A/N: Hello everyone! Shihoin here! I was listening to Lady Gaga again last night and the idea for this fic popped into my head. An AU oneshot Based on the song Dance in the Dark, by Lady Gaga obviously, it's not exactly a songfic, but I did insert some lyrics toward the end. There is UlquiHime and GrimmIchi, because I love them both a lot.

And its rated M just to be safe, but there isn't anything too graphic…maybe…depends on your definition of graphic, oh and Grimmjow has a bit of a potty mouth I guess…

Oh and I don't own Bleach or Dance in the Dark, they belong to Tite Kubo and Lady Gaga respectively.


Dance in the Dark

It was the morning of the last Friday before graduation.

The sky was clear and cloudless; the sun was shining filling the world with its warmth, and a light refreshing breeze blew through the air. It was perfect.

But despite this perfect day, Ichigo Kurosaki couldn't help but feel jittery and nervous. Why was he nervous you ask? Because tonight was the night he was to lose his virginity. Yeah, wouldn't you feel nervous too?

"Okay, just relax, deep breaths, it's not even the afternoon yet." He thought to himself, breathing deeply, which did not help in the least bit. He continued to breathe deeply as he walked to school, like he always did.

He was so concentrated on trying to calm himself, he didn't hear his best friend, Orihime Inoue calling him from behind. "Ichigo!" She called his name, running to catch up to him. She lightly grasped his arm and shook it, bringing the orange head out of his trance.

"Oh, sorry Orihime, I didn't hear you…." He apologized, plastering his face over with a smile. She stared at him. "Okay now, what's wrong? That's the fakest smile I've ever seen." She stated, giving him a searching look.

He didn't respond, and she sighed. "Is it about tonight? " She asked. After several more seconds of silence he slowly nodded. She placed a hand on his shoulder and he turned to face her. "It'll be alright Ichigo, it's nothing to be worried over, it's not like your gonna do it in front of a crowd or anything." She reassured him. "He truly cares for you and you care for him, I've never seen two lovers as close as the two of you are…..well except me and Ulquiorra probably." She said happily as an image of her pale boyfriend flashed through her mind.

"Aren't you nervous though?" Ichigo asked quietly.

"Of course I am." She responded. He looked up at her. "In fact, I'm sure all of us are nervous." She said, waving her hands in the air. "But Grimmjow said." Ichigo started before Orihime placed a finger on his lips.

"Do you have to believe everything he says?" She asked earnestly. "He may put up a tough guy front all the time, but I'm sure that's just a cover up for what he truly feels sometimes." Ichigo stared at her in amazement. "Seriously?" he asked. "What? You didn't get that already? How long have you guys been together now? 4 years? I'd expect you to know him a lot better than I do as he's your boyfriend, not mine." She responded, Ichigo shrugged.

"Well…..I'm sure I may of picked up on something like that once…but can you blame me right now? I'm still kinda tense." He said loudly. "Okay okay, chill, I get it, anyway, he's nervous believe me on this." Ichigo bobbed his head, feeling slightly better, Orihime was rarely wrong and she was his best friend, he'd just have to take her word for it.

As the two of them continued to walk to school in silence, Orihime slowly came to the realization, that, oh dear God, she too was going to lose her virginity tonight.

"Okay Orihime, just relax, and take your own advice, It's not that hard, and you love him don't you?" she thought to herself, but to no avail as she started feeling panicky. Ichigo looked over at her as they walked along, but he didn't suspect a thing, he sucked at sensing what others were feeling, and Orihime was just too good at hiding her true feelings.

"OH! I've got good news!" the orange haired girl spoke suddenly. "Yeah? What's it?" Ichigo asked. She turned and grinned at him. "You'll have to wait until we get to school, the boys need to hear this as well." She responded, making Ichigo wonder even more what this supposed good news was.

Ichigo and Orihime truly have been friends forever.

They met way way back in pre-school, before the two of them even knew how to talk. Orihime and her brother, Sora, had moved to Karakura Town after the death of their parents. He was 24 and fresh out college and she was barely 3 years old, he was her legal guardian.

Ichigo and his parents had lived in Karakura town all his life. He too had just turned three, and his parents enrolled him in a local preschool at the same time Sora had enrolled his sister.

To put it simply the two had hit it off.

All the kids knew that you couldn't have Ichigo without Orihime and Orihime without Ichigo, they were a package deal, they refused to be separated.

As the years went on, their friendship never once weakened.

They attended the same elementary school and very often did the other kids tease them both about being in love, which all of us know, was the worst thing you could be accused of in elementary school.

The two would constantly deny it, they were friends, nothing more and nothing less.

It was the end of their fourth grade year when tragedy struck. Ichigo's mother Masaki died in a car crash. During that time, the entire Kurosaki family had been thrown into despair, Isshin, Ichigo's father, Yuzu and Karin, his two younger sisters, and most of all Ichigo himself.

If there had ever been a person Ichigo was more attached to than Orihime, it was his mother.

He would very often cry, and it was during those times when Orihime would stay with him, comfort him, and hold him close like a mother would.

It was because of that that the two grew even closer.

More years passed and then disaster struck again.

Shortly after Orihime had turned thirteen did her brother Sora died, also by car crash. This experience affected her greatly, he had been the only family she had left and now she had no one. Like Orihime had comforted him, Ichigo comforted her during her time of mourning, when she so often cried, Ichigo was scared she would become dehydrated.

Many weeks passed and the question of custody for Orihime was finally determined.

Her new guardian was Isshin Kurosaki.

Isshin knew from experience that losing someone close to you was heart wrenching and he was well aware of her and his son's relationship, and as such he took on the task of watching over her.

With no extra room in the Kurosaki household, Isshin rented out an apartment nearby for her to live in, and she gratefully accepted the kind gesture.

A few more years passed and Ichigo and Orihime were closer than ever. Their classmates now refused to see them as anything less than girlfriend and boyfriend, which they were not. They were indeed very close, but it was a brother-sister relationship. They knew that and they knew it was their opinion that mattered and no one else's.

After their eighth grade year, Ichigo came out that he was gay.

This generally shocked their classmates, who believed he was going out with Orihime, but it died down shortly after, and no one bothered them about their relationship ever again.

They then entered high school. It was then that Ulquiorra and Grimmjow entered their lives.

Ulquiorra Schiffer and Grimmjow Jeagerjaques were cousins who had been living abroad in Spain with their grandparents after both their parents' deaths. Both of them and their families originally hailed from Japan but were forced to move to their only living relatives home as both of them were still young at the time.

They came from a rich family and it was their grandparents who had arranged and paid for them to return to Japan as they determined the two of them would be able to take care of themselves.

They lived in an apartment in town and were enrolled in Karakura high school, the same school that Orihime and Ichigo were to attend.

Due to Orihime's tendency to want to be friendly with everyone, after the last bell of the first day, she and Ichigo, who had been forced along, approached the two new students.

It was an awkward first meeting. Ulquiorra was very quiet and stoic as opposed to Grimmjow who was loud and rude.

Ichigo did not want to involve himself with these people and Orihime was determined to make friends with them, no matter what it took.

She constantly invited them out for dates and offered to show them around town, which Ulquiorra accepted, Grimmjow tagged along only sometimes. She asked them out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and inquired into their personal lives, which Ulquiorra also accepted but often refused to talk. Grimmjow, again, only tagged along every so often. She shared, possibly, every last bit of information about herself and her friendship with Ichigo with them, which they respectfully listened to, except for Grimmjow sometimes. Ichigo was also dragged along on these meetings and outings, even though he often tried to avoid them.

After several months, Orihime couldn't help but get irritated with him and his unwillingness to cooperate, and eventually, she just left him to do what he wanted, and he no longer attended the meetings.

On the opposite end, Grimmjow also refused to continue attending the meetings, so Ulquiorra and Orihime, were left alone together, sometimes for hours at a time.

Another month passed and Ichigo and Orihime drifted apart for awhile.

She would now spend all her time with Ulquiorra, at school, after school, and everything in between.

So the day that Orihime called Ichigo and told him she and Ulquiorra were dating, Ichigo wasn't fazed one bit. He was very happy for her that she had found someone to be with, and spend time with other than himself, but he couldn't help but feel lonely.

She was his only and closest friend. Not long after those two had begun dating did Grimmjow approach Ichigo for the first time. He explained he was bored because Ulquiorra had a girlfriend and wouldn't hang out with him anymore, and he didn't know anyone else except Ichigo and Orihime, who was preoccupied with her new BF.

He asked Ichigo if he wouldn't mind hanging out sometimes, and Ichigo thankfully accepted, explaining he was also bored because Orihime had left him.

And then a few more weeks passed. Ichigo now spent most of his time with Grimmjow and after awhile, he couldn't help but find himself attracted to him.

He told Orihime, who was incredibly happy for him and he asked her for tips on flirting.

From the moment he dropped a hint around Grimmjow about his attraction and attempted to flirt, Grimmjow began dropping hints as well and also flirted, much to Ichigo's surprise.

It was not long after that when Ichigo and Grimmjow started dating as well. The four started getting together more often soon after and they went on double dates a lot, and against all odds, the two groups of two soon became one group of four.

Two more years passed and senior year came.

It was then that Orihime made a proposition. She knew that lust could only wait so long, and she proposed an oath.

At the end of senior year, one week before graduation, the four of them would lose theri virginity to their respective partners .

There was generally opposition of course, mostly from Grimmjow.

Ulquiorra agreed without complaint and Ichigo soon followed, then Ichigo and Orihime had to persuade Grimmjow into agreement, and after much debate and persuasion did he finally agree.

Senior year passed by all to quickly and now it is the week before graduation, the last Friday of the year.

It is time for the oath to come to pass.

"Good morning everyone!" Orihime said happily as she slid open the door to homeroom.

Several response of "Good morning Orihime" and some grunts and murmurs of agreement. This was the daily routine for a school day, Orihime and Ichigo would arrive, she would say good morning and get a response, and then the two of them would go sit with Ulquiorra and Grimmjow who always took up residence in the back of the classroom, until the first bell.

Ichigo could hardly believe that all of it would end very soon. He suddenly realized Orihime had been pulling on his arm, trying to move him towards the back of the classroom. "Okay, okay, I'm coming." He said sheepishly, allowing her to drag him to her desired location.

"Good morning Ulquiorra, Grimmjow." She greeted the two joyfully. Ulquiorra, who had been reading, per usual, glanced up momentarily and let the faintest and quickest of smiles cross his face before he returned to his book.

Grimmjow who had his eyes closed and his legs propped up on a second chair, per usual, grunted in greeting.

Orihime took occupancy in the chair next to Ulquiorra and lightly kissed his cheek before asking what he was reading, per usual, a question to which Ulquiorra responded every time with much detail.

Ichigo shoved Grimmjow's legs off the chair, per usual, making him open his eyes as Ichigo sat. He then scooted his chair closer to the orange head and gave him a good morning kiss on the cheek before laying his head on his boyfriend's shoulder and closed his eyes, attempting to get a little more sleep before the first bell, per usual.

How Ichigo loved this normalcy of routine, and it saddened him that it would be ending soon.

"Morning Ulquiorra." Ichigo greeted the pale skinned man with a wave. Ulquiorra turned and nodded, waving in response, before going back to his girlfriend.

Ichigo smiled. Yes this was what he loved the most. Sighing, he leaned his head over and placed it upon the crop of spiky blue hair that rested on his shoulder.

"How are you this morning then Grimmjow?" he asked. "Tired, I got no sleep last night." He responded, his tone slightly irritated. On a whim, Ichigo flicked his forehead, making his eyes snap open.

"What the fuck was that for?" he growled angrily. "Wow, you really are tired, on any normal day, that wouldn't of phased you one bit." The orange head said grinning. "Asshole." Grimmjow muttered. "But ya gotta love me." Ichigo snickered, making his boyfriend grunt in agreement.

As Ichigo heard Ulquiorra wrap up his daily book report, the sudden scraping of a chair made him turn his head.

"Can I have your guys' attention please." Grimmjow lifted his head off its resting spot and he turned to stare at her as well. "I have an announcement to make." She said loudly.

Ulquiorra stared at her, giving her his full attention. "I'm sure you all know what tonight is." She started, making Ichigo's stomach do a backflip. Ulquiorra nodded seriously, giving no indication he was worried in the least bit.

"Of course I know what tonight is, it's the night I finally get to take a bite out of my sweet strawberry." He said quietly and suggestively, making Ichigo blush furiously. Grimmjow grinned at his reaction and kissed his cheek once again.

"Good, well, in commemoration of this and our upcoming graduation, I'm taking you all out for dinner tonight." Orihime said, beaming.

"Out to dinner?" Grimmjow questioned, making Orihime nod in response. "Where?" Ichigo asked. At this, she moved her hands to her pocket and after a minute, she pulled out a slip of paper. "I can't pronounce it…..but it's that fancy Spanish restaurant on the edge of town." She said, squinting as she stared at the paper.

Ulquiorra stood and embraced her, making it her turn to blush. All of them knew how much Ulquiorra loved Spanish food. "But isn't that place really expensive? And reservations are like impossible to get right?" Ichigo asked. She bobbed her head lightly.

"Yeah, that's why I made reservations back in August and have been saving up for it ever since." She responded as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But why? You shouldn't have to spend so much money on us just for a dinner." Grimmjow said, giving her a searching look.

"Because I want to, if you want to, consider it my graduation present to all of you okay?"

It was then that Ulquiorra kissed her, on the lips. Her face lit up in surprise, as Ulquiorra rarely showed so much affection in front of a lot of people, but it was very welcome.

"Thank you Orihime, this is very thoughtful, but I can't accept, it's simply too much money." Was her boyfriend's response. She pulled herself out of his arms and put a finger to his mouth.

"Ah ah ah, no protests, I already have a lot more money than I need and I am not going alone to a dinner I planned months ago, you're gonna come with me whether you like it or not." She said seriously. Ulquiorra stared at her for a second before he slowly nodded.

"You guys too, your protests are all rejected, I'll drag you along if I have to." She said, pushing Ulquiorra down into his chair and standing in front of her friend and his boyfriend, wagging a finger annoyingly in their faces.

"Yes ma'am, I wasn't going to reject in the first place, if you're buying, I'm eating." Grimmjow said, running his fingers through his hair.

She then turned to Ichigo, who threw his hands up in defeat. "I wasn't going to say no anyway, you're my friend and if you put this much effort and thought into this then I can only gratefully comply." He said, smiling at her. She beamed at him.

"Reservations are at six, so I'll pick you all up then." Ulquiorra stood again and embraced her from behind, placing a hand over her mouth.

"No no, you've done enough. I'll be doing the driving." He said with finality. "And I'm rejecting all your protests." He whispered into her ear.

Seconds later the bell rang. Ulquiorra lightly kissed his girlfriend's neck before releasing her from his grasp.

Dazedly did she walk towards her seat at the front of the class, a dreamy expression covering her face. "I'll see you at lunch Ichi." Grimmjow whispered, leaning forward and lightly brushing his lips against those of his boyfriend's.

That small action was enough to take Ichigo's breath away before he realized the name Grimmjow had called him.

"Don't call me that in public." He said quickly, hoping that no one else had heard. Grimmjow laughed. "You don't say that when were alone, you like the name, don't deny it." He said smirking, making Ichigo blush even more.

"Shut up." He murmured, not being able to think of a comeback.

Leaving the cousins behind, Ichigo walked towards the front of the room and took his seat besides Orihime who still looked like she was in la la land.

"Hey, Orihime." He whispered, nudging her with his elbow. She appeared to snap out of her daze and turned to him. "Thanks." She smiled. "No problem, I figured, way back then, that dinner would be a good ice breaker to….you know…..umm….."She struggled with her next words. "Uhh…..get us in the mood so to say…" She said, covering her face with her hands as she did so, clearly embarrassed that those words came out of her mouth.

Ichigo opened his mouth to say something but was lost as the classroom door slid open.

"Alright everyone, I have your final report cards here in my hand, when I call your name, please come to the front of the room to get yours." Their teacher, Ms. Yoruichi said loudly, silencing the last bits of conversation that lingered amongst the other students. "First up, Abarai Renji."

The rest of the day was rather uneventful. With final grades in, there was no more work to be done and no more tests to be taken.

It was a good chance to catch up on sleep and just relax and wind down from the long year.

Lunch came and the four met up as they usually did and exchanged grades. Ulquiorra and Orihime had both passed with straight A's across the board. Ichigo and Grimmjow had both barely passed their calculus and physics classes, but aside from that, they both had done very well as well.

Before you knew it, the school day had ended and Ichigo was waiting outside the school gates for Orihime to join him.

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply as he felt his nerves start to act up again. His mind elsewhere, he didn't hear footsteps approach him from behind.

A pair of arms grabbed him from behind and wrapped themselves around his waist, forcing him backwards into a hard warm wall.

"Thinking about me Ichi?" Grimmjow breathed into his ear, kissing his neck. Ichigo instantly felt a sense of calm overcome him at his boyfriend's touch. "Maybe, you thinking about me?" Ichigo asked playfully, placing his hands over the one's on his waist. "All the time."

Blissful and warm silence enveloped them and Ichigo couldn't believe he was ever nervous about later that night, in fact, he found himself now excited more than anything else.

"Did you know that toasting bread makes its natural sugars caramelize and that's why toast tastes better than regular bread?"Grimmjow muttered. Ichigo cocked his head to the side.

"The hell? That was incredibly random." He replied. Grimmjow sighed. "It was too quiet and I actually found that interesting when I heard it from Mr. Ichimaru earlier." He said lazily.

Mr. Ichimaru, figures. The school art teacher, Mr. Gin Ichimaru was a regular walking encyclopedia of the most random and bizarre facts. Grimmjow was his favorite student, although Grimmjow did not like him very much.

"That makes sense if Mr. Ichimaru told you about it." Ichigo responded as Grimmjow released him from his hold.

"So, you wanna ride home?" Grimmjow asked, Ichigo shook his head. "Thanks but no, sorry, I'm waiting for Orihime." Grimmjow made an O with his mouth as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a slightly crumpled note.

"Speaking of, she asked me to give this to you when I saw you." He said pushing the note into Ichigo's hands.

'Ichigo, I'm heading home early today with Ulquiorra to get ready for dinner tonight so I'm gonna have to leave you to walk on your today, sorry. I'll see you later tonight, love ya.' It ended there. "Okay then, I guess I'll take a ride home then." Ichigo said sucking in his cheeks.

Grimmjow huffed. "She left you too eh?" Ulquiorra said he was going to escort her home and ditched me too." He explained, shoving his hands into his pockets once again, drawing out a set of keys.

"Wait a sec, you don't have a car." Ichigo said, staring at the keys. "Nah, but Ulquiorra does and he's letting me borrow it for a bit so he can spend some time with his girlfriend." He clarified. "Okay then…let's get going." Ichigo muttered, slightly irritated that Orihime left him, but happy he had alone time with Grimmjow.

"Sure , let's" Grimmjow affirmed in agreement, and hand in hand, they made their way to the student parking lot.

"So…..about tonight." Grimmjow started once they pulled up outside the Kurosaki house. Ichigo felt his body tense ever so slightly.

"Ulquiorra told me he was planning on staying the night with Orhime at her place, so you can stay the night at my place with me if you want."

He said quietly, rubbing his neck. Ichigo could of sworn he was blushing, but in the darkness of the car, he couldn't tell.

"Yeah, that sounds good."Ichigo said, nodding slightly, figuring that would be the best course of action since they would be alone.

"Cool, see you later then." Grimmjow replied as Ichigo undid his seat belt and opened the door.

"See you later." He whispered, leaning over and kissing him ever so lightly before exiting the car.

"I'm home!" the orange head shouted as he stepped through the door to his home.

"Welcome home Ichi-nii." His sister Yuzu called from the kitchen. His other sister Karin was lying on the couch watching TV and she lazily waved hello before going back to what she was doing. "Where's dad?" Ichigo asked, slipping off his shoes, surprised that his father had not yet assaulted him yet.

"He's over here." Karin replied from the couch, her hand pointing to the floor. Wondering what his father was doing on the floor, Ichigo made his way over to the couch and bending over it, he glanced down onto the floor. There he was, Isshin Kurosaki, a large bump and bruise on his head, passed out on the floor.

"What the hell did you do to him?" Ichigo asked incredulously, surprised that Karin could inflict such wounds upon someone so much older than her. "I put him in his place." She said, annoyed that her show was being interrupted.

Ichigo sighed and hopped over the couch, picking his father up off the floor.

"Hey, old man, wake up." He said loudly, giving him a hard slap on the cheek. "No response. "Yuzu, can you bring me a glass of water please." He asked his sister who was still in the kitchen, doing the dishes. "Sure." She replied, and seconds later, Ichigo had a large glass of cold water in his hand. "Now, WAKE UP!" He shouted, slapping his father once more and dumping the water on him. That brought him too.

"Oh, Ichigo, your home!" he said joyfully, bringing his arm up and slapping his son on the cheek with force.

"Ow! The hell was that for?" Ichigo shouted, massaging his face. "You hit me first, I'm just returning the favor." Isshin said defensively. "Whatever…anyway, I just wanted to let you know I'm going out for dinner tonight and I'm spending the night at Grimmjow's place." Ichigo muttered.

"Oh, you're going out to dinner? Who with?" Isshin asked, drying his hair with the towel Yuzu had handed him. "Orihime, Ulquiorra , and Grimmjow. Orihime got these reservations at that fancy Spanish place on the edge of town and she invited the three of us along." Ichigo explained, feeling his father deserved to know at least that much.

"Excellent excellent, have a wonderful time my son and enjoy these fleeting days of your youth!" His father said enthusiastically. Ichigo sighed.

"Yeah yeah, I gotcha, I'm getting picked up at six so call me when Ulquiorra gets here." He mumbled, turning on his heels and heading for his room. "Where are you going?" He heard behind him.

"My room, I'm tired and I'm gonna take a nap and pack, so don't bother me." Ichigo yelled over his shoulder, irritated that his father could get so up in his business sometimes.

Once in his room, Ichigo pulled his duffel bag out from under his bed. Crossing the room to his dresser, he threw in his pajamas and a change of clothes.

Then, he moved to his desk and opened the drawer, retracting from there a small wrapped package which he tenderly placed in his bag as well.

And lastly, he left his room and crossed the hall to the bathroom, from which he retrieved his toothbrush, which, once he was back in his room, he also placed in his bag. "Maybe I should find something nice to wear." He thought as he zipped his bag.

Going over to his closet he picked out a pair of formal black slacks and a button up white stripped shirt. The least he could do was dress nice since he was going to a classy restaurant.

Sighing, he fell back on his bed and almost immediately, that feeling of nervousness and worry returned. But why? He loved Grimmjow, more than he could even comprehend.

He had wanted this for awhile now and he knew that as well. But why did he feel this way every time it crossed his mind?

Some part of him was more reluctant to do this than the rest of him, that's why he was experiencing such feelings of nervousness and dissonance; he just didn't know it yet. And on that thought, Ichigo soon drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Several hours later, he awoke, feeling somewhat better and refreshed. Glancing over at his alarm clock, he saw it was 5:47.

"Damn." He cursed, jumping to his feet. He needed to get ready to go and fast because his ride would be here soon.

Picking up his pants and shirt, and grabbing his toothbrush out of his bag, Ichigo made a mad dash for the bathroom.

He turned on the shower and stripped as he waited for it to heat up. In order to save time, he also brushed his teeth before hopping into the shower. Not even 4 minutes later was he done and drying his hair with a towel.

Slipping into his pants and shirt, he quickly ran a comb through his hair and then buttoned and tucked his shirt into his pants. Looking at himself in the mirror, Ichigo couldn't help but be impressed with his speed and efficiency, he could really clean up nice in only eleven minutes, and he even had two minutes left over.

Re-entering his room, he picked up his bag and phone which had been resting on the desk. "A text?" he murmured, glancing down at the screen. Flipping it open, he saw it was from Ulquiorra. 'We'll be there in two minutes, make sure your ready to go' was all it said. He slowly walked down the stairs and saw his family was eating dinner without him.

"Leaving now Ichigo?" Karin asked, cocking her head to look at him. He nodded, slipping on his shoes. "You look really nice Ichi-nii." Yuzu commented, smiling at her brother. He smiled back. "Thanks." His father turned to him, a stupidly happy grin on his face. "Have a wonderful time my son, have fun, stay out all night, go crazy and wild!" He shouted with gusto.

"Just don't commit any crimes now." He added as Ichigo waved and headed out the door.

And almost as if on cue, Ulquiorra drove up in his sleek black car. "Ichigo! Come on! Get in and let's go!" Orihime called from the rolled down window. The trunk popped open and Ichigo tossed is bag in, but not before pocketing the small wrapped package that he had put in there.

"My, now don't you look handsome." Orihime said beaming as he slid into the seat bedside her. "You don't look half bad yourself." He replied, sizing her up.

She had her hair up in twin buns on either side of her head and wore a pink Chinese style sleeveless dress. She adorned herself with a pink feather boa, several purple bracelets on her left wrist. And on her dress was a purple flower corsage. She was stunningly elegant, even Ichigo couldn't help but find her somewhat attractive.

"Thank you, I made it myself, well the dress that is." She added staring down at herself.

"Man, she's right, you do look hot." Grimmjow said, turning to stare at Ichigo. "I guess I should say thank you considering I managed this in less than fifteen minutes." Ichigo responded to general looks of surprise; even Ulquiorra had turned his head to get a look at him.

"Anyway, shall we get going?" Ulquiorra asked, starting up the car again. The majority of the ride was spent by Ichigo asking Orihime about her outfit and how she crafted it, and the rest was by Grimmjow flirting.

They soon reached their destination and exited the car.

It was then that Ichigo got a good look at Ulquiorra and Grimmjow.

Ulquiorra was dressed, like Ichigo , in black pants and a button down shirt, over which he wore a formal black jacket. His hair was brushed out so it didn't look as messy as it usually did, and his eyes shone with mysterious grace.

Grimmjow, again , like Ichigo, also went with the pants and button down shirt. His sleeves were rolled up and his top buttons were left open, accenting his muscular chest. Unlike Ulquiorra and Ichigo, he had not touched his hair and left it in its usual spiked style. His eyes portrayed a sense of intensity and ferocity that could make anyone feel even slightly insecure.

"Wow, you guys look a lot better than I do." Ichigo commented, a bit of drool forming at the corners of his mouth as he continued to stare at Grimmjow.

"That's nice of you to say, thank you Ichigo." Ulquiorra thanked him as Orihime hooked onto his arm and nuzzled it.

"Oh, c'mon, I give you hot and I get that?" Grimmjow teased, throwing an arm around Ichigo's shoulders. "Would you feel better if I said you look irresistibly sexy?" Ichigo whispered into his ear, making his boyfriend grin.

"Now that's better."

Ulquiorra cleared his throat loudly. 'If you two are done flirting now, I am rather hungry and would like to eat." He said, trying to be as serious as possible.

"C'mon now Ulquiorra, relax and lighten up a bit, were here to have fun after all." Orihime said joyfully. She released his arm and made a face, trying to make him crack a smile, which he did after a few tries. "See, that wasn't too hard, you should smile more often, plus I think it's cute." She said quieter, moving forward and straightening his jacket a bit.

He blushed ever so slightly and bringing his hand down, he lightly stroked her face, making her look up. He was about to lean in and kiss her before Grimmjow cleared his throat, loudly I might add.

"Who's flirting now." He said sneering. "Okay okay, c'mon, let's just get our table and flirt later." Ichigo suggested, pulling Grimmjow along through the door, Orihime and Ulquiorra following behind.

"Hello, name please." The waiter asked as they approached the front desk. "Inoue, reservations for four at six." Orihime replied, coming towards the front of the group. The waiter stared at her, then again, it was kind of impossible not to.

Seconds later, Ulquiorra noticed this and coming up beside her, he placed an arm around her waist.

"Would you please check the reservations." He said smoothly, snapping the waiter out of his daze. "Of course, one second sir." The waiter replied, his face flushing.

"Ah, here you are, Inoue Orihime correct?" he asked and she nodded. "Then please follow me to your table."

"Your waitress will be with you momentarily." The waiter said, gesturing for the four to have a seat as they arrived at their table. "Thank you very much." Orihime replied, giving him a kind smile. The waiter's face flushed again before he handed them all menu's and left. As they all opened said menu's and looked over the food selections, Ulquiorra addressed his girlfriend.

"Orihime, you shouldn't dazzle people like that." He said plainly, not taking his eyes off his menu.

She turned her head to look at him, Ichigo and Grimmjow also glanced up from their menu's and looked at Ulquiorra. "What? What do you mean?" She asked, he sighed and looked over at her.

"Did you not notice? That waiter had his eyes all over you." He said quietly so only the four of them could hear. "Oh yeah, I did notice him checking you out." Grimmjow said snickering.

"Was he? I didn't even notice." She murmured, glancing down at herself once again. Ichigo sighed; Orihime could be totally clueless sometimes. "Well, just, don't be so friendly towards strangers is all I'm saying, you'll give them the wrong ideas." Ulquiorra said in response, returning his attention to the menu.

"Okay, whatever you say." Orihime said airily, also returning to her menu.

Seconds later, a tall female waitress approached them. She opened her mouth to speak before glancing around the table and setting her eyes on Ichigo. '

"Um…miss, excuse me, were ready to order." Ulquiorra said loudly, snapping the woman out of her trance. "Oh yes, I'm sorry, what would you like to drink?" she asked, pulling a pencil out of her pocket and staring down at her pad of paper. "We'll both have hot tea, please and thank you." Ulquiorra said in response, gesturing to Orihime and himself. "I'll have water please." Ichigo said looking up at the woman. She nodded, bringing the paper up in front of her face to hide the blush that was there.

Grimmjow, noticing this, scooted his chair closer to Ichigo. "And I'll have a coke."Grimmjow said loudly, bringing her attention to him. His eyes bored into hers and her blush only worsened. "Right away sirs and ma'am, I'll be back momentarily to take your orders." She squeaked, rushing through the dining room and passing through the kitchen doors. Grimmjow sniggered.

"What's so funny?" Ichigo asked. Grimmjow pointed to the kitchen doors. "She was totally checking you out." He said laughing. "Huh? Really?" Ichigo said sullenly, glancing over to the kitchen doors as though she would walk out at any second.

"Sure was, I think I scared her off though." Grimmjow responded, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Actually, I think I'm gonna have some fun with her." He said, laughing again.

"Don't be mean to her Grimmjow." Orihime said from across the table. "I'm not gonna be mean, I'm just gonna show her that he's taken." He replied as the waitress emerged from the kitchen, balancing a tray of drinks on her hand.

"Here you are." She muttered, setting each drink in front of its respective person.

As Ulquiorra and Orihime ordered, Grimmjow moved his chair closer to Ichigo yet again, so they were almost shoulder to shoulder.

He brought his hand up and lightly touched it to Ichigo's face, running it along his cheek and down his jawbone. Ichigo turned his head at this attention and in an effort to go along with it, he also raised a hand and stroked his boyfriend's hair.

They brought their heads closer to one another, allowing their foreheads to touch, before closing the rest of the gap and allowing their lips to meet. The waitress, who had finished taking the other's orders had turned her attention to Ichigo and Grimmjow, and her jaw dropped, her face flushing the color of a tomato.

"Ichigo! Grimmjow! Order! Now!" Ulquiorra said loudly, snapping his fingers. Reluctantly, the two parted. "Okay, don't get your panties in a bunch Ulquiorra." Grimmjow snickered as Ichigo ordered.

Once all the orders had been taken and the waitress had once again disappeared into the kitchen, Ichigo and Grimmjow both started laughing. "You guys are terrible." Orihime said shaking her head, but despite that, she couldn't help but grin a bit.

"Terrible is my middle name." Grimmjow replied smiling, leaning back in his chair. "I'm not gonna lie, that was kinda fun too." Ichigo grinned. Ulquiorra just shook his head.

Seconds later, a loud squeal could be heard from inside the kitchen.

"What in the world was that?" Ulquiorra asked, turning in his seat.

From the window on the door, you could see their waitress and another female waitress talking animatedly.

Their waitress pointed out the window to the table the where Ichigo, Orihime, Ulquiorra, and Grimmjow sat, and then they heard more squealing.

Grimmjow's face lit up as he brought himself into an upright sitting position. Leaning over, he placed an arm around Ichigo's shoulder once again and pulled him in close.

"What are you doing now?" Ichigo asked, trying to push him away, but to no avail. "I'm giving those girls a show, now kiss me." He said quickly as he roughly pushed his lips against Ichigo's once again.

The squeal that time was much louder, and it drew the attention of the other customers to the kitchen. It lasted only a second before Ichigo successfully pushed Grimmjow off him. "Warn me next time." He said irritably, wiping his lips on his shirt. "Sure sure, whatever makes you happy." Grimmjow replied, leaning back in his chair again.

Ichigo sighed, looking around the restaurant. It had a warm and festive atmosphere which put him very much at ease. Propping his arm up on the table, he rested his head on his hand and breathed deeply, a soothing spicy scent penetrating his nostrils. He was totally at peace… that was until Ulquiorra clapped his hands, once again commanding attention.

"What's it Ulquiorra?" Grimmjow murmured, peeking his eyes open. "I would like to have your attention please." He said, reaching into his coat pocket, and withdrawing a thin wrapped box. "Orihime, I would like to give this to you." He said clearly, placing the box on the table in front of her.

She looked at the box and then Ulquiorra. "A present? For me? Oh no please, I can't accept any presents." She said wildly, pushing the box back to Ulquiorra who just pushed it right back. "No, I got this for you and that's that, I won't not let you have it." He said monotonously.

She smiled and tenderly picked up the box. "Okay, okay, I guess I have to take it." He muttered, tearing off the wrapping paper. It revealed to be a black jewelry box, which upon opening it, showed that it had concealed a silver necklace, with a green pendent on the end.

"I remembered on our first date, you said you really liked the color of my eyes, so ever since then I've been saving up for that.

The necklace is made of pure silver and the pendent holds an emerald, the same color of my eyes." He said, bringing his hand up and pressing his fingers against his left eye. "I hope that you will wear it with pride." He said quietly, the corners of his lips turning upwards into a small smile. Orihime was speechless, literally.

Ichigo stared at her as she tried to form words but they were lost as they reached her tongue.

"Here, let me help you with it." Ulquiorra said, reaching over into her hands and taking the necklace out of it. He then stood and moved behind her, hooking the necklace around her neck.

"Thank you." She finally managed to say as Ulquiorra took his seat.

""It's gorgeous; I love it, thank you so much." She spoke again, taking his hand under the table and squeezing it. "You're quite welcome, as long as you are happy, I am as well." He replied. Ichigo then remembered he too had to give a gift.

Retracting it from his pocket, he cleared his throat, making him the center of attention.

"Well, it'd be hard to top that, but I have something for you too Orihime." He said shyly, handing her the small rectangular package that he had brought with him. She ripped off the paper, revealing a picture in a picture frame. "That's us; I think it was taken the first week after preschool or something like that. I thought I would keep it around, just in case you know." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

"And that picture frame is handmade too, but it's old, I made it back in elementary school so don't be dropping it okay?" He said, looking over at his friend. He saw tears in her eyes.

"Thank you both, so much….your all so wonderful and I love you guys to bits and pieces." She said, letting a tear fall from her eye. Ichigo could only smile.

"Oh great, now I feel like an ass for not having anything." Grimmjow grumbled. They all looked over at him and Orihime smiled yet again.

"That's fine Grimmjow, it's not like you had to, just your being here with us is enough."She said sweetly.

"Yeah, I get that…."Grimmjow said quietly, rubbing his temples. "Well, I guess I should at least offer my thanks." He said, not making eye contact with any of them.

"So…..thank you…..for talking to us and trying to get to know us all those years ago. If you hadn't taken that initiative, I wouldn't be here now, and I wouldn't be with Ichigo either…so…..thanks…" He said awkwardly. They were all quiet, letting the gravity of his words sink in until Orihime spoke.

"You're very welcome Grimmjow." She said happily. Ulquiorra was the next to speak. "That's unlike you." He said plainly.

"Hey! Shut the fuck up Ulquiorra!" He said loudly before Ichigo interrupted him. "But he is right, that is rather unlike you." Grimmjow turned on him, a look of disbelief on his face.

"So you're against me to eh?" He growled.

"No, I'm just saying that it IS unlike you, you can't deny that." Ichigo replied. Grimmjow continued to stare at him for a second before doing a loud huffy breath. "Whatever." He mumbled. "Chill guys, it's fine, I appreciate the gesture Grimmjow." She said with finality.

Minutes later, their food arrived. Dinner was a fun and talkative affair, and Ichigo was having a great time, that was until he swallowed his last bite of food. That feeling of unease and nervousness had once again set in, and he was starting to get quite sick of it.

He glanced around the table, watching as Orihime finished her plate and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

Ulquiorra was still eating, he really was a slow eater.

And Grimmjow, who had finished first, was leaning back in his chair again, humming contentedly to himself.

Ichigo started breathing deeply again, attempting to calm himself, but it didn't work that well. He felt a warmth on his hand and looked down to see that Grimmjow had taken hold of it.

As soon as he realized that Grimmjow was with him, he was calm again.

"Well, I'd say that was a success." Orihime said clapping. "I'd say so." Ichigo said grinning. As Ulquiorra finished his last bite, the waitress returned with their check.

"Umm…..excuse me." She asked, turning to Ichigo and Grimmjow. "I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but me and my friend wanted to ask if you two…" She fell off. Orihime glanced up at them as she went through her purse for money.

Ulquiorra eyed the waitress expectantly.

"Yes?" Ichigo asked her, as she blushed a light shade of pink. "Um….are you guys…like….together?" She asked slowly, burying her face in her hands as she did so. "Yup." Grimmjow said loudly, Ichigo nodded. "O…o..okay, thanks." She muttered, taking the check and Orihime's cash.

"Shall we get going then?" Ulquiorra asked standing, taking Orihime's hand and helping her to her feet. Ichigo stood and bushed the crumbs off his front as Ulquiorra dropped a few dollars onto the table as a tip.

As the four of them crossed the dining room, the sounds of squealing girls was all too apparent, making Ichigo grin.

"Have a good night." The waiter said from the front desk as they pushed the door open and exited into the cool night air.

They were all silent as Ulquiorra started up the car and drove off. "So…..what's the plan then?" He asked as they exited the parking lot. "You can drop me and Ichigo off at our place." Grimmjow said quietly from the front of the car.

"Okay, and were going to your place right Orihime?" Ulquiorra asked monotonously. "Yes." Was her short response.

Ichigo felt her hand touch his and he looked over at her. She was giving him an encouraging smile which he returned.

Ichigo and Grimmjow

"I'll see you tomorrow Orihime." Ichigo murmured as Ulquiorra pulled up outside his and Grimmjow's apartment.

"Have a good night boys." She said in response, climbing into the front seat to sit beside her boyfriend. "You too." Grimmjow said before closing the car door.

Ichigo stared at the back off Ulquiorra's car as it pulled away and he felt his stomach do flip flops. "Hey, you in there? You wanna go inside or stay out here all night?" Grimmjow questioned, waving a hand in front of his face.

"Oh yeah, sorry, let's go in." He muttered, gripping his bag tightly in his hands.

Silently, the two entered the apartment complex and got on the elevator. Seconds later they arrived on the third floor and were walking down the hallway to the apartment door. The familiar smell of fresh mint and rosemary met Ichigo's nose as he entered the spacious living room.

"I've always loved that smell." He said quietly to himself. "Really? I can't say I like it, but Ulquiorra does." Grimmjow said as he flicked on the lights. Ichigo dropped his bag onto the couch and stretched, feeling happy and content.

A pair of arms then wrapped around his torso and he felt a hot wetness on the back of his neck.

Grimmjow had begun his attack.

His hands moved lower and pulled Ichigo's shirt out of his pants and he began unbuttoning it as his lips slid lower.

"Grimmjow….."Ichigo mumbled, his eyes closing as a warm pleasurable feeling surged through his body. Said person did not respond as he undid the last button and relieved Ichigo of his shirt, kissing the base of his neck and shoulders.

Allowing Grimmjow to lead, Ichigo did not object when seconds later he had been pushed down onto the couch. Ichigo embraced his assailant, pulling him down and allowing their lips to meet in a heated and furious confrontation.

As their tongues engaged in a mini war, Grimmjow smoothly and quickly removed his shirt as well and let his body drop onto that of his lovers. Hot flesh met hot flesh and Ichigo felt his blood surge with excitement.

He gripped his boyfriend tight and forced him closer, if that was even possible by now. All he knew he knew was that he wanted as much bodily contact as humanly possible.

In an unsurprising turn of events, Grimmjow quickly dominated the tongue war.

He released Ichigo's lips and began trailing kisses down his chest and abdomen, lightly biting down here and there, making the orange head squirm in delight.

Reaching his arms down, Ichigo gripped his boyfriend's hair and yanked on it, making him growl possessively. He continued to pull until Grimmjow gave in and moved himself back up to assault his lovers red and swollen lips, their bodies pressing hard against one another's again, extracting a low moan from deep within Ichigo's throat.

Not ten seconds later did Ichigo bring his arms up and pressing against Grimmjow's chest, did he reluctantly push him off.

"What?" the blue haired man snarled. "Let's just, move this to the bedroom okay?" He asked, sitting up, wiping some saliva off the corner of his mouth. Grimmjow sighed. "Fine fine." He said quickly, his arms swooping down and picking up Ichigo bridal style.

"Hey! What are you doing?" the orange head said angrily, flailing his arms and legs. "Stop that, you're the one who wanted to move to the bed." Grimmjow muttered, holding his boyfriend tightly so he couldn't break free.

"I can walk on my own damnit!" Ichigo shouted as his lover kicked open the door to his bedroom and flicked on the lights.

His complaints were short lived as he was dumped onto the large queen sized bed.

"Would you just shut up and stop being such a girl about it."Grimmjow said loudly undoing the button and zipper on his pants.

Ichigo glared at him. "I am not a girl." He mumbled, crossing his arms. He opened his mouth to speak again but his words were lost as Grimmjow's lips had taken up residence there.

It was not long before Ichigo could no longer form coherent thoughts, as he drowned in heat, lust, and desire.

Ulquiorra and Orihime

"Well…..here we are." Orihime murmured as she and Ulquiorra stepped into her apartment.

It was small, but quaint. Ulquiorra like it very much, he found it homey and welcoming.

"I'll make tea." the orange haired girl said happily, smiling at her boyfriend who nodded and took her bag and boa. He set those down on the coffee table and went and sat on the couch.

He already had his first moved planned in his head, and whatever happened after that would just happen. He sat in silence for several minutes as he heard pots and pans clang in the kitchen, the clinking of mugs, and he pouring of hot water.

"What tea would you like?" She called from the entryway. "Chamomile please." Ulquiorra responded in a clear voice, slipping out of his jacket, noting that chamomile was good for relaxation. Seconds later. Orihime emerged from the kitchen, two steaming mugs in her hands.

She sat down beside Ulquiorra and handed him a cup, blowing on it as she did.

They sipped their tea in a serene silence and before he knew it, Ulquiorra had downed all his tea. He placed the empty mug on the table and started to make his move.

Quietly and discreetly, he edged closer to his girlfriend, moving one hand around and placing it on the small of her back. He gently ran his hand up and down that sensitive area and he felt her shiver as he did so.

She set down her mug and leaned back on the couch as her boyfriend brought his hand away from her back and brought it to her face. He ever so tenderly, pushed several stray bangs of her hair out of the way and brought his lips down, brushing them against her cheek.

She brought her hands up and pulled her hair out of their buns, letting it fall down her shoulders.

Orihime then moved her hands forward and pressed her palms against Ulquiorra's pale, cool cheeks, and she softly pulled his head forward, allowing their lips to meet. Their mouths parted and tongues met in a passionate confrontation.

Knowing what pleased him, Orihime let her hands fall and she began unbuttoning his shirt, as she leaned into his mouth, pressing her tongue against the roof of his mouth.

He moaned quietly as she pressed her warm palms against his cool, flat, muscular chest. Ulquiorra shrugged off his shirt and began pressing back, forcing her down onto the couch.

She wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him closer to her as he ran his hands along her mountainous breasts, making her giggle in enjoyment. Ulquiorra, after running his hands over the entirety of his girlfriend's body, had finally located the zipper on the back of the outfit.

He slowly unzipped it, breaking their lip contact only for a second to breathe. She smiled lovingly at him, breathing deeply, before he pulled down on her top, revealing the tops of her breasts and her bra.

Kissing his way down her neck, he nipped and sucked here and there, eliciting the smallest of whimpers from the woman below him.

He placed his cool lips on the tops of her breasts, and expertly moved and swirled his tongue in order to give his girlfriend the ultimate pleasure possible. She squirmed in her spot as Ulquiorra's body formed a cage over her, moaning and panting all the way

. She needed him and he needed her, it was as simple as that.

"Ulqui…..Ulquiorra." She whispered, trying to sound like she was in control when she really wasn't. He hummed in response but did not cease his ministrations. "We….we should….move to the bedroom." She muttered, pushing him up and off her.

He did not speak, as she stood. Bending down he swooped her off her feet and held her in his arms. A small O formed on her face before she closed her eyes in contentment and laid her head against his shoulder.

Pushing open the bedroom door and flicking on the lights, Ulquiorra carefully placed Orihime on the bed.

She slipped out of the rest of her dress, reducing her to her underwear and Ulquiorra kicked off his pants. He lay down on the bed and their lips met once more as they both gave into their passions, dancing into the late hours of the night.

Ichigo and Grimmjow

Some girls won't dance to the beat of the track

"Grimm…Grimmjow." Ichigo choked out, the intense heat blinding him and causing tears to cloud his vision. He felt his boyfriend release his erection. "Yes Ichi?" Grimmjow muttered, pressing his head against his lovers hips, licking the tip of his dripping cock.

Ichigo let lose a loud, pleasurable moan before speaking again. "C…cou….could you…..stop for a sec?" he said in a strained voice.

What surprised him the most was his boyfriend's immediate compliance, but he didn't complain.

Grimmjow brought himself up, pressing his lips against Ichigo's cheek, leaving a warm sticky spot. "What's wrong?" he asked quietly, tracing designs on his boyfriend's stomach with his fingers.

She won't look away, but she won't look back.

"This is gonna sound really stupid." The orange head confessed, starting to feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Just tell me, I'll listen." Grimmjow murmured in reply. Ichigo took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Can we turn the lights off?" He said quickly, making Grimmjow's head pop up in surprise.

"Turn them off? What for?" He asked as Ichigo squeezed his eyes shut.

She looks good but her boyfriend says she's a mess, she's a mess, she's a mess, now the girl is stressed, she's a mess, she's a mess, she's a mess, she's a mess.

"Your gonna make fun of me." He said quietly. Grimmjow shook his head. "No I won't, I promise, now tell me what this is all about." He commanded, coming to an upright sitting position.

"Well…..I feel kind of embarrassed and…insecure….and stuff." He replied, covering his eyes with his hands.

Grimmjow sighed and placed his hands on Ichigo's pulling them away from his face. "Why? You're doing fine, better than fine actually." He reassured him, staring directly into his eyes. "I dunno, I guess I'm just kind of self-conscious…about my body…." He said so quietly Grimmjow had to strain his ears to hear him.

He smiled and sniggered, making Ichigo sit upright, staring his boyfriend down with an angry look.

"You said you wouldn't laugh you bastard." He shouted. Grimmjow shook his head and brought his lip down on Ichigo's, allowing him to get a taste of himself. Surprisingly enough, the orange head didn't resist.

It was short and sweet and before it had started, it had ended.

"Dumbass, you shouldn't feel like that. You're the most beautiful person I know, inside and out." Grimmjow whispered in his ear, making Ichigo blush. "I love the way you look and you should too, no one is judging you, there's no one here but us anyway." He said grinning, Ichigo smiled a bit.

"I know that and stuff…just with it being my first time and all….." He muttered staring down at the bed. Grimmjow was silent, considering his next course of action. "If it makes you feel better, than we can turn off the lights."

Baby loves to dance in the dark, cuz' when he's looking, she falls apart.

Baby loves to dance, loves to dance in the dark.

Ichigo looked up at his boyfriend. "Seriously?" He asked incredulously.

Grimmjow nodded, scrathing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, whatever makes you feel most comfortable…..I guess." He muttered, swinging his naked legs around the side of the bed and rising to his feet. In three large strides, he crossed the room and flicked off the lightswitch, cloaking the two of them in darkness.

"If I fall and get hurt, I'm blaming you." Grimmjow said loudly, trying to feel his way back to the bed. "I can deal with that." Ichigo said, lying back down on his back as the bed shifted and Grimmjow rejoined him.

In the darkness, Ichigo had no clue as to what Grimmjow would do next so when he felt something hot and wet overtake his still hard erection, he let out a loud strangled cry.

"Oh….FUCK!" He shouted as Grimmjow immediately took up a swift sucking motion. "Damn…gently…gently next time….." He said somewhat quieter, licking his lips as he did so. Grimmjow had to admit to himself, this dance in the dark could be fun.

Baby loves to dance in the dark, cuz' when he's looking, she falls apart.

Baby loves to dance, loves to dance in the dark.

Ulquiorra and Orihime

Run run her kiss is a vampire grin

"Ulqui….orra…"Orihime whispered as shot upon shot of ecstasy coursed through her veins.

The once cool and composed man above had been reduced to a hot sweaty panting mess as he pushed himself into his girlfriend.

She had her arms wrapped around his neck and each time he would give a particularly hard thrust she claw his skin and moan in elation, only encouraging him to speed his pace. "Ul…qui…orra." She forced herself to speak up.

At her voice, her boyfriend reluctantly came to a slow stop and he pulled himself out, slowly lowering himself onto her body, his face resting between her naked breasts.

"One second…." He wheezed, catching his breath.

She waited patiently, stroking his now sweat soaked hair as she did so. "What?" He asked. She opened her mouth to speak but did not get a chance as she felt his hand move down and fondle her opening.

Words now caught somewhere in her throat, she watched as he rolled his head over. His tongue came slithering out of his tongue like a snake and began swirling around her nipple.

He looked up at her, his eyes filled with lust and longing as he lightly bit down on her breast, making her squirm and squeal in excitement. That was almost enough to send her over the edge if she had not gathered her strength and brought her hands up, pushing them against his arms.

The moon lights her way as she's howlin' at him

"Stop for a second okay…." She muttered. He looked at her confused for a second, before complying to her request.

He sat up in the bed and stared at her, making her blush like crazy. "What is it? Was that not satisfactory?" he asked robotically, she shook her head, slowly coming to a sitting up position as well, bringing the blanket with her to cover her body.

"No…..it was amazing, everything I could of ever wanted….but…." she fell off, moving her head and breaking eye contact. Ulquiorra came forward and held her chin in his hand, reestablishing the connection. His look was worrisome.

"Oh, please don't look like that, it's nothing bad…..just kind of embarrassing." She murmured. He continued to look at her. "Tell me please." She sighed. "Could we….possibly…turn off the…..lights…." She said slowly.

She looks good but her boyfriend says she's a tramp, she's a tramp, she's a vamp, but she still does her dance, she's a tramp, she's a vamp, but she still kills the dance.

"Why?" Ulquiorra responded, Orihime heard a surprised undertone, not that it surprised her at all.

"Well…..I dunno…..I kinda feel open, and exposed…" She said quietly as if someone else would hear her. "Why? It's only you and me here." He replied, his arms open as he gestured to the room.

"I know that….but I can't help but feel kind of shy and self conscious….." She fell off. He did not speak and instead waited for her to finish her sentence. "About my body….." she whispered so quietly that Ulquiorra had to strain his ears to hear her.

A soft smile graced his lips, which she did not see. He took his arms and laid them on her shoulders, leaning his face in close to hers before kissing her lightly on the lips. He ran his hand across her cheek and wiped away the few tears he found there.

"Don't feel like that." He sighed, his forehead still pressed against hers. "You're so beautiful inside and out and I love you more than life. You are my life." Ulquiorra confessed. Orihime brought her head up.

"Without you, I don't know how I might have turned out. I owe my entire life to you….so please, I implore you to smile." He said, refusing to smile himself. She did as he asked, several more tears falling from her eyes, which he promptly wiped away.

"You have a gorgeous body, any man can see that, most of all me. So please don't feel that way, it only makes me sad." He finished, taking a deep breath as he did so.

She smiled wider. "Your right….I love you too….I think It's just because it's our first time and all and I'm not used to being naked in front of people." She reasoned, kissing his cheek.

He nodded. "I agree, however, if it makes you feel better, we can still turn out the lights."

Baby loves to dance in the dark, cuz' when he's looking, she falls apart, baby loves to dance in the dark

"Really? Seriosuly? I mean…..if it's okay with you." Orihime replied, rubbing her neck. He nodded.

"If it makes you feel better, than it makes me feel better." He said with a smirk.

Jumping off the bed, he crossed the room to the door where the lightswitch was.

Orihime felt herself blush again as she stared at his naked backside, but it disappeared as the room was cloaked in darkness. Just be careful and don't trip over anything." She said into the blackness and not seconds later did she hear a thump, a yell, and another thump as she felt him fall onto the bed.

"I told you to be careful." She scolded as he came up beside her, cursing under his breath. "Stubbed my toe on the bed." He murmured, as the throbbing pain in his foot subsided.

"Now….where were we." He whispered as she felt him lean into her.

Their lips met in the darkness, and Orihime felt some kind of sex monster overtake her as she suddenly realized how much she wanted him.

She forced her tongue into his mouth and he groaned at her sudden intrusion.

He felt her hands now running along his quickly hardening erection, awakening his own sex monster as he pushed her off him and down onto the bed, as he prepared to resume his earlier activities.

Baby loves to dance in the dark, cuz' when he's looking she falls apart, baby loves to dance, loves to dance in the dark

Ichigo and Grimmjow

A loud alarm awoke Ichigo from his sleep. His eyes flying open, he glanced over at the clock on the bedside table and saw it read 8:00.

A hand flew over his head and slammed down on the clock, making it stop its incessant beeping. Ichigo breathed out quietly as he tried to sit upright, but found he couldn't, an arm wrapped firmly around his stomach.

"Let me go Grimmjow." He said tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "No." Was his quick response, making the orange look down at his boyfriend who still had his eyes closed. "Don't be stupid, let me go." Ichigo said again, trying to wrench himself out of Grimmjow's iron grip.

"Stop moving, shut up, lay down, and go back to sleep." Were the blue haired man's next words.

"We don't have school today, seniors have off, so I don't see why you're in such a hurry to get up anyway." He reasoned, his eyes still closed. Ichigo sighed, figuring it was just best to give into Grimmjow's demands. And not seconds after his head had once again hit the pillow did his cell phone start ringing.

"Damn, that's Orihime's ring tone, let me go now Grimm." Ichigo said loudly as he struggled to free himself. Grimmjow pondered for a second before releasing his captive.

"Thank you." The orange head said exasperated, as he jumped out of bed. Grabbing his pants off the floor, he snatched his phone out of the right front pocket and pressed the send button. "Hello." He muttered.

"Good Morning Ichigo!" Was his cheerful reply. He couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning Orihime." He replied. "Look out the window." She said happily, and he did so.

A rainy and darkened sky met his eyes and he smiled wider. "It's raining." He said plainly.

"Yes, and you know what a rainy Saturday means."

"Movie day." They said in unison.

Ichigo grinned. He and Orihime had been having movie day every rainy Saturday since they started elementary school, it was kind of a tradition of their's. "It's my turn isn't it?" Ichigo asked. They alternated houses and since they last held it at Orihime's apartment, it was Ichigo's turn. "Yup! I'll bring the movies then." She responded. Ichigo heard Grimmjow cough behind him.

"Damn you have a nice ass." He said loud enough for Orihime to hear him. If Orihime hadn't been on the line, he probably would of replied differently, however, she was.

"Shut it!" Ichigo shouted back at his boyfriend. Looking down, he saw he was still naked. Swiftly locating his boxers that had been left forgotten on the floor, he quickly slipped into them, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Was that Grimmjow?" Orihime giggled. "Yeah, it was him, just being an idiot." Ichigo scowled.

"Tell him I said hi." She replied. Ichigo turned his head to look at Grimmjow, who had closed his eyes again. "Orihime says hi." He said shortly as Grimmjow raised one arm and waved. "He says hi." Ichigo told her.

"Anyway, I don't want to keep you guys too long, were about to have breakfast over here." She responded airily.

"Wow, they're early risers…..and breakfast actually doesn't sound too bad right now." He thought to himself.

"Right anyway, 5:00 sound good?" he asked, his stomach now rumbling from a need for food. "Sure, see you then, ja ne."

"Bye." Flipping his phone shut, he placed it on the bedside table. The realization of last night's events finally hitting his consciousness.

"Grimmjow." Ichigo said slowly. "Hmm?" "Did we….last night…..did we do it?" He asked, already knowing the answer, just wanting confirmation from his boyfriend.

"Yup." Was the short response he received.

"And…..we….we did it…in the dark?"

"Yup." Ichigo breathed out, resisting the urge to whoop and do a jig. Doing it was one thing, but in the dark was another.

"And….did you like that?" Ichigo asked, eyeing Grimmjow out of the corner of his eye. "Hell yeah, loved it actually." He responded. Ichigo grinned at his response. He stood again and bent over, grabbing his shirt off the ground and slipping it on, only bothering to button it up halfway.

"Did you like it?" Grimmjow asked. "Yeah, I did actually." The orange head responded, stretching his arms and legs. "Good."

Ichigo crossed the room to the door and was halfway out it when Grimmjow spoke again.

"Where are you going?" He asked expectantly, now sitting up in the bed, rubbing his eyes. "Food, I'm hungry." Ichigo responded quickly before exiting the room completely.

In the kitchen, he quickly located the bowls and spoons. He took some cereal box off the top of the fridge and poured whatever it was into the bowl. Then, opening the fridge, he took out the milk and poured it over the cereal, before returning it to the fridge.

Balancing his bowl on one hand and a glass of water in the other, he made his way to the small dining table, four seats surrounding it. He sat and began to eat slowly, taking time to chew his food, while reviewing the events of last night in his head over and over again. He blushed at each memory as it flashed through his mind.

He swallowed another bite of cereal before Grimmjow came stumping out the bedroom door, wearing nothing but a pair of incredibly loose blue gym shorts that rode really low on his hips.

Ichigo felt his face go redder before taking a sip of water and looking out the window on the opposite side of the room.

"So you decided to get up after all?" Ichigo asked as he heard his boyfriend fall into the chair on his left. He yawned and nodded. "Hungry?" I'll get you something if you want." Ichigo offered, taking another bite of his cereal, which he finally realized was a combination of corn flakes and granola.

Grimmjow shook his head. "You sure? It's no problem really." The orange head offered again.

"Well…I am hungry for something." He replied, staring hungrily at his boyfriend. "Keep it in your pants." Ichigo muttered, taking his last bite of cereal, drinking the leftover milk down in one gulp.

He looked back over at Grimmjow who was now licking his lips seductively.

"You sure? I'll let you lead if you want." He said suggestively, grinning a mischievous grin.

That instantly turned him on and his face showed it. Grimmjow grinned even bigger. "C'mon now, you know you want to, I know you want to, I know I want to, you know I want to, so let's just skip this part and get down to brass tacks shall we?" He asked, his hands sneaking under the table and creeping up his boyfriend's legs.

"Okay okay okay." Ichigo said flustered, pushing Grimmjow's hands away. "Just, I gotta be out of here before five okay?" He said quickly. "Sure sure, movie night right?" Grimmjow asked, thrilled that his boyfriend had given in so quickly. Ichigo nodded. "No problem then." The blue haired man said loudly, standing.

As quick as a cat he was at Ichigo's side and had lifted him off his chair.

"Hey! I thought you said I could lead!" the orange head protested, glaring at Grimmjow who laughed. "As if, like I would ever let that happen."

Ichigo bared his teeth. "You fucking liar." He growled, struggling to break out of his boyfriend's grasp, but, of course, that didn't work.

"Just shut up and enjoy the ride Ichi." Grimmjow said teasingly as the two reentered the bedroom and shut the door with a loud snap.

Ulquiorra and Orihime

Orihime awoke to a soft snoring sound. Her eyes opening she saw Ulquiorra's sleeping face in front of her, his lips were slightly open and it was from there that thee snoring sound emanated.

She felt his cool breath on her face and it soothed her. Silently she jiggled out of his arms and stood shivering as cold air hit her skin. She pulled on her underwear and shuffled over to her dresser, searching for a shirt.

She face plamed as she realized she had not done laundry and as such had no clean clothes.

Glancing around, she saw Ulquiorra's white button up shirt and hoping he wouldn't mind, she put it on, buttoning it up to her cleavage.

"And what might you be doing with my shirt?" Orihime heard her boyfriend speak behind her, making her jump slightly.

"Don't do that." She said, grasping her chest. He continued to stare blankly at her. "I have no clean clothes….I hope you don't mind." She responded quietly under his intimidating gaze. He shook his head.

"Go ahead, I don't mind."He muttered, leaning over the bed and picking his boxers off the floor.

He stood, slipping into them and he crossed the room to join his girlfriend. "Aren't you cold?" She asked quietly, he shook his head. "No, I usually have a lower body temperature so it's quite warm right now." He explained as she embraced him and rubbed his back as though to warm him up.

"If you're sure." She whispered. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close as her warm breath played across his skin. They enjoyed each other's company for a few minutes in silence before Orihime spoke.

"Thank you for last night." She said quietly. He smiled so she couldn't see, he did not enjoy smiling in front of people very often. "You're welcome." He replied. "Did you mean what you said, about me I mean…do I really mean that much to you?" She asked as he held her tighter.

"Of course, even ask Grimmjow." He started.

"Long before I met you, after my parents died, I went through this phase of my life when I became really reclusive. I didn't talk to people at school. I didn't talk to my grandparents, I didn't even talk to Grimmjow." He said quietly, as Orihime listened. Ulquiorra rarely talked about his past.

"Most of my days I spent sitting alone in my room, staring at the wall. I never left my room except for school actually, and even then was terrible. I never tried and had terrible grades and the teachers got on my case and I got beat up a lot too. I starved myself sometimes and went for days without food before I would pass out, or Grimmjow sometimes would tie me up and force feed me." Ulquiorra spoke in a monotone; Orihime continued to listen respectfully, not allowing her tears to fall just yet.

"After awhile, I began cutting myself. I would lock my door and a few time I almost bled to death before my grandfather busted the door down with an axe, and thank god he did." Ulquiorra spoke.

Orihime was trying her best not to cry but it was so hard. "Then I moved back to Japan and I met you. You were so kind and helpful and optimistic and you never judged me based on my appearance or demeanor. You were like a ray of sun that penetrated into my pitch black world. You saved me from the darkness. And for that, I dedicate my life to you. I will never ever leave you Orihime, I swear it upon my parent's graves." He whispered into her ear as he felt tears on his shoulder.

"You cry to much woman." He murmured, allowing her to let her tears fall.

At long last, the two parted. Orihime could only smile. "I love you too Ulquiorra." She said dropping her head and grabbing his hand. "Now let's stop all this sad talk and get breakfast." She said happily, pulling him out to the kitchen. Orihime walked over to the living room windows and threw the drapes open.

"YAY!" She shouted, making Ulquiorra's head turn. "What?" he asked as he heated up a pan on the stove. "It's raining…..and it's Saturday!" She said giggling.

Ulquiorra knew what that meant.

Movie night.

And surely, the moment he looked back over at his girlfriend she already had her phone open and was dialing Ichigo's number.

"Orihime, it's 8 in the morning, do you really think they're gonna be up?" Ulquiorra asked as he grabbed the eggs out of the fridge and grabbing two in each hand, he cracked them on the edge of the heated pan.

"You might be right…and I'll have mine scrambled." She said quickly, noticing her boyfriend was cooking eggs. He gave her a quick thumbs up and went back to cooking.

"Hello." Orihime smiled as her best friend answered his phone. "Good morning Ichigo!" she said happily. "Good morning Orihime." He responded tiredly, she giggled. 'Look outside." She said, glancing back to her window.

"It's raining." He replied, she could sense his smile. "Yes, and you know what a rainy Saturday is." "Movie day." They said in unison. Orihime loved their movie days; they hadn't missed one since elementary school, so that means to say never.

"It's my turn isn't it?"Ichigo asked. Orihime nodded even though she knew he couldn't see her. "Yup, I'll bring the movies." She replied, already planning what she was going to bring in her head.

"Damn you have a nice ass." Orihime's head popped up as she recognized Grimmjow's voice. She blushed as she realized she might of interrupted them. "Shut it!" She heard Ichigo yell. She laughed.

"Was that Grimmjow?" The orange haired girl asked. "Yeah, it was him, being an idiot." He responded. "Tell him I said hi" she told him, her earlier suspicions dropping on the spot.

"He says hi." Orihime turned her head as she heard plates being set down on the table. Ulquiorra was motioning her to finish up her conversation.

"Well I don't want to keep you guys too long, were about to have breakfast over here." She said airily, walking over to the dining table. "Right, anyway, 5:00 sound good?" Ichigo asked as Orihime watched Ulquiorra apply pepper to his eggs.

"Sure, see you then, ja ne." She said in parting. "Bye." And they both hung up.

"Movie night tonight?" Ulquiorra asked quietly as he sipped his orange juice. She nodded, applying salt to her eggs. "I see." He replied, taking a bite of his eggs.

"I think they did it too." Orihime said shortly as she swallowed a bite. Ulquiorra cocked his eyebrow.

"I heard Grimmjow say 'Damn you have a nice ass' …." She said casually as Ulquiorra cleared his throat loudly. "Well I would assume that they would of done it, considering how Grimmjow wouldn't shut up about it for the past few weeks." She looked over at him, his face as calm as ever.

She smirked. "Hey…..after we finish eating…..I'm gonna take a shower." She said quietly, seeing if he would catch the hint.

"That tone of voice would suggest you would want me to join you correct?" He inquired, swallowing another bite of food and looking up at his girlfriend. She nodded and smiled playfully.

He tried not to smile, but did anyway.

"Is that a yes then?" Orihime purred, leaning forward. "I would say so." Ulquiorra mumbled as he finished off his orange juice.

They finished and Ulquiorra placed their dishes in the sink.

"Take me away." Orihime said quietly, staring up into her boyfriend's deep green eyes.

"As you wish, my princess." He said, bowing lowly, before swooping her off her feet and carrying her into the bathroom.

Baby loves to dance In the dark, cuz' when he's looking she falls apart, baby loves to dance, loves to dance in the dark

In the dark


A/N: That's the end of this one! I actually have a few more ideas revolving around this fic which I may or may not write out if I have the time, but for now, this will remain a oneshot. I did kind of write this on a whim, and it's actually my first AU, so I hope it was good and that you all liked it.

Also, the dress I described for Orihime can be seen in the Bleach artbook. I dunno which page, but it has her, Ichigo, Rukia, and Uryu on it all in chinese style clothing. I liked Orihime's alot so I thought I'd trhow it in here. And that random toast fact came from the food network which I was watching as I wrote this.

In the words of Gin Ichimaru

"Bye, bye."*waves*