A/N: To everyone who has left a review (or two) on this story so far - thank you so much. It means a lot to me, most especially because I'm entirely new to this fandom and ship. Here is the ending, and I hope I did good with it!

(For disclaimer, etc. - see chapter 1)

Part 3 of 3

"What's so funny?" asked Parker, barely breathless despite the fact she and Eliot had just literally gone running for their freedom from a restaurant, hand in hand.

Her date would have liked to answer her if only he could breathe enough to do so. The running was no problem, but coupled with the fit of hysterics he seemed to be having, it was just impossible. Bent double with his hands on his knees at this point, he struggled to regain the composure that usually came so naturally to him. Of course when he glanced up at Parker and saw that she wasn't finding his lack of response at all funny, he felt a little bad, and sobered up faster.

"Oh, darlin', I'm sorry" he told her, righting himself, and throwing an arm around her shoulders as they continued walking, "I just... I can't believe that just happened" he chuckled, "Only you could turn a simple dinner date into some kind of con like that" he told her.

Parker might have been offended but it didn't feel like she was being laughed at or even scolded by Eliot. Tonight he hadn't once looked at her like she was an alien or told her there was something wrong with her. Not that she ever minded it that much, it was better than Hardison trying to tell her she was normal when she knew she wasn't. He was trying to be nice, she did understand that, but Eliot was honest and that mattered a whole lot more to a girl like her.

"So, I didn't ruin our date?" she checked, still not really getting it apparently.

"No, Parker, you didn't ruin it" Eliot assured her, glad to see her smiling when he told her that.

Sometimes she was such a kid. Say the right thing and she'd beam like sunshine, the wrong one and she'd sulk like a baby who had their best toy taken away. Of course, despite that kind of behaviour, it was clearer now than ever that Parker was in fact all woman. The dress she wore showed off the figure she obviously had and that was only half the story, as Eliot was going to find out in the not too distant future.

"So, this is like it is in the movies, right?" she asked as they walked along, realising that his arm was still very much around her and yet not feeling the need to run as she so often had before when people touched her that way.

With Eliot, she wasn't trapped, in spite of the fact he was bigger and tougher than she was. She trusted him, as much as she trusted anybody. His arm around her was security; not a barrier that wouldn't let her escape but a safety net, kind of, that would catch her if she fell... and she just might in these dumb heels Sophie had convinced her she should wear tonight.

"What's like the movies?" Eliot asked her, just a little distracted by the warm body at his side and shining eyes that kept flashing his way under the lights that lined the street.

"Well, you have the date, the guy walks the girl home..." she recounted things she'd seen in various chick flick type movies in her life, "What's next?" she checked as they arrived outside the door of her building, as if planned that way, "A kiss goodnight?" she asked, with no evidence of a suggestive tone or anything.

It was a straight flat-out question, and that might've sounded weird to anyone else, but not to Eliot. He was getting used to the way Parker was now, the straightforward way in which she talked and acted most of the time. The more he learnt about her and the way she was, the more he found he liked it.

"That's usually how it works" he agreed with a nod, just a little thrown by the fact he was pretty much agreeing to kissing her right now.

This was Parker after all, and as much as he liked her, as hot as she looked tonight, it was a whole other ball-game if he actually kissed her. Apparently it was what she wanted him to do from the way she was looking at him, all expectant and everything.

"Goodnight, Eliot" she said simply, before leaning in a little and clearly expecting him to make up the rest of the space between them.

Eliot Spencer didn't need telling twice when it came to kissing a woman, especially not a woman that looked like Parker. He pulled her into his arms and his lips landed on hers in one smooth motion. Their arms wound around each other, neither willing to let this end too fast when it felt so good. Both Eliot and Parker were experienced in the physical side of romance at least, both expected the other to know what they were doing and were proven right in this very hot moment.

As with most situations though, it was Parker who was suddenly doing the unexpected and taking Eliot by surprise as she backed up towards the door. One arm left his body as she fumbled with the lock behind her and dragged him with her into the apartment block.

It was the momentum almost pulling him over on top of her that made Eliot jerk back to reality and realise what he was doing. If not for his fast reflexes and hers combined they might have both gone sprawling.

"What are you doing?" he asked, a little breathless from the kissing as she stepped out of his arms, gripping his hand still as she began to ascend the staircase leading up to her place - he followed in spite of the fact she hadn't answered him yet.

"This isn't how it's supposed to go?" asked Parker, shrugging her shoulders as she looked back at him, "People go on dates and don't have sex?" she asked with genuine confusion written on her features as they arrived outside her door.

Eliot swallowed hard, not quite sure what he was supposed to do here. Kissing Parker seemed like a weird thought, but when it happened it felt good, better than good actually. Now she was talking about them spending the night together, and it wasn't as if she wasn't tempting but honestly, for maybe the first time in a very long time, Eliot had actually gone on a date tonight not expecting sex afterwards.

"Well, sometimes, people do that, yeah" he agreed, as she unlocked the door with a smile on her face that meant more than most people might imagine, "and sometimes it's... It's just not that simple, Parker" he tried to explain, losing focus since his mind kept wandering to what she was offering him here and what it all might mean.

"Okay, so I'll make it simple" she told him, flipping on the light inside her apartment, and just as fast sliding out of the dress she wore which pooled on the floor at her feet, "In or out?" she asked simply from just inside the doorway.

Eliot felt like he was losing his mind as his eyes raked over her body and his mind battled with itself. He couldn't do this, not with Parker, it would be wrong. She acted like such a kid sometimes, but she wasn't a child, not really. She was a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go for it. He could respect that, he respected her, he liked her, and God knows in this moment he wanted her.

"I gotta be crazy" he said, already out of his jacket and working on his tie as he stepped in through the door and pulled Parker into his arms.

"Crazy's good" she giggled in the girliest way, kissing a path down his neck and making fast work of his shirt buttons for him.

"It is with you darlin'" Eliot told her, kicking the door closed behind them, and shutting out the rest of the world who would never understand them like they understood each other.

- The End -

A/N2: So, how did I do with this continuation of my first Leverage fic? Reviews would be of the good! :-)