Disclaimer: I do not own the Simpsons or any of the characters and I do not make any profit from these writings.

Pairings: Smithers/Burns

Warnings: romance, hinted slash, complete

Summary: Smithers writes a letter to Burns, who isn't as oblivious of his assistant's feelings as it seems.

Chapter 1-Red Handed

*Smither's POV*

There was absolutely no doubt in my mind (and probably everyone in Springfield except the one that mattered!), that I was deeply in love with my boss Mr. Burns. I sat at my desk, re-writing a letter to my love. I had many of these copies stashed away in my desk. I wanted the letter to be perfectly clear how I felt about Mr. Burns before I sent it to my employer. 'Why is it so hard to write these?' I thought to myself as I sighed. 'I've been in love with him for so many years now, and have been writing this letter for almost a full year now! And yet I still can't seem to find the right words!' Grumbling to myself, I took up my pen and began.

Dear Mr. Burns,

We have known each other for a great many years now, and you must know that I count you as one of my closest, if only, true friends. I am entirely greatful for how you took me in and raised me as a child, even if it was only to honor a promise from your dear friend.

But there is something I simply must tell you. I…have loved you for about 20 years now, and not the way friends or family do. I love you more than life itself, and would do anything you ask of me without question. This is the reason for all of my years of pure unconditional devotion to you. And even though we have rough moments, and you get mad at me, I always understand the reason why.

People may think you are a mean spirited individual, but they just haven't seen the real you. I have seen your soul, seen how kind and generous you can be. I have also seen you heartbroken by women who leave you for someone younger and I feel my own heart break in response. I just need you to know that, even if you say hurtful things to me, or find someone who loves you unconditionally, that I'll always be here for you, even if my heart breaks time and time again. Because I love you, Charles Montgomery Burns, with every fiber of my being.

Always yours,

Waylon Smithers

I smiled down at the letter, surprised at it. 'Maybe this one is good enough to send!' I thought joyfully, stroking the words lovingly.

"Smithers!" I heard on the intercom on my desk. "It's time for my lunch!" Mr. Burns' voice rang out and I felt my heart lift and I answered happily.

"Right away sir!" Before hurrying with his request for food.


*Burns' POV*

I ate my food with the assistance of Smithers, then waited patiently until he started his rounds of the plant. Once he had left, I made my way quickly into his office and pulled out the letter he'd written earlier. I smiled as I read it, feeling warmth rise in my chest. 'These letters get better every time he writes one!' I chucked as I remembered when I'd first found out about them.

It had been almost a year ago, I had been bored with my work and watching those mindless drones of mine as they went about their business, so I had done something quite unlike myself. I'd watched video feed of Smithers as he worked in his office. He had talked on the phone and did something on his computer for most of the morning, only leaving to use the bathroom or one of the tasks' I'd asked him to do. But on one of his breaks he had taken paper out of his desk and had began writing furiously. I watched him as he shuffled through a few other papers, seeming to read them as he wrote.

I found myself curious as to what could be so important. I was a patient man though, and waited until he'd left to make his rounds of the plant, like he was doing today. I had made my way into his office, feeling like a thief as I dug for the papers he was writing. I read several versions of the love letter Smithers had apparently been writing to me for a while.

I have to admit though, I was very shocked. I had noticed his obvious loyalty that bordered on obsession, and had heard some of his unusual comments, but had no idea he loved me so deeply. At first I considered firing him for this behavior, but decided until he came out and told me, or sent one of those letters, that I'd keep my silence. I was still in shock, but as the week turned into a month, I found myself becoming angry. I was mad at him for his feelings of love, for the devotion and loyalty he showed me. I thought maybe his love was just fake, that those letters were meant to trick me into thinking he could possibly love someone like me.

But as the year wore on, I read more of Smithers' letters and heard more of the comments that he said under his breath, thinking that I couldn't hear them. I began keeping a closer eye on his behavior, and found that his compassion and love must be real. 'There was just no way he would still act this way when I treated him so badly, if he didn't love me so deeply. Once I realized this though, I knew I couldn't tell him. Couldn't say that I was starting to l…lo…feel the same way about him without telling him that I read his letters.' I sighed slightly, fingers running over the words he'd written, flushing slightly.

"Mr. Burns?" A very familiar voice asked from behind me. I jumped, spinning around in surprise. "What…are you doing?" He asked in a shaky voice as he noticed the letters on his desk. 'Oh no! What do I do now?' I thought, eyes wide as Smithers moved closer to me. His face was a deep shade of red and his shoulders trembled with suppressed emotions.


Hehehe! This was only going to be a oneshot, but I just had to make one more chapter! I was going to stop before Smithers came, (it would have ended differently) but he just jumped into the story! XD Let me know what you think of it!