
-Part 2-

Moment of honesty,
Someone's gotta take the lead tonight.
Whose it gonna be?
I'm gonna sit right here
And tell you all that comes to me.
If you have something to say,
You should say it right now.

Fran gripped tightly onto Stephens hand, she daren't let go in fear of losing him. She still felt like she was dreaming as he gently squeezed her hand and sent her a big grin. She bit her lip, and looked down at her feet taking her across the marbled floor of the lobby. They made their way into the ball room, filled with tables covered with crisp white cloths. Of course there was a dance floor, at the moment empty but no doubt would be filled later after a few rounds of drinks.

She looked around the huge room; she knew all eyes were on Stephen, but people were looking at her too. Feeling self conscious she tried to shake her hand from Stephens grip but he kept a tight hold. He leant down and kissed her cheeking causing her to blush. She ducked her head and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, the slightest of actions made butterflies dance in her stomach.

"Everyone's looking at us." Her small voice sounded nervous and slightly breathy.

"Ah think they're looking at you." He released her hand and moved his to the small of her back; he leant down to speak against her ear, "Yer the most beautiful woman in the room."

Her heart swelled against her chest at his sweet words. She smiled and mouthed a 'thank you' as they were greeted by co-workers.

The evening went by quickly, too quick for Fran's liking. She was sat with Stu and Ted talking about the night's events, she did feel bad for Stu but at least he lost his title to a friend. She glanced around the room, looking for Stephen in the sea of people. She couldn't see him but the hand on her shoulder caused her to jump.

"Are yeh ready to go?" She smiled as she looked up, she was more than ready.

"Yeah." She stood up and smoothed down her dress. They said goodbye to a few people before exiting the ball room and walking to the elevators.

You give me a feeling that I never felt before,
And I deserve it, I think I deserve it.
It's becoming something that's impossible to ignore,
And I can't take it.

"Thank you for a lovely evening." He had made her night; he danced with her, held her, kissed her and made her feel special.

"It's not over just yet." Her heart quickened, his voice was a little lower and his eyes lingered over her lips. As they stepped into the elevator he pressed the number of his floor and pulled her tight against his body. The heat seeping from his body warmed her skin. His hand rubbed her upper arm, she shivered at his touch. She placed her small hand just below his chest, she sheer size of him should have been overwhelming. But it wasn't, she felt safe and protected. Like she should have been here all her life.

The 'ding' of the elevator filled the silence as the doors opened, his hand gently pushed her forwards and he led her to the right; down the corridor. He pulled the key card out of his back pocket and slipped it in the door. He pushed the door open and stepped into the dark room; he flicked the lights on and turned to see Fran still stood outside.

"Are yeh coming in?" His low chuckle floated to her ears, she swallowed hard and walked into the room. There was no turning back now.

I was wondering maybe,
Could I make you my baby.
If we do the unthinkable would it make us look crazy,
If you ask me I'm ready
If you ask me I'm ready.

He closed the door behind her as she moved further into the room, not wanting her to get away from him he gently caught her wrist making her turn around. She watched him intently as he unbuttoned his waistcoat and took it off, dropping it on the back of the armchair in the corner of the room. She was entranced as he unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt, she wanted him to keep going but he stopped and stepped towards her. He took the bag clutched between her hands and placed it on top of his waistcoat.

She was sure the walls were closing in on them; he took up all of the space around her. He closed the space between them and lowered his lips onto hers, instantly she reacted to him. Pushing her body into his and wrapping her arms around his neck. Even with heels on, he was still a lot taller than her. Her eyes drifted shut as one of his hands cupped her face and the other ran to the back of her neck. She kissed him back with as much passion as she felt, he allowed her to take control of the kiss. He tasted of beer and pure masculine energy; it was a combination that stirred desire in the pit of her stomach.

Her small hands gripped onto the bottom of his shirt; pulling the material out of his dress trousers. Her mind spun as she fiddled with the buttons of the shirt, she couldn't get her fingers to work. She moaned into his mouth, half in frustration half with desire. Before Stephen could assist she pulled the two half of the shirts apart sending buttons flying across the room. He stopped kissing her and looked down to survey her handy work; he raised an eyebrow and looked down at her.

Not an ounce of guilt was written on her face, "I'll buy you a new one." With than she ran both hands up his chest to his shoulders and pushed the shirt down his arms. She'd seen him in less practically every day of the week, but this was different. She ran her hands down his arms, feeling his muscles tense under her touch; his strength made her knees weak.

I know you once said to me,
"This is exactly how it should feel when it's meant to be"
Time is only wasting so why wait for eventually?
If we gon' do something 'bout it,
We should do it right now.

Stephens quick hands reached for the back of her dress, desperately searching for the zipper. "Please don't rip the dress, it was expensive." He grinned and kissed her lips lightly.

"I won't." He found the zipper at the side of the dress and pushed it down. The material fell to the floor and pooled at her feet. She suddenly felt exposed, one arm quickly crossed her stomach and the other over her chest, "Yeh don't need to hide from me." He pulled her arms away from her body and let them drop to her side. He picked her up and she wrapped both of her legs around him. He placed her down on the edge of the soft bed; planting hot kisses down her neck to the top of her shoulder.

He left her for a moment and quickly kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks. He moved to stand in front of her as she sat on the edge of bed. He went to unbuckle his belt but her soft hands on top of his stopped him. Her lids were low and her brown eyes clouded with lust as she looked up at him, silently asking for him to let her. He obliged and moved his hands letting her unbuckle the belt, she pushed the small button though the hole and pulled down the zipper of his dress pants. Biting onto her lip she brushed over his already hard length trapped within his black boxer briefs, she pushed his dress pants down to the floor.

He stepped over them and picked Fran up again. He moved her to the centre of the bed, she looked like a delicious treat waiting to be devoured, but he wanted to take his time. Kiss every inch of her body. His hands were at either side of her face, her legs still wrapped around his hips. He leant down to capture her lips; his slick tongue ran across her bottom lip then he nibbled gently at her flesh. She moaned at the new sensation, wanting more.

You give me a feeling that I never felt before,
And I deserve it, I know I deserve it.
Its becoming something that's impossible to ignore,
It's what we make it.

Soft kisses were left from her neck to the top of her breasts, she arched her back and Stephen took full advantage reaching behind her to unclasp her bra. He threw the useless material onto the floor and continued kissing down her body. She ran her hands through his fiery hair, pushing him further down her body. He moved her legs from around his waist then hooked his fingers at the side of her panties and pulled them down her legs, they joined the rest of the clothes on the floor. Before he moved another muscle he stared at her, trust shining from his grey eyes. He wanted permission before he went any further.

She smiled and nodded her head; he grinned in return and kissed just below her belly button. He was settled between her legs, pressing a kiss to her inner thigh as he hooked one of her legs over his shoulder. She planted her other foot firm onto the mattress. The feel of his hot breath so close to her made her skin tingle with expectation.

The first swipe of his tongue left her breathless, her hands gripped onto the bed sheets. Nothing had ever felt so good. He licked and kissed her to ecstasy, his hands were firm but gentle holding her still as she tried to move with delight.

Fire spread outwards across her body, the familiar tug of impending release hit her hard. She called out his name among other words she didn't know were in her repertoire.

I was wondering maybe,
Could I make you my baby.
If we do the unthinkable would it make us look crazy.
Or would it be so beautiful either way I'm sayin',
If you ask me I'm ready.

He kissed his way back up her body, his large hand slipped across her stomach. He kissed her shoulder then quickly stood from the bed and pushed his boxer briefs down his huge bare thighs.

Fran could only admire the sight in front of her; she sat up on her elbows. Every inch of his body was hard, her eyes drank up his perfect body. Perfect, no other words could describe him better. The self conscious feeling was creeping back. She wanted to shield her body from him. Before she could move he climbed onto the bed and hovered above her, his hands sat beside her head.

One hand reached down to caress her cheek, "Do yeh want this?" He stared down at her, his grey eyes now a shade darker.

She nodded, "I've never wanted anything more in my life." Her words sounded like heaven, he kissed her softly. Before he could go any further she ran her hand down his long thick shaft, loving the weight and feel of him. He was hard and hot beneath her touch. He sucked in a breath as her hand continued to move up and down his length. Quickly he removed her hand and kissed her knuckles before letting her hand drop to her side.

The blunt tip of his penis pushed against her, he wanted nothing more than to plunge deep inside her. But he knew he had to take his time, he wanted to make her feel good. He pushed further into her; she moaned in response half in pleasure half in pain. He was big, hard and big. Those words fit him perfectly. He pulled out and thrust back so he was fully inside her, he swore then stilled for a moment, letting her get used to his size.

She tilted her hips, she wanted more. One hand gripped her hip and the other stayed beside her head. His movements were slow at first; he didn't want to hurt her.

"Stephen. Faster, please." It took all of her efforts to speak, stars danced behind her closed lids. He quickened his pace; she matched each of his thrusts with equal passion. One of her hands moved to grip his arm whilst the other desperately clawed at the bed sheets. Her hand gripped around the strained muscle in his forearm, her nails digging into his skin.

With each thrust he became more ruthless and possessive. He gripped her hip a little tighter. She opened her eyes to see him staring back at her, his gaze hot and heavy. Each thrust pushed her closer to the edge. Her skin tingled and the familiar feeling crept up on her. Her body exploded again, she cried out his name. She was awash with feelings new and overwhelming. Her body milked him as her climax peaked. A guttural groan left his mouth then he swore in a mixture of Irish and English. He thrust into her one last time before letting go of her hip; he leant over her and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Why give up before we try
Feel the lows before the highs
Clip our wings before we fly away
I can't say I came prepared
I'm suspended in the air
Won't you come be in the sky with me

He kissed her hot skin at the base of her neck, their breathing still laboured. He gathered her up in his arms and pulled the bed sheets back. He held her tight against his body as he settled under the sheets. He listened to her quiet breathing and felt the beating of her heart against his chest.

He kissed her cheek and whispered against her ear, "Oíche mhaith, codladh sámh mo shíorghrá." Good night, sleep well my eternal love.

I was wondering maybe
Could I make you my baby
If we do the unthinkable would it make us look crazy
Or would it be so beautiful either way I'm sayin'
If you ask me I'm ready.

A/N – Thanks miamitravel, Y2Erin, Hugsieee and celticfighter for the reviews for part 1, wrote this in one day so I hope it's up to your expectations ;D! The song is Alicia Keys – Un-thinkable (I'm ready).