As always thanks for the feedback. Hope everyone enjoys the ending. Already have another story in the works. Hope to post soon.

Also thanks for all the comments about Col. Mann. I have to agree never cared for her but I always felt that in the end she would still be Gibbs, friend. That's why I wrote it that way.

Summary: Final chapter: Are there really happy endings?

Extra special thanks to Cookie62 for beta reading for me!

Final Chapter

Gibbs had finally reached the head of the line at the coffee shop across the street.

"Agent Gibbs'" a familiar barista smiled, "Your regular?"

"Yes, but I wanna ask a favor."

"What's that?"

"Do you have anyone who could possible run an order over to the office?"

This was unusual. "Yes, probably in about ten minutes, crowd dies down then."

"Good." Gibbs, pulled a small notebook from his pocket and wrote down his three agents names, then handed it to the girl. "Do you know all of them, know what they order?"

"Yeah, sure all you guys are some of our best customers."

"Great. Then take their regular and some kind of junk food crap."

Jenny laughed.

Gibbs put the notebook away and grabbed his wallet handing her two twenties.

"Will this cover it?"

"It will more than-"

"Good, then the rest is for your trouble."

He leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek, "Thanks"

The girl blushed.

A coffee and a Caf-Pow appeared by Jenny, handed over by another employee.

Gibbs walked in to Abby's lab to her typing frantically on her computer.

"Gibbs, this is so hinky I can't even begin to explain it."

"I know Abs, I know." He kissed her cheek and held out the Caf-Pow."

She grabbed it taking a long sip.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he took a long sip of his own drink.

"Checking everything for like … the last year. Dottin' the i's and crossin' the t's. Ran what I could automatically on the computer, but rest has to be done by hand. Making sure all the forensics are solid."

"Keep that focus. Cases within the last six months to a year. I'm thinking it has to be something recent."

She nodded. Then in a voice that made her seem even more like a child she spoke, "Gibbs are they gonna break us up again?"


"But you can't know that-"

"Abs" he hugged her, "They'll have to kill me first, understood?"

She smiled but then it faded, "No one is allowed to die or get killed during this, got it?"

He grinned, "Gotcha Boss."

Gibbs let her go and headed for the door.

"Gibbs!" she called out and he stopped hand on the door frame.

"And don't think for one minute I forgot about what happened earlier. Oh there will be talking when all this is over. You have some 'splaining to do mister."

He shook his head and left.

"Oh you are so busted!"

Files were tossed around everywhere as all three agents pored over the countless papers inside. At the sound of the elevator they all looked up expected to see Gibbs, but instead a short blond haired girl looked around.

"Is that Jenny from the coffee shop?" DiNozzo asked puzzled.

"I think so." McGee said looking as surprised.

Finally noticing the agents on the floor she made her way over.

"Wow! I never realized what you have to go through to get into this building." She was shaking her head.

"Yeah, we are a little paranoid around here. What do you have - oh God - it smells like coffee, please tell me it is coffee." DiNozzo was holding up his fists.

"Yeah, well for you and Tim, but I have um, tea for Agent David." the girl obviously did not know Ziva's first name.

"Oh, you are an angel." Tony jumped up and took the cup carrier out of her hand. He handed the tea to Ziva, then grabbed a cup taking a sniff and realized it was his hazelnut, then handed the last cup to McGee.

Jenny just watched as they all took long sips from their drinks.

"Um, I have food too." she said holding out the bag.

"Oh if there is a blueberry scone in there I am going to kiss you." DiNozzo said holding his hands up in a prayer.

She blushed.

"Um two blueberry scones, 2 double chocolate chip muffins and 5 cinnamon rolls. I know you all like the cinnamon rolls."

"AHHHH" Tony yelled with a smile and kissed the girl on the cheek.

She laughed, "Boy, you guys really love your sugar don't you."

"Yes, although Tony more than others." Ziva smiled.

Then Tony looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "And who do we thank for this great gift from the coffee sugar gods?"

"Oh Jethro, he stopped by and asked me to bring it over for you."

The three agents smiled.

"Jethro is it?" Tony wasn't surprised she used his first name. He was sure anyone who supplied that man with that much coffee would be on a first name bases with him.

"I didn't know you delivered?" McGee added.

"Oh we normally don't," she said as she shook her head, "But my manager said that if Jethro ever asked for anything to just do it," she smiled, "Well, anything within reason."

They all chuckled, thankful for the coffee and lighthearted break.

"Yeah, I would think Jethro keeps a lot of you employed over there." Tony smirked.

She nodded.

"Well thank you my sweet." Tony took her hand and kissed it. Tony pulled out his wallet.

"Let me give you-"

"Oh no, Jethro covered everything."

"Well let me give you a tip."

"No, he took care of that too."

Ziva grinned.

"I really need to get back."

She heard thanks all around as she was leaving.

Then as if it suddenly hit them all at once they grew silent. If Gibbs was ordering them coffee and sugary treats this could not be good.

The next time the elevator opened it was Gibbs. His three agents looked up.

"Got anything?" he asked as he came over and crouched down by the agents on the floor. He saw the coffee cups and the bag and smiled.

"Nothing so far boss but we are-" McGee was cut off.

"I don't expect you to find anything McGee, just want to make sure."

"What is this Boss?" Tony asked sensing Gibbs had a theory.

"They're fishing. They want something." Gibbs said standing up. He just wasn't sure what for. He turned to disappear and heard thank you ring out from around him for the coffee and goodies.

"Don't get use to it." He smirked.

By the time 1800 rolled around the bullpen had been cleaned up and all Agents were sitting at their desk as if it were a normal work day. And at precisely 1800 the Chief of Naval Operations emerged from the elevator followed by two other navy offices in full attire. They were in turn followed by three security guards.

Everyone looked up except Gibbs who continued to read the papers in front of him.

Vance was standing by MCAT looking down at the bullpen. The Chief looked up at Vance then back to the agents. Vance made his way down and extended his hand to the man, trying to force a smile.

"And to what do we owe this honor, Sir."

The man shook Vance's hand.

"Maybe we could go to your office."

"I think anything you have to say can be said right here." Vance said folding his arms across his chest.

The Chief nodded. He had expected no less.

"I didn't expect such a full staff on such a late hour on a Saturday."

Vance didn't answer.

"Well then," the Chief pulled down on his shirt. "I'm here to oversee some interviews that need to be conducted."

"And what interviews are those?"

"On Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Agent Anthony DiNozzo"

And the list went on to include Ziva, McGee, Abby and Ducky."

"What is this about?" Vance asked.


Vance chuckled, "Need to know and I don't need to know when you are investigating one of my teams?"

"Not this time." The Chief turned to the agents sitting at their desks.

"This is an investigation by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. You are required to submit to these interviews. Are there any questions?"

He was greeted by silence. Again he had expected it.

The Chief turned back to Vance, "I assume Ms. Scioto and Dr. Mallard are also here."

Vance nodded.

"Good, then we can get this done."

The Chief nodded at the two other officers.

"Agent Anthony DiNozzo."

Tony stood up pulled down his jacket and followed the officers down the hall.

They were using interrogation room 1, because even at top levels, the brass covered their ass by taping everything.

A few moments after DiNozzo disappeared with the Chief and the officers, Vance and Gibbs, followed.

Tony and one of the officers disappeared into the interrogation room.

The Chief turned around and was about to enter the door to observation when he stopped.

Gibbs and Vance had reached the door as well and were ready to follow him in.

"Gibbs, you are actively involved in this investigation."

Gibbs chuckled and shook his head, "Right."

Then the Chief nodded at Vance and disappeared behind the door.

"Gibbs, I'll be watching."

Gibbs, nodded, "And yet I somehow don't feel comforted." and with that Gibbs walked away.

Tony took a seat the other office followed. Tony was laughing to himself. Of course they would have the woman interview him. The whole beltway knew about DiNozzo's softness for the ladies.

"Please state your full name"

"Anthony D. DiNozzo."

"Thank you."

The first questions were little more than basic background, how long have you been an agent, where did you work before, on and on until Tony was actually sick of hearing about himself. Still the woman never looked at him instead reading from a file and writing notes.

"How would you characterize your relationship with Agent Ziva David?"


"Just fine." The woman asked.

"Very fine." Tony added.

"Do you think she is attractive?"


Then clarified, "Do you not understand the question?"

"Of course I understand the question, but what does this have to do-"

"Then simply answer the question."

Tony shook his head, "Yes Agent David is very attractive."

"Have you and Agent David had a sexual relationship?"

"Now come on this is-" Tony took a moment to compose himself, "No Agent David and I have never had a sexual relationship."

"You did pretend to during an undercover investigation."


"But it never went farther than that."

"No I think I've made that pretty clear."

"And you never pursued her."

Tony was tired of this line of questioning, "Ok let's get this out of the way. I know that whatever file you have there on me surely says that I'm a lady's man, a flirt, hell, maybe even tells my penis size. I flirt with Ziva, of course she's beautiful and I love her, but not because I want to fuck her. She's my partner and I would do anything for her."

"And your relationship with Agent McGee?"

"Seriously," DiNozzo rubbed his hands through his hair, "Listen I can give you the very easy run down here. Ziva, McGee, Gibbs. They are my team. I trust them all with my life and would give my life for any one of them. And it's not because of the job, because that is what I am supposed to do. It's because they're family."

"And do you really think that is an asset to a team when you face death on a daily bases. Hard to deal with the death of family."

"I'm a better agent because of caring about every one of those people. It makes you always remember Rule # 8 and 15."

"What rules?" The woman looked confused.

"Gibbs Rule # 8, Never take anything for granted and Rule # 15, Always work as a team."

The woman hid a smile.

The Chief looked at Vance just as confused.

Vance shook his head, "There is not enough time to explain that."

Tony rolled his head around waiting for the next question.

"Do you think Agent Gibbs is an effective leader?"


"Have you ever lied for Agent Gibbs?"


She looked up for a moment, surprised by the quick response.

"Of all my answers that makes you look up, "He laughed, "Serious almost every report I file I have to explain why I lied to solve a case. And it's not always a lie for Gibbs. We do what has to be done to solve the case."

"Does that include going outside of legal means if necessary."

"I suppose sometimes it does."

"And as your boss, Agent Gibbs makes that call?"

"We've all made that call before."

"Do you give Agent Gibbs credit for making any decision this team makes?"

Tony shook his head and bit down hard on his lip.

"Gibbs deserves credit for every decision this team makes. We make decisions because he taught us how to make them, and because even when we make the wrong one is he there to back us up. And because he allows us to do that we learn from those mistakes and become better agents for it."

"And what is your relationship with Agent Gibbs like outside of work?"

Gibbs heard the question and his first thought was to go and put an end to this, but the agent in him kept him in place. He had come immediately to Abby's lab, knowing it would be simple for her to get into the interrogation room camera. The surprise had come when she didn't need to; a feed had already been linked to Abby's computer. Gibbs had to grin, Vance did actually have a set of balls. He and Abby had been watching the whole thing.

"Gibbs is a pretty private kind of guy, not the joiner."

"So you don't have contact with him outside of work." she asked

"Yes we do." Tony answered.

"Alone or with the other members of the team?"

"What the hell are they fishing for?" Gibbs said out loud. Trying to figure out where this line of questioning was leading. Abby could feel Gibbs, frustration radiating off his like a flame.

"Tony will be ok." She said putting her head on his shoulder.

It's not Tony I'm worried about Gibbs thought.

"Well let's see, last night all of us, which is me, Gibbs, McGee, Ziva, and Abby went to a bar to see one of Abby's friends play. Think the band was called We Are All One or something like that. The bar was called Whisper. I believe Gibbs knew the bartender, cute red head, so of course he knew her. I'm sure she would remember us. Two nights before that I took over some dinner. Beef stew and potatoes, oh sorry red potatoes. Two days before that I showed up at his house, because I couldn't sleep and Gibbs never sleeps. It had been a rough week and I needed to vent. Three days before that I, without the others, had dinner with him at this Italian restaurant that isn't a restaurant but a house. They rent it out to private customers. And I am telling you the best meatballs ever! I'm Italian, I know. Before that hadn't seen Gibbs, outside of work, for about 4 days I believe. Before that Gibbs and I had a drink at a bar down the street, Josies, Mosies, something like that. Oh but Ziva joined us later. She had to go home first and clean up because she had almost gotten killed." Tony punctuated the last few words.

"Gibbs, why is he telling them so much, he doesn't have to tell them all that. It's private."

Gibbs was smirking; he kissed Abby on the cheek, "No Abs that's rule number 7."

Abby racked her brain a moment rule seven, always be specific when you lie.

"Why is Tony lying?" Abs questioned.

Tony wasn't lying as much as giving as much impersonal detail as possible. Although all the facts were right, the true reasons Tony had been with Gibbs, were absent. The fact that the Italian restaurant had been a date, that the dinner had lead to so much more or that that night in the basement had almost lead to Tony bent over the boat. He was lying without lying.

Gibbs was proud. Not because Tony had so easily been able to hide their relationship, but because he had learned how to use his agent skills. This investigation had nothing to do with their new relationship, Gibbs had no doubt about that, but clearly it had something to do with how all of them somehow worked and played together.

Before that I think it had probably been about a week-"

"Thank you Agent DiNozzo." She said stopping him."We're done."

He stood up, "Would love to say it's be fun, but it's been about as much fun as having my fingernails ripped out." and he walked out.

Gibbs was leaning against the opposite wall when Tony emerged.

Tony smiled, "Man Boss, they really raked me over the coals. I thought she was gonna bring out the little torture tools," His eyes got big, "It was creepy. Plus I think she was flirting with me. I mean come on, this is an investigation."

Gibbs started shaking his head and laughed.

"You were behind the glass, weren't you?" Tony said slightly defeated.


"Oh, well then seriously it was crazy, not sure McGee will last under that kind pressure."


"Yeah Boss?"

"Shut up."

"Right Boss."

Gibbs started walking away down the hall, then turned around and wiggled his finger for Tony to follow.

"Ooh sneaky," Tony winked at Abby as he saw and heard Ziva being interviewed.

Abby turned around to say something and smiled. Gibbs and Tony were standing next to each other in the exact same pose.

"You two are so cute." And she hugged them both.

"Abs." Gibbs said.

She looked at him, "Later Abs."

He motioned towards the screen and she turned around with a grin on her face.

The questions to Ziva were almost identical to Tony's. She didn't use rule number 7 to quite its full extent as Tony had. But she was still pretty detailed. She talked about the bar, having showed up at Gibbs house a couple nights after a rough week, as all his agents had done from time to time. McGee, Abby, Ducky, it would almost be a carbon copy story, just different times.

Finally Gibbs had had enough.

"This is over," Gibbs, said as he headed out the lab door.

Tony sighed and continued to look at the screen. Then he realized Abby was staring at him hands on hips.


"Your man just ran out of the room clearly upset why are you still standing here?"

"Abby come on. Gibbs" He said as if Gibbs could clearly handle himself.

Still the stare. He waited a moment then turned and followed after Gibbs.

"That is so sweet! And yummy!" Abby grinned.

Tony made it just as Gibbs was opening the door to the observation area. Tony followed him in.

"These interviews are over." and he walked up to the Chief putting his finger in his face, "You have a problem with the way I run my team then you deal with me."

The Chief hid his smile, but only for a moment, "You made it through almost two whole interviews. I'm impressed. I lost the bet, but I'm impressed."

Gibbs did not seem amused.

"Shut it down." The Chief ordered

The lights went up.

Vance, Gibbs, and the Chief were now in the conference room.

Gibbs was standing arms crossed as the Chief took off his hat and sat down at the table, unbuttoning his uniform jacket.

"This wasn't an investigation as much as an information gathering mission."

Vance who was standing in front of his desk eyed the Chief, "Information on?"

"Team dynamics."

"Team dynamics?" Gibbs' eyes were cold as steel.

The Chief locked eyes with Gibbs.

"Your team has the highest success rates on closing cases, solving murders and suspect captures. Not to mention the highest retention rate, although haven't decided whether that is a plus or not."

Gibbs nodded his head and gritted his teeth as he smirked, "You wanted to know what made us tick."

"In a sense. Not that I doubt your leadership Agent Gibbs, but there had to be something more to it than just that."

"And you knew his team would show up here tonight how?" Vance questioned.

"Because I told your friend at the Joint Chiefs of Staff."

Vance shook his head, "You set me up."

"This entire charade for nothing." Gibbs was at his boiling point.

"This isn't, nothing, Agent Gibbs. Do you know what it would do for NCIS if we could mold teams like this one in every office?"

"You can't "mold" a team like this,there's no magical formula. If there was I would pull it out my ass and give it to you," Gibbs barked, "This team happened because we care about each other and not because we work together. We have been to hell and back for each other inside and outside of this office. And none of expected that but that is just the way it is. You can't make people like each other or care about each other. You can't "mold" a team to like to be a part of each other's lives. IT JUST HAPPENS!" Gibbs was yelling, "And now I have to go clean up your mess because I have five people down there who are afraid this was some investigation to break us up again. And I'm doing it because I care for them and because you sure in hell don't."

The Chief nodded then stood up, "Director Vance, Agent Gibbs, I think we are through here."

Gibbs again was face to face with the Chief, "If you ever put my team through anything like this again, I will make you eat that hat." Gibbs paused, "And not through your mouth."

"Leon." Gibbs nodded and with that Gibbs, walked out slamming the door as he went.

"How much did you lose?" Vance asked folding his arms across his chest.

"Hundred bucks, figured he'd bust in during DiNozzo's interview when the questions got personal." The Chief chuckled.

Vance walked over to him. "Normally I would apologize for Gibbs, um, lack of tack but today it seems more than appropriate." and with that Vance left the Chief standing in his office.

Gibbs was making his way down the steps when he saw the five people standing at the corner of the bullpen by Tony's desk, concern clearly visible on every one of their faces. As Gibbs, reached them Abby hugged him and asked, "Are they breaking us up again?"

The other's looked on obviously sharing Abby's concern.

He hugged her back, "No Abs I told you I wouldn't let that happen."

She just hugged him tighter.

Gibbs glanced up and saw Vance leaning again the railing above the bullpen. The Chief was now standing beside him.

"So what was this all about Boss?" Tony asked.

Abby finally let Gibbs go.

"I'll tell you all on the way."

"Where are we going?" Ducky asked.

"Somewhere they have beer." Gibbs, said as he motioned his team to the elevator. "Lots of beer."

"That leaves a lot of places, Boss?" McGee smiled.

"My place. I have bourbon and beer, you want anything else get it yourself on the way."

As always, his team filed into the elevator leaving the front open for Gibbs. As the doors were about to close Gibbs glanced up at Vance and the Chief; his expression for the Chief, one of anger and distaste.

Within 20 minutes they were all assembled at Gibbs house, except for Abby.

Ziva was sitting in the soft green chair to the side of the couch. McGee had pulled in a chair from the kitchen and was sitting between Ziva and the couch. Tony had taken up residence on one end of the couch, Ducky on the other. Gibbs was in the kitchen grabbing beers and the bottle of bourbon.

Abby suddenly bounded in, her hands full of plastic bags.

McGee jumped up to help her taking some of the bags from her full hands.

"Thanks Timmy." She smiled.

"What is all this?" He asked peeking inside one of the bags.

"Munchies. Figured Bossman probably only had bread crust in the house."

McGee placed the bags on the coffee table as everyone started rummaging through.

Tony had glanced back into the kitchen wondering what was taking Gibbs so long. Seeing Gibbs try to carry everything and realizing he had forgotten the glasses put everything back down on the table. Tony got up and headed into the kitchen.

"I'll get the glasses." Tony said.

Gibbs smiled. "Thanks."

Seeing Gibbs move his neck side to side Tony asked.

"You okay?"

Gibbs nodded.

"You realize this is two nights in a row you have been with this motley group."

Yeah." Gibbs answered with a smile.

"Abby really got to you." Tony said, already knowing the answer. He was sore all over to prove just how much Abby had gotten to him.

Gibbs again nodded.

"But someone else got to me even more." Gibbs smiled looking at Tony.

Tony beamed.

Gibbs touched the top of the grey turtle neck Tony was wearing and pulled back the fabric looking at the mark he had left last night as proof. Gibbs raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry about that." Gibbs said in a heartfelt tone. His fingers softly grazed the mark as if his touch alone could sooth it.

"I'm not." Tony grinned.

Gibbs chuckled and let his hand drift away from Tony.

As Gibbs looked up he saw Abby looking at them with this look of utter love and giddiness. Having been so lost in his exchange with Tony he hadn't even thought that someone may have been watching them. He was glad it had been Abby.

Rolling his eyes, Gibbs, looked at Tony who in turn looked at Abby.

Tony actually blushed.

Abby had watched the exchange, unable to look away. It was sweet so tender, so un-Gibbslike that she smiled. Frowning inwardly though, she had a feeling she was no longer Gibbs favorite.

Once Gibbs and Tony had made their way back into the living room and taken a seat, with beers in hand and bourbon in glass, Gibbs started to explain what the events of tonight had been about. Gibbs was sitting in the middle of the couch, Tony to his right, Ducky to his left. Abby had scrunched her way in between Tony and Gibbs, her head on Tony's shoulder, her feet in Gibbs lap.

As Gibb, finished explaining there was silence. Everyone knowing full well that they felt exactly as Gibbs had explained. Abby just pushed her head harder against Tony and rubbed her hand up and down Gibbs arm. Tony had kissed the top of her head. And she smiled, how Gibbs of him. Gibbs patted her leg and Abby smiled.

The others were all looking at each other, clearly expressing love and affection for each person there.

As if needing to break the tension Tony looked at the table of goodies before him.

"Are those donut holes?" He said grabbing the box and forcing Abby to fall back on the couch behind him.

Seeing her eyes go wide everyone laughed and it somehow made everyone start talking.

Gibbs grabbed Abby's hand and pulled her up. Tony had walked over and was sitting on the floor by Ducky talking about something Gibbs couldn't quite hear.

Abby having regained her equilibrium put her head on Gibbs, shoulder and pouted, "I'm not your favorite any more am I Gibbs."

Gibbs had to laugh. "Of course you are Abs" as if any other thought was absurd.

"But-" she let the But stand.

He pulled her chin up, "You're my girl Abs, always." hoping the words conveyed his meaning. She was his little girl, always would be.

"Even though, you know," She nodded at Tony, "You get to" And she made her one hand into a fist and poked a finger into it. You didn't need to know sign language to know the meaning behind that.


It had come out louder than he expected and everyone looked up.

Gibbs shook his hand and made a waving motion to the others, telling them to go back to their conversation.

An evil grinned spread across Abby's face as she stared at Gibbs. Then she hugged him and whispered in his ear, "I'm so happy for you and him."

Gibbs smiled and hugged her back, "Me to Abs, me to."

"But how long am I gonna have to keep quiet about this?" She let Gibbs go free.

"Not long, I promise."

She nodded.

Their conversation having ended, Tony smiled up at Gibbs. Almost immediately Gibbs was pulled in to a conversation with Ducky.

Abby decided she wanted to share Ziva's chair. The two women were sitting happily together talking with McGee and quickly pulled Tony into the conversation. After awhile Abby decided it was time to harass Tony and came over and sat half way in his lap and half way on the couch.

"You know I'm still his favorite." She said giving Tony a steely stare.

"I know Abs, never doubted that." He smiled having seen the hand gesture she had made to Gibbs that made him practically shout her name earlier. He knew what they were probably talking about.

"That's not gonna change even if you do get to f-"

Tony held up a finger, "Abby!"

She smirked and then gave him a big bear hug. He hugged her back. Knowing it was merely teasing, protecting the man she saw as a father figure and harassing the man she teased like some wicked stepmom or stepdad.

Abby pulled back slightly her expression serious, "But so help me if you hurt him. Or he hurts you I will kill you both."

Tony nodded, "Got it Abs."

Somewhere in the early morning hours the group had slowly dissipated and Gibbs and Tony were finally left alone.

Gibbs had settled into the couch. Tony was emerging from the kitchen having thrown away the last of the empty beer bottles. He straddled Gibbs lap as had become their custom.

"Crazy little family we have there."

"Um hum." Gibbs mumbled as he laced his arms around Tony's waist and kissed him gently.

"You realize Abby will not be able to keep this information to herself much longer."

"Um hum." Gibbs again mumbled and kissed Tony.

"You know I love these intellectual conversations we have."

Gibbs grinned.

Tony shook his head.

"We will tell everyone in the next couple of days then we can be the office gossip for a few weeks and life will go on." Gibbs said, finally putting a full sentence together.

Tony just looked at him as if he had suddenly grown a third eye.

A serious expression now clouded Gibbs face.

"Do you not want to tell them?" Gibbs was concerned now. Did Tony expect to hide this from them, after everything?

"No, I mean." Tony could see the look of anger and remorse playing across Gibbs face.

"Of course I want to tell them. My God." Tony expressed, wanting that look to leave Gibbs face.

"Then what's the problem?" Gibbs asked.

"It's been like a week Jethro! Are you sure about this?"

Gibbs sighed, "Tony, I've wasted a long time not letting myself be completely happy. You make me happy and I want everyone to know that."

Tony smiled and kissed him, "You make me deliriously happy."

"Good." Gibbs smirked.

"But just so you understand, Very Special Agent Gibbs, I will not always let you just throw me around like your little rag doll when we are in bed, as much as I loved it."

"And this means?"

"I know you have this whole power thing going on but I do like to take the lead now and then."

Gibbs, nodded, "But you do realize-"

Tony nodded. He always knew that Gibbs would never be the kind of man who would get on his hands and knees and take it. But he would do anything else to please his lover.

Gibbs chuckled as if reading Tony's thoughts.

"But control is give and take in any relationship."

"Understood." And Gibbs did understand. Gibbs was aggressive by nature and his background had only enhanced that. But slowly over time he had learned and was still learning that sometimes being the prey had its own rewards.

"You almost gave me complete control that night when I sucked your cock. Almost." Tony said now leaning into Gibbs' ear.

The vision of that night flashed across Gibbs' mind, sending electrical impulses throughout his body.

"Up until that moment when you asked to fuck my mouth I was in control."

Again the memory and Gibbs was finding it hard not to pull Tony down and devour him. But this was Tony's game and Gibbs let him play it.

"But tonight I'm going to suck your cock how I want, where I want and for however long I want. Understood?"

Gibbs merely moaned in agreement his cock already hard and pushing up against Tony's ass.

Tony rocked gently against the other man's growing need letting the sensation build within him as well. Then Tony stood, causing Gibbs to moan in frustration at having lost the physical contact.

"Upstairs." Tony said offering Gibbs a hand and pulling him off the couch. Tony was almost dragging Gibbs up the steps. But as Tony was about to begin the ascent, Gibbs pulled back. Forcing Tony to look back at him, Gibbs took Tony by the wrist and pulled him hard against his chest searching the young man's eyes for a moment.

"You know I love you?"

The words said as so much more than just a statement.

Tony smiled, "I love you too."

Gibbs kissed him, an embrace expressing so much emotion that Tony felt truly love for the first time in a long time.

Tony was the one to finally pull back. Gibbs' eyes were filled with the all too familiar hunger Tony has come to know so well.

"But getting all sappy on me isn't going to make me go all mushy and let you fuck my brains out."

Gibbs cocked his head with a smirk, "Can't blame a guy for trying."

And Tony was again pulling him up the stairs. Gibbs wasn't the happy endings type, had never won that privilege, once briefly but it had been all too fleeting. But tonight and the nights that would follow, Gibbs had begun to realize, there are happy endings.