A/N Thank you to everyone who read/reviewed/favorite/alerted, so nice to see such kind words. And a special thanks to RunsWithWerewolves- Emily you are so awesome, just wanted to point it out.

Disclaimer: I still don't own Big Time Rush.

On with the story!

It seems a little stupid to ask now, but, Logan will you be my boyfriend?

"Of course I will Kendall!"

Logan leaned in again for another kiss, this one was just sweet and delicate, the kind of fairytale kiss Logan had always imagined.

Want to go see a movie? It could be our first date, if-if you want it to be.

Logan loved seeing this softer unsure side of Kendall. It was so rare to see him nervous. But Logan loved the idea. "I would really like that."

Logan and Kendall walked out of 2J hand in hand down to the Palm Woods lobby. They were both smiling and seemed like nothing could put a damper on their mood.

But, just then, Guitar Dude came around the corner and stopped right in front of the happy couple.

"Wow Kendall, did you just feel so bad for the fag that you are dating him to make him feel better? It can't be for real since a few hours ago at the pool after he left you were laughing with everyone else and told me that he has always been a pathetic gay with no talent that was only in the band because you felt bad for him."

With a smirk to himself Guitar Dude walked away.

Logan's POV

What? I can't believe what he just said. I thought he loved me. I knew I wasn't the best singer or dancer but I didn't think I was completely talentless.

He said he loved me not even 15 minutes ago. Was it all just so he didn't have to comfort me and so he could laugh about tricking me later?

I thought I knew Kendall better than this.

As I was thinking all this I could feel the tears welling in my eyes for the second time that day but this time I couldn't hold them back. It was one thing to be called names by people you barley knew, but another to have your best friend say such mean hurtful things to you.

I just looked at Kendall will tears pouring out of my eyes.

Kendall's POV

"L-Logan that's not true. I never said any of that. After you left I stood up for you and I never laughed. Guitar Dude made all of that up. And don't ever think you don't have any talent, you do Logan. I love you."

Watching Logan cry I just couldn't help but cry too. It hurts me to think that he believes I really would say that.

"Logan look at me please."

Narrator POV

Logan just looked at Kendall for a moment, really looking in to his eyes. He didn't know what to believe. So for the second time that day Logan ran away crying back up to 2J.

Kendall stood in the lobby heartbroken. How could Logan believe that?

Logan POV

Why was I so stupid? I should have known Kendall would never love me.

Why do I have to like guys? Being gay seems to be my problem. It's not wrong. But the people around me are.

I just don't know how much more teasing I can take. I'm not that important in the world anyway. It's not like many if any people would miss me if I were gone. After all I am worthless and talentless.

So, Logan pulled out his suitcase from the closet and started packing up his clothes and a few other things he really needed. He had packed everything he thought he couldn't live without in about 20 minutes and decided it would be a good idea to leave a note.

He tapped the note to the fridge, stood at the front door, turned back, sighed, whispered a goodbye to an empty apartment and left.

He didn't want to see anyone so he took the back door out of the Palm Woods and headed to his car.

Once his suitcase was in the trunk Logan plugged his iPod in and turned on his favorite playlist, which was full of sad and depressing songs. He scrolled down and decided to listen to "Goodbye To You" by Michelle Branch. It fit for the way Logan was feeling. Tears were still sliding down his face but they started to slow down after Logan had been driving for about 15 minutes.

He pulled over and realized he had nowhere to go. was his guardian and Kendall, James, and Carlos were the only friends he had. He was completely alone without them. He felt helpless at this point. Lost in the world. He had no one to turn to. But Logan knew he couldn't go back to the Palm Woods.

So, Logan just sat there thinking about where he could go. "I Need You" by Leanne Rimes came on next and Logan just thought that was Kendall. He needed him.

Feeling completely devastated and heartbroken Logan thought of one place he could stay for at least a few days.

Kendall's POV

I can't believe Logan listened to Guitar Dude. He didn't even listen to me. I thought he loved me. But he doesn't even trust me.

I was just standing in the lobby in a daze until the person I wanted to see least of all came up and waved their hand in my face.

"You!" I just gave Guitar Dude the worst look that said I want to kill you. "Why the hell did you say that to Logan. None of it was true and now he hates me." It was taking all the energy Kendall could muster not to punch him in the face.

"Woah, dude, chill out. I just wanted to see the little fag cry and it worked. But why were you holding his hand? You aren't a fag to are you?"

Kendall lost all self control and punched Guitar Dude as hard as he could which made him fall over holding his nose, which Kendall could see blood coming out of.

"Don't you dare say such mean things about Logan like that. You homophobic douche bag. I love Logan. There is nothing wrong with that. You're the one who is wrong. Love is love no matter who it is between. You are an a moron for thinking such terrible things and you better not say anything mean ever again about Logan or that broken nose will look like a drop of rain compared to the storm that could come. I don't care what you say about me but don't you dare say anything about of to Logan. Don't even look at him. But first, you are going to tell him the truth. That you made everything up and that you're sorry about what you said. Got it?"

Guitar Dude scoffed, got off the floor and said "I would never do anything for you homo."

Kendall had it. And he did warn him. Kendall punched his already broken nose, causing him to cry out in pain. Then he punched his stomach, and finally Kendall kicked him in the crotch. Guitar Dude fell on the floor again and was crying out in pain. Just to get it out of his system Kendall kicked him once more in the stomach then said "When Logan comes back you will apologize to him. Hear me?"

A/N So not liking this chapter much. And sorry for any mistakes I'm really tired. Please review, if you don't mind. Leave any suggestions if you wish. I am probably only going to write one more chapter for this. And I will hopefully post it by next Tuesday or Wednesday. Thank you for reading, now if you would be so kind as to click the button underneath this and review. That would be much appreciated.