A/N: This is sorta random, but I just wanted to bring everyone together. I mean, they were all a part of this play so I just want to complete all of the characters… you know what I mean? Alrighty, here you go!

After a standing ovation from the audience, the cast and crew continued to keep their spirits up. There was so much energy buzzing backstage and it didn't look like it was going to stop soon. Everyone knew that there was only one way to let the energy go.

"Welcome to Casa de la Coyne," Fiona smiled at the guests who were just arriving.

Almost everyone was at the loft. Bianca and Owen even got an invitation, but decided not to attend, saying that they had "a lot to catch up on." Fiona didn't even bother asking twice since she was never fond of them.

"Have I mentioned how sorry I am that you had to kiss Owen?" Fiona told Anya.

She only laughed, "It was just acting, thankfully. Besides, I've got my own Seymour right here.

Anya and Chris shared a smile and kiss.

"Ok, ok, I'm going," Fiona teased, "I've got a party to host anyway."

"Thank you again for the invite," Anya said, "And the beautiful costumes."

"Well of course," the hostess raised her glass, "You were fantastic, Ms. Audrey."

She then dismissed herself to check on the other party-goers. She saw Zane and Riley in the kitchen, talking. Riley met her eyes and smiled. She walked over to them.

"And how are you two doing?" she asked.

"We're great," Riley replied.

"You've got a great place," Zane complimented, "Thanks for the invite."

Fiona looked at them, "I expect you two on the dance floor in a few minutes. I don't want you to isolate yourselves."

They all shared a smile as she continued her rounds.

"Awesome party, Fiona," Chantay caught the hostess.

"I'm glad you're enjoying," she replied, "I can see your cousin is enjoying, too."

They looked at Dave who was on the dance floor, dancing with a girl. Wesley and Connor were close by, dancing with their own girls. All three of them had a goofy smile on their faces.

"We're not related," Chantay rolled her eyes.

Fiona only laughed and turned her attention to Darren and Jamie. She felt bad – they felt the most out of place.

"Darren, Jamie," she called out, "Fantastic job today. We couldn't have chosen a better Mr. Mushnik and Orin. The next play we do, you two better audition again."

Chantay could sense what Fiona was doing and helped her out by starting a conversation with them. K.C. and Jenna had just left the dance floor and joined in on the conversation. Fiona then looked up to see Holly J and Sav on the second floor, working the music. She shook her head, not bothering to check up on them since they looked happy on their own.

"Good job today, director," Sav smiled at Holly J.

"You weren't bad yourself," she smiled back.

"I don't suppose I can get a kiss for all my hard work?" he smiled further.

Holly J rolled her eyes but got on her toes to kiss his cheek.

"There will be more of that later."

Sav put an arm around her, and focused on the dance floor where Alli and Drew were at.

"Smooth moves, Bhandari," Drew complimented his girlfriend.

"I could say the same for you," Alli moved to the music.

Drew grabbed her hand and twirled her around.

"Where did Adam go?" Alli looked around.

"He took a seat," Drew answered, "He can't keep with my dance moves."

Alli laughed, "Riiight."

While everyone else was inside, Eli and Clare were out on the balcony. Clare looked at the view from Fiona's loft. A pair of arms snaked around her waist.

"You ok?" Eli's voice was concerned.

"Yeah," she replied, overlapping her arms around his and interlacing their fingers.

They both looked at the view, remaining silent for a bit.

"This is really happening, isn't it?" Clare asked.

"What's really happening?"

"This," she squeezed their hands, "Us."

He paused, "Yeah, it is."

Clare smiled.

"Are you sure everything is ok?" Eli asked again.

"Yeah," she answered, "I couldn't ask for anything better."

"Way to be corny, Edwards," he smirked.

She turned to face him and smacked his arm, "I'm just saying what was on my mind. I'm just being sweet here."

"Well, in that case…"

Eli slowly leaned in. Clare smiled and met him halfway. Their lips made contact and both of them felt sparks. Unlike their first kiss, he took the lead. He tucked her hair behind her ear and gently cupped her cheek. She sighed and slightly relaxed in his arms. It was a simple kiss, but it was still effective. They slowly pulled apart and smiled at each other. Eli then pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on her head. Clare turned her attention to the party. She saw Adam sitting alone on the couch.

"Do you think we should keep Adam company?" she asked.

Eli turned to his left to look inside. He then smirked at the scene unfolding, "I think he'll be ok."

Fiona let out a big sigh as she sat down on the couch.

"And what is the hostess doing here, sitting by her lonesome?" Adam asked.

"I could say the same to you, mister music man," Fiona turned her attention to him.

Adam smiled shyly at the interaction. Fiona noticed and bit her lip.

"Well, I'd actually love to dance but I guess no one has really caught my eye," she mentioned.

His eyes widened, "Oh really now?"

"Yeah," she let out another sigh, "I guess I'll just sit here for the rest of the night…"

"I can't have that happen," Adam stood up, "The hostess deserves to have fun at her own party."

He offered his hand to her. Fiona smiled at his actions and accepted. She got up, giggled, and led him to the dance floor. Their smiles never leaving their faces.

A/N: Ooh, wow… I don't know how I liked that ending. Haha. My intention was to always have it end with Adam and Fiona, though. See? Adam gets some love too. How could he not?

There you have it. The final chapter. I hope it wrapped up nicely. I really enjoyed this story and I loved all the reviews I got for this story. You have all been so amazing and supportive. Thank you again!