A/N: Hey you guys!
This story is set after 7.01. Ziva's just been rescued from Somalia but is not her old self. Tony tries to help her. But will he be able to succeed?

I hope you guys read, enjoy and review this thing.

Disclaimer: Nothing's mine. Like usually.

Chapter One: You with the sad eyes...

He can hear McGee talking right behind him but has no idea what about. Actually, he has forgotten why he is talking to him at all. McGee seems to realize that no one's paying him any attention and stops babbling, muttering something about getting a butterfinger. Then there is silence. Tony knows he should say something but he is not quite sure what. So he just keeps on staring into her eyes, those deep brown eyes that used to have that mischievous sparkle in them. But now that spark seems to be gone, replaced by something else. Tony can't quite put his finger on it. Maybe it is sadness, maybe they are even pleading. But yet, they have changed since Tony has last looked into these eyes.

They're in Somalia. He's being restrained to a chair, McGee lying on the floor, hopefully only pretending to be unconscious. He's not sure whether he's able to stand it, if he loses him, too. And then a woman's brought in. Oddly enough, she doesn't even struggle when she is forced to sit down. Now the mask is coming off. Tony sucks in a breath. He doesn't know whether he is mortified by her looks or whether he's the world's happiest person.

It's Ziva. His Ziva. She's not dead. My god, she's not dead.

He looks into her eyes but can't find anything there. Her face is bruised severely but that's nothing in comparison to how hurt her eyes look. They're empty as if they have died long before the rest of her body would be able to follow. They don't change during their talk. Don't even change when he tells her that he's not able to live without her. They don't change during all the action that happens afterwards. They're just not changing. They're still empty. Only as Saleem falls down, he is able to see them flicker. But then, the moment is gone as fast as it came. He'd do anything to get back those sparkling eyes. But he knows there's nothing he can do. For now.

He's still standing there. He doesn't know how much time has passed already. He blinks once and the connection between their eyes is broken.
"Waiting for a tour?" He finally asks.
They keep on talking, seemingly only for the sake of talking. Abby is calling, disrupting the awkward conversation. Then Ziva is gone.

Hours later.

Tony's in the men's room. He's singing a stupid song. He can't even remember what it is called and he has to improvise some words. Suddenly, he notices a shadow. He turns around, seeing Ziva standing there. He hasn't heard her coming in. She's getting better than Gibbs in sneaking up on people. Or maybe it's just one of those little ninja skills. She talks to him. Yet, she seems to be kind of reluctant to do so. Tony's finally able to say he's sorry.

For killing Rivkin. For the long time it took them to find her. For all the other stupid things he's done to her ever. For everything. He adds in his mind, but not able to speak it out loud.

But she's adamant that it's only her fault and nobody else's anyhow. She tells him that he wants to trust him but is afraid of yet another betrayal. He's on the edge of hugging her. He wishes he could wrap his arms around her and never let go off her ever again. But he's not sure whether she would let him. Then, all of a sudden, he kisses him on the cheek. Then she's gone again. Tony remains standing there, softly touching his cheek where Ziva has just kissed him. He can still feel it, like it's burning into his flesh. For a short moment he smiles.

Days have gone by and one would say that everything is back to normal. McGee's still the victim of his pranks, Gibbs his usual talkative self. But Tony can see that all is different. Whenever there's the ping announcing the elevator, he can see Ziva tense up. From time to time she would even jump. Ziva never used to jump. Tony didn't even think that it was possible for her to be caught off guard. Ziva acts liked nothing is wrong. But Tony knows that it's not true. He wants to help her but doesn't know how or if she would let him. But he has to try. He knows he has to try.

"Ziva," he approaches her at the end of another workday, "What are you doing tonight?"
"Nothing much, probably knocking myself off watching the television."
"Knocking yourself out, you mean."
He gives her a smile, then continues.
"Do you want to hang out at my place tonight? We could watch some movies, order Chinese food."
"Only, if I get to choose the movie."
For a moment he can see her smile flashing. But yet, it still seems oddly off.
"You may do so," he replies, fervently hoping it won't be Titanic.

Sometime later, they are sitting on his couch, eating Chinese. He's glad, she's chosen Love Story. He loves it and it brings back comfy memories. They have watched it together before on that night when they were on that undercover mission. Those were the times…
He sighs, triggering Ziva to look at him.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing…" Tony trails off. "Just thinking of the last time we watched that movie. You were wearing that cute little green dress."
Ziva subtly shakes her head but doesn't look angry.
"Seems like a lifetime ago."
"Yeah," Tony replies, pulling his eyes back to the TV screen.

Tony suddenly wakes up. His neck is killing him. He tries to move but feels himself unable to do so. Something is keeping him from it. Or rather someone. Ziva's head is resting on his shoulder. She's snoring silently. Tony looks around. The TV is still running, though there is only the blue screen telling him the movie has long ended. He debates to wake her up but thinks better of it. There's no reason to. Maybe he should let her have the whole couch and go to bed. But he decides not to do so instead he softly kisses her forehead. It doesn't matter if his neck is giving him a hard time. He just wants to stay with her as long as she's letting him.