Summary - Bella returns to Charlie's four months pregnant after being raped. When she goes to school, she meets her soul mate and his family - but how does she know about Vampires and Shifters?

Disclaimer: I do not own twilight or it's contents.

Chapter One - Return

I moved back to Charlie's two days ago after ten years of living with Renee. He's been great about making sure I'm resting, not lifting too much, and he's even learnt how to cook. My car arrived yesterday, which Charlie was happy about, since I needed something to help me get around to my appointments and school.

Today was my first day at Forks High School, and I was up at 6:00am with the baby kicking. After I showered, I dressed in Jeans, a loose top, and pair boots with two-inch heels, then went down to find Charlie cooking. I grabbed some fresh orange juice and poured us both a glass, then set the table as Charlie brought over Bacon, eggs and sausage. As we ate, we talked about stuff until I noticed it was getting late. I quickly washed my plate, then ran upstairs to brush my teeth and have one last check in the mirror.

"I'm off dad!" I yelled as I came back down. "I've got my phone if you need me or if I need to call you!"

"Sure, Izzy, have a good day!"

Outside my house, I headed to my midnight blue Mercedes c300 luxury sedan that Phil and Renee got me. I quickly arrived at school in no time and pulled into the parking lot. I was heading toward the boot when I heard a squeal. I smiled when I recognized Jessica and Lauren behind me

"Izzy!" Jess shouted.

"Hi, Jess, Lauren," I said as they walked over I grabbed my bag and drink before I closed the boot and turned towards them.

"What are you doing in Forks?" Lauren asked.

I slung my bag over my shoulder. "I'm living with Charlie, now."

"Heard you're knocked up," Lauren sneered.

"Yes, I am."

"What? Did the father knock you up, then kick you out?" Jess stopped moving then. She knew why I was pregnant.

I looked at Lauren. "No, actually. His father is doing life in prison." I locked the car as I turned and walked away. Jess shouted something at me, so I stopped, turning slightly. I was near some other kids standing next to a Volvo.

"What, Jess? Did you come to get the gossip about me now?"

"No," she answered, "I came to say I'm sorry."

I looked at her. "It's too late for that, Jess, but keep your mouth shut about what happened, okay?"

Her smile faded away. "I won't. I promised I wouldn't say anything, and my mum would kill me."

"As long as you keep your mouth shut, we're good. Only you, Charlie, and your mum know what happened, and I don't need that shit here; Phoenix was bad enough. I mean it Jess."

"I know," she answered glumly looking down at the ground "I'm really sorry I let you down. Let me know if you need any help, though."

I shook my head, staring off toward my car as she sighed and walked back over to a group of kids. I closed my eyes, turned around and headed towards the office. When I got inside, a woman handed me a slip and my schedule, and told me someone was coming to help me during my first week. I nodded and had just sat down when a small pixie entered the office and approached me.

"Hey, you must be Isabella. I'm Alice, and I'm here to help you out this week," she said.

Smiling, I stood to greet her. "Thank you, and please, call me Izzy."

Alice smiled and asked for my schedule. She glanced over it and told me all my classes were with her or some of her siblings." I nodded, then we headed off to first class: Government. Knowing I shared this class with Alice made me a little less nervous.

"So you moved from Phoenix?" she asked.

I nodded "Yes, I wanted to live with my dad."

"Cool! How far along are you?"

"I'm four months."

She smiled, and continued talking as we went inside the classroom. She introduced me to the teacher, who signed my slip, and placed me next to Alice in class. The teacher also handed me work to catch up on, among other things. The classes droned on until it was time for lunch. Alice helped me carry my work to my car before we walked to the cafeteria.

"Would you like to sit with me and my siblings?" Alice asked.

"Sure, let's grab something to eat."

She smiled, following me to the line; I grabbed some food before walking over to a table with Alice, laughing as we walked.

"Are you serious? You did that?" Alice asked as she helped me with my tray

"I've done a lot, but that was a couple weeks ago with a few people."

She laughed as we sat down, then she introduced to me to everyone first there was Emmet and Rosalie who were a couple, then Edward quickly saying he was her boyfriend before moving onto Jasper who was single. When I looked at them all I stopped at Jasper for a couple seconds before looking back to Alice. She explained how they're all adopted, and Jasper and Rosalie were twins looking at them both they look similar. "So why move back to Forks?" Alice asked, continuing our discussion.

"It's complicated. I wanted to be with my dad for my last year, and Phoenix holds a lot of memories; some good and some not. I wanted a change, especially now."

"Cool," she nodded. "What about the dad?"

I stiffened slightly, seeing her siblings watching as well. "He's doing life in prison."

Alice looked shocked, but I started eating as she turned her gaze to one of her siblings who wore a strange look on her face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get too personal."

I glanced up at her. "It's okay; it's just…I don't like talking about him." She nodded as silence fell over the table. I continued eating until I felt a kick. I placed my hands on my stomach, taking a deep breath.

"You okay, Izzy?" Alice asked, concerned.

"Oh yes; the baby's just kicking again."

Alice laughed. "May I?" she asked. I nodded, and she placed her hand on my stomach. The baby kicked again, which cause us both to laugh. "It's amazing!"

I nodded. "I know," I agreed, nodding "The feeling keeps me up most nights."

Alice and her siblings laughed again. "I know!" she exclaimed. "How about you come over to our place tonight for dinner?"

I looked over at her, shocked. "I don't know."

"Oh come on; it'll be fun," one of her siblings said.

"Okay," I smiled, "but I have an appointment straight after school with Dr. Cullen."

"He's our adoptive dad;" Alice replied. "Do you mind if I join you? I could help you find our house, then."

"You don't mind?" I asked. "It's just a check-up, what with the flying and everything."

"Of course not," Alice said, "I'd love to."

I nodded, and after we dumped our trays, we headed off to classes. Alice helped me take my books to my car again before saying goodbye to her siblings. We took off to the hospital.

The appointment went well; Dr. Cullen was really lovely. Alice held my hand as he checked me over before doing the ultrasound. He printed off some photos, and wrote the gender on a piece of paper, which he then placed inside an envelope. All three of us left the hospital together. I let Alice drive my car to their house, while Dr. Cullen followed in his. When we got out of the cars, I was still holding the envelope he'd given me, and Alice noticed.

"Do you want to know?" she asked.

I looked over at her. "I don't know."

She smiled. "Just wait until you're ready to know, then look." I nodded as we went inside, but I stopped when we got to the living room. Alice looked back to me with a curious expression.

"Would you look with me?" I asked, waving the envelope. She looked shocked, but smiled and nodded. She walked over as I took a breath, and opened the envelope slowly. She took the paper out, and handed it back to me I read it slowly before smiling.

Gender s a girl.

"A girl," Alice whispered.

I nodded and smiled. "Yes."

She laughed. "You nervous?"

"Very but mostly scared."

She put her arm around my shoulders. "You don't have to be; from what I can see, you're strong and very scary."

"You saw that with Jessica, then?"

"Yes," Alice replied. "What was it about?"

"She told a lot of people she knew in Phoenix about what happened to me a few months ago, and it spread. I haven't trusted anyone since then."

"I'm sorry."

I looked over to her. "Why are you sorry?"

"It sounds like you've been through a lot. I just feel sorry."

"Thank you." We were interrupted when someone cleared their throat.

"Oh, Izzy, this is our adoptive mum, Esme. Esme, this is Izzy."

I looked over at the woman Alice was introducing. "It's lovely to meet you, Mrs Cullen."

She smiled. "Oh please, dear, Esme will be fine."

I smiled. "Of course, Esme."

"How about we all sit down," Carlisle suggested. I sat in a chair as the others took the sofas and other two chairs.

"So, Izzy, how far along are you?"

"Four months."

She smiled. "That's wonderful, dear." I smiled, I answered with a nod.

"Can I ask how you got pregnant?" Rosalie asked.

I looked over at her then looked down. "I don't think you'll like how I got pregnant."

"Please" she asked.

I took a couple deep breaths before nodding. "This isn't an easy story so please try not to interrupt 'til I finish; I don't think I could stop and start again if you did." They nodded, and I took another deep breath before I started.

"Four months ago, I had a huge row with my mum about some things that were happening. I went out drinking with some friends; they went home, but I didn't want to put up with my mum. So I decided to book into a hotel. I didn't realize I was being followed until I got up to the hotel room. I was opening the door when he came up behind me with a knife. He told me to be quiet and open the door.

"I did as he asked; I won't go into details – I can't. I'm sorry. Anyway, that night he tied me down and gagged me, then raped me twice. When I woke up the next morning, I was alone and he'd untied me. I picked my phone up and called my mum, told her what happened. She rushed to the hotel with my step-dad, Phil. They phoned the police and an ambulance; I was bruised and had a broken leg. Renee made sure I didn't shower so that they could try to find him.

"A couple days later, the police told me they had him in custody. Apparently he was a serial rapist who had raped four other women before me, but mine was more serious than the others. The trial lasted over a month. The third week, I got sick, and was in hospital. The doctor ran some tests, and the next thing I know is I'm pregnant. The courts found out pretty quick, and his lawyer demanded a DNA test; it came back as his and mine. They questioned me in court about things I'd never done and places I'd never been to.

"He got sentenced to life in prison without parole for the rapes. It took me over a month just to be able to be in a room with another male I didn't know. I was given the option for an abortion, but I couldn't do it, knowing I would kill someone who hasn't had a chance to live yet. That isn't me. It's been four months since I've seen or heard about him or even from him." When I finished, I had tears in my eyes. The girls looked upset and were holding onto their husbands. Alice had explained earlier to me that they were married; not just dating each other and that Carlisle and Esme were married, as well.

"I know how you feel, Izzy," Rosalie whispered.

I looked over to her, and saw sadness in her eyes. "How did you deal with it? I still can't."

She came over sat next to me. "I never have; it's still there no matter how many years have passed. It gets easier, though."

"The only reason I'm trying to be strong is because of my baby; without her I don't know what I'll do," I whispered. She hugged me to her as I cried. When I stopped crying, I moved my head from her shoulder, and saw a wet patch where my head was. "I'm sorry I got your shirt wet."

"It doesn't matter."

I smiled. "Okay."

"How do you cope?" Rosalie whispered.

I looked at her, a little shocked by her question. "I don't know. I guess I'm doing it to be strong for my baby; it's always there through the memory. I'm never going to forget that night, but I won't let it consume me. Especially since I'm pregnant."

She smiled. "I understand that."

I smiled, but then my phone rang I picked it up, looking at the Caller ID. "Excuse me." I walked over to the stairway and sat down as I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Izzy!" Peter shouted.

I held the phone away from my ear. "Why do you have to burst my ear drums?"

"Sorry," he replied, "I forgot, but I've got news."

"Well, hurry up."

"Oh? Why, you busy?"

"A little. I've got plans tonight, so if you don't mind?"

"Okay, well, I got a phone call from your uncles in Italy; they agreed."


"Yes, they want you happy; ever since that night, you've not been happy and you hardly trust anyone anymore."

"Wow, that's great!"

"Yes, so me and Char think we'll come down, too, and help you 'til you send us away."

"They're not bothered about the number of vampires in one area?"

"No, because we're all peaceful and with you refusing to have guards, they think the more the merrier. It's just me and Char. You said Eleazar and his coven are moving down, as well. There's also Alistair. You and the little one are going to be spoiled rotten."

"I hope not," I answered. "I don't have room for everything, yet. Me and Charlie are looking into getting me a house big enough for me to have guests and stuff. I'll have to call Sam; let him know it should be okay since you're all veggies, but I still have to call him just to be safe."

"I know he'll agree anyway; you helped him when he first turned, so he should trust you."

"I know." I nodded though he couldn't see it. "Hey! Remember that holiday we took to France last year?"

"Yes, why?" Peter asked with a puzzled tone that could be heard even through the teeny speaker.

"I went back three weeks ago on business, and did it again."

"You didn't!"

"I've been travelling on and off for about month and half, now, but my doctor in Phoenix told me no more travelling; it's just precaution now,"

"I understand," Peter said, "no travelling for you. That's okay. Oh! We'll be down on Friday, is that okay?"

"Yes, Charlie mentioned a place on the outskirts Forks by a river that seemed to be a good place, so we're going to see about it. Friday should be good, I guess. I think Alistair arrives on Thursday, and Eleazar and them on Wednesday, but until I get my place up, they're staying with friends in the area. I think Uncle M is coming over to visit next week to check me out; make sure I'm doing good, you know?"

"Busy house, then."

"Busy house isn't the word for it. There are over ten people coming down. It's crazy, I say!"

"Hey, we love you."

"I know," I told him. "I think most of you are coming for the show, more like."

"What?" he asked innocently. "Pregnant women get bigger everywhere, including the breasts."

"Your mate's not there, is she."

"Nope, she's out hunting animals."

"Should've known; she would've hit you for saying that by now."

"Nah, she thinks the same, dear."

"Don't think any of you are touching me; the baby and I love heat, not cold."

"Okay," He laughed, understanding the statement. "What're you doing tonight?"

"Oh, I'm going down to the rez at eight, I think, for a massive bonfire celebration."

"Celebration? What for?"

I grinned. "My return to Forks and La Push of course. Sam's throwing it with everyone from the pack and the elders so it'll be fun, I think."

"No drinking."

"I'm not stupid, just four months pregnant. I don't drink anymore."

"Cool," Peter said; "I'll let you go, now. Call me tomorrow if you have time."

"I kind of won't be able to."

"Why not? Don't you love me?"

"No, I love you like my brother, but I'll be out all day shopping with Charlie; we're going to Seattle. I need some new stuff, and we want to look for furniture."

"Okay well. I'll speak to you when you can, then, bye, baby sis."

"Bye, big bro." He laughed and hung up, while I stood and walked back to the couch. I checked the time; it was 4:30; I had plenty of time. They all seemed shocked, but had hopeful smiles.

"You know what we are," Rosalie stated it wasn't a question; just a clarification that I knew.

I smiled. "I've known since before I moved here."

"How did you know it was us?" Emmett asked.

I chuckled. "I don't think very many people here have pale skin like all you do, or the same eye colour." They laughed.

Emmett grinned. "True. So you know about mates?"

"Yes, everything," I answered.

"Great," Emmett said, "Because you're Jasper's."

"I froze, scared, and turned to him slowly. "I'm what?"

"Emmett you're scaring her," Jasper said.

I stood, and put some much needed distance between us. "How do you know how I'm feeling?"

"I'm using 'Hale' as my last name here in Forks, but it's actually 'Whitlock.' As for how I know what you're feeling, well, I'm an empath."

"You're Peter's brother."

He nodded. "That'd be me."

"Oh, brilliant," I groaned "You better not be like him; I'll tell you right now that one Peter is bad enough. Another one will not be tolerated."

He laughed as he rose to his feet. "I'm not like Peter – honest. He can be little weird." I nodded knowing exactly what he meant, though I continued to watch the rest of his family. "Can everyone leave the house, please?" he asked, stunning me enough that my eyes locked firmly on him. "I wanna speak to Izzy alone."

Alice approached me as everyone else left the house, and gave me somewhere else to focus my gaze "Don't worry about what happens; he'll be careful, I promise. I'm a seer. If anything happens, I'll know about it. I'll also be just inside the forest, there, so I can actually see you if you need me." I nodded, and she hugged me gently, then followed the others. This left me with Jasper – alone. I sat back down slowly, nearly shaking with nervous tension.

He moved a little closer, slowly, as if approaching a skittish horse, and lowered himself onto the table in front of me. Before I knew it, his fingers found the bottom of my chin, and gently pulled my gaze up to meet his. When he spoke, his voice was soft. "What's got you scared?"

I hesitated, uncertain whether I could bring myself to open up to him. There was a bit of a pull, though; some instinct telling me everything would be okay. I knew what could happen if he were any other man, but I also knew about vampires and their mates. Finally, I gave in to that pull and just let go. "I can't really trust people anymore" I admitted "I'm scared. Is it true? Am I really your mate?" He nodded. "You won't tell me to get rid of her when she's born, will you?"

Jasper's fingers drifted upward, to cup my jaw. "No, I only wanna help you and the baby; I'd never hurt you."

I swallowed thickly. The tip of my tongue moistened my lips without conscious thought. "O-okay."

He moved closer, then his lips touched mine. We kissed for several, long minutes before he carefully pulled me into his arms. We continued kissing, even as he carried me up the stairs. His lips slipped away from mine, and began trailing a delicate string of kisses down my jaw, then my neck as far as he could reach. He turned sideways, angling me safely into a bedroom. He pushed the door to with his foot, and then the next I knew, I was gently settled onto the middle of a bed.

xXx xXx xXx

Despite lacking the need to breathe, Jasper was winded as he collapsed next to me. He was gently rubbing my belly, smiling as he felt the baby kick. "You looked relaxed, love," he whispered in my ear.

I turned to face him with a genuine, contented smile gracing my lips for what might be the first time in what seemed like forever. "For the first time in four months, I feel safe and loved by you," I told him. "It worries me a little that we're moving too fast, but I don't care." Jasper grinned, then the baby kicked a little harder. We got up and showered before going downstairs. The others had returned, and were in the living room. I looked at the time and saw it was now 7:00. My phone went off before I could say anything. "Hello?"

"Hey, sis."

"Sammy!" I squealed loudly.

He laughed. "Calm down; I just wanted to know if you were still coming down to the beach tonight."

"Yes, I am. I have some news to tell everyone, and I need food."

"He laughed "Hungry again, huh?"

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "I'm four months pregnant; I'm hungry all the time."

"Okay," he laughed again. "There's plenty of food; Sue made some stuff just for you to eat, and we've got some orange juice, too."

"Good, I'll head out at half past, and come down."

"Cool. No one's patrolling tonight. We all want to be here to see you."

I smiled, looking forward to seeing everyone again. "Don't worry. I'll be there soon."

"I know," he answered. "It's just that we've never not had anyone patrol before."

"I'll be okay; Peter will phone if there's a problem – you know how he is."

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit, sis."

"Bye, brother."

"Bye." Jasper gently tugged me down onto his lap as I ended the call. The baby started kicking again, which brought a smile to my face. Contented, I leaned back against his chest.

"You going down onto the rez?" Rosalie asked.

I glanced over at her. "Yes, and before you'll start, I know they're wolves. I've known for years; I was there when Sam, their alpha, first phased. I've helped all of them, just as they've helped me. They've been waiting four months for me to move back, so now we're all partying a little tonight."

"Is that how you found out about Vampires?" Edward asked.

I nodded. "Yes, then as I travelled, I met others. We bonded quite well. There's Peter and Char; they were human drinkers, but after meeting me, they changed their diet to animal blood. They're like a big brother and sister. Then there's Eleazar and Carmen; they're like my uncle and auntie, and Kate, Irina and Tanya are like cousins. I also have Marcus, Caius and Aro. Marcus and Aro are like uncles, while Caius is like my dad. And finally there's Alistair. He's like an older brother."

"You have some high connections and bonds among our kind," Carlisle said.

I laughed "Yes." Everyone else laughed to and before long, I was saying my goodbyes as Edward put all their numbers in my phone. He gave it back to me just before I took off to go to La Push.

When I arrived, I was met by Sam, who gave me a big hug. The night was filled with laughter and joy, especially when I gave them the news that I'm having a baby girl. When I told them about everyone who would be coming to Forks, they were okay with it.

I also let them know that Jasper was my mate; as long as he was good to me, they were fine with that, too. I stayed at Sam's for the night, so I wasn't driving home late. When morning came, I was up at 7:00 and going downstairs to grab some food. Before I left, Sam and Emily said goodbye, and then I walked outside, heading toward my car to drive back to Forks.

I sent a quick text to Jasper before I left their driveway to let him know I was on my way to school. When I pulled into the lot, I could see Jasper and his siblings standing near their car. I parked in the next space over; Jasper reached over and grabbed my bag, then kissed me. We walked hand in hand to first period, as well as all the following classes, talking about nearly everything.