A.N: Okay this is the final chapter. It's been some journey for me and this is the first story I have ever written, that's why I am so thankful for all the reviews and the story alerts and favourites I have received so thank you. I hope you enjoy it and I should be posting another story soon.

"Marry me Quinn. I want you to be mine forever."

The blonde felt her jaw drop and she lightly ran her hands over the small diamond circle that symbolised so much. Was she too young? What would her parents do? Did she want to spend forever with the girl she was holding in her arms?

"Q-Quinn ..please say something." Whispered the now panicky brunette "Look I-I k-know you must think this is really sudden and impulsive but I've been thinking about it for awhile now and to be honest there is nobody I would rather be with for the rest of my life. Your it Quinn, your the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face. Your the reason I feel protected and safe. And your the reason I never want to go to sleep because for the first time in my life, reality is better than my dreams."

The cheerleader suddenly sighed. She clenched her fist about the tiny engagement band and locked gazes with the nervous diva.

"You are crazy." She stated calmly.

The smaller girl's face crumpled in pain and she lowered her gaze to the bubbly surface of the bathwater. She could feel her heart clenching painfully and tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"I understand that you wouldn't want to be stuck with someone like me fore-"

The brunette was silenced by the taller girl quickly placing a hand over her mouth and shaking her head.

"You are crazy, because only a crazy person would think that I could ever say no to you. Of course I'll marry you, I've wanted to marry you from the first moment I looked into your eyes. I mean really looked, I think I was lost forever, I didn't really have a chance. I love you. I love you so much. And now your stuck with me" smiled the blonde, feeling tears of happiness flow down her cheeks, causing the water to rippled and shake between them.

"Y-you will m-marry me? Is that a yes?" wondered the brunette, hoping that this wasn't some dream and her fathers would wake her up for school.

"It's a hell yes!" giggled the cheerleader, crashing her lips against the stunned diva's.

They finally broke apart when air became an issue.

"Who shall we tell first? Omg I'm so excited! And you know we should talk about wedding songs because I have an extensive collection consisting of-"

"We will talk about all those things, but right now .." smirked the blonde, lowering her hand beneath the surface of the water and running her hand up the brunette's thigh "I would very much like to make love to my fiancée" she purred huskily.

"Well then what are we waiting for .." smiled the diva wickedly, slowly pushing the blonde against the tub.

Quinn gazed at her ring proudly, that night was the best night of her life. Of course It was right that they should get married, she couldn't think of any other way she could be tied to the brunette, their minds, bodies and hearts were already in perfect harmony. So it was only natural that they be entangled in the eyes of the state too.

They had decided to wait a few years before getting married, there was no rush after all they had all the time in the world to organize the wedding, and with Rachel Berry behind the wheel, they would need a few years. At least they had their friends support. She remembered the day they told Glee club, it was one of the most nerve-wracking things she had ever had to do.

The couple entered the choir room hand in hand, each dealing with their own set of nerves as they sat in their seats and awaited everyone's arrival. They nodded and smiled, exchanging pleasantries with everyone as one by one their fellow Glee clubbers entered the room. At last Mr Schue came in and shut the door behind him, almost halfway through one of his motivational pep talks when Rachel raised her hand.

"And that's why I think a mash-up of Journey and Tupac would be perfect for ..Yes Rachel?" the teacher asked, genuinely shocked that somebody would interrupt him during his brilliant idea.

"Mr Schuster If I may, me and Quinn would like to make an announcement" the brunette rattled off nervously, tucking her hair behind her ear and licking her lips nervously before glancing at the now stock still blonde beside her.

"Um ..sure why not. The floor is yours"

The duo stood up and awkwardly made their way to the centre of the room, gazing at the expectant faces before them.

"I would just like to say that-"

"Ugh Berry spare us the speech and just get to the friggin point, some of us have places to be" sniped Santana idly surveying the diva.

"Yeah like in my room making out" deadpanned Brittany.

The Latina blushed and fell silent, attempting to give Brittany the stink eye which resulted in the blonde grinning back completely oblivious.

Quinn decided she needed to take control of the situation before she lost her nerve.

"Okay, Brittany and Santana's sexual promiscuity aside, me and Rachel would like to let you guys know that over the weekend we .." she paused and felt the brunette squeeze her hand in support and suddenly felt calmer "we got engaged."

The room fell silent for a few moments and then ..

"About time."

Everybody turned and gawped at Brittany. She realized everyone was staring at her and frowned.

"What? It was kinda obvious their sort of perfect for each other, what's the point in waiting?" she reasoned.

Everybody continued staring at Brittany. A few moments passed and then Santana smiled at the doe-eyed blonde in front of her before meeting Quinn's nervous gaze.

"B's right. I'm happy for you guys." She said with a small smile before glaring at everyone.

Quinn felt herself exhale in relief and knew that everything was going to be okay. If Santana understood, the others would.

Sure enough, one by one the fellow Glee members stepped forward and offered each girl a congratulatory hug, wishing them luck before retaking their seats.

Quinn smiled at the memory and found herself gazing at a picture of them all, taken at Sectionals the year before. All smiling, all happy. She frowned at Finn in the back of the picture, lanky and awkward as usual. Since the day they sang the solo's to each other, neither girl had spoken to the quarterback and he actively avoided them, informing Mr Schue that he no longer wanted to do Glee Club because it just wouldn't do for the star of the football team to engage in such girly activities.

The blonde snorted and was suddenly glad she had beat the crap out of him, that jerk didn't deserve to kiss the ground Rachel walked on. He was a bully through and through and she only hoped that no other impressionable young girl fell under his dopey charm.

Their was nothing stressful about life these days, she had Glee, she had her friends and most importantly she had Rachel. Not having to worry about people's reactions had lifted a huge burden off her shoulders and she could finally breathe easy. The only dark cloud on the horizon for the blonde right now was the way her parents had reacted.

Her father had taken one look at the ring and his mouth had twisted into a sneer before demanding who "the boy" was. When the blonde had calmly informed him that the boy was in fact a girl. Rachel Berry with the two gay dads no less, he had predictably hit the roof and thrown her out, as her mother stood idly by, eyes glazed over as a result of the half empty whiskey bottle on the coffee table no doubt.

Even then Quinn wasn't broken. She had simply packed her things and moved in with Rachel, they were engaged after all it made sense. The Berry's had lovingly accepted Quinn into their home and the blonde finally felt what it was like to be part of a real family. Accepted for who she was and not who she was expected to be.

She had been living with the Berry's for almost three months now and life couldn't be happier. But as she sat in the bed that her and Rachel shared, the familiar panic gripped her. Rachel had been accepted into NYU and they were anxiously awaiting to hear whether or not Quinn got in. They had both promised to stay together no matter what, but everything would be so much simpler if they could just go to college together.

And that's why she was sitting in their room, her legs jingling nervously as she awaited the arrival of the morning post.

She turned on her IPod and slipped the small buds into her ears, laying back and allowing the music to take over. She pictured the diva's smiling face and felt her body relax immediately.

The next thing she knew she was being gently shaken.

"Quinn? Quinn baby wake up."

"Wh-what?" mumbled the blonde around a huge yawn.

"The letter ..i-it's just arrived, Daddy just found it." Stammered the brunette obviously nervous.

"Oh." Replied the blonde, bolting upright and zeroing in on the white envelope which determined her future for the next few years.

The diva wordlessly handed the envelope over and they both sat staring at it for a few minutes. Eventually the taller girl ripped the envelope open and held the letter in her hands, though she was staring at Rachel intently.

"Rachel whatever happens ..I want you to know that you won't lose me. We'll stay together ..somehow. I promise. I love you."

The brunette placed her hand against the blonde's cheek and sighed.

"I know. And I love you too."

They met in a brief kiss, full of reassurance and promises they couldn't voice.

Eventually the ex-cheerleader flipped open the letter and began to read, then she dropped the piece of paper and looked at the brunette.



"What's wrong?"



"I got in ... We did it ..I got IN!"


The end.