Eek! I've been gone so long! :'( I've actually been having a lot of computer problems. Viruses, crashes, and other nasty stuff. I just recently get a new antivirus, so hopefully nothing else happens!

Thanks to the Reviewers: angel61991, 777angeloflove, YankeeSamson

Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh!

Growing-Up Magic

The Problems with Friends

Yugi awoke in the morning feeling refreshed for the first time in weeks. He wasn't sure if it was because he didn't have weird dreams, or if he was just too tired from running around the castle to dream.

The small teen quickly dressed, but when he went to grab the puzzle from his nightstand, he stopped. He remembered that he had forgotten it last night, and he felt almost as if he had forgotten a friend.

Yugi hugged the puzzle to his chest. "I'm sorry that I forgot you." He whispered before slipping the cord around his neck and heading out.

The Great Hall was busy as usual and Yugi was somewhat glad for being smaller than everyone else. When he had finally managed to squeeze his way to the Gryffindor table, he stopped.

Marik and Ryou were at opposite ends of the table. Marik was the closest, so Yugi headed for him.


The blond only glanced up from his plate. "What?"

"Umm….. Why aren't you and Ryou sitting together?"

Marik scowled. "Because he's annoying."


"You should sit with me and not him."

Yugi frowned. "But both of you are my friends…"

Marik looked up suddenly with tears in his eyes. "Don't you like me?" He whimpered.

Yugi, taken by surprise by his friends sudden mood change and because of his lack of friend experience, instantly tried to console the Egyptian. "Of course I like you!" Yugi gasped and wrapped an arm around Marik's shoulders.

"Then sit with me!"

Yugi sighed and decided to talk to Ryou about this when Marik wasn't around. He didn't like his friends fighting and not liking each other.

The day passed by, but Marik refused to leave Yugi's side, even for a moment. Luckily for Yugi, Professor McGonagall split the class into team of two of her choosing and He was paired with Ryou.

Yugi could feel Marik's eyes on the back of his head as he took his seat next to his albino friend. "Ryou?" He whispered once the professor had stopped speaking.


"Is something going on between you and Marik?"

Ryou frowned. "I guess we just don't get along. I'm sorry that we dragged you in the middle of this."

Yugi relaxed, glad it wasn't anything to serious. "It's ok. I'm sure he will warm up to you!"

"I hope so…" Too bad their hope seemed to be in vain. Days passed and Marik's dislike of Ryou grew until it exploded in Charms on Halloween.

"Marik… You aren't saying the spell right. Its Wingardium Leviosa, not 'wingardian'." Ryou mumbled.

Marik hissed at his partner. "I don't need help from the likes of you!"

Yugi sighed at what he heard behind him, wishing they could just get along.

"Oh my! Look everyone! Mr. Bakura has done it! Well don't young man!" Cried Professor Flitwick. Everyone turned and looked at Ryou who had a feather floating about a foot off his desk. The albinos cheeks turned the color of a tomato at all the attention and Marik glared at his for all he was worth.

After class Marik ran to catch up to Yugi who had been the first to leave. "I hate him! How dare he make fun of me like that!"

"I don't think it was on purpose, Marik…"

"Hmph! I don't care. No wonder no one likes him."

"Marik-" But Yugi was cut off as someone roughly pushed past them. It was Ryou and he was crying.


Short, I know… But I wanted an update! So why does Marik hate Ryou! And will they ever be friends! Well one of those questions will be answered next chapter! MWAHAHA!