Well this is the first installment of Blood Savior, this is AU. I'm going to explain a few things. This is set in the man time, not futuristic at all. Allen is 18. This shall be Yullen, and any pairings with Allen and the Noah will come along later, I'm not sure what I'm doing with them.

The Noah Clan: The oldest clan of vampires, they have unusual abilities that don't manifest from "Innocence" the 14th doesn't exist in this little story of mine, also Akuma are servants of the Noah clan.
Black Order: Is not a religious organization, they are a coven of vampires who act as demon hunters; they fight akuma with special powers that come from the "Innocence" they wield. It can manifest in any form. Humans don't know about vampires, they do know about demons though.
The Savior: Is a powerful mortal who can add an advantage to either side.

Allen: Ella doesn't own man, but she does own the plot.


Millions of years ago humans were cursed with an incurable plague. This plague swept across lands and left no man, woman, or child standing. It was said to be a curse from god, this plague wasn't a disease at all. It was the vampires.

The vampires were beautiful creatures; they captured the hearts of everyone who saw them. These vampires were known as the Noah Clan. The Noah Clan was the first vampire clan to ever exist, nobody knows how or why they came to be and nobody questioned it. The Noah Clan started out as a peaceful clan; they lived in harmony with the humans. Until one day, god decided to punish the humans.

He gave the Noah clan an uncontrollable bloodlust, a thirst that could never be quenched. The clan swept through the lands, killing everyone. The clan was so appalled by what they had done; they renounced all ties to god and to humanity. They became more powerful, but it was not without a cost, god was angry with them. He brought forth a new coven of vampires 500 years later.

The coven called themselves the Black Order, the Noah clan attempted to abolish the clan the moment they met, but the Order proved themselves, prevailing against the Noah. The Noah called upon the power of Satan himself; he called himself the Millennium Earl. He gave the Noah the power to call demons to the Earth. God was angered by their stupidity and he gave the Order his blessing.

Innocence, the only thing that rivaled the power of the demons. So while the Noah aligned themselves with the devil, The order allied themselves with god. The Order became an icon to the people as renowned demon hunters, constantly trying to gain the upper hand in the war against the Noah Clan. They called their hunters exorcists.

The saviors can bring advantages to either side in the war; they are blessed by god himself. They walk the Earth as humans, hunted by Noah and exorcist alike. Though their power is minimal compared to the Blood Savior.

The Blood savior is the prophesized human, said to be powerful enough to win the war for either side. The vampire that the savior mates with will become the most powerful vampire to walk the Earth, with power rivaling that of the devil. The Noah and exorcists hunt tirelessly for this human, both sides willing to do the blood ceremony to make themselves more powerful.

It is said that when the Blood Savior's soul awakens a light so bright you can see it from hundreds of miles away will shine, and that angels and demons alike will praise him. That all vampires will know of the existence of the one they look for so diligently.


London December 25.

"You look cold young man, would you like to come inside?" A young Allen looked up at Mana, hope flashing across his features. He nodded, the older man stretched out his hand for Allen to take, and Allen took his hand smiling as he walked into his new home.

Little did Allen or Mana know a light shone into the sky, so bright you could see it from miles away.


"Yu-Chan, did you see it! It's just like the panda said!" Lavi shouted at his dark haired friend.

"I can see it Baka and don't call me that!" Kanda shouted hitting his friend over the head with a sheathed sword.

"Should we go and look?" Lenalee asked breaking the two up.

"I suppose we should, it's not that far away. It looks like it's in that doctor's office we saw earlier," Lavi said, "But can we feed first, I'm parched."

"Me too," Lenalee said, her eyes glowing red and her fangs elongating. Kanda sighed and nodded.

They walked into the nearest bar and grabbed an unsuspecting man, they drank their fill dumping the body in the river.

"Ahhh much better, now let's go to that doctor's office," Lavi said with a grin.

"Che, let's just go, baka," Kanda sighed walking ahead of the two vampires.

"Just because you don't have a mate doesn't mean you have to be so cold to us Yu-Chan," Lavi called. Kanda sighed again, Lavi and Lenalee had been together since the beginning, they did the blood ceremony just as they got together.

The blood ceremony bound two vampires together by the exchange of blood. The thought truly sickened Kanda, but Lenalee and Lavi were incredibly happy with it. It apparently allowed you to share thoughts and feelings. Kanda felt that that was an invasion of privacy truly.

They arrived at the doctor's office knocking on the door lightly, the door swung open, revealing a trashed house. Tables and chairs were knocked over, the place had been raided. The three vampires activated their innocence, walking through the house cautiously.

They heard whimpering, it sounded like a young child crying. Lenalee walked through the doors first and gasped crying out, she gripped onto Lavi. Kanda pushed through the two of them, he grimaced at the sight.

There was a boy about five years old clinging onto the body of a man, he was sobbing uncontrollably. Lenalee walked up to him, and wrapped her arms around him causing her long hair to fall over his shoulders. He stiffened and sobbed harder, gripping onto her as if his life depended on it.

"It's okay little one; now just tell me what happened okay?" She whispered, he nodded.

"He helped me and then there was a light and my hair and," He cut off to take a labored breath.

"He said my hair turned white, and then he tried to find out what was wrong. After he said he couldn't find anything the things came. Mana called them demons; they came after me saying something about a Noah. When Mana tried to protect me they, they. They killed him," Allen said sobbing, "I don't even know who Noah is, why would he want to hurt Mana? He was always so nice to people. He saved my life when nobody else would help me."

"Okay sweetie, I'm Lenalee, you're safe now, can you tell me your name?" Lenalee said softly.

"A-Allen W-Walker," He stuttered.

"Okay Allen," Lenalee smiled, "Want to come on an adventure with us?"

Allen nodded, murmuring a low goodbye to the man on the floor. "Keep moving forward. Right Mana?"


Lavi, Lenalee, and Kanda had made it safely back to headquarters with Allen in tow. Throughout the three day journey the three vampires became very close to the little human. Though Allen's favorite was Kanda, he always wanted to be near the Japanese man, he particularly enjoyed it when he climbed onto Kanda's shoulders. Allen claimed it made him the tallest man on Earth, Lenalee and Lavi were surprised to see how patient Kanda was through the entire trip.

They received odd looks as they sauntered through headquarters, Kanda with a five your old with white hair riding on his back. They walked into Komui's office, telling him of the amazing things they had seen and about little Allen.

"He can't stay here," Komui stated bluntly, Lenalee gasped.

"Brother, did you not hear what we told you, he could be…" Lenalee said frantically.

"Yes, yes I heard you just fine." Komui said, "But he cannot stay here, he would be unsafe in a colony of vampires. Even though we have been together for years, some will not hesitate to take the power that little boy offers." Komui finished darkly.

"So you're not denying it then, Allen is a savior." Kanda said putting Allen down.

"Not just a savior, The Blood Savior." Komui said, Lavi and Lenalee gasped in unison and Kanda's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's all the more reason to keep him here," Lenalee cried, Lavi put a hand on her shoulder.

"No Lenalee, its all the more reason not to keep Allen here. If he is indeed the Blood Savior, he could be hunter by the vampires here. If you haven't noticed his blood is very enticing." Lavi said Kanda sniffed the air; a sweet smell reached his nose. It came from Allen in the corner, how had he not noticed before?

"Where can he say then?" Lenalee asked, defeated.

"He will have to stay in town, below us, that way we can keep an eye on him. He will stay with the finders, they aren't vampires."

"They aren't, I always figured someone turned them…" Lavi said deep in thought.

"Lenalee look what I found!" Allen called proudly, holding up a little flower he'd found inside a book.

"SO CUTE!" Everyone yelled, except for Kanda. Allen reached for Kanda, asking to be picked up again, Kanda complied and the little boy got onto Kanda's back and fell asleep.

"When he's older and he can defend himself we can bring him back, but until then we must wait and not interfere with his life. The more he knows the more potent his blood will be to other Noah and vampires." Komui stated, "I'll call for the finders to pick him up, I'm sure a few of them would be happy to take him in. Oh and Lenalee, could you do the memory erase, I'm very drained right now and I can sense you've had a drink recently."

"Okay, brother," Lenalee said sighing. She held her hand up to Allen's forehead, it glowed blue for a minute and then nothing. A pentacle formed on Allen's brow, trailing down over his left eye.

"Oh, it scarred," Lenalee said surprised.

"Who do you think the little guy will mate with?" Lavi asked. Kanda's chest tightened, he didn't want anyone to mate with Allen.

"Could be anyone, he is cute," Lenalee said winking at Lavi.

"Nya! Lenalee what does that mean!" Lavi shouted, Lenalee started giggling smacking him on the arm, "Nothing silly, I'm kidding."

"Lenalee, are you three ready?" Komui called from the other side of the door. Lenalee sighed.

"Yes brother." She said sadly. Lenalee went to leave the paper-filled office, Kanda and Lavi following after her.

Kanda didn't want to part with Allen, he felt something for the little boy. Kanda could have anyone he wanted, vampires could appear any age they pleased, but Allen was something else even if he was five, he would grow up sometime. He secretly hoped that Allen wouldn't find anyone; he knew it was selfish, but even if they were only together for a few days, Kanda couldn't imagine life without the little boy.

"Something wrong Yu-Chan?" Lavi asked, falling into step beside Kanda.

"I told you not to call me that idiot!" Kanda yelled.

"Jeez sorry, but seriously what's the matter?" Lavi asked again, Kanda sighed. "Oh I see, you don't want to lose little Allen-Chan."

Kanda looked away, that damn rabbit, always prying.

"I knew it! Yu-Chan has a soft spot for Allen-Chan," Lavi sang.

"Shut up Baka!" Kanda yelled again.

"You two come one, we are here." Lenalee said quietly. A man and a woman stood before them, they were finders.

They looked like normal people who lived in the city, Kanda handed Allen to the smiling woman. They walked off after saying goodbye taking Allen and Kanda's heart with them.


Holy crow! That's 2,000 words, *faints* wow! 5 pages in word! Hope you guys like it leave a review to let me know. You know I really like this idea, this is probably the best thing I have written for this site I am happy now! Well cya later I gots to go to a meeting.

Lavi Lenalee Allen: Review!