Disclaimer: Dr. Horrible belongs to Joss Whedon

All respective characters belong to their respective fandoms.

A/N: I. Am. Going. Insane.

"Hello, you have reached Dr. Horrible's voicemail. Please leave your name and number after the beep."


"Hello? Dr. Horrible? This is Darth Vader. You called asking for advice on how to be evil. Get a mentor. Kill him. Betray your order. Then build a giant spaceship and blow up a planet. Then cut off your son's hand and ask him to join the Dark Side."


"Hello Dr. Horrible, this is Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke the Terminator. Get robots. Lots of robots. And then terrorize a group of superhero teenagers and put probes in them. Then make one of them work for you. Screw with them."


"HAHAHAHA! This is the Joker! Gotta say that I LOVE your blog, Doc! But I think you need to spice up your evil campaign a little! Terrorize the city with laughing gas! BWAHAHAHAHA!"


"This is Professor Moriarty. Find your arch-nemesis. Strap bombs to random people. Give your nemesis a puzzle and a time limit to solve it before the bombs go off. Then find his best friend and smother him with bombs."


"This is your arch-nemesis Johnny Snow. We have yet to do battle."


"Hey Billy, this is Moist. Have you taken up my suggestion of smothering an old lady?"


"End of messages."


In order of appearance:

Darth Vader from Star Wars

Slade from Teen Titans

The Joker from Batman

Professor Moriarty from the BBC program "Sherlock"

Wanted to do more, but I need to go do my English reading now.