Hey guys, this is the last chapter so I hope you like it.
I looked and saw Megamind unconscious. "No!" I ran to him.
I heard Tighten come down, but I didn't care. "That was easy, there's only on loose end now." He pushed the bus that was heading for me.
I tried using my lasers, but it didn't work. Until, Metro-man cut it in half.
"Please let's have a little respect for public transportation." I was shocked.
But I noticed he had a watch on his arm. "You came you really came."
"You were right Kaitlin I should have never left." He smiled at me.
"So you're the punk I've heard about." Then a mighty wind blew.
He was scared so he flew away while Megamind aka Metro-man was flying after him. I ran towards to the guy who looks like Megamind.
"I'm sorry I did the best I could."
"I'm so proud of you." I was a bit upset for whoever it was.
He switched himself to Minion. "Minion. I knew it was you."
"Not much a surprise huh?" I smiled.
"He's the real hero." I turned and saw Megamind aka Metro-man fly pass me.
Then my phone rang. "Hello?"
"Kaitlin where are you?" I smiled.
"Turn on the news and you'll know where I am." I turned my phone off.
(Megamind's P.O.V)
"Going somewhere?" He looked at me. "Besides jail." He flew out of focus and I came in front of him grabbing his outfit.
"Don't hurt me man."
"You know what good for you Tighten you stay out Metrocity."
"You got it man." He flew away.
I heard the people cheering for me.
(My P.O.V)
I was happy for him. When he flew down I stuck my hand out. Which he placed his hand on my hand and I turned the watch to change him to his real form.
Megamind smiled at me when I smiled at him.
"Pretty sneaky, but I know one person who calls this town Metrocity."
"Opps." He flew down.
Then Megamind punched him in the face. But, he moved and started attacking him.
I was mad.
I started flying and hit him in the face that sent him flying. Then I flew to him. "Nobody messes with Megamind."
Then he hit me, but that didn't leave a mark. So I threw him back and when he landed to the ground I placed my foot on his back.
I heard Roxanne coming and she got out of the van. "Catch." I caught it and gave it to Megamind.
I started coughing and I turned back to normal. "Looks like you're too short for your powers."
"No I'm not." I grabbed him and punched him to a building.
"Come on Megamind Defuse us." I told him.
"I can't it's warming up."
"Warming up?"
Then he flew past me and grabbed Megamind. "You're a freak." He tossed him in the air.
"Megamind!" I looked back at Hal and was about to fly up, but he grabbed my arms.
"Megamind is a freak Kaitlin, you should be with me." I tried to get out, but he was stronger.
"Megamind, No!" I yelled.
(Megamind's P.O.V)
I was falling and I thought this was my death, but not today. I grabbed the defused gun and my other gun.
(My P.O.V)
I got out of his grasp and ran to the fountain and he looked angry. "Bye, Kaitlin."
Then I saw one of his guns fell in the water. Along with the cube. Which turned into Megamind.
"Holo." He said after he had the defused gun.
He stuck it up his nose and he turned back to himself as for me I coughed it out. "Here I said.
"Thanks." He smiled at me.
"The thing about bad guys they always lose!" He said to Hal.
"Kaitlin! Are you okay?" I saw my sister worried.
"Yeah I'm okay." I felt my tan go away and my black hair became short again.
"We did it." I said.
"Yeah, but now I have a reason to win," He smiles at me. "You."
I smile at him and Hug him again and he hugs me back.
I hear coughing. "Minion!" He yells.
When he runs to him Minion starts to speak. "I can't see it's cold and warm and dark and light."
"It's me, minion, I'm right here." He said.
"We battled a lot adventures together, you and I."
"We have minion." He coughs even more.
"I'm used to normal failure, but we won today," He smiled. "Didn't we sir?"
"Yes Minion we did. Thanks to you."
"Code: were the good guys now."
"Code: I guess we are."
He started panicking like a fish that can't breathe without water and fainted, maybe, I wasn't so sure.
Megamind picked him up and dunked him in the fountain. He sighed.
"What a drama queen."
"You know I'm feeling much better now." He said swimming.
"I guess I just needed a swim."
He was happy and so was I. Until a crowd of people came. "Get back you savages."
"Sorry, sorry he's not used to a positive feedback." My sister said.
He came out of the building and said. "Now put your hands in the air." They did.
"Now hand over your wallets." The crowed was scared.
"I'm just kidding." Then he laughs.
I was happy for him and gave him the cape that Metro-man had.
"You know you look pretty good in white."
Basically at the end everything was the way it should be even our relationship got stronger.
There is another story called "New Target." as you a recently aware is discontinued. But, heyitsKATE is typing my redo version. So when I post up the new chapter I hope you enjoy!