Disclaimer: Had I owned Mai-HiME, there would have been a slightly heavier focus on ShizNat, HaruKino, Maikoto, and, of course, TakuAki. Also, someone who actually knew how to draw a kiss on staff.

Warning: Heavy on the angst.

It was over.

There may still have been a battle to fight, but as far as she was concerned, it was over. Her only weapon with the potential to fight a god had been killed and with it...

She'd been dragged to this storage room before being bound against a support beam. She didn't want to live, or even kill herself with any kind of honor. She just wanted to die.

She'd been there for - what? Hours? Days? Weeks? She didn't know, didn't care - some time, staring at a patch of floor in front of her, not really seeing it, not really seeing anything, when a light happened to her left. She looked over, still mostly uncaring, as it spoke.

"The time has come. Awaken, HiMEs. It is time to put an end to the long battle and remove the yoke of the cursed fate."

A golden light, between her and the light.

"Maidens who have been the offering of the Carnival since ancient times, use those tears and affections as your motivation, and perform the Dance of Ikusahime once again. Show your powers."

The light and the light faded leaving only...



Author's Notes: Well, this was originally supposed to be a oneshot, but for the sake of emotional impact, it's been split into two chapters. The things I come up with when I'm supposed to be outlining an informative speech. :)

Read, review, throw rotten tomatoes if necessary.