This is my new story called the Snake, it came to me in a dream and I couldn't wait to get the first chapter done. It was supposed to be longer but I'm splitting it into two chapters, since I'm tired and don't like long chapters.

Let's just say snakes have a big part in this story, and there will be some zombieness so I'll probably rate this T or M, cause it might get kinda graphic and scary. I know if I were to be thinking about this when I was younger I would be in therapy (but wait I am in therapy for being scared of something lol)

Hope you like it and don't worry I'll still work on Blood upon the Snow, when I have free time I'll do that.

Ed and I you!


The Camping Crew

Brown and dark red leaves drift around the car as it drives slowly down the old dirt road. I sigh and look out the passenger side window, looking at the leafless trees blowing in the cool autumn breeze. Major Armstrong had told us that he knew a little place in the woods near a small town that was a peaceful little haven from the hustle and bustle at Central. The promise of peace was too much to turn down, so I had decided to come along on the little vacation.

I had even convinced Fullmetal and his brother to come along with me, Hawkeye and Armstrong. I was almost regretting bringing poor Ed out into the cold forest. A couple days before he had caught a cold, or maybe even the flu, when I told him to stay with Alphonse in Central he had refused, saying staying in a cabin in the woods was no different than sleeping in the barracks. I could agree with that completely.

I look into the back seat, seeing Ed practically shoved in between Armstrong and Al, huddling under a fluffy red blanket and shivering. Occasionally he would cough or sneeze but that was the only sounds he had made the whole ride. Well it had been pretty quiet except for the major giving Hawkeye directions.

"Almost there camping crew!" Armstrong booms, making Ed practically smash his head on the roof of the car. He narrows his eyes and looks up at the major.

"Camping crew?" He asks voice rough and scratchy from all his coughing. I can't help but laugh at Armstrong's face; he's completely serious about the name of our little group.

"Indeed Edward, we are going camping and we are a small crew, hence the name." He huffs and crosses his arms receiving a small sigh from Ed.

"You gotta be kidding me." He sighs and looks at me, pointing a finger at the major. "You won't let him name our vacation something that ridiculous."

"Well it's better than anything you could come up with Fullmetal." Ed growls weakly, knowing he's defeated. I watch as he buries himself deeper into his blanket, eyes narrowed into golden slits.

"Whatever, I'm going to sleep, wake me when we get there." He closes his eyes and is out like a light. I smile and turn back to look out the windshield, seeing a cabin with beautiful oak paneling getting larger and larger. The cabin looks pretty big, with a garage attached and a second floor practically hanging off the edge of the main house, supported only by large steel beams.

"It's very pretty major." Hawkeye says from the driver's seat, turning into the rock drive way over to the garage.

"Yes, it's been in my family for generations. Here I'll get the garage door for you lieutenant." Armstrong opens his door and steps out; lifting the garage door like it weighs nothing at all. Without the majors bulk taking up the backseat Ed falls to the side, snoring lightly and curling up under the blankets.

"Alphonse you'll carry him in right?" I ask as Hawkeye pulls the car into the large garage, careful not to hit the major, not like it would do anything.

"Yeah, hopefully he'll get better during this vacation. Thank you for inviting us." Al bows his head and I smile.

"No problem, the more the merrier." He laughs and opens his door when the car comes to a stop, stepping out to gently lift his brother in his large arms. Ed stirs slightly and curls up against Al's chest, looking so small against his younger brother's gleaming silver armor.

"You can set him down on the couch right next to the back door Alphonse!" Armstrong calls, closing the garage door with almost no effort. I get out and move around to the back of the car, opening the trunk and grabbing some of the luggage. Hawkeye comes over and grabs the rest, slamming the trunk shut with her free hand.

"Colonel!" Al calls, voice high pitched in terror. I run through the door leading to the house and drop the luggage on the floor, looking around the large room for any danger.

"Alphonse, are you and Fullmetal okay?" I walk over to them. Ed is waking up slightly on the couch, groggily opening his eyes and sitting up, yawning loudly. Well Fullmetal's okay, but what caused Al to be so scared.

"There's a dead snake in the middle of the floor." Al points to where a small gardener snake lies motionless on the wood floor.

"Al grow up, it's just a little snake." Ed yawns and flops back down on the couch, turning his back on everyone.

"But brother snakes are so gross and scary. They eat poor little mice." Al says in a small voice. Ed turns back to face him, sighing.

"Of course that would be why you hate snakes." His sentence is ended by a fit of coughing, wracking his small body. Al sits down in front of his brother, gently patting Ed's back in an attempt to make the coughing end. As soon as it does Ed groans and falls back onto the couch, looking completely exhausted.

"I'll get rid of this snake okay?" I walk over to the snake, lying innocently on the floor. I narrow my eyes and pick it up by its tail tip; feeling chills creep up my spine as I walk to the back door and open it with my other hand.

"You are pretty creepy aren't you?" I ask it. Of course I get no response as I fling the body into the fallen leaves near the back door, watching as the body sinks into the dead leaves. I turn to get back into the house when I hear the rustling of leaves next to me. I turn around and watch as the once dead snake slithers out of the leaves, coming towards me with milky white eyes glazed over with death.