Hey, everyone. New story from The Lady Dragona here. This is perhaps going to be my first epic fic. And just as a heads up I'd like to say to expect no less then twenty chapters, and more then likely, more then that.
This fic will span almost all of the original Harry Potter books. I'm still not sure where exactly I'm stopping, but there WILL be an end…. Eventually…
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh, or Harry Potter.
Yugioh and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Letter
A shadowy figure stood over a small bed, occupied by an even smaller boy. The shadow sighed as the sun slowly rose over the buildings that could be seen out the window. He knew he would have to leave soon, but he wished he could just stop time in its tracks and watch his little charge sleep for a while longer. The shadow became more alert as foot steps could be heard coming up the stairs outside the little room. He faded into nothing just as the door opened.
"Wake up, Yugi." A young lady whispered into the small boys ear. Her short black hair was in great contrast to her pale face and made her soft, amber, eyes seem larger then normal. The boy groaned. "One more minute, Mom…." He mumbled. His mother giggled. "I guess your grandfather and I will just have to eat your birthday pancakes for you then…." The boy shot up like a rocket. "Not my pancakes!" He cried.
His mother laughed.
"Well then you better come down for breakfast!" With that, she left. The boy stayed sitting in bed, trying to clear the fog of sleep from his mind. He shock his head and hopped out of bed, making his way toward a small, oak, dresser.
He looked into the mirror above the dresser and sighed. Although today was his eleventh birthday, Yugi looked the same as he did last year, at least to him. Many others would say that he had lost a bit of his baby-fat and that his tri-colored, spiky hair was quite a bit longer. But he didn't see these small changes to his appearance. In Yugis' eyes, he was still the scrawny kid he saw everyday in that mirror.
He shrugged and preceded to undress, Yugi winced when he pressed a large bruise on his chest. It was a dark purple and blue color. He pulled on a pair of loose fitting jeans and a white tee-shirt. Yugi then glanced at the last piece of his attire, a large, golden pendant in the shape of an upside-down pyramid, attached to a brown rope.
Yugis' grandfather had gotten the pendant on one of his many trips to Egypt when he was younger. The pendant was originally a puzzle that had been found in a pharaohs tomb. Grandpa Mouto had given it to Yugi as his sixth birthday present. Yugi had just finished the puzzle a few days ago.
Yugi made a mental note to be careful for the rest of the summer. He had ran into Ushio yesterday and was lucky to get away with only that one bruise. Yugi was the smallest kid in his class, in fact, he was smaller then even some kids in the lower grades. Because of his tiny stature, Yugi was constantly made fun of and was also the frequent target of bullies. Yugi quickly finished dressing and ran a comb through his hair, it wasn't like combing it did much anyway.
Yugi rushed out of his room and down the hall as smells of bacon and syrup filled the small two-story house. Yugi lived with his grandfather and mother. His father had been killed in an archeological dig in Mexico two years ago. Although Yugis' grandfather, Sugoroku, was an archeologist when he was young, he is now retired and runs a game-shop from the first story of the house.
Yugi noticed his mom at the stove of the quaint, little kitchen and his grandpa sitting at the little table, reading the newspaper. The old man looked up as Yugi entered the kitchen.
"Happy Birthday, my boy!" Sugoroku said with a grin. Yugi grinned right back. "Thanks, Grandpa!" His mother turned around with a plate full of pancakes, on top were two 'one' shaped candles. She began to hum the birthday song and his grandfather joined in as the candles were lighted.
Unknown to the happy little family at this time, an average size, brown, owl was sitting on the window. Watching. The owl hooted softly, becoming impatient. After a few more minutes of being ignored the owl pecked at the window, getting the attention of Yugis' mom. She froze as she laid eyes on the bird.
"Dad…." She said softly, so Yugi wouldn't hear. The old man came to stand beside her, noticing the owl as well. "Looks like he inherited his fathers genes after all." The elder Mouto mumbled. He opened the window to allow the owl to fly inside. Yugi gasped.
"Why is there an owl here?' He asked just as he finished with his pancakes. His mother and grandfather glanced at each other. Unsure of how to start this, but the owl was getting annoyed, it flew over to Sugoroku and nipped his ear, none to gently. The old man chuckled and quickly untied the letter from around its leg and the bird flew over to the table and began eating crumbs, awaiting for either a reply or to be dismissed.
The old man glanced at the front of the letter, and sure enough, written in bright green ink was Yugis' name and 'address'.
Yugi Mouto
7816 Turtle Ave.
Domino, Japan
The smallest bedroom
Sugoroku chuckled, his friend was as strange as ever. He handed the letter to Yugi. "I do believe this is for you" Yugi looked questioningly at his guardians. And preceded to open the letter when is mother gave him a nod. He turned it over in his hand. The envelope was sealed with a red, wax, stamp of a coat of arms. A shield surrounded by four animals, a lion, snake, badger, and raven. Yugi opened the seal and pulled out the letter.
Hogwarts School
of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards
Dear, Mr. Mouto
We are please to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later then July 31st.
Yours Sincerely,
Minevera McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress
Yugi stopped reading and looked dumbstruck at the letter in his hand. "Is this some kind of birthday joke?" He asked, looking at his grandfather and mother. They were beaming at him.
"No, Yugi, This is not a joke. There are many things we have not told you about. For fear that you would not end up with the gift, we didn't want you to be disappointed." His mother said softly, tears gleamed in her eyes. Sugoroku came and wrapped an arm round Yugis' shoulders.
"You, Yugi, are a wizard. Just like your father. I know he would be proud." His grandfather announced. Yugis' eyes grew wide. "Really!" He gasped. Both guardians nodded. "Are you a wizard, Mom, Grandpa?" The old man chuckled.
"No. Although your mother and I came from a wizarding family, we ourselves have no magic. We are known as squibs in the wizarding community."
"So dad when to this, Hogwarts?" His mother answered this time.
"Yes. All wizards are invited to attend Hogwarts when they are eleven. You go for the entire year, but you can come home on holidays. You attend the school for seven years." Yugis' eyes were very wide now. He looked at the letter with a mixture of awe and nervousness. His mother seemed to notice his nervous look. "Don't worry, Yugi, you aren't required to go if you don't want to. Its your choice."
Yugi thought for a moment. He didn't want to be thought of as a little kid. Sugoroku and his mom had always babied him because of his small stature and childlike features. They said that he was innocent and needed to be protected. Yugi wanted to prove to his guardians that he could take care of himself. They had never let him spend the night at a friends house and had been reluctant to allow him to go on school fieldtrips. Although Yugi had never been away from home with out his guardians he was excited about a school for magic. "No, Mom, its ok. I want to go." Her eyes were reluctant but his grandfather put a hand on both their shoulders.
If you want to go, then we will support you, right, Shawna?" She was quiet for a moment, terrified of losing her little boy like she had lost her husband, but she reluctantly nodded. Who was she to decide her sons future for him? She knew his father would be ecstatic that Yugi was accepted into Hogwarts, and that he would want him to go. She smiled a sad smile.
"Well lets look at your supplies list then and, Dad? Can you order us a plane ticket? If I remember correctly Hogwarts is in England and that is also where we need to got to get the supplies." She gave her son a knowing smile as he stared at her, dumbstruck for the second time today. He was snapped out of it at his grandfather rushed out of the room to order their tickets online. He jumped at his mom.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He cried and handed her the list.
The long-forgotten owl hooted annoyingly, ready to be off. It knew it still had a few letters to deliver and wanted to leave this strange country.
Wow, I can't believe I gave the owl a bit of a personality. And sorry if the chapter ended kind of abruptly, I wasn't sure how to end it.
So here's the breakdown of Yugis' family. His mother and her dad (Sugoroku/Grandpa) are squibs, but the rest of this side of the family are a mix of wizards and muggles. Sadly most of this part of Yugis' family are dead for one reason or another. Yugis' dad was a wizard from a 'pure-blood' family. They ostracized him and his wife's family because they were not pure-blood, but many of them are still alive and will be showing up in later chapters.