So, here's the first—short—chapter of this story… it will be eventual Blaine/Kurt but Kurt won't even be in it until the chapter that covers "Never Been Kissed", maybe before that but Blaine and Kurt won't interact at least until that chapter. This is going to be Blaine-centric until then as well. Originally, this was going to be a one-shot. I noticed people calling him "smarmy" and said they preferred Karofsky to Blaine and I thought "well, yeah, Blaine is a bit smarmy, but I like him like that". In the end, this is now a multi-chaptered story.

I hope you enjoy it though and I hope you enjoy my take on Blaine. Since we don't know his last name yet, I went with "Weller" because "Blaine Weller" sounded pretty good. So until we know what his last name actually is, he will be known as "Blaine Weller".

This chapter is now edited. I'd like to thank my new beta, UchidaKarasu, for his wonderful help! =)

Disclaimer: I only own the plot and my OCs

Blaine knew he had his faults, but—then again—didn't everybody? Maybe he did come across a bit too confident, a bit too suave so that he was almost smarmy, but it was who he was, and he wasn't about to change that. Mostly though, it was a front he put up to show the stupid assholes at his school that the bullying wasn't getting to him.

Of course, it was a lie, and of course, they could see right through him.

And it was days like these that he wanted to disappear—to be swallowed up by a large black hole never to be seen again. Many times he had gone to the teachers, almost desperate in his hope they would get the bullies to stop. After all, wasn't it their job to look after the kids in their care? To make sure that their students felt safe and not harassed while in school?

The most that was ever said about it was "We'll talk to them" or "I'll give them a detention" with that hesitant look on their face, which made Blaine just know they didn't really think anything of what was happening. It wasn't as if he was being jumped and kicked until he bled, so what was the big deal? He was gay; it was going to happen anyways, right? Because that's the way the world worked.

Blaine wanted to scream at the world for its unfairness. Wasn't America the land of the free, home of the brave? Only, Blaine didn't feel very brave at the moment, nor did he feel very free. Over two-hundred years ago (which wasn't very long if he think about it), people would came here for freedom of religion—freedom to believe in their beliefs. Slowly but surely, others began coming for multiple reasons other than religion. Eventually, blacks were freed from slavery, first partially then completely, and women were given the right to vote and such. However, it was 2009 and many people seemed to want to do everything in their power to make sure homosexuals' lives were a living hell.

He had to admit, they were succeeding for the most part.

The ways of mankind were reverting back to how they once were, but hell, a long time ago it may not have been accepted but even kings had affairs with other men in their military, and not to mention Greece where they performed the Olympics completely naked.

Couldn't people just mind their own business? It wasn't his business if a husband cheated on his wife with three other women and he honestly didn't care because that man—unless it was his father or a member of his family—would be in no way related to him. Yet that very same man condemned him and others alike just because he found males attractive, not females, and he wanted one male to be happy with? What was so wrong with it?

He understood their ignorance as much as he understood why someone would like a peanut-butter and mustard sandwich—which wasn't at all.

Suddenly, an arm dropped over Blaine's shoulders and he stiffened, glancing over his shoulder as he closed his locker, wanting to push the arm away from him. "Heading off to Fag Band?"

"It is called Glee Club," Blaine corrected as he shrugged the arm off, looking around and slightly up at his tormentor—Alexander Forgrove, a person who had been teasing and bullying him since they were in elementary school. "I understand if those words are a bit too big for you to say, Forgrove, but you could at least make an attempt." He held his head up slightly, inwardly knowing insulting him in even the smallest way would result in hell later on, but the slightly smarmy and superior front he put on had started to become his personality and he found himself not being able to help it.

"Funny." Alexander gave a mock laugh, glaring down at his slightly smaller classmate. "If I wasn't so shocked at how hilarious it was, I would be rolling on the floor right about now."

"Please don't, I don't think I could bear to step on any spot your body has been." He could barely get the sentence out before he was pushed hard back into the locker, the feel of his lock digging into his back and the hard smack to his head sending the hall a little bit blurry.

"Don't think me dumb, fag," Alexander spat, and Blaine inwardly wondered if he even knew his name. "At least I don't prance and sing everywhere I go."

"I don't prance…" Blaine stated quietly, but the teenager didn't seem to hear him. 'Prance'—such stereotypical-ism it was almost laughable to think most homophobes actually thought all gays were like that. In fact, Blaine hadn't met one who "pranced". Sure, he knew they were out there, but he hadn't ever seen one.

"Bet you and other homos in that faggy glee club of yours have a lot of fun in there together. So what is it you do? Get on your knees and suck each and every one of their cocks? Bet you enjoy that."

Blaine winced at that—he was used to it, being talked about as if he were some slut for any and every male that wanted him to "suck their cock" or "spread his legs". He felt sick at the thought of being like that and didn't appreciate being called such by someone who didn't even know him.

He honestly just wished that there was someone who could tell him what to do about the bullying and tormenting he was subjected to every day. He had no clue. Should he just suck it up and take it? Stand up? Ignore it? Leave? Couldn't someone just tell him what to do? It would partially take the load off of his shoulders and Blaine was positive he would feel a lot better. Just knowing that someone actually cared that his life was basically hell, that someone cared enough to tell him that there were better things out there—that something that would make all of it worth it.

But Blaine was beginning to think nothing was worth this torment.

When his tormenter figured that Blaine was no longer paying attention to him, he scoffed and knocked him away before continuing on his way down the hall, grabbing a random girl and wrapping an arm around her. The girl automatically beaming and snuggling up to him; after all, it was every girl's dream to be laid by Alexander Forgrove.

Gently, Blaine touched the back of his head, wincing slightly at how sensitive it felt. It was nothing new though and he glanced around the hall, not seeing anyone who had been paying the slightest bit of attention to his harassment. Then again, why should he even think that someone would? It was a normal occurrence and he was just a stupid sophomore who happened to be in "faggy glee club".

George Weller was not an idiot. Far from it, in fact. He knew there was something going on with his son when he once again walked into the house, as silent as a mute as he headed upstairs for his bedroom.

"Mmm, is he being moody again?" his wife, Hannah, smiled slightly, looking up the stairs. "I'll bet you anything it's a girl."

"Eh?" George glanced over to his wife curiously, wondering how a girl played in with their son's silence and oddness that had been popping up more often than not as of late.

"A girl. You do know what those are, seeing as I'm a girl. Blaine probably has a crush and is too frightened to do anything about it. How cute," she giggled. "I bet it's that girl Lesley; she's pretty, isn't she?"

There was a snort from the room next to them and they looked over to see their youngest son, flipping through the music channels as he did his homework. "It's not a girl, Mom."

"And what does that mean?" Hannah frowned, hands on her hips, voice a little tough.

Parker glanced over his shoulder, shaking his head. "He's being bullied. Has been since elementary school and it only gets worse every year."

"How would you know that, Parker? You're only in seventh grade." Naturally it was Hannah who asked, the woman had always been the talker between the two of them.

"Everyone knows, and besides, it's Emily's brother who bullies him. Of course I would know seeing as Emily is my best friend." Parker shut the TV off, standing and heading for the stairs.

"What? Why is this the first time your father and I have heard of this? Why is Blaine being bullied—why is Blaine letting himself be bullied by Emily's older brother? We met him; he seemed so nice and accomplished. Is it that club he's in?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Parker questioned, a slight sound of disbelief in his voice.

"What's obvious, Parker?" George asked patiently. He was used to the way Parker handled things, slowly and vaguely. He definitely got that from himself.

The teenager shook his head before starting up the stairs. "You'll have to ask Blaine. But… Glee Club is only part of the reason."