Disclaimer: I own nothing … Brother can you spare a dime?

Okay…I think some horny muse has hi-jacked my brain…I'm usually not this perverted, but it coming so I'm going with it.

Please forgive me if you don't like sexual situations


I'm giving you ample warnings…turn back now.

I'm serious.

Going to see where this takes me.

Please Reid slash comment slash enjoy…

Gear Shift

It's normal to call your work mate of questionably fluid sexuality, "Pretty Boy." It really is.

So what if you're decidedly straight? At least telling yourself now a days.

It's normal to want to press your coworker, your friend against the nearest horizontal or vertical (if it really comes to that) surface and kiss him senseless, pounding into relentlessly until he can't form a coherent thought…and then slow it down, make love to him over and over again, just because.

It's normal to have said thoughts as you catch his gaze over a bloody case file, on the Jet as he stares off into space, when you touch his hair (silky smooth,) when he's rambling about things you'd just rather not know about, when you're alone at night…

It's normal to take "dates" home, with one thought in mind, but you both end up turning away in disappointment cuz you're just not that into it…they don't taste right, (fruity, sweet, coffee…Reid.)

They don't smell right, (dusky, bookish, Twizzlers, caramel and cinnamon…Reid.)

Don't feel right… (angular, soft, boney, flat.)

They are not what you want, and you're a man who knows what he wants: Silky smooth hair, thousand watt smile; rambling, kissable lips; a brain outta this world; coffee stained tongue that knows absolutely everything, that knows absolutely nothing.

It's normal to feel pangs of jealousy when women get to flirt with him. Who get to kiss him furiously, passionately, as you stand on the sidelines…Nothing more than a spectator in the freak show called life, called love?

Never to bat lashes as you help him with 'The Ladies.'

It's normal to have dreams that leave your skin searing…his tongue…his hands …your bodies…coming so hard, you're hoarse, feeling the ache echoing long throughout the day.

It's getting worse; it's starting to happen at work.

You want to be tangled with him, lost in the feeling of everything…contemplating nothing more than the future you could have.

That's normal right?

All Lopsided and Gimpishly Wonky

"Der-bear…" Garcia snaps her rainbow manicured fingers in front of Morgan's face, trying to snap him out of his deep revelries.

His brow quirks after a delayed start…

"Huh?" Morgan focuses briefly before sliding back off into thought.

Garcia smiles ruefully before rapping the top of Morgan's head.

"Who could be captivating your thoughts so much that I, the most captivating woman in the known universe, cyber or not, cannot hold onto your attention for more than three seconds?" Garcia teases playfully as Morgan tries to root himself in the land of the living.

"Sorry Pretty Girl, I just"—

"You just called me what?" Garcia's interests are now officially peaked. Morgan runs over his words to see what he's released, and sighs…he knows he won't be able to shake her now.

She cocks her head.

"That is so weird…isn't that the pet name that you reserved for our resident genius?" Her voice is lilting with glee.

"I don't know… I call you everything, Goddess. No one name describes you, Baby Girl." Morgan says pathetically, squirming as Garcia lasers in on him.

"NO…I think that would have qualified as a Freudian slip? Yes… I think so." Garcia smirks at her win, Morgan sighs.

"Garcia…" Morgan starts, grimacing. Denying it would only make this worse. Make what worse…he's not guilty of anything.

How is it that Garcia can make you feel guilty even if you haven't done anything to feel guilty about…yet?

"Garcia. Will you"—

"Why is Reid on your mind, my chocolate stud, tacked to the wall right now by his own thoughtlessness…or is it thoughtfulness of Reid? Yay! This makes me incredibly happy right now." She coos as Morgan rolls his eyes.

"I'm no profiler, but Morgan really?" Garcia pokes him in the shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me you li"— Morgan cuts her off before she can say more.

"We are not having this conversation right now!" Morgan says in a hushed whisper.

The B.A.U. is relatively slow today…what, no one feels like being deranged psychopaths today…no sexual deviants needed to be rounded up? Today is a desk day.

"Hey guys what's up?" Reid walks up to give a long fingered hello, greeting given around a lollipop.

Morgan thunks his head against the desk and groans.

Garcia laughs so loud, half the office turns to attention.

Reid looks genuinely perplexed as he continues to lick… (It's cherry,) painting his tongue and lips red.

He twirls the lollipop in his mouth, blinking in delight.

Morgan looks up, and hisses in an almost physical pain.

"Can you please…put that…away?" Morgan says through clenched teeth. Morgan's skin is red, and Garcia can feel the heat radiating off his body.

"Why?" Reid sounds a bit hurt as he pulls the lolli- from between his lips. Morgan lets out a high pitched whine, akin to Clooney's when he's gotten just a bit too excited, and jerks from his seat, bolting towards the bathroom.

Reid stares from the direction of the bathroom to Garcia.

"Is he…okay?" Reid asks uncertainly, frown of concern settling on his face.

Garcia bursts out laughing, until she can barely catch her breath.

"H-he's fine, just about t-to throw some yogurt." She giggles.

Reid cocks his head in utter confusion.

"Is he sick? Maybe I should che-"Reid starts toward the bathroom, but Garcia stops him.

"Morgan's fine Hon. He just had to take care of some urgent business. Leave him, he'll be okay." She sighs, chuckling as she gets up, walking to her office.

"If he can look you in the eye, tell him to come to my lair, so I can talk to him?" She asks Reid. He nods affirmation and sticks the sucker back into his mouth, twirling the stick.

She snorts and closes her office door.

Got to love the boys.

A/N: Maybe it wasn't all bad. Tell me what you think…want to hear your thinky thoughts. It will continue…after I get feedback.

Sadly I never get enough…feed me Seymour, FEED ME!