I want to say a huge, huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed this story it has really meant a lot to me, hears to many more reviews,


Today was Friday 28th June, the day we'd had our first scan, the baby was a couple of inches, I know that sounds like nothing, but it is amazing that this will become a baby. We were just happy that everything was going well. Hearing the heartbeat was so very emotional, anyone who has gone through this will tell you.

We arrived home and called our friends inviting them round for a barbecue since, for whatever reason we hadn't actually had a celebratory party. They arrived, and we sat and ate happily, Darcy was playing in the pool, with the girls, it really was the most wonderful evening.

"So," I said. "We didn't just call you here for the simple reason of us winning Nationals. We actually have a very important announcement,"
"You're Engaged," said Brit.
"Brit sweetheart that's old news," said Mike.
"Well what is it," said Quinn.
"Yeah tell us we want to know like now," said Mercedes.

"We are having another baby," said Noah.
"What you're pregnant," said Quinn.
"Well that explains you throwing up all the time," said Kurt. "You still owe me a pair of shoes," We all laughed at the memory from just a few days ago.

I was walking down the hallway when I'd felt the familiar feeling of nausea. I looked at Noah and he knew what was going to happen, I began to run to the nearest bathroom, but Kurt stood in my way asking me about his new shirt, but when I tried to answer I threw up on his shoes. I didn't have time to apologise before Noah helped me to the bathroom and the second wave of nausea overtook.

"Well I won't say that it won't happen again, but I'll try to avoid it," I said.
"So then it looks like congratulations are in order," said Will holding Emma tightly.

"To Rachel, Noah and Darcy and their baby, who we hope is as beautiful as Darcy," said Will. Our friends all raised their glasses of coke, I know sounds stupid, but we weren't old enough for champagne.

I sighed happily that night as I got into bed Noah had his arms around me and we just lay there for a while listening to the sounds of the night. We had come such a long way since we'd had Darcy, we'd suffered heartache, and loss, but we had come through and were now so immensely happy. I really can't wait for what lies ahead for us, because not only do we have a baby to plan for, but we also have our wedding too, 2011 is going to be a very busy year for us that's for sure. But the question is will you be there with us…

So that is that, the story has come to an end, review and I'll post up the sequel as soon as possible,

Love Hannah x