Author's Note: Since I think I haven't seen any fics that involve Ciel in his pink ball gown with his "tutor" Sebastian yet, I thought of actually making one. I had to debate with myself whether or not I should. Aaaand, I decided that I should. No harm in trying, right? :D

Disclaimer: I do not, and probably never will, own Kuroshitsuji. Copyright owned by Yana Toboso.

Title: "Yes, My Lady"

Characters/Pairing Involved: Ciel Phantomhive / Sebastian Michaelis

Summary: Ciel had always hated that pink ball gown his aunt made him wear when they had infiltrated one of Lord Aleister Chamber's social gatherings for an investigation. He swore to himself that he will never ever wear that dress again. Or so he thought. When an invitation to a party for the beautiful young lady, the late Madame Red's "niece", from the Viscount of Druitt arrives, Ciel has no other choice but to attend or Sebastian will, as he had threatened his master, reveal to everyone the little robin's true identity.

"Yes, My Lady"

Chapter 1: Billet-doux (Love Letter)

"Good morning, Young Master. It is now time to awake."

Hearing that familiar voice in his head, Ciel Phantomhive rolled to his side, placing an arm over his eyes. As he slowly opened them, he searched the room for the owner of that voice; that voice that calms him whenever he would feel afraid; that voice he had always yearned for when he was all by himself; that voice he undeniably loves heari- immediately becoming aware of what just ran inside his thoughts, Ciel shot up from the comfort of his pillow. "Ah, I see that the Young Master is finally awake?"

Looking towards where the voice came from, Ciel's eyes caught the sight of Sebastian pulling up the curtains, letting in to his room the sun's morning rays. A quick blush crept to his cheeks, but immediately shrugged it away, afraid that his butler might take notice. He hates it whenever Sebastian sees opportunities to mock his little master.

"What's for breakfast?" The young earl asked as the black-clad butler approached his bed side. With his usual smile, Sebastian replied, "For breakfast, Smoked Haddock served with poached egg has been prepared. For the side dishes, scones, croissant, and French toast have been done. Which one would the Young Master prefer?" Without taking another second to respond, Ciel stated, "Scones."

Still smiling, Sebastian motioned for his master to change to his day clothes. Ciel sat on the side of his bed, letting his butler work on the buttons of his night gown. "Today's breakfast will be served using Wedgwood dishes and tea set." The young earl closed his eyes for a moment and asked, "Today's tea, is it Darjeeling?" When his butler made no other response besides a smile, he assumed it as a 'yes'.

The usual morning routine went on, with Ciel getting dressed and going downstairs for breakfast. As he read the morning paper, Sebastian walked beside him with a silver tray on his hand. "Young Master, an invitation for a party has arrived." Ciel wasn't very fond of social gatherings. In fact, just thinking about the last one that he had attended sent shivers down his spine. "Send out a letter that I won't be able to attend. I'm very busy." Said the young earl. By this time, a sly grin crept on Sebastian's lips. "But Young Master…" he began, "…the invitation was not addressed to the Earl Phantomhive."

Ciel immediately turned to his butler, frowning. "What? Why would it be sent here if it wasn't addressed to me?" He asked, quite baffled. He had thought that Sebastian was probably making fun of him again. Looking at his butler, it was clear that the demon was indeed telling him the truth. "From whom was it from?" He asked once more. Sebastian straightened himself and smiled, as if taunting the thirteen-year-old. "Just read the invitation to me." Ciel demanded, getting pissed.

With a slight bow, Sebastian took the white envelope in his hands and with a paper knife, cut it open. "An invitation to a ball to the young lady, the late Angelina Durless' niece, from the Viscount of Druitt—" Sebastian was cut off when Ciel suddenly stood up from his seat, wide-eyed. "F-From the Viscount of Druitt? To the young lad-WHAT?" He could see that Sebastian was enjoying the sight of his young master being troubled over such a memory. Continuing, he read, "…The party shall be held at Lord Aleister Chamber's mansion in London, exactly eighteen o'clock in the evening onwards. The Viscount of Druitt solemnly requests for the presence of the young lady in pink whose name he does not know. Since the passing of Lady Angelina Durless, the Viscount has not been able to know of the young lady's whereabouts, thus sending this invitation to her only direct relative, Earl Ciel Phantomhive." Sebastian looked up from the letter and towards his master.

The young earl stood in his place, obviously surprised. "I-I am definitely not going!" Just the thought of putting on the pink ball gown again made Ciel cringe. What more if the Viscount of Druitt had to come anywhere near close to him again? He would not be able to tolerate any more of the Viscount's attempts to seduce him. "Young Master, shall I remind you that the Viscount of Druitt is expecting for the lady's presence? He has entrusted this invitation to the Earl, knowing it would reach her." Sebastian reminded, as if telling him he is obliged to attend.

"It doesn't matter! If this has nothing to do with any of the Queen's orders, I am not going." Ciel protested. He wasn't going to cross-dress again just to satisfy that man's requests. However, Sebastian was not going to let such an opportunity to play with his master pass by.

Leaning ever so close to Ciel, the demon grinned, "If the Young Master does not attend, the Queen's reputation will go down the drain— along with the Young Master's— when the truth about the lady in pink's real identity becomes known to the public." Ciel backed away, glaring at the butler in black. "You wouldn't dare!" Sebastian just stood there, his red orbs glinting with anticipation and pure mischief. "Or would I?"

"Just think of it this way, Young Master. You would have the chance to just tell the Viscount that he can never see his little robin again. You can make him leave you alone."

Ciel pondered for a moment. Still frowning, he replied, "First of all, don't ever call me a little robin. Second, I will kill you once this damned party is over." Sebastian smiled. He knew his young master would give in, eventually. All he needed was a little push. Or a threat, in this case. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Sebastian took out something full of frills and pink. As the fabric hovered above Ciel and had completely engulfed his little body, the butler asked, "Shall we begin our preparations?" Ciel, who is now wearing the pink ball gown he dreaded so much (complete with his pigtails), blushed and replied, "Make haste, Sebastian. I want this over with as soon as possible."

Sebastian knelt on one knee, a hand placed over his chest while the other held onto Ciel's gloved hand. Looking up at Ciel's sapphire-blue eyes with his crimson pair, he smiled.

"Yes, My Lady."

A/N: My first Kuroshitsuji fanfic. Comments would be very much appreciated for the improvement of the upcoming chapters. Please do tell me if I have characterized Ciel and Sebastian well, or if there's anything I need to work on with. Thank you very much for reading!