cluelessness. Well, there isn't really any reason for me to keep anything from him so that's quite predictable. "Alright." He settles back down beside Ryou, who is still eyeing me warily. "Have you seen Yami?"

I sigh internally. Of course that's the first thing on his mind. Yes, I'm fine thanks – I was only the personal prisoner of a psychopath for days on end, I'm okay. "Yeah, I have. He's fine – they all are. I don't think Marik wants to hurt anyone. He wants control more than anything so the more people he has to dictate, the happier he is."

They both sigh with relief. "Thank you." Ryou offers me a smile. "I guess it's a little late to extend the hand of friendship, but you must feel so alone in this place. You don't really know anyone and you've already been prejudged."

I stare at him for a few seconds. He's so different to his Yami, Bakura. He is gentle and kind where Bakura is rough and mean. "Thank you. That means a lot." He smiles again.

We talked for hours. I told them about myself – the real me. Most of the time I was backtracking on myself, telling one story and then apologising to them for telling them one of Marik's memories by mistake. Yugi looked at me with pity at times like these. Ryou looked with understanding.

Yugi kept on asking about Marik – his personality, his past, how he was born in my mind. He was trying to nit-pick a weakness. A trait, no doubt, he had learned from sharing a mind with Yami for so long. I kind of admire him for staying so determined and faithful under such dire circumstances, but he was starting to truly piss me off. Apparently, Ryou felt the same way.

"Yugi, he doesn't need to be reminded of that right now. Let him enjoy his freedom while he has it."

Yugi was taken aback, to say the least, but apologised anyway.

For the first time in my life, I had a real friend. Yugi had accepted me, yes, but Ryou had befriended me. And I appreciated it more than words can describe.

The conversation eventually lead to the situation at hand, as it inevitably would. Yugi started it, of course. "So, how does he plan to keep us all alive and in the air? Food and fuel will run out if we don't land, but I doubt he's the sort of person to consider risking that in case we all escape."

I sighed. "I thought of that and I asked him about it a few days ago. He's getting his brainwashed followers on the ground to send packages up via helicopters. He's going to fly the blimp low enough for them to fly above us and drop the stuff off on the duelling platform."


Suddenly, there was a buzzing noise over the intercom and Marik's voice carried over the room, just as it would all over the entire blimp. "Hello, my friends. I have finally got my kingdom up and running. The entire world is under my control and soon they will know who it is who rules them. You aboard this airship are the lucky few who are to be my royal staff. Congratulations. Anything I tell you to do, you will do. If you resist, I will take your free will away. I am not a tyrant – if you want anything, you can ask Malik and he will propose the idea to me. But do not cross me. It is not beyond my powers to make you suffer a fate worse than death. This is your Pharaoh." The intercom crackled out.

"Malik! In here – now!"

I sighed and smiled at my companions. "That's my cue." I shook my head and stood. "Thank you for your company."

They nodded and Ryou stood suddenly and hugged me tightly. "Uh..." The only other person who had hugged me before this had been Odeon. But that was only protection. This was comfort. This was...different. "Ryou?"

"You'll come back here won't you? So we know that you're okay?" Even Yugi looked shocked at his behaviour. How could someone be so genuinely caring? To a stranger?

I really wished I could come back. "I don't think I'll be able to. He makes me sleep in his room. He's kind of possessive. I'll come back tomorrow."

Ryou backed up and nodded, still with a worried look on his face. "Okay..."

I made my way out of the room and just caught what Yugi said as he closed the door. "What the hell was that?"

"You took your time."

"I was saying goodnight."

"I see." Marik eyes me suspiciously but seems to dismiss it. "I need you to clean this place up. If I want a successful throne room, these useless trinkets must go."

"You think I'm a cleaner? Please!"

Marik sweeps across the room and slams me against the door behind me. Pain lashes through me as the handle hits my back with bone crunching force. "Careful Malik, I could get used to you moaning in pain." He leans in close to me. "Or just moaning altogether."

My eyes widen instantly. "What the fuck?" Did that bastard just come on to me?

"Relax, Makky. I'm just trying to show you what I'm willing to do to stop you defying me." He releases me, and turns to leave to his room, but not before allowing his eyes to roam all over me – an act he seems to do subconsciously, because he doesn't even smirk or anything. "Just get this shit cleaned up and then get to bed. If you fucking wake me up, you'll regret it."

I sink to the ground, pain numbing my mind. So much for getting along. After about ten minutes, I am able to stand and I stumble around slowly, shifting things around, shoving things into draws and stuff. I found some cleaning supplies in a small closet in one corner of the room. Hey, if I clean, I do it properly.

After everything is polished, mopped and tidied, I return the supplies in slowly open Marik's bedroom door, trying to slip in silently.

"Don't bother. I'm not asleep yet."

I glance at him, surprised to hear him still awake. I don't think I've ever walked in when he's still awake – he usually is dead to the world in seconds due to the amount of energy his immense power takes up. The first night, I tried to steal away the items but the three god cards repelled me. I guess he's protected since he acquired everything fair and square. I tried to challenge him to a duel the next night to win some back but he laughed in my face and refused the challenge. I can't really think what else to do. "I thought you'd be asleep."

"I did too."

"Oh." I slowly edge around the room to my usual spot on the floor on a large pile of blankets. It actually wasn't uncomfortable, so I should be grateful.

"I should apologise." I look up at him. Shocked again.


"I am trying to gain your allegiance and I will not do so if I am harming you."

I nod warily. Does this guy really have it in his head that I'm going to join him?

"Sleep on the bed."

"What?" Oh you're fucking kidding me! Does he think he's subtle?

"You've been sleeping on the floor for days. By now you should be used to me and the bed is large enough for us both to have adequate and comfortable sleeping space." I still eye him warily and he sighs. "I genuinely want you on my side. I've grown used to you."

I stand carefully, still feeling the pain in my back, and step towards the bed. "You won't try anything?" Again, he subconsciously rakes my body with his eyes. "Marik?"

"Just get in."

Thought so. I cautiously sit on the very edge of the bed, as far away from him as possible. Ah, shit! I just realised that I'm still fully dressed! He's usually asleep when I get changed. Oh well...I can't sleep in these clothes – blood has already seeped down my back onto my jeans and shirt.

I pull my shirt and jeans off, very aware of Marik and his roaming eyes, and remove my jewellery, leaving myself in just my black boxers. Great. I shift along the mattress and lay down – all the while avoiding Marik's gaze.

"I really got you, didn't I?" Referring to my back.

"I haven't seen it yet." I feel his fingers gently touch my back and I feel sick. Everything about him makes me cringe. Just the fact that he's trying the nice-guy act reminds me in full force what a colossal cock he actually is. Of course, I'd never say that. He'd just hurt me or one of the others in retaliation.

"I see." He shuffles across the bed so that he's close to, but not touching, me. "Goodnight."

If this is going to happen, it's going to happen on my terms. "'Night."

If I'm going to be the object of this sicko's lust, I'm going to get something out of it. Even if it means sleeping with the enemy.

Please review .. x