DISCLAIMER: I don't own Sailor Moon.
A/N AND SUMMARY: This story takes place around R breakup. BUT, I move the time line a little bit. Here Usagi becomes Sailor Moon at 16 not 14 like origilaly in anime. Now she is 17, almoust 18.
After they had found out who they realy are their love is strong and combine that with hormons what do you get? This story.
I have to say, when I started this story it intented to be a short one but it's going have two or three chapters after all.
I guess I just can't write a short one. (grin)
WARNING: This story is rated M so be aware of that. It is NOT for youngster's
Chapter 1: Shocking News
Usagi was not the same... It was two weeks ago when Mamoru broke up with her and it literally broke her heart. There was no more laughter or her smiles which would bright the room. No, now she would only stare in one spot and her eyes were lifeless. No one knew what to do and they feared for her health and sanity. Cause she lost her apetite and she was looking more and more like a living corpse. She would often lost her self in her mind and memories and then she would cry.
Even in the battles she would spaceout and it nearly killed her a few times until Tuxedo Kamen rescued her. Though, of course she never remembered what happened.
Today's youma was more stronger then ever. Everyone was tired and Sailor Venus was injured badly. The youma turned to Sailor Moon and laughed.
''Well,well Sailor Moon, it's only you and me now.'' Sailor Moon said nothing, she just look at youma thinking 'this is it! Maybe today i'll finally find my peace.'
''What is it Sailor Moon? No speach of yours?'' when Sailor Moon said nothing and only stared at her, the youma moved a little closer.
''Sailor Moon I want to fight with you!'' Sailor Moon only stood there and did nothing. The youma shruged her sholuders and send her blast at Sailor Moon. She never moved. It was like slow motion. She watched a blast of dark energy coming at her and she could hear the fright shouts of her friends and a second later she was in the air. She look up and saw familiar white mask and her heart sank. 'No,not today. One more day to live with this pain. I dont think I can take it any more' she thought and passed out.
End of flashback
Rei had enough after once again he saved her best friend from certan death.
''Look what you doing to her!'' Sailor Mars yelled at Tuxedo Kamen after he had put unconcious Sailor Moon on the bench.''Why are you hurting her like this? It's like she want's to be killed so she does nothing like today.''
''I'm sorry'' he whispered. Sailor Mars wanted to say something more but in that moment Sailor Moon stired and opened her eyes. She stood up and looked at Tuxedo Kamen.
''Why?'' she whispered.
''Why what?'' he asked not quite sure if he wanted to know the answer. Something in his heart was teling him he wouldn't.
''Why did you saved me? I don't want you to . I don't want to live any more.'' And with that said she moved and walked avay from them. Everyone was in shock.
''Sailor Moon!'' he yelled after her. She never turn around.
''You piece of crap! Are you happy now?'' Sailor Mars shouted at him and all the scouts ran after Sailor Moon.
He stood there broken and the only thing he could say through his tears was,
''I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Usako!''
They were sitting at Rei's temple waiting for Usagi . It has been a quite week. No youma's , no battles. They only had to worry for Usagi. After that last battle when she said she doesn't want to live any more, they ran after her and they all spent the night at Makoto's. They decided not to leave Usagi alone. She couldn't stop them. She knew they worry, but she only wanted to be alone with her misery. Few minutes later Usagi walked through the door and quietly sat down near Makoto.
They were doing their homework when Rei brought food on the table. As soon as Usagi smelled the food she stood up and ran toward the bathroom and threw up. All the girls ran after her and Amy held her hair. After she was done she just sat there on the floor not having enough stranght to move.
Makoto and Rei helped Usagi to stand and together they went back to the living room . Usagi layed down and Amy put a cold towel on her forehead. They were wery worried for Usagi and they didn't know what to do. Eventualy Usagi was feeling much better and now she was able sit up. When she saw food she said:
''Rei, can you move avay that food? I can't take the smell.''
Everyone looked Usagi like as if she has grown a second head.
'' Wh-what? You what?'' Minako stammered. Usagi shruged her shoulders and explained.
''For two days now I haven't been feeling well. I feel nauseous in the morning and throw up, and yesterday I fainted. I guess I picked some bug somewhere.
''You know, those simptoms you just described can easily be for pregnacy , but that's not the case, right?'' Amy said. Usagi, all red in the face shook her head. But unconsciously her hand went toward her belly. Fortunaly for her no one saw that.
An hour later Amy, Minako, Makoto and Usagi were getting ready to go home when suddenly Usagi turned toward them and said: ''Um, girls... can I ask you something?'' After they said yes, she continuoud: '' Well my parents have to go on business away from town and they have to stay for two months. So what I'm asking is...well...can I stay with you guys?''
''Usagi!'' they shouted. ''How can you even ask that? Of course you are staying with us! In fact, you can stay with me all the time.'' Rei said and hugged her.
''Arigato Rei.'' Usagi said through tears.
''Usagi, what's wrong? Why are you crying?'' Minako asked worryedly.
''I'm so happy I have you! I don't know what will I do without you! I love you so much!'' Usagi cried.
''Oh Usagi, please don't cry! Sweetheart of course we love you!'' they said.
The next day after school, Rei was waiting for the girls by school gate. They went together to talk with Usagi's parents and to took some stuff so Usagi can move in with Rei for the next two months. Usagi's mother hugged every girl and then they were gone.
Usagi setteld in Rei's room and after they had finished their homework, Usagi suddenly said: ''Um, Rei? I won't come here right after school tomorow. I need to be alone a little bit, I'll be walking through the park. I'm telling you this now so you won't worry. Nothing will happen to me.''
''Ok. If you are sure...''
''Yes, thank you. I won't be long.'' With that said she lost herself in her mind thinking what is waiting for her tomorow.
The next day after school, she went to see her gynecologist. After what Amy said the other night, she got a little worried. No one knew she already slept with Mamoru, and she prayed they never will. It was the most beautiful night in her life.
She never meant for them to go that far. She was sure of that. But they got lost in the world of lust and they let go. Se remembered his gentle touches and cares. He kissed whole her body constantly saying how beautiful she was. His kisses left her braethless. She was burning up. She thought she was going to die right there and then it came. That fabulous sensation of release. She knew he felt the same. It was the first time for bouth of them. She snuggled beside him and he hugged her. They made love two more times before she had to go home. He reluctantly let her go but they agreed to go on a date. Unfortunaly their date never happen. Instead he broke up with her.
End of flashback
After the talk with her doctor they took her blood and now she only has to wait. Ten minuts later her whole world has colapsed. She was pregnant and she was alone!
She thought about not teling Mamoru about it but eventualy he would see her belly and all hell will break loose. She dreeded the moment she would see him. She needed to think. She walked around the park and it began to rain. She never noticed.
She knocked on his door and gulped. 'what will he say?' she thought. Mamoru opened the door and when he saw Usagi all wet, he instanly knew something was wrong. He moved so she could enter but she didn't moved.
''Usagi?'' he said.
She look up and step in. In instant she walked in she smelt the food and instead of going to the living room she ran to the bathroom. Mamoru ran after her and held her while she threw up. Every moment he got more and more vorried. This is not his Usagi. This girl was all bones and above all she seemed unable to hold food in her stomac. Usagi could eat everything.
''Usagi are you ok?''
''Yes. I have been throwing up a week now. I'll be allright. It's normal.''
''Normal? What do you meen?''
''Please leave. I'll be there in a moment. Oh, and move the food.''
He turned in shock. ''Move...move the food?''
''Yes. Move the food. I can't take the smell.''
''Can't take the smell?'' he repeated still in shock.
''Really Mamoru! Stop repeating everything I say and leave me be!'' she snapped.
Mamoru looked at her like he was seeing someone else and it was true. She was no longer his Usagi. Today she had to grow up. She has to care for her baby and that was all she cared for. She still didn't know how he would react when he learn's the truth but she was definitly keaping this baby. He or she was a fruit of their love and although he no longer loved her she will have some part of him. Now she has a new purpose in life and she wanted to live. With or without Mamoru. She could hear him in the kitchen mumbling to himself.
''Well, it's time.'' She whispered and went to the living room.
Mamoru almost had a second heartattack when she yelled at him. She had never done that before. First one was when he saw her at the door looking all wet and scared but in the same time something was diferent about her. It was hard for hom to see her. He loved her with all his heart and it was tearing him apart knowing what he had done to her. What he's still doing to her. But in order to save her life he had to break up with her. He was finally happy because he had found out who he really is and he got his memories back. And he had the love of his life by his side. He wanted to be with her, he needed her. Every single moment he thought about that magical night when they made love for the first time. He was so scared he would hurt her because he knew that the first time is painfull but it wasn't that bad. It was pure magic. The smile on her face melted his soul.
The night after the dreams began.
The begining of the dream was beautiful. It was a bright sunny day. They were getting married. She looked like an angel in pure white dress with an embroidery of red roses and diamonds on it. In her hand she held a bouquet of red roses. She had the most beautiful smile and her eyes were like two stars on the sky. Suddenly something happened. There was no more sun, everything went dark and his Usako was ripped away from him. He ran after her but he came too late. She died in his arms and his heart broke into million pieces. He heard a voice: ''Mamoru. This will happen if you stay around Usagi. For her sake move avay from her. If you don't she will die!''
Every night he dreamed that nightmare and eventualy he had done the hardest thing he ever had to do in his life; he broke up with her. At first she seamed not to belive him, but after he said he doesn't love her any more and that they were a mistake from the begining, she ran away crying her heart out. He avoided her as Mamoru, but he saved her in the battles as Tuxedo Kamen. He saw hope in her eyes when he held her in his arms and the pain when he walked away.
Usagi sat down on the sofa and he joined her. She was trembling.
''Usagi? Please tell me what's wrong? You're scaring me,'' Mamoru beged. ''Why are you throwing up and saying it's normal? It's not!''
''Before I tell you let me just say one more thing. I don't want anything from you and you have no obligation towards me. I'm not your broke up with me and you don't love me. You made that crystal clear. I just feel you should know.''
''Usagi what's going around? Speak up!'' During her little speech he got this really scarey feeling of something bad in his stomach.
''Well, for a while now I haven't been feeling very well. I feel nauseous in the morning and constantly throwing up and I fainted a couple of times. And the other night Amy told me what could it be, so today I went to see the doctor and he confirmed what it was.''
Hearing those simptoms Mamoru' s medical part of his brain knew what is wrong but the other part was screaming: 'NO, NO, NO! This can't be happening! NO, NO, NO!'
''Please Usagi...'' Mamoru was having a nervous breakdown.
''USAGI!'' He shouted.
After couple of moments she whispered, '' I'm pregnant.''