Chapter 7 Dream, Reality and Weakness.

Arthur was amid darkness. Floating in nothingness for what seemed like hour. While being in this void though, he thought about the events that happened in the last 14 days since Titania put him here. He'd experienced what it was like being left behind and feeling left out, he'd grown to stand Francis in a strange sort of way. And he had spent time with Alfred like they used to some times except this time was different.

Suddenly the darkness began to lit up and England found himself remembering their quality time here.

He watched as his memories of the first week unravelled with his sudden awakening in this universe.

The first thing he remembered was the day after he had been placed here. Alfred was so worried about his fainting spell the day before, that he urged Arthur it was fine for him to spend time with him all day. Putting aside all paper work for him.

He recalled that morning America was the one who cooked and made him bacon, eggs, and hash browns not to mention tea. Which apparently he was not too fond of either.

Though it reliefed England to know this America still loved coffee.

Arthur remembered America asking him if he was alright to go out that morning.

"You sure you're fine Arthur, we don't have to go just because I decided it" he stated while watching England eat his food gratefully.

England shook his head "No I am fine you dolt" America smiled knowing that was his afirmation. Once England finished his meal he followed America toward the dirt road outside. They walked for n hour in confortable silence, until they reached a town or was it a city?

"It's nice ain't it?" he asked Arthur who was currently telepathically speaking to a fairy about his predicament and how troublesome it would be.

"England you ok?" he asked shaking Arthur once more. Arthur snapped back to reality with a jolt.

"Huh?" America frowned. "We could go back y'know" Arthur immediately shook his head. "No I was just thinking about something" he said. America seemed convinced.

"Well alright, by the way we're here" England placed his eyes on the city ahead. It looked like Boston but he wasn't sure.

"Where is here..?" America chuckled at England. "This is Boston Arthur, I thought maybe you'd know by now or would you rather I sent you back to my London settlement back in your land?" he joked.

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked with curiosity.

" see, you don't seem to remember my major cities so I figured you didn't wanna live with me anymore but hey I was joking" America replied laughing. They walked toward the houses ahead and got a bite to eat. An hour's walk could really open your apatite.

After that they headed to a stable where horses were being sold. "What are we here for Alfred?" questioned the adult minded eight year old.

"We're here to buy a horse and ride back home" England didn't say anything afterward as America made his purchase. Leading the horse through town was easy riding with America however was dificult.

He'd also got more information about his living arrangements. Apperantly he'd been living here with America for a year but he knew that, although before that Alfred used to visit him back in England keeping away anyone who would take him(but mostly Russia but he didn't know that at the time). After years of doing this he decided to take England back with him to America.

Though after that day Alfred's time began to diminish. Arthur sighed remembering how disappointed he felt but at the same time real happiness.

His memories faded and his mind was a dark void again. Until he heard a voice calling "England wake up!" it whispered. "Come'n Arthur Alfred will kill me if something happened to to you" it said. England slowly opened his eyes, once opened he saw non other than Canada.

"awrgh Canada I were-" he was cut of by Mathew.

"Yes, I was attacked by Russia..." England sat up and took full view of Mathew. His face was filled with blood marks and his hair was dirty and mangled. Though England too felt an incredible amount of pain in his skull.

"What happened to America?" he questioned alarmed.

"When he came 10 days ago to my home in Quebec which Russia has left in ruins, he and I were ambushed. I thought Russia had left but I was wrong he kept tight watch on me from a far until Alfred got there and then he separated us.."Mathew answered trailing off not voicing the whole thing.

"Wait how long have I been out for?" Mathew frowned slightly.

"France told me you'd been unconscious for a week when I got here" England suddenly felt ill now.

"Which was..?" he asked the Canadian. "I was brought here three days ago and I have not seen Alfred since the day of the ambush" Mathew answered. England suddenly felt the urge to look at his surroundings. He was in bedroom more or less well cared for. It was barely clean and the windows were locked along with the door.

"Where are we anyway?" Canada shook his head at Arthur's question. "I don't know, I was brought here blind folded and Francis also"

"Where is France?" he finally asked. Mathew pointed toward the corner of the room where Francis lay asleep.

"Oh and who brought us here?" he asked lastly. Canada scratched the back of his head.

"Belarus or so Francis told me" Great, just great. This is exactly the situation he wanted to avoid.

Well I hope it made sense. It took Alfred 1 day to get from Massachusetts to Quebec on horse back. And he left early in the morning like at four or something I'll put flashbacks. That's just my estimate. And Russia attacked a bit earlier also. I'm soo tired!~ I'll explain everything later..

Panama-Put a suck in it you lazy bum!

Well bye. *Stares at Sulema and walks away*