The World Has Its Shine

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own Ryleigh and Justin. That's it. And seeing as Justin is based on my bestest friend in the world, who lives across the country, but I still love dearly, I technically don't really own him either. He owns himself… And George, though he is only mentioned, isn't owned by me either. He's in Hollywood Undead and owns himself, as does everyone in the WWE and anyone aside from Ryleigh and Justin.

A/N: Clearly, I don't know when to stop adding new stories. But I figured what the hell. I'm only young once. Besides, I had that poll a while ago, and everyone wanted more Wade, so I started playing around with some ideas. This one had the most promise, when I outlined what I was thinking of doing. So, please read it, review it, and I'll keep updating. You all know I love hearing what you think :o) And this is the first story I've written in years, in which the main character wasn't named Jamie…just sayin….lol Love you guys! XoXoXoXoXo

Oh! And one last thing, the outfit I describe, I used Google and my brain to figure out…let me tell you…I want those damn shoes! lol

Ryleigh Denning. She wasn't someone that would be expected to be Monday Night Raw's guest star. Not by a long shot. In fact, when the WWE Universe heard of her upcoming appearance, everyone was completely confused at how that even came to be. Hell, the WWE Superstars were completely shocked that Vince McMahon was somehow able to convince someone with her caliber of fame to be on the show. The guys were definitely more than excited to have her around. That was for sure. Some of the Divas weren't exactly looking forward to it. They knew that with the world famous supermodel turned actress was bound to get the attention they so craved from the men that they worked with day in, day out. They didn't want to give that up to some one-time visitor. But all in all, it was panning out to be a big deal, as it had been advertised all over the place, and when Ryleigh did her interviews, she spoke about the upcoming event. It looked to be a huge deal.

Ryleigh was beyond excited to be appearing on Raw. What people who didn't know much about her didn't realize was that she had been a lifelong fan of the WWE. In fact, if anyone had bothered to look up some information about her, one would find out that she always said that if she hadn't gotten into modeling, she would have absolutely pursued a career in professional wrestling. That's what convinced McMahon that approaching Ryleigh was more than likely going to pan out very well for him. Hearing that the Victoria's Secret cover girl considered herself obsessed with the WWE was immediate grounds for him to contact her and offer up the spot of guest star.

The day Ryleigh's agent had informed her of the phone call Vince McMahon personally made, she thought it would be the best day of her entire life. That was, of course, until she actually pulled up to the arena for the evening's taping. She promised herself that she wasn't going to act like a fan but instead a professional who was there to work and not act like an imbecile. The second she hopped out of the limo, though, she was jumping up and down like a child on Christmas morning. The brunette bombshell was overwhelmed with excitement, as the adrenaline began pumping through her veins. The three cups of coffee in the limo on her way from the airport didn't exactly hinder the bursts of energy she was feeling. It was exciting and nerve-wracking for her. Though Ryleigh had no idea how the Superstars and Divas were going to react to her presence, she was still very excited to meet everyone. She was beside herself with anticipation.

The first order of business for the afternoon, seeing as it was only 2:00 PM when Ryleigh had arrived, was to meet the CEO himself, Mister Vincent Kennedy McMahon. He hadn't been present at many of the Raw tapings for the past few months, but with the arrival of one of the world's most famous celebrities, he felt it imperative to greet her when she arrived. Seeing as he had been fairly concerned with the declining ratings of the show, McMahon was nearly desperate for something so big it would give the long-running show the huge boost it needed. He was beyond confident that she would be the one to get that ratings boost for him. Everything she touched turned to platinum. Her last film grossed well over five hundred million dollars at the Box Office. Granted, that wasn't necessarily all Ryleigh, seeing as it was a Martin Scorsese film, which also starred a number of famous, well-respected, talented actors. She felt honored to be offered a part and was completely shocked with the outpouring of acclaim she received for her performance. Vince knew this was going to be a huge night, and he wanted to be there to witness it.

The twenty-five year old success story was practically running to the entrance in her black five-inch Christian Louboutin Star Prive heels, which were paired with her Dolce and Gabbana stone wash skinny jeans, topped off with a black top that was tight around the abdomen, but looser and draped off of one shoulder on the top half. Her long brunette hair cascaded down her back in the loose curls that she'd had earlier in the day for her interview with a daytime talk show. It was long, and she liked it that way. It was maybe two or three inches away from reaching the small of her back.. Her make up was perfect. Her personal assistant, Justin, was walking behind her, carrying her Louie Vuitton bag, along with his date book, cell phone and cup of coffee.

"Wait up, bitch!" he called after one of the most well-respected workers in the business. The best part of the relationship between Ryleigh and Justin was that they had been best friends for the past fifteen years. When she made it big, her first order of business was to bring her best friend along for the ride.

"Do I look okay?" she nervously asked, though excitement still coated her words, as she turned to face him. She readjusted her top slightly, which was revealing a decent amount of her ample cleavage.

"You look fucking hot, babe," he replied with a smirk and a wink.

"You sure?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"Good point. You're usually extra harsh with the brutal honesty," she rationalized. Ryleigh took a deep breath, trying to calm her excitement, though it wasn't quite possible to do so. "Okay. Let's do this thing." She opened the door and let Justin in, seeing as his hands were currently full. She followed behind him, as they made their way over to security and signed in, receiving their passes that allowed them full access to the backstage area. No sooner had they walked past the security area, the two were almost immediately greeted by the one and only Vince McMahon.

"Ms. Denning! It's such a pleasure to finally meet you!" he greeted, offering out his hand to her. Ryleigh smiled and shook it.

"It's such an honor to meet you, Mr. McMahon. And please, call me Ryleigh," she sweetly spoke.

"Well, Ryleigh, please call me Vince."

"Okay, Vince. This is Justin. He's my PA," she introduced. Justin somehow managed to shake Vince's hand.

"Everyone's really been looking forward to having you here tonight," he spoke, leading them down a fairly long hallway. "You have your own personal dressing room. In there, you'll find a copy of the script for tonight's show. It really just outlines the storyline that you'll be involved in. I've heard that you're a fan of the company, so I'm sure you've heard of the Nexus, correct?"

"Of course I have. I have my own Nexus shirt back at home," she admitted with a sheepish grin on her flawless face.

"Well, then, that's good to hear. You're gonna be involved in that storyline for the evening," he informed her.

"Seriously? Wow. That's amazing. Thank you so much. This is so…wow. Such an honor."

"Well, we're so excited that you're here, that I made sure the Creative department put you in the storyline. It's our major storyline, so why not involve our major guest star? Besides, I know I can trust you with acting, I've seen your films."

"Thank you."

He opened the door to the lavishly decorated dressing room. "This is going to be your room. This is the hallway where all of the Superstars and Divas locker rooms are located, so there may be some visitors stopping by to say hello. There will be people form the crew back here to go over some things with you for tonight," he told her.

"Thank you so much for all of this, Vince."

"Of course. If all goes well, hopefully you'll have a lot of fun and want to come back. Maybe you'll make yourself a familiar face around these parts," he said, giving her a hopeful smile.

"I would love that," she said, her eyes widening at the thought.

Vince gave her a smile. "Well, I'll let you get settled in. If you need anything, my office is directly across the hallway. And once again, thank you so much for coming here and doing the show," he graciously spoke to her.

"Oh trust me. It's all my pleasure. "

"We're really happy to have you here."

"It's an honor for us to be here."

Vince gave her a final smile, before retreating to his office, leaving Ryleigh and Justin in her designated dressing room.

"Wow. I can't believe that I'm really here. I feel like I should pinch myself or something," she dreamily spoke.

Justin didn't hesitate to take the opportunity and pinch her. "Ouch!" she yelped, before turning around and slapping him.

"You wanted to pinch yourself. I figured I'd save you the energy and just do it myself," he rationalized. "I am your personal assistant. I'm just trying to make your life easier," he said with a shit-eating grin.

"You're such a bastard."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Well, I guess I should take a look at the script and see exactly what I'm supposed to be doing tonight, huh?"

"Probably a good idea," he agreed with her.

Ryleigh sat back on the black leather couch and reached out for the script on the table, snatching it up into her hands and opening it, reading through her parts. She was becoming extraordinarily more excited with each passing moment. She had some really good ideas as to how to approach the scenes with the WWE Superstars.

Stu Bennett was sitting in the Nexus locker room with his group mates. He wasn't particularly confident that working with the guest star for the evening was going to prove a smart move for the storyline, but he wasn't asked his opinion on the matter, and he was known for doing what he was told to do when it came down to business. He hadn't seen any of Ryleigh Denning's movies. Everyone was really focused on the fact that she was some really hot supermodel. He'd seen pictures. It was nearly impossible to not know who she was. Though he didn't know very much about her, he did know she was absolutely beautiful. But truth be told, with a whole bunch of make up caked on their faces, most supermodels were beautiful…just fake. He was sure that he would be proven right the moment he got a good look at the celebrity that evening. Regardless, Stu wasn't exactly sure a pretty face was all that was needed to get her thought the episode, though he was confident that she was really only relying on her looks alone. He was just skeptical. He had no animosity towards the woman. He'd never met her before, so he had no reason to have any problems with her.

"Hey Stu, did you see the script for tonight?" Paul Lloyd Jr., called PJ by his friends and Justin Gabriel by his fans, asked.

"Yeah…we're involved with that Ryleigh Denning broad, aren't we?" his deep, accented voice replied.

"We are," Heath Miller AKA Heath Slater replied. "I heard that she's a really big WWE fan."

"Yeah, I heard that, too," Tyrone Evans, better known as Michael Tarver, agreed with the redhead.

"Ryleigh's actually friends with Jen. I've only met her a couple of times, but Jen loves her," David told them. "She's really sweet."

"I should probably take a trip to her dressing room and find out how she wants to work everything out, huh?" Stu asked.

"Probably," Ryan Reeves, who went under the name Skip Sheffield on-screen, replied to the leader of the Nexus.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. David got up and opened it, revealing the guest star herself, Ryleigh Denning.

"Hi," she said with a smile.

"Ryleigh!" David greeted. "It's so nice to see you again!"

Ryleigh hugged him. "David! It's nice to see a familiar face around here. I haven't seen you in forever. How are you? How's Jenny? How's my favorite little boy?" she quickly piled on the questions.

"Good, good. Everyone's good. Jen misses you. She was so jealous when I told her that you were gonna be here tonight."

"Aw. I miss her so much. I haven't spoken to her since…wow last week. I've been running around like a crazy person between press conferences, photo shoots and stuff," she explained.

"She knows you're busy, Miss Popular. But we definitely need to get together soon. Anyway, I should probably introduce you to the guys. There's-"

"Dave. You should know me better than that," she cut him off with a smile. "I know who everyone is."

"Well, you know everyone's on-screen names."

"I'm obsessed with this. I know everyone's real names, too," she pointed out with a smirk.

"Wow. Well, then, excuse me," David laughed.

Stu felt his chest tighten up, as Ryleigh made her rounds, introducing herself to the other guys. As it turned out, he was slated to be last in line to meet her. But he felt his chest tighten and got a bit lightheaded for the first few minutes she was in the room. When they momentarily locked eyes, he saw everything moving in slow motion. He didn't expect himself to be so attracted to her, but the woman in front of him was quickly blowing his mind in the best possible way.

"And last but certainly not least, you must be Stu, right?"

"Yes, and you're Ryleigh."

"I certainly am," she replied with a smile. "It's such an honor to meet you. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of star struck right now," she admitted.

"Oh really?" he asked, a smile forming on his face.

"Yeah. I'm a huge fan."

"Of me?" Stu asked her, confused.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I'm a Nexus fan and all, but I'm a huge Wade Barrett fan, as well," she told him.

"Oh wow. That's so flattering."

Ryleigh blushed. "I'm like a little kid in a candy store, here. I'm so sorry. It's completely unprofessional of me to be acting like such an idiot," she apologized. "I just can't seem to help it."

"Don't be ridiculous. It's so nice to hear that a world renowned supermodel and actress is so excited to meet me…well, us," Stu said, using every ounce of self control to act like he wasn't swooning over her, mentally.

"Yeah. Trust me, my friends back home are all so jealous that I'm working with you tonight," Heath agreed.

Ryleigh smiled. "I'm really not that big…"

"Are you kidding me? Didn't you date Leonardo DiCaprio?" Heath asked her. He liked to read the gossip magazines every now and again.

"Well, only for a few months," she replied.

"Wait a second. You dated Leo DiCaprio?" PJ asked.

"Yeah…" she shyly replied.


"That's a big deal, you know. You're dating Leo D!" Heath cried.

"Dated," she said, emphasizing the past tense. "We broke up. We're not together anymore. I mean, we still talk once in a while, but we're not dating each other or anything like that."

"Okay, well, still. He only dates the world's most beautiful women, and clearly, you're on the top of that prestigious list, so you do the math. Quite frankly, I'm the one who's star struck," PJ spoke.

"That's really sweet, PJ," she graciously replied.

"Yeah, well, we were all very excited to hear that we were gonna be working with you," Tyrone told her. "You seem like a really cool chick."

"Thank you. That really means a lot to me. You don't understand how much of a fan I am. I mean, I've had my schedule cleared on Monday and Friday nights, and trust me, I make sure I watch every Pay Per View. It's my main priority," she explained.

"That's so awesome. I'm gonna tell everyone that Ryleigh Denning is a fan of mine. Everyone's gonna hate me," Heath spoke with a proud smile.

She laughed. "You're so funny."

"I guess we should start talking about what to do tonight," Stu spoke up, ever the group leader.

"Yeah. That's actually why I came here," Ryleigh said. "Of course, I got a little distracted…"

"Well, then, let's figure this out," he said with a warm smile. She felt the brief fluttering of butterflies in her stomach as their eyes temporarily locked. She was feeling her celebrity crush translate quite well into real life.

Ryleigh was more nervous than ever as she eagerly watched the clock, waiting for Raw to begin, though she still had a little over an hour before anything happened. After making the necessary plans for the evening with the Nexus guys, along with John Cena and Randy Orton who ended up joining the group, seeing as they, too, were also major players in the Nexus on-screen drama, she had returned to her dressing room. Her hair and make up had been done, and she had received quite a number of visits from the Superstars and Divas. She had gotten along really well with everyone, especially the Nexus guys. She was so excited to have been able to meet everyone. They were treating her like the celebrity she was, though around all of them, she felt like the fan.

"You're so fidgety. You're making me nervous," Justin told her.

"I'm nervous."

"Ryleigh! Get a grip, you psycho! You've worked with famous legends, like Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Martin Scorsese, and let's be fair, you're personal, close friends with Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj. You definitely don't need to be so nervous about being on Monday Night Raw. You're insane, you hot mess, you." He wasn't a wrestling fan, but he knew what was going on because Ryleigh made him watch it constantly. He'd also never seen her act so excited to be meeting so many people before.

"Don't be such a bitch, Justy!"

He winked at her and blew her a kiss. "I love you, you little minx."

"Love you, muffin."

"You're so funny."

"No, I'm not," she whined.

"Yes. You're crazy."

She pouted. "But I love you."

"Are you excited for New York tomorrow?"

"So excited."

"Me, too," he agreed. "So, any crushes on any of these big juicy pieces of man meat?" he asked, widening his eyes, desperate for the gossip from his best friend.

She shrugged. "I have my own man."

Justin rolled his yes. "Oh forget about that douche. These guys are really hot, and they seem sweet, too."

"George is hot…"

"Yeah, but he's a dick."

"No, he isn't."

"Bullshit. Now, let's not talk about your stupid bastard of a boyfriend. Let's talk about these guys. Who do you like?"

Ryleigh grinned. "Ugh. Fine. You know me too well for my own good. I have a little crush on Stu."

"That's the British guy you pointed out, right?"


"Oooh. Very yummy."

She smiled. "Yeah, but like I said…"

"I love Georgie Porgie, even if he is a dumb prick who treats me like shit and thinks he's a God among men because he's banging the hottest woman on earth, and he's in Hollywood Undead," he mocked her, following his words with a retching and pretending to vomit all over the room.

"He isn't a prick…"

"He told you that you were stupid for coming here to do this show, which you've been looking forward to doing since you heard about the call from Vince McMahon. Don't make excuses for him."

"He's just not into wrestling."

"And you're not into wearing masks while you do your thing. So, there's not reason for him to knock what you enjoy. I don't particularly care for wrestling, but you don't see me being a dick about it. I encourage you to do what makes you happy."

"Yeah, I know…"

Justin rolled his eyes. "Listen, if that Stu guy was into men, I'd be all over that without thinking twice. I don't care who my boyfriend is, was or ever will be. So, go show him your boobies and play a little game called 'Find the G Spot'," he encouraged her.

Ryleigh laughed. "That's definitely not happening."

"Ugh. You're no fun at all."

"Because I'm not gonna go around screwing strangers just because they're really good looking?"


"Come on. Stop being such a bitch to me. I have to get ready to go out there soon," she said nudging him with her shoulder.

"Your hair and make up are already done. You came dressed in the outfit that you wanted to wear. I don't see what you're rushing around for."

"I was gonna go visit the Nexus guys…"

"Oh! Oh," he gave her a devious smirk and a nudge to the elbow. "Well, then, by all means, be my guest."

Ryleigh laughed. "I'll see you soon, babe."

"Have fun." The longtime best friends hugged and exchanged kisses on their cheeks, before Ryleigh left the dressing room and made her way down the hall to the Nexus room. She quickly knocked on the door. Within moments, it opened and Ryleigh was looking directly at Stu Bennett.

"Ryleigh. Hi," he greeted.

"Hi Stu. I just wanted to stop by and see what you guys were up to. Justin had some phone calls to take care of, and I was bored."

"Oh. Well, the others just went to catering to grab some food and eat before the show starts."

"Aw. So, they left you all alone?"

"Yup. You can come in, though, and hang out with me, if you'd like to," he invited her. She acquiesced. Stu, then, closed the door behind her. The two sat on the couch next to each other.

"So, are you excited about the show tonight?" she asked him.

Stu smiled. "Yeah. I love it. This is my favorite thing to do in the entire world."

"Well, you're very talented."

He gave her a smile. "Thanks. That's very sweet of you to say. I'm really sorry, I haven't seen any of your films, but I hear really great things. I have seen some of your catalogue covers, though. And trust me, you're very talented, too," he told her, before quickly turning a shade of crimson, upon the realization of what he said.

Ryleigh laughed. "That's not exactly talent. I'm standing there. You're in the ring…" she pointed out.

"Well, you make it look very easy, and I know I think that photo shoots suck and are terribly boring. So, I give you a lot of credit to do it all of the time."


He smiled. "So, you've been watching Raw?" he asked.

"Yeah. I know everything that's been going on. I have a bit of an obsession, really," she told him.

Stu laughed. "Well, at least you get to be a part of it now. It's a lot of fun to do the shows."

"I love watching, so I'm sure that I'll love being on it."

"It's definitely a really unique experience. Everyone's either loving you or hating you, but they're reacting to you, and it's so incredible to be able to have people who feel so strongly about your character," he explained.

Ryleigh smiled. "I've always wanted to be a wrestler."


"Yeah. I'm actually friends with Mark LoMonaco and Devon Hughes, who were the Dudley Boys and Team 3D in TNA. And they have their own wrestling school, which I've gone to. Not consistently or anything, but every time I'm in the area, and they're around, I go, and they show me some moves. It's a lot of fun."

"That's pretty great. Do you think you'd ever want to give up modeling and acting to become a wrestler?" he asked.

She shrugged. "I dunno. I've become pretty comfortable with the life I have now, but I'd never exactly rule it out or anything."

"Too bad we're not getting you in the ring tonight for anything other than you ganging up with Randy against us."

She smirked. "You know I almost wish that they were putting me on your side tonight, but I mean, that wouldn't make sense, unless I was actually going to be a member of the group or something."

"Yeah. Maybe in the future that can change."

"Maybe. I certainly wouldn't mind that."

"Me either." He turned red, wanting the floor to swallow him up. The last thing he should be doing is hitting on the guest star. But at the same time, he couldn't really help himself. Stu was finding himself to be extremely attracted to the woman seated next to him. Quite frankly, he hoped that she'd be back, and the show hadn't even aired yet.


After the Nexus had opened the show, by insulting nearly every member of the WWE Universe, the Superstars and anyone else they could, they were welcomed with the Lady Gaga B-Side track "Vanity" playing through the arena, as the guest star of the evening, Ryleigh Denning walked out to the screaming crowd. She was slapping the hands of fans, as she walked down the ramp, making her way to the ring. She made her way up the stairs, and Wade Barrett walked over, holding the ropes open for her to walk into the middle of the ring. She ducked underneath the top rope and made her way into the center of the it, nodding a 'thank you' to the Nexus leader, while the guys all gave her flirty smiles. They were unaware of how short-lived their smiles would be.

Ryleigh immediately walked over to the clearly unhappy John Cena and gave him a hug, confusing the rest of the members. "Excuse me, young lady, what exactly can we help you with?" Wade asked.

She smiled and turned to face him. "Well, Wade, it's come to my attention that I'm the guest star tonight, and I think for one night, maybe you should stop being such a buzz kill. You know, you seem like you could be a sweet guy, but you're always such a downer. You're nasty to John. You boss everyone around. You act like you're the king of the castle. I think you need to pull the stick out of your rear end and calm it down a little bit."

"Excuse me? And who do you think you are?"

"Well, that was actually my question to you because you're obviously not the champ. Randy Orton is…" she pointed out.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Get out of my ring, right now," he commanded, pointing to the direction in which he wanted her to make her exit.

"Mmm…not gonna happen," she refused with a shake of her head. "You see, I have some friends here, and I figured I'd pay them a visit, but after listening to you drone on and on about how John Cena isn't a faithful member of your little band of thugs and how you're gonna take the championship from Randy, it's just…enough is enough already. Everyone's sick and tired of listening to your whining and complaining. John isn't a faithful member because he hates you and you're little butt buddies. You weren't able to beat Randy for the title. Clearly, you're all talk," she spoke.

Wade walked right up to her, as the other members, aside from John, formed a threatening circle around her. "You know for someone as new to this ring as you are, I'd really watch what I say. You don't want to make the wrong person…or people angry, you know," he warned her.

"Wow. You're really intimidating," she replied with zero enthusiasm, mocking him. "You won't like him when he's angry. Ooooh. Terrifying. Actually, I think my friend Ed Norton played that part…you know…The Hulk? He was much better at it, though," she shot back. The crowd laughed at the insults she was flinging at Wade, as was John. He took a step closer to her, trying to frighten her, which was clearly not working.

"Listen, little girl, you-"

"Little girl? I'm not that young, pal, and I've sure as hell accomplished a lot more than you and The Pink Ladies combined," she quipped.

"You better watch what you say…"

"I think you better watch what you say, actually," she reciprocated the warning. "Because I know some people in some high places."

"Oh yeah? Like who?"

"There's a good friend of mine here tonight."

"Your friend?"

"Yes. My friend. Oh…um…well, okay. Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Sometimes when two people get along really well and hang out once in a while, having common interests, they form a bond which translates into a relationship, in which they can rely on each other and talk to each other and-"

"I know what a friend is," he snapped at her. "Who's this little friend that you think you can use to intimidate me?" Wade inquired.

Ryleigh smirked. "Oh! I thought you'd never ask. Oh friend…." she called in a sing song voice.

"I hear voices in my head. They council me. They understand. They talk to me" were the next words that blared through the speakers, as the WWE's own Apex Predator and the WWE Champion, Randy Orton, made his entrance. He did his entrance bit and gave Ryleigh a hug, before his music stopped playing, and he got in Wade's face, bringing his microphone up to his mouth.

"Wade, you know, you better watch who you start trouble with," he warned. "Because you never know who's learned to give someone an RKO."

Once the words left his lips, Ryleigh immediately RKO'ed Justin Gabriel, leaving him down and out, as everyone else went after the guest star, causing Randy and John to interfere, to protect her. The lights blinked and the crowd was alerted of an e-mail from the anonymous Raw General Manager.

"Can I have your attention please? I have just received an e-mail from the anonymous General Manager," Michael Cole spoke, as he got up from his chair at the commentary table. Everyone turned to find out what he was about to say. "And I quote, 'The Nexus better take a few steps away from the guest star of the evening because she is the one who will be playing host tonight. I have spoken to her and allow our guest, Miss Ryleigh Denning to be the one to call the matches this evening, as well as the stipulations. Don't put yourself in a position that you can't afford to be in, Wade.' "

A smirk was on the face of the evening's newly announced host. "Well, boys, this ought to be fun now, don't you think?" she spoke, raising an eyebrow at the members of Nexus, aside from Justin who was still successful laid out.

"You really nailed that RKO. That was really impressive," Randy complimented the supermodel, as everyone was waiting around backstage for their cue to make their way back out to the ring.

"Thanks," she replied. "It was amazing being out there. You really feed off of the crowd's energy."

"And the show is sold out," Vince said walking over. "Which isn't exactly something that's been happening very often. You were great out there, Ryleigh. The crowd really seems to love you."

"I try," she said with a smile. Stu just watched her. He couldn't believe that he had a crush on her from the moment they met. She also had a bit of a crush on him, though she couldn't do much about it considering she was still in a relationship.


Ryleigh was backstage in her dressing room, when there was a knock at her door. She turned around and answered it, coming face to face with Santino Marella.

"Santino, hi," she greeted.

"Hello Miss Ryder."

She gave him a confused look but shrugged it off, seeing as Santino messed up almost everyone's name. "How are you?"

"Good. I was thinking that maybe I could get into some actions tonight," he told her, giving her a shy smile.

"Oh really? Well, if you'd like I could go ahead and set up a match for you," Ryleigh replied.

"Great. Thanks. You know most people would show you misrespect because you're not so smart person because you're a dumb model, but I like you, Ryder."

"A dumb model?"

"Well, yes. But you're smarts. And…I was thinking, if you'd maybe ever like to go out to date, well, maybe I would say okay."

"That's very flattering, but I-" Sheamus stepped up behind Santino. "Oh, hi Sheamus," she greeted him. Upon hearing that it was Sheamus behind his, Santino tensed up, knowing of the problems they'd been recently having.

"Listen, I want a match tonight. I don't care against who, but since you're the lass in charge here, you better arrange that."

"Okay. Well, Santino here was just asking about a match. So, what if the two of you just get in the ring."

Santino laughed sheepishly and shook his head. "Oh. No. No. No. No. I…I don't think…"

"Why wouldn't you want a match against Sheamus?"

"Well, he has a little anger to me because he has no skin pigmentation, and I do. It's not a safe bet for me."

Ryleigh smirked. "Oh nonsense. Santino, Sheamus, your match is next," she said, as the Irish-born Sheamus wrapped an arm around Santino's shoulders and pulled him out of her dressing room.


Backstage, Ryleigh was in Randy Orton's locker room. "I could give you Wade Barrett with his hands tied behind his back, if you want," she suggested with a devious smirk that almost mirrored the Viper's own. "The GM put me in charge. You name it, and I can make it happy, Randy."

"I can beat Wade Barrett in a fair fight. I have no doubts about that. Just give him to me, and I can take care of it."

"Okay…fairly, though? How about Nexus is banned from ringside, and if anyone interferes, Wade loses any and all possibilities for a championship match against you at Survivor Series?" she suggested.

"That sounds fair."

"Good. Then, I'll make sure I announce that for the main event tonight."

"You're the best. Thanks, Ry."

"Of course. They've gotten away with far too much since this whole Nexus nonsense began. There's no way I'm gonna let them get away with their shenanigans tonight. In fact, I'm gonna make sure I'm ringside tonight, so that I can make sure it's all running smoothly," she decided.

"What can I say? I'm lucky that I've got a friend like you on my side."

She smiled. "I do what I can Randy. Let me go out now and announce the main event after the next match."


As Lady Gaga's "Vanity" played through the arena, the crowd went crazy for the guest star turned guest host. Ryleigh walked out to the ring, microphone in hand, smile on her face. She quickly got into the ring.

"Hey WWE Universe! I'm here to announce your main event for the evening. I've spoken with my friend Randy Orton and allowed him to have a little bit of input into the decision." This caused the crowd to cheer. "Thanks," she said. "So, your main event tonight will be Wade Barrett versus Randy Orton. And the locker room will be banned from ringside. If anyone interferes on behalf of the Nexus, Wade Barrett will lose any and every opportunity to face Randy Orton at Survivor Series for the WWE Championship," she announced, immediately receiving the crowd's approval. She smiled at the cheering crowd.

"We Are One" by 12 Stones began playing, as Wade Barrett, followed by the rest of the Nexus came out. The group's leader looked absolutely pissed off. He signaled the rest of the group to stay back, while he made his way down the ramp and to the ring, ready to confront Ryleigh. He climbed into the ring and approached the evening's guest host. "Are you demented or something?" he asked her.

"Aw. Is little Wade upset that he's being beaten at his own game for the first time ever?" she asked with a mocking pout.

"Don't patronize me. Just who the hell do you believe that you are?"

"I think I'm the first person in this company who has you truly beaten at your own game," she replied with a smirk.

"You don't have me beat."

"Oh really? Because you seem to be pretty upset right about now. You know you can't win this match fairly because you never win fairly. You screwed Cena and made him a part of your little band of idiots. You think you can screw Orton over, too, but you've got another thing coming because I won't let that happen on my watch. You're not taking over, pal. As far a I'm concerned, you're nothing but a little greedy child who wants his cake and wants to eat it, too. But tonight, this is my playground, and I'm the last person who you want to start with." He got in her face. She stood right up to him, without even flinching. "What are you gonna do, Wade? Be a man and accept your fate? Or are you gonna try to bully me? I recommend that you make the smart decision here."

He glared at her before speaking. "You're not that pretty, sweetheart. You don't tell me what to do."

The lights flickered and the crowd was alerted of an e-mail from Raw's anonymous General Manager. Michael Cole got up and walked over to the laptop podium and opened the laptop.

"And I quote, 'Wade Barrett, you will back away from Ryleigh Denning right now, unless you want to have a suspension lingering over your head. She is the guest tonight, and you will treat her with the utmost respect. She's received direct orders from me to host and take care of business. You will respect and abide by any and all decisions that she makes, without question,'" Cole read aloud.

Ryleigh shot a smirk in his direction. "Okay, then. Bye bye, now," she mocked, waving him off. Wade looked furious, as he reluctantly made his way out of the ring and back up the ramp.

"You're really great out there. You've got the crowd wrapped around your pinkie, and you really fit in so well," Stu said, as he and Ryleigh had finally made it backstage, after their confrontation in the ring.

Ryleigh smiled. "Thanks, Stu. I really appreciate that. Sorry I'm such a bitch to you out there."

"Well, I'm not exactly a gentleman in the ring, either," he replied with a grin. "So, there's no need to apologize to me. I was thinking that maybe after the taping tonight, a bunch of us guys are going out to celebrate. Maybe if you're not going anywhere, you'd like to join us," he invited.

"I have a flight in the morning to New York, but I'm staying in the Hilton Hotel over here, so yeah. That could be fun."

Stu smiled. "That's great. I'll make sure you have a fun night."

"I don't doubt that."

"Alright, well, I have to get ready for my match. Um…I can come by your dressing room after the show ends, if you'd like?"

"Sure. That sounds great. I have my suitcases here, so I'll change before we leave," she said.

"Okay. I'm gonna run to the locker room for a bit and get all situated. I'll see you out there, okay?"

"Alright…good luck tonight. I mean, I know the outcome but still," she said with a genuine smile.

"Thanks. I'd wish you luck, but you seem to be doing quite well without my well wishes," he replied giving her a semi-flirty smile, as he backed away from her, before turning down the hallway.

Ryleigh sighed. She was crushing on him, big time. "Someone has a crush," Justin's voice teased in her ear from behind. Having had no idea that he was behind her, she jumped, as he completely scared her.

"You asshole," she scolded, slapping him on the arm, as she faced him.

He laughed. "So, you've got yourself a little date tonight, huh?"

"No. We're just hanging out…in a group of people. It's not like a date or anything, Justin," she insisted. "You know I have a boyfriend, and you know that I sure as hell won't cheat on him."

"I can only hope something happens tonight," Justin dreamily spoke. It was no secret that he did not like Ryleigh's boyfriend, George Ragan, also known as Johnny 3 Tears from Hollywood Undead. Ryleigh and Justin were huge fans of the group, which was how that whole pairing started out, but he'd been pretty controlling and mean to her in the past couple of months of their year and a half long relationship.

Justin liked Stu. He could easily tell that the Nexus leader had somewhat of a crush on Ryleigh. His new mission in life was to make that happen, and with his charm and power of persuasion, he was almost certain he could take care of that. In fact, he would take care of that…after the show.