Hi, guys! It's me again, Buttercup&Stretch4Ever! I absolutely LOVE writing fanfictions ever since I wrote Buttercup and Stretch! Here's my new story, I hope you guys like it!

It was a boring day. Bonnie was on vacation in the Bahamas so her parents could research coconuts and lizards, and her toys, now having nobody to play with, were extermely bored.
"Hey Buzz, what do you want to do?" asked Woody.
"I don't know. Hey, Rex, what do you want to do?" said Buzz "I don't know!" said Rex. "Hey, Chuckles!..."
This went on for quite some time until every single toy had been asked what they wanted to do.
They were so desperate, Woody called up a staff meeting.
"So, what do we do?" asked Mrs. Potato Head.
"Ummm... Let's see... I got it! Look around the room for something interesting, we'll take all the stuff, mix it together, and make a really fun game!" suggested Woody.
"Cool!" yelled Stretch.
"That's a great idea!" screamed Slinky.
"Let's start now!" yelled Jessie.
So everyone took off, assigned by Woody to a place in the house in search of something interesting. Rex checked under the bed, where he found nothing. Dolly checked the end table drawer, and found a few cotton balls. Jessie found some gum in the closet, and Buzz found a quarter. Hamm found a Cheeto in the garbage can, and Trixie found a pink paper clip under the carpet.

Slinky was told to check the desk, which he was doing. He sifted through a box of stickers, paperclips, markers, and crayons. He was wondering wether he should bring the color changing marker or the ice cream cone stickers, when he heard something in the yard. He stared out the window and saw a shape climbing to the window. Frantically, he tried closing the window, but he wasn't strong enough. He then decided to just ognore the thing, and he continued looking through the box. He then found some even more interesting stickers of frogs. "I wonder where they bought these stickers. I should get some for myself so I can mak-" Slinky started to say, but something grabbed him, and pulled him out of the house and into the yard.
"Ow!" yelled Slinky. "Let me go!"
"No!" said a voice.
"No!" said another voice.
"No!" said another voice.
"What do you want?" asked Slinky innocently. "The stickers?"
"Are you kidding?" said a voice. "We don't want your dumb stickers! We want revenge!"
"Revenge?" asked Slinky. "What did I do?
"Oh, be quiet! You talk too much!" said The voice, and it stepped forward.
Slinky gasped. "Prospector? Is that you?"
"Duh!" yelled the Prospector. "Now be quiet. Come on fellas, let's take him away!"
"You got it!" said another voice, and its owner stepped forward.
"Lotso!" screamed poor Slinky. What was going to happen to him now?
He started fighting Lotso and the Prospector as they took him away, so Lotso yelled "Hey, Sid! Give us a hand here!"
"SID!" screamed poor little Slinky, and he fainted.
Sid walked over and picked up the three toys. He put Lotso and the Prospector in the front seat, and shoved Slinky into the trunk.
"Ow!" yelled Slinky as he hit a box and regained conciousness.
"Be quiet!" said Sid. "Oh, and by the way, you're going to love it with us." he said, and he shut the trunk, laughing evil. He joined the other two toys in the trunk, and they all laughed evilly until they reached their destination and took a terrified Slinky inside. "Put me down! Please?" cried Slinky. "No!" yelled Sid. He went into a dark room, opened a pet taxi, and put Slinky inside and locked the door. "So long, Uh...springy dog thing!"
Oh, great. My friends will never find me now! I never should have looked at those frog stickers. thought Slinky. How will I ever get home now? He felt very miserable for the rest of the day.
Back at Bonnie's house, the toys had gathered up with what they had found. "Did anyone find anything?" asked Woody.
"I found a quarter!"
"I found some stale gum!"
"I found a bouncy ball!"
"I found a Cheeto!"
"I found a pink paper clip!"
"I found some cotton balls!"
"Okay...How do we use these things so we can have fun?" asked Stretch.
"We can...make a game where whoever hits the cheeto with the bouncy ball wins the quarter!" said Mr. Potato Head.
"That's never going to work! It doesn't use the gum or the paper clip!" yelled Stretch.
"Or the cotton balls!" said Buttercup.
"Yes it will!" screamed Dolly.
"No it wo- Hey, where's Slinky?" asked Woody.
"I don't know!"
"Oh, dear. I haven't seen him in over an hour!" said Rex.
"He was on the desk. Let's go find him!"
The toys climbed up to the top of the desk, where they found NOTHING!
"Slinky!" screamed Jessie, and she burst into tears. Stretch and Buttercup followed.
"It's all my fault!" said Mr. Pricklepants. "I'm always complaining how boring things are!"
"Oh, we're never going to see Slinky again!" cried Buttercup.
"Yes we will! Come on, let's search the house!" said Woody.
Everyone searched every inch of the house and the yard, but they sadly found no sign of Slinky at all.
"He's gone!" sobbed Hamm.
"He's gone!" sobbed Trixie
He's gone!" sobbed Chuckles
"He's probably lost, and cold! And scared! And lonely!" sobbed Mr. Potato Head. "We're never going to find him!"
"I'm worried sick!" said Jessie
"Oh, what do we do now?" moaned Buzz.
"Hey, guys!" said Woody when he stepped on a piece of paper. "Check this out. A note."
"READ IT!" screamed Jessie. "HURRY!"
"Okay! I hope this tells us what happened to Slinky! I'm getting really worried." said Woody.
He took a deep breath, picked up the note, and began to read it to everyone.

Hahaha! You'll have to wait to find out who wrote the note and what it says. Please review, let me know what you think! Thanks for reading! :D :D :D